FOTDs Peeves


Well-known member
This is more of a tutorial thing than an FOTD thing (but I feel like it counts, since I'm referring to the photo tutorials)...but one of my pet peeves is only focusing on eyes, and then just adding a quick sentence like, "oh I did foundation, lips, cheeks, and brows" without actually showing that. I like to see the whole thing! Especially the tutorials that show some really awesome contouring and highlighting, I love to see what tools techniques and products people use for that.

**please note, I do appreciate the time and trouble people go through to post those, and I enjoy them regardless.


Well-known member
Damn, y'all are harsh! Really, I think the only thing that really bugs me is when I get the "photobucket bandwidth exceeded" and similar images.. lmao!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
My biggest pet peeve is when someone posts and then you get like three pages of everyone going "Oh you're so hot" etc, and I'm thinking ok, but you really overdid it on the blush or something like that. And then I try to really nicely sugest what I think, the whole time waiting for everyone to get really mad at me for critisizing.

SAME HERE! I post my FOTD's and specifically ask for criticism and no one ever gives it :/ Like, if my foundation is the wrong shade, tell me! Or tell me to wax my crazy eyebrows or peach fuzz mustache! Compliments are nice if there's something outstanding about the look, but tips and criticism helps in the long run.


Active member
- not listing the products used
- not rotating pictures to be right side up (it takes all of 5 seconds to do)
- people who post tons of FOTDs that all look exactly the same
- myspace face (ridiculous angles, over pouting the lips, blow job face, hair in face)
- very dark or blurry pics that make it impossible to see the makeup

The biggest pet peeve for me is the people who post tons of identical FOTDs because then the more unique FOTDs get pushed down and missed.


Well-known member
Thanks to the users who posted "not having a closed eye picture" in FOTDs as a peeve, I started doing it!
Peer pressure! Thanks, darlings.


im afraid to post and tell someone that their foundation is maybe a shade or four too dark and the wrong tone(too yellow ect...) i feel like my head might be bitten off. cuz i mean that person already may have four pages of people saying the same 'oh you look so great'....'awesome'....'gorgeous look', but no one offering any tips on how the person could maybe improve thier look a bit.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by witch
im afraid to post and tell someone that their foundation is maybe a shade or four too dark and the wrong tone(too yellow ect...) i feel like my head might be bitten off. cuz i mean that person already may have four pages of people saying the same 'oh you look so great'....'awesome'....'gorgeous look', but no one offering any tips on how the person could maybe improve thier look a bit.

Yeah, you could see that on Livejournal, girls telling others how bad their foundation look and such, but here it's more friendly.

There's plenty of polite ways telling things to people, but you could write the person a private message. I don't think you would have your head bitten off

Usually when somebody ask for constructive critisism, you can tell them
If they don't, then you could send them a private message...
As for myself, I would not be mad at a person who would send me one for this reason, it's helping!



Well-known member
Not much really annoys me apart from out of focus, bad quality uber-flash photography, which could apply to anything, including FOTD's.
Learn to use the camera D: Making your skin blank out from an uberflash is. not. attractive.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
the dreaded kissy face. ugghhh

OMG and scrunchy ....please add that one ...kissy, 3 y/o tongue out, yeah ...I am so with you...I normally close those instantly


I don't like it when they watermark the whole picture, especially when it's on an eye shot.. I'm distracted by the mark. Very annoying. I know people have to protect their picture.. but does it have to be in the middle dividing up your picture in half?

That and the 5 million pictures of the same thing.


Well-known member
1) I hate the funny face

2) I hate when the make up is horrible, they know it's horrible, but still post it.

3) I hate "Model look". You know, when there's no smile at all, just a blank ass stare. <<< I really hate that one.

4) The curl lip and arched eyebrow photos. Like it's cute to look like you have an attitude.


Well-known member
I hate the 237284373247290 pics, blurry pics, odee over sized pictures, like come on, ur effing my my PC with those big a^^ pics. Oh and the kissy faces! Bloody HELL!


Well-known member
i hope i don't annoy anyone with my fotd's!! lol i do the same angles and faces because why fix something if it ain't broke right?? hhehehehe but i do tend to do similar looks. -__- i need more ideas!

my fotd peeves would have to be blurry images, links (too lazy to click), bad lighting.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by L1LMAMAJ
i hope i don't annoy anyone with my fotd's!! lol i do the same angles and faces because why fix something if it ain't broke right?? hhehehehe but i do tend to do similar looks. -__- i need more ideas!

my fotd peeves would have to be blurry images, links (too lazy to click), bad lighting.

trust sweetheart you didn't annoy anyone.



Well-known member
I must admit that I really dislike FOTD's with too much pictures
And too photoshopped ones
I also don't comment a lot, I only press thank when I really like a FOTD, but that's just me. I think it's as valuable as a comment


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
I must admit that I really dislike FOTD's with too much pictures
And too photoshopped ones
I also don't comment a lot, I only press thank when I really like a FOTD, but that's just me. I think it's as valuable as a comment

if i like it a lot i'll just give a thanks, but if i LOVE it i give a thanks and a comment. ha! yes, i have my own personal fotd guidelines