I found a really weird site that pimps out girls and gives them free breast implants


Well-known member
So today I was browsing another discussion forum, and the topic was about that 18 year old cheerlearder in the States who had died as a result of breast implants, and anyhow someone threw up this link:


So I went on it to see what this was, and I was just astounded. Basically it's like a social networking site with a weird twist. Girls sign up for free and create a profile, and male benefactors also sign up and interact with the girls, and help them to reach their goal of breast implants by paying for them to do various things. I was so intrigued so I signed up a fake account to see what it was all about, and basically, it's a seemingly legit site where girls pretty much whore themselves out by selling videos, pics and whatever of themselves, usually of a explicit nature, to the male benefactors. They even run contests, where the benefactor will write something like "hottest video of you stripping will get $100 donation" or whatever. The website encourages the girls to interact with the male benefactors to gain more money.

Each time you get a donation or you sell pics of yourselves, the benefactors make a donation to your account, I think they are also charged a small amount for adding you as a friend of sending you messages. Once you have reached your goal, the website gives you the money and you can go a doctor to have the surgery made, and you need to have it approved with the website so they can tell you are not getting any other procedure (like nose jobs etc.)

At first I thought it was all a scam, but it does actually look real. When you register, if you want to activate your account, you have to upload a pic of yourself holding your username or something and the url of the website, in the picture, which then gets checked for authenticity so they can make sure you are a real person, not some lurker (like me, lol). Once you do that you have access to all the profiles of the benefactors and the girls. There's like Top 20 lists of top earners, top favorites, etc. Apparently the UK TV Channel Vigrin1 are making a documentary about this website and the people behind it, and they are also wanting to interview some of the girls, etc.

Sorry, this isn't trying to be like an infomercial trying to promote the cause of the site AT ALL, I am just explaining this so you can understand how this website works, because it seemed rather strange to me.

Anyway I didn't activate my account with a pic bc I in no way want to do this and I don't like cosmetic surgery, but seriously, the whole website is just so weird. They should call it "Whore yourself out to pervy men to get free implants". Yuck. Obviously this isn't illegal, they are all consenting adults and I mean, if the girls want to do that, that's their business. But it seems just so utterly degrading!! I can't believe the lengths people would go to for fake breasts...

What do you all make of this?


Well-known member
I saw a report about this site on "The Daily Show" and the site definitely creeped me out as well.


Well-known member
i think it's strange and not at all appealing.

i really hate the idea that girls are doing this stuff just for a boob job. you're right... to me, it seems degrading too.

i'm all for women's empowerment and equality of the sexes and whatever... but i really believe that people should behave with some class and dignity, male or female. this sort of stuff is the exact opposite.


Well-known member
It's their business, not mine. They're making choices of their own free will that don't negatively affect me or mine in the slightest.

Then again, I'm the mercenary type. If a man's dumb enough to part with his money in exchange for watching a girl strip on webcam, well...that doesn't say much about him does it?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
It's their business, not mine. They're making choices of their own free will that don't negatively affect me or mine in the slightest.

Then again, I'm the mercenary type. If a man's dumb enough to part with his money in exchange for watching a girl strip on webcam, well...that doesn't say much about him does it?

This is how I feel. I just can't see how they would actually make enough money for the boob job. Did any of the reports say that girls actually made the money?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by janelovesyou
This is how I feel. I just can't see how they would actually make enough money for the boob job. Did any of the reports say that girls actually made the money?

Apparently, some of them do! They post "thank you" pics of their boobs to all their benefactors. But imagine the lengths they go to to do that...ew. I don't get it really, they could probably make the money faster and easier working in a strip club or something, lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
Apparently, some of them do! They post "thank you" pics of their boobs to all their benefactors. But imagine the lengths they go to to do that...ew. I don't get it really, they could probably make the money faster and easier working in a strip club or something, lol.

Sure but working in a strip club would be more degrading because they could be groped and fondled and all kinds of really gross things.


Well-known member
I don't know about anonymity but I would certainly rather take my clothes off for someone who can't touch me than for someone who can.

And, I'm up front with my mom and dad enough that they'd know what I was doing and, while they wouldn't be happy about it, they'd deal with it and not be surprised later.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Sure but working in a strip club would be more degrading because they could be groped and fondled and all kinds of really gross things.

There are strip clubs that have a strictly no-touch policy though, like the more upper level gentleman's clubs. But yeah, I see what you mean, I guess that's why this website it appealing to some. But it certainly isn't very annonymous because most of them do post their whole faces as well...imagine if your employer or something was also on that site, lol! Embarassing...


Well-known member
Upper level clubs have that policy but that doesn't mean that it's completely adhered to.
An exotic dancer from NYC used to blog about how being a dancer for one of the high end clubs up there just really meant being surrounded by a more affluent level of cockheadedness, nothing more.


Well-known member
I heard about this on some news segment. I really don't know what to say about it. All I could say is that I wouldn't do it. Is getting breast implants really that serious?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
It's their business, not mine. They're making choices of their own free will that don't negatively affect me or mine in the slightest.

Then again, I'm the mercenary type. If a man's dumb enough to part with his money in exchange for watching a girl strip on webcam, well...that doesn't say much about him does it?

I'm with you. I'll even go one step further and say that calling them whores is, well, it's bleah. Why do women constantly have to bash each other?

Use what you've got to get what you want as long as it isn't illegal and doesn't infringe upon anyone else's rights.


I forgot about that site! I'm pretty sure I saw it on The Tyra Show or Montel. I remember seeing it on a talk show and I was like WTF!? To each her own!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by janelovesyou
I agree Shimmer. The internet also gives a level of anonymity.

Not with your pictures out there. At least in a strip club your PHOTO isn't available to be passed around everywhere.

I find it very disturbing. But a lot of things these days disturb me.


Well-known member
ugh... lol. thats creepy. it looks like there are so many girls on that site lol
well.. my boobs aren't great but i still don't feel bad enough to want a boob job. in fact, i would rather spend the money on MAC. lol do you know how much MAC you can get with boob money? xD

i guess its a different alternative than working at a strip club where people can touch you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
I'm with you. I'll even go one step further and say that calling them whores is, well, it's bleah. Why do women constantly have to bash each other?

Use what you've got to get what you want as long as it isn't illegal and doesn't infringe upon anyone else's rights.

I guess I call a spade a spade. I never said they were whores, I said they are whoring themselves out, which they are. Sorry but toeing political correctness really irritates me. They are free to do as they chose, but I still find it utterly degrading.

Oh and another thing, how is stating one's opinion on a website bashing women's choices? I said they are free to do so, but yes - I will judge that action because I think it's degrading!


Well-known member
If you say they are "whoring themselves out" then you are calling them whores. If you're so against political correctness, don't back off with such a lame line about how you didn't really mean they were whores (despite saying it twice), you were just pointing out that they are doing things whores do. You aren't just bashing their choices, you are insulting them because you don't like their choices.