I found a really weird site that pimps out girls and gives them free breast implants


Well-known member
Being a whore means selling your body for sexual intercourse, that is not what these people are doing. But they are quasi selling their body for money, even if it is just on a virtual and non-physical level, so that can be comparable to that trade on that level only. I'd compare it more to what pornstars do, it is essentially a porn website. But where does the difference lie between a pornstar and a prostitute, both are getting paid for sex, albeit one is for film and one is not. Sure there are other differences, but bottom line, they get paid for sex. These women on that website aren't selling sex, but they are selling explicit material.

They are free to do so by all means, but I am also free to think it's disgusting and degrading. If you think it's lovely and endorse it, that is fine by me as well. I just don't share in that opinion. I think what gets me is that they are doing it solely to get breast implants. If they were pornstars by trade or had webcam shows, I dunno, I wouldn't feel strongly about it. But I'm assuming that a lot of women on there are just desparate girls who will do anything for a boob job, sorry but that just seems so shallow to me...

Anyway, I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. I stand by my statement that this is a form of "whoring" oneself out (in the non literal form since sexual intercourse - I assume - is not involved), bottom line it's selling sexual material for money, and I'm sure these women are perfectly aware of that fact but are doing it to achieve their wants.


Well-known member
Of course you're free to think it's disgusting and degrading. I just find it interesting that you choose to insult the people as well as the action. I don't think your choice of words was nearly as innocuous as you are trying to portray it to be.


Well-known member
If you found my words insulting, you must have misintepreted what I was saying or taking offense at a single word. I'm not going to respond that accusation anymore, I think it's quite ridiculous and petty and you're just arguing for the sake of arguing.

Maybe we should get back onto the topic of what people think of this website instead of derailing the topic.


Well-known member
I'm sorry but that's like saying it's not fucking if he only puts the tip in.

I get what you're saying in that you're saying they're whoring themselves out, but by saying that, the implication is that they're whores.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by janelovesyou
I agree Shimmer. The internet also gives a level of anonymity.

I've gotta disagree. If anything, with strip bars there's a level of intimacy, where generally only the people who go there know who you are, whereas someone on the internet can take your pic and spread it throughout.

As far as my opinions on the site, if that's how they wanna make bread, then so be it. Let consenting adults do what they do.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by j_absinthe
I've gotta disagree. If anything, with strip bars there's a level of intimacy, where generally only the people who go there know who you are, whereas someone on the internet can take your pic and spread it throughout.

As far as my opinions on the site, if that's how they wanna make bread, then so be it. Let consenting adults do what they do.


i personally wouldn't get in on a site like that, but hey...they're all adults...live and let live, right?


Well-known member
personally, i wouldn't do it either but as long as its not illegal I guess who cares?
Like another poster said "when did getting implants become so serious?".


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I don't know about anonymity but I would certainly rather take my clothes off for someone who can't touch me than for someone who can.

And, I'm up front with my mom and dad enough that they'd know what I was doing and, while they wouldn't be happy about it, they'd deal with it and not be surprised later.

If I did anything like this, my mother would do her own version of an honor killing.

I really am beginning to think that feminism is completely dead and we are going back in time, only this time with the help of the internet.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by macslut
I really am beginning to think that feminism is completely dead and we are going back in time, only this time with the help of the internet.

i don't see how getting cosmetic surgery is anti-feministic. i'll never understand that...


Well-known member
So how does it work? They give me money, and I get implants. Can I say that I'm getting implants but lie and pay for something else instead (college tuition, clothes that fit, groceries, etc)?


Well-known member
I met a guy a couple years back who opened a website pretty similar to the one you are describing. But there was no selling of your pictures or videos. It was where people could donate you money for your procedure of choice. You could also have your family or friends put money on there for you as a gift. Instead of actually going out and buying you something. So I definately believe this. The one you are talking about creeps me out though!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by S.S.BlackOrchid
So how does it work? They give me money, and I get implants. Can I say that I'm getting implants but lie and pay for something else instead (college tuition, clothes that fit, groceries, etc)?

No, you need to get a certification from the surgeon that shows you are getting breast implants only, and then they verify that, I think. They do that to make sure people aren't using the money for other types of cosmetic surgery, or anything else, like you say.


Well-known member
i saw this somewhere before i think it was on tv.... i think its pathetic to be honest and those girls are flashing themselves for money? its like prostitution haha
i would love to get my boobs done someday but i certainly wouldnt use this website or anything like that to get them


Well-known member
Originally Posted by macslut
If I did anything like this, my mother would do her own version of an honor killing.

I really am beginning to think that feminism is completely dead and we are going back in time, only this time with the help of the internet.

Why? Because I made a choice to do something on my own? Isn't that what feminism is about in the first place?
Feminists don't have to be razor eschewing bra burning hairy armpitted man haters, it's always been my understanding that feminism was about the freedom to make the choice one way or the other to do whatever a woman wanted to do.


Well-known member
Does anyone know how much personal information is collected by this website about the girls? Anything that could be traced and used by people that want more than just to pay for a virtual look at these girls? Also, is there any indication of underage girls (i.e. under 18) using this site? How does this site police against underage girls using this site? I wonder if it's possible that underage girls are using the site and therefore the people paying the girls could be accused of committing felonies.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ratmist
Does anyone know how much personal information is collected by this website about the girls? Anything that could be traced and used by people that want more than just to pay for a virtual look at these girls? Also, is there any indication of underage girls (i.e. under 18) using this site? How does this site police against underage girls using this site? I wonder if it's possible that underage girls are using the site and therefore the people paying the girls could be accused of committing felonies.

