Fyrinnae?? (formerly Bombshell Bath)


Well-known member
Re: fyrinnae.

Oooh I really like Dark Magic, Necromantic and Platinum. And that Nijiiro too, nice choice
Mmmm... I think I'll prepare my next "market list" now!
I only ordered samples, I wanna try first but I think I'll like those new e/s..... aaaaaaaargh, 2 weeks (or more... god, I don't wanna think about it!).


Well-known member
Re: fyrinnae.

Originally Posted by Esperanza
Oooh I really like Dark Magic, Necromantic and Platinum. And that Nijiiro too, nice choice
Mmmm... I think I'll prepare my next "market list" now!
I only ordered samples, I wanna try first but I think I'll like those new e/s..... aaaaaaaargh, 2 weeks (or more... god, I don't wanna think about it!).

LOL I already have a new list I'm making of the next colors I want samples of. I had it started the next day after I placed the order

Platinum looks very similar to BE Drama. I absolutely love the color but despise how it turns slightly muddy and the glimmer seems to disappear when I blend it. I have to apply.. then reapply.. then reapply again. I've only got a teeny bit left of it so I figured I would see how close the two are.

Dark Magik looks like ALOT like BE Here Kitty.. which is another gorgeous color. Necromantic looks nothing like I've ever tried.. so I'm kinda branching out of my "norm". I got quite a few blues this time.. which is something that I rarely wear because most blues tend to clash with my blue eyes. Hopefully I can come up with some good combos using these new ones. We shall seeeeeeeee!


Well-known member
Re: fyrinnae.

My order arrived a while ago, I haven't actually used many of them. The thing is that they are quite messy to use, so it's not so practical for in the morning when you're rushed to get out the door. But when I have more time, I will try them out more. They aren't comparable to MAC pigments, imo....Pigments are much more intense and they seem to adhere better.


Well-known member

I saw on your last FOTD that you used those e/s with a shadestick: since I discovered Beige-ing, I use it practically all the time with every e/s and they last so much longer with it. But MAC pigments don't need it, it's true they are quality.
When you'll try your other Fyrinnae shadows, let us know about the result (this way I could wait easily for mine to arrive lol !)


Well-known member
Re: fyrinnae.

Originally Posted by Daligani
LOL I already have a new list I'm making of the next colors I want samples of. I had it started the next day after I placed the order

Ah ah, that's excellent

Originally Posted by Daligani
I got quite a few blues this time.. which is something that I rarely wear because most blues tend to clash with my blue eyes. Hopefully I can come up with some good combos using these new ones. We shall seeeeeeeee!

You can wear blues even if you have blue eyes, but you have to work the contrast: a very dark blue mix with a brighter one, or with a plum e/s will be beautiful on you.


Well-known member
Re: fyrinnae.

YAY!! My samples have just arrived, it only took 2 weeks :woohoo:
I'm pleasantly surprised, they offered me a free sample, how nice! I had Solstice e/s


Well-known member
Re: fyrinnae.

Originally Posted by Esperanza
YAY!! My samples have just arrived, it only took 2 weeks :woohoo:
I'm pleasantly surprised, they offered me a free sample, how nice! I had Solstice e/s

Yep!! It seems that they send a free sample or two with every order

I do feel the need to update on how they work for me..

OK.. they all work great for me, BUT, I've found that, with many of them, using them with MAC paints is not the best way to go. They actually can get a little messy if you're using a paint as a base. I get crazy fallout with a few. The good thing though is that, so far, all that I have tried have worked excellently with shadesticks underneath. Even the super messy ones (for some reason, I'm completely blanking on which ones lol).

They still get a thumbs up

Oh, and I did end up trying their foundations.. but, I ordered a couple samples that were just too light. I have Moonstone.. which is only maybe one shade too light, and then Quartz.. which makes me look dead lol Anyway, since they were too light, I didn't keep them on all day, so I have no clue how the wearability actually is.

I will probably try out one or two more samples of it soon.. I'll update you on that if I do


Well-known member
Re: fyrinnae.

Originally Posted by Daligani
Yep!! It seems that they send a free sample or two with every order

I didn't know that, it's quite nice!!

Originally Posted by Daligani
OK.. they all work great for me, BUT, I've found that, with many of them, using them with MAC paints is not the best way to go. They actually can get a little messy if you're using a paint as a base. I get crazy fallout with a few. The good thing though is that, so far, all that I have tried have worked excellently with shadesticks underneath. Even the super messy ones (for some reason, I'm completely blanking on which ones lol).

They still get a thumbs up

Hey good news for me as I have 2 shadesticks (Beige-Ing and Sharkskin) and no paints at all! I'll try to use Beige-Ing as a base, that way the e/s' colours won't change too much.

Originally Posted by Daligani
Oh, and I did end up trying their foundations.. but, I ordered a couple samples that were just too light. I have Moonstone.. which is only maybe one shade too light, and then Quartz.. which makes me look dead lol Anyway, since they were too light, I didn't keep them on all day, so I have no clue how the wearability actually is.

