Heatherette on 72 hour backorder!!!!


Well-known member
So your lumping everybody in this thread that are complaining with what you said here:

Originally Posted by artificial
I work in retail, so I see this sort of thing all the time: customers complaining that a promotion has ended, customers screaming about prices being cheaper somewhere else, and even customers throwing merchandise at my manager's HEAD because we didn't have their size in stock.

I think that is extremely unfair and reaching just a bit.

Originally Posted by artificial
How about: Learn your lesson from this, and shop instore.

A lot of us here - not myself included thankfully, don't have counters or stores near them, so I believe this point is moot.


Active member
Originally Posted by dangerousmuffins
So your lumping everybody in this thread that are complaining with what you said here:

I think that is extremely unfair and reaching just a bit.

A lot of us here - not myself included thankfully, don't have counters or stores near them, so I believe this point is moot.

So the people who have called MAC to complain - some of which were incredibly rude to the customer service agents, who were probably flooded with tons of the same calls - were justified?

I'm not lumping everyone together. Hence the SOME bit that you seem to have glossed over; I'm not stupid enough to point the finger at everyone in this thread, because SOME people are taking the delay with graciousness while others are not.

For those of you without counters, obviously my point about shopping instore doesn't apply to you, but my point about the ORIGINAL LAUNCH DATE being a week from now DOES.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by artificial
So the people who have called MAC to complain - some of which were incredibly rude to the customer service agents, who were probably flooded with tons of the same calls - were justified?

I don't ever remember saying that. If I did, please point out my post.

And they were flooded with the same calls because the company you are defending never put the information out there for their customers, which they should have done, BTW. And how do you know that the customers that called were rude - you don't know that. I do bet that some the customers that called were rude, but the same thing goes for the other side where I think some of the CS reps were rude to the customers. Being rude on both sides does not get anything accomplished.

Originally Posted by artificial
I'm not lumping everyone together. Hence the SOME bit that you seem to have glossed over; I'm not stupid enough to point the finger at everyone in this thread, because SOME people are taking the delay with graciousness while others are not.

You seem awfully angry. No one in this thread (I think anyways) isn't getting angry. Just venting our frustrations, which I believe we can do that here since it is a public forum, right?


Well-known member
Ummmm.........let's not get tensions rising in here. Let's all just get together, find the "lost" truck that has all the Macy's Heatherette items (referencing to what I've read in the Heatherette color discussion thread), and pillage that mo fo!


Well-known member
This is ridiculous. How can people get mad at people getting mad? I agree that some people are very worried about getting their package soon....but why can't they be? We are all MAC lovers, and we all look forward to collections. It is a big let down when we all saw Heatherette on the website and began ordering, only to find out that we aren't getting it as soon as we thought and that it may take up to two weeks. I think most of us feel as though MAC shouldn't have put it on the website to begin with if it wasn't ready...

But I think we all realize its a mistake on MAC's part. I don't care if someone at MAC cursed me out and called me ugly, I would still be into MAC. I don't think anyone here is leaving MAC and I highly doubt that any of us lovely specktra members would ever call MAC with an attitude. maybe at your MAC store the customers are rude and disrespectful, but we're not. We're just frustrated! Thats understandable!

Specktra is the one place I come to with all of my problems. Seriously. It might sound gay but its true. So why, when we are all experiencing a problem w/ MAC (of all things) can't we come here and vent without feeling guilty/defensive? I'm sorry but I agree with whomever said that shopping is one of the things that helps them through a rough time. I am going through such a bad time in my life right now, and I have been doing a lot of shopping. Makeup is one of the only things I am obsessed with. Soooo MAC might not care that I am upset because I won't be getting my "therapeutic shopping" package....but they should! Its what keeps them in business, right?

And its not only makeup. At least not to me.


Well-known member

Everyone can say what they want. If they're upset, let them be upset, if you're not don't read it


Well-known member
OK so this is going on with my backorder stuff. I just found out today that we will be taking a trip to Las Vegas on the 26th which is Wednesday this was unexpected but I can't pass it up, especially with all my family going so much fun. So here's the bad part **Tears** My order still has not shipped for nothing and remember I ordered it on the 18th like some of you people. ANd it still says backordered. So the problem is that i know for a fact that I will not receive it before the 26th. So I finally gave in and decided to call the 800 # so I can cancell it. Since I don't want it sitting on my door for a few days. Please Keep in mind that I live in the ghetto side of town, there for I DO NOT trust any of my neighbors
. SO I am really worried. I called to cancel like a few minutes ago and they said that their computers are down, and won't be up untill the morning. But I am thinking by the time morning comes and I call it will be already shipped. If I would of known of this trip thing, I would off bit my tounge and called the day I found out it was backordered. ANd so know I am kicking my self in the butt, and litteraly crying...lol...yes over makeup. I just hope that I cancel tomorrow because no way it will get here on time..Guys I am so sad..
And I am so excited for the collection but not for how things turned out.