If the girls are misrepresenting themselves as 18+, and the user takes her at her word because she's stated that she is in fact, of legal age, how is the user committing a felony? He's going off the information presented to him by the female and by the site.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
If the girls are misrepresenting themselves as 18+, and the user takes her at her word because she's stated that she is in fact, of legal age, how is the user committing a felony? He's going off the information presented to him by the female and by the site.

There are plenty of instances where people have been accused of charges relating to child pornography despite their claims that they had no idea the images were of underage minors. Laws vary per country obviously, but they tend to be strictly applied, especially in America. One might argue that since the person being charged is an idiot/pervert that he/she deserves this treatment, but I'd argue that it's because of sites like this that I can't enjoy porn on the net without worrying if the chick I'm watching is underage, is not being exploited, is doing whatever she's doing out of her own free will and not under coercion, etc.

That leads me to wonder whether the site can be exploited by people using women to gain money off of horny people not using their brains. It wouldn't be difficult for a real pimp to prostitute a woman through this site while the woman never sees most or any of the money. Doctor's certificates? How easy is it to fake one of these if you think about it? Don't people often do a lot more for money scams?

My point is, sites like these are rarely harmless. Whether it's the woman later coming to regret her actions, or exploitation that can be hidden under the guise of the internet, I'm not so sure I believe this is site is always displaying a neutrally moral case of "Adults doing what adults are entitled to do". It's too easy to exploit, and it clearly crossing into the territory of physically selling one's body for a profit/paying for sexual favours. However anyone might feel about that morally, that is still against the law for many places in the world, and it may never been seen as socially acceptable in America.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ratmist
There are plenty of instances where people have been accused of charges relating to child pornography despite their claims that they had no idea the images were of underage minors. Laws vary per country obviously, but they tend to be strictly applied, especially in America. One might argue that since the person being charged is an idiot/pervert that he/she deserves this treatment, but I'd argue that it's because of sites like this that I can't enjoy porn on the net without worrying if the chick I'm watching is underage, is not being exploited, is doing whatever she's doing out of her own free will and not under coercion, etc.

That leads me to wonder whether the site can be exploited by people using women to gain money off of horny people not using their brains. It wouldn't be difficult for a real pimp to prostitute a woman through this site while the woman never sees most or any of the money. Doctor's certificates? How easy is it to fake one of these if you think about it? Don't people often do a lot more for money scams?

My point is, sites like these are rarely harmless. Whether it's the woman later coming to regret her actions, or exploitation that can be hidden under the guise of the internet, I'm not so sure I believe this is site is always displaying a neutrally moral case of "Adults doing what adults are entitled to do". It's too easy to exploit, and it clearly crossing into the territory of physically selling one's body for a profit/paying for sexual favours. However anyone might feel about that morally, that is still against the law for many places in the world, and it may never been seen as socially acceptable in America.

I believe in letting people make their own mistakes, or letting them make their decisions on their own, and then letting them deal with the good and the bad consequences of their decisions.
Strip clubs are legal, porn (legitimate) is legal, etc., and I honestly don't view it as anything different.
Women everywhere are open to exploitation under just about any circumstance imaginable, but I don't believe in putting on a shroud and remaining in my house and cutting off all communication with the outside world.
They're not having sex with the users of the site, they're flashing their bits in exchange for money. Like I said before, that's a damn site safer than doing it in person at a titty bar, because at a titty bar, it's not uncommon for (despite the no touching rules many establishments have in place) a customer to get grabby and actually physically touch a dancer.
I can see why some would say what they're (the camgirls) doing is distasteful, but sitting in judgment on them and calling them whores? Nah. It's not illegal, is only questionably immoral, and ultimately doesn't affect the majority of the hens who would cluck about it, so it falls, in my mind, under the auspices of "mind your own business".

The world would be a lot better place if more people would do just that, while simply living their lives through conventions of right, wrong, and making good decisions. It's too much to ask I know, but still. :shrug:


Well-known member
I don't think that indifference to something should be applauded though. It's one thing to say, yeah everyone is free to make their own choices, and another thing to say, yes, it is indeed their free choice, but to look at it critically and evaluate if this is where we want society and Internet culture to be headed? I think feminism does play a role in this because while feminism empowered women with the freedom to make their own choices, the movement wasn't intended to promote girls chosing to be exploited. Sure, they are getting something out of it as well - the breast implants, but many see that as an exploitation of women's bodies in itself, chosen or not. These women are being exploited to an extent, by the website which makes money off them, even with their own agreement, and while everyone who peruses that site knows what their "role" is so to speak, I still consider this a pretty disgusting form of exploitation of the female body.

Now, I am not against nudity or some prude who thinks showing pictures of naked bodies is all deplorable, but this website is taking things to an extreme. You have to ask yourself, why do these women even feel the need to get breast implants in the first place? To feel better about themselves because society dictates what women's bodies should look like? While no one admits to that, this is ultimately the reason why most of these women get implants. If society would just accept women's bodies as they are, we wouldn't have nearly as many of them undergoing surgery every year, with tendency rising.