I will probably try out one or two more samples of it soon.. I'll update you on that if I do

Aaah shame... but you can always warm your complexion up with some blush, it's better to wear a lighter foundation than a darker one.


Well-known member
Re: fyrinnae.

Originally Posted by Esperanza
I didn't know that, it's quite nice!!

Hey good news for me as I have 2 shadesticks (Beige-Ing and Sharkskin) and no paints at all! I'll try to use Beige-Ing as a base, that way the e/s' colours won't change too much.

Aaah shame... but you can always warm your complexion up with some blush, it's better to wear a lighter foundation than a darker one.

Oooh, beige-ing is what I use and the ones that I have work great with it =)

I went ahead and ordered two more foundation samples this afternoon and of course, more eyeshadow lol I'm addicted badly! The shade, Moonstone, was just a liiiiiiiittle bit too light. It didn't make me look "off" in the face at all. In fact, I LOVED how it looked. I mean, pale kicks ass on me lol!! My eyes seemed to stand out more and my blush looked awesome.. it actually showed up on me! The only problem was that you could really tell a color difference in between my neck and face

One of the two samples that I ordered seems to be just one shade darker than Moonstone and then I got another one that seems one shade darker than that. Hopefully, one of them will work for me. It's alot cheaper than the drugstore mineral foundations..


Well-known member
I tried out Fyrinnae mineral foundation.. (pics included).

So far, I love it. I had tried a couple of lighter shades a couple weeks ago.. the Moonstone and Quartz.. but, they were both too light for me. Quartz was waaay too light, but, Moonstone seemed just ever so slightly too light. This time, I got Pyrite, which seems to be a perfect match. I would still like some input from you all, though!

My usual foundation.. L'Oreal Bare Naturale..


And yesterday with the Fyrinnae Superpower mineral foundation in "Pyrite", which is one of the light shades. (Oh, and please ignore how tired I look. I wasn't feeling well at all when I took the pics)..

This was taken in natural light, btw.

The coverage seems really good.. which is a very big deal for me since I have alot of "issues" that I need covered up. It didn't feel heavy at all, nor did it look cakey. The only problem I had with it was that later on in the day, it didn't keep me from getting oily in the t-zone. BUT, I haven't found any foundation that has kept that from happening to me.

Sooo, what do you think? Does the color seem to match well?


Well-known member
Re: I tried out Fyrinnae mineral foundation.. (pics included).

It looks like you have naturally flawless skin. It's perfect!


Well-known member
Re: I tried out Fyrinnae mineral foundation.. (pics included).

Originally Posted by frankie!
It looks like you have naturally flawless skin. It's perfect!

Oh wow.. thank you very much! I have hoooooorrible skin. See??

(clicky to see the scariness!)

God bless makeup LOL


Well-known member
Re: I tried out Fyrinnae mineral foundation.. (pics included).

I think it looks great on you, very natural and gorgeous!!


Well-known member
Re: I tried out Fyrinnae mineral foundation.. (pics included).

Originally Posted by MissChievous
I think it looks great on you, very natural and gorgeous!!

Thank you very much


Well-known member
Re: I tried out Fyrinnae mineral foundation.. (pics included).

It looks so beautiful and natural on you. Perfection.


Well-known member
Re: I tried out Fyrinnae mineral foundation.. (pics included).

Originally Posted by cynpat2000
It looks so beautiful and natural on you. Perfection.


I went ahead and ordered a full size 18g jar of it this morning for $12.50 USD. I don't think I could possibly get any closer to my actual skin color. I've used it for 3 days straight now and it's just perfect. The coverage really is amazing and it makes my skin feel soft.. not made up or cakey. I love it more than any of the other mineral foundations that I've tried (Bare Minerals, Physicians Formula, and Neutrogena).


Well-known member
Re: I tried out Fyrinnae mineral foundation.. (pics included).

That color definitely works for you, and the coverage is every bit as good as your usual.


Well-known member
Re: I tried out Fyrinnae mineral foundation.. (pics included).

the color is perfect, it blends nicely into the color of your neck area! the color you used before looked a little too pink for you. the new one has great coverage and looks incredibly natural!


Well-known member
Re: I tried out Fyrinnae mineral foundation.. (pics included).

Thanks, ladies =)

I'm still using it and I'm still loving it!


Well-known member
Fyrinnae Eye Mineral Powders!


I've had the pleasure of finding these due to reading posts here, and this website is great as far as showing a wet & dry swatch of every shade! You can view them all, or sort by finish or shades. I have a few more yet to arrive and can't wait.

The little plastic jars are packed to the brim, and the shades I've ordered are unusual and just beautiful. They go on like cream! Buttah or whatever!

I also bought an eyeshadow base stuff that passed the test run today. I'm sure I can find more of this brand to order...starting with the shade they sent me a sample of! I also have my eye on at least one of the blush powders.

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