P.S I had emailed MAC too for another issue I had with one of their Customer Service Associates and they never responded. Has anyone ever emailed them and if so how long did it take? And was your issue resolved?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fjc62701
OK so this is going on with my backorder stuff. I just found out today that we will be taking a trip to Las Vegas on the 26th which is Wednesday this was unexpected but I can't pass it up, especially with all my family going so much fun. So here's the bad part **Tears** My order still has not shipped for nothing and remember I ordered it on the 18th like some of you people. ANd it still says backordered. So the problem is that i know for a fact that I will not receive it before the 26th. So I finally gave in and decided to call the 800 # so I can cancell it. Since I don't want it sitting on my door for a few days. Please Keep in mind that I live in the ghetto side of town, there for I DO NOT trust any of my neighbors
. SO I am really worried. I called to cancel like a few minutes ago and they said that their computers are down, and won't be up untill the morning. But I am thinking by the time morning comes and I call it will be already shipped. If I would of known of this trip thing, I would off bit my tounge and called the day I found out it was backordered. ANd so know I am kicking my self in the butt, and litteraly crying...lol...yes over makeup. I just hope that I cancel tomorrow because no way it will get here on time..Guys I am so sad..
And I am so excited for the collection but not for how things turned out.

P.S I had emailed MAC too for another issue I had with one of their Customer Service Associates and they never responded. Has anyone ever emailed them and if so how long did it take? And was your issue resolved?

Call your local UPS delivery center. Explain your situation and see if they can't hold on to it till you get back, and just go pick it up when you return. I'd do it in person and not over the phone because when they see how upset you are, they're more likely to help you out. If nothing else, do you have any friends that can swing by your house to get it? Since you're able to track it once it ships, you can tell them what day it's suppose to be there so they can get it for you. That's what I'm having to do if my package isn't here by Monday morning before I leave.


Well-known member
Geez... people getting mad at people getting mad at people getting mad... Just kidding.

It is frustrating. I wish I hadn't gotten so excited and ordered everything online when it's out in stores. I can't call and cancel my order now either because it's good friday and they're out of the office. Good for them on this beautiful weekend lol, but sucks for me... My order that I made on the 15th still isn't here either so I think it probably takes them a while to ship out to me!

I'm just sad I don't have my haul to play with yet!! I can't wait all weekend!! *dies*


Well-known member
FYI: the web site is up again and fully stocked. And back ordered items should be shipping today. I canceled my Back ordered items last night and just took a road trip to pick them up at my not so close Mac counter instead. I also have an order scheduled for delivery today, so anyone else scheduled for today, should receive it. MAC is open today, as I just got off the phone with an SA there, but it is probably too late to cancel an order that was due to ship today.

On the bright side, Lollipop loving is completely gorgeous.


Well-known member
I was gonna call and cancel one of my items today but everything went out this morning. Well some went out today and some went out yesterday so it'll be exciting to see what comes today


Well-known member
Ok so I got bad news and good news. The bad news is that my order shipped this morning and I cant do nothing about it. But my cousin said that she will stay at my house and house sit. So that means that she will be here to receive my package. I really wanted to take my 3D glitter to vegas so I can be all sparkly lol....the good news is that MAC responded to my email, and apoligized and are giving me $25.00 of credit to spend..woohoo...I guess I was being impatient and greedy at the same time. But I'm glad things worked out for me. Only one concerned the CSA said that all my order has shipped but on the website it still says backordered, whats up with that? i'm confused
We're in the middle of a snow storm. UPS probably won't make it before my office closes.

The rest of my order hasn't shipped just yet. I don't intend on being here on Monday or Tuesday. So I assume I'll get my stuff on Wednesday. Oh well.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fjc62701
Only one concerned the CSA said that all my order has shipped but on the website it still says backordered, whats up with that? i'm confused

The website always lags on information. Today, mine said backorder, but part of it had already arrived & the other part had just shipped. Its always better to call because they can give you the exact up to date info.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
The website always lags on information. Today, mine said backorder, but part of it had already arrive & the other part had just shipped. Its always better to call because they can give you the exact up to day info.

Just a quick question. Did you pay extra for your items to arrive because you got them so quickly? Because I'm assuming I'm going to have to wait 5 to 6 business days to get my order in.


Well-known member
No, I had free regular ground shipping, but then I am closer to where they ship from on the East Coast which is prolly why yours will take longer
Mine always arrive in 2 days based on the UPS shipping area


Well-known member
I'm on the west coast and my orders always take around a week to a week and half by regular ground delivery. Which is why I upgraded to 2nd day for this collection.


Well-known member
Yeah, so after being told the rest was shipped today, I called since I still hadn't gotten a tracking number. Turns out, it was just printed today, and won't ship out till Monday, which means it'll get here Tuesday!!!!! Looks like I won't be able to play with it till I get back.


Active member
I'm kinda worried now. I ordered Melrose Mood and Hollywood Nights on Thursday and have not received an order confirmation. There is record of my order in my account information, but it's still labeled "pending." Now I see that Melrose Mood is sold out. What's the chance I'll actually get it?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Latexxx
I'm kinda worried now. I ordered Melrose Mood and Hollywood Nights on Thursday and have not received an order confirmation. There is record of my order in my account information, but it's still labeled "pending." Now I see that Melrose Mood is sold out. What's the chance I'll actually get it?

Yup that same thing happend with me, with Melrose Mood. But I think since we placed our order before it was sold out, that they should have placed them aside, since we had gotten before. Lets cross our fingers and hope good thoughts not bad

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