I love when customers try to tell me how to do my job...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
I don't get the tester thing either.

We have something where we can convert an unused, packaged tester back to live stock if it's a total make-or-break-the-sale emergency, but when people want to haggle for a grimy, used tester?

I've had people bitch me out for not having the product and demanding to have the tester. At which point I'm happy to plant a big smile on my face and hand it to them.

Dude, it's your festering eyesore. You're welcome to it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsMaryMAC
This is a long thread, so I'm hoping I'm not repeating a question, but I wanted to know something from the MUA/SA- just out of curiosity. I only get my MAC from a MAC store- for no other reason than there's a store right by my job. I buy shadows mostly, but I do try other things and may buy them too (I don't get a full face of makeup.. or even a whole look done). I feel guilty and like I'm wasting the MUA's time if I'm going in there for 1 or 2 shadows (or other items) that interest me. I don't even go in there unless I'm spending atleast $50 at a time. Is that a reasonable amount? What's the average amount that you see people spending when they come into your store/counter? TIA

Every store is different. I would ask what is the cost of an appointment. Some stores have a $50 flat fee. Which means you just pay to get your makeup done, if you want to purchase product that extra. At my location its minimum $50 purchase,which means you just buy at least $50.

I would just ask


Active member
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
Every store is different. I would ask what is the cost of an appointment. Some stores have a $50 flat fee. Which means you just pay to get your makeup done, if you want to purchase product that extra. At my location its minimum $50 purchase,which means you just buy at least $50.

I would just ask

No, I'm not talking about an appointment for a makeover. I mean just in there shopping for products. I feel guilty if I go in there just to buy 1 eyeshadow. When I go in there, i have a short list of stuff I want to check out and I'll buy them all right then- if I like them. Usually, when I come into the store, the MAC workers are very nice and ask if I need help, which I usually do. When it comes to their sales/quotas, I feel guilty if I'm just coming in there for just 1 thing. They could've been helping someone else who may be buying $150 worth of stuff- I feel like I would be wasting their time if I'm just coming in to check out shadows for example and only buy 1.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsMaryMAC
No, I'm not talking about an appointment for a makeover. I mean just in there shopping for products. I feel guilty if I go in there just to buy 1 eyeshadow. When I go in there, i have a short list of stuff I want to check out and I'll buy them all right then- if I like them. Usually, when I come into the store, the MAC workers are very nice and ask if I need help, which I usually do. When it comes to their sales/quotas, I feel guilty if I'm just coming in there for just 1 thing. They could've been helping someone else who may be buying $150 worth of stuff- I feel like I would be wasting their time if I'm just coming in to check out shadows for example and only buy 1.

It varies, but idealy 4 items per transaction. Don't feel bad


Well-known member
Honestly, in my opinion, why feel guilty about your purchases? If you only need one eyeshadow, then I'd only buy one eyeshadow. As long as you didn't make an appointment, you shouldn't feel as though you have to buy a certain number of products. It's your money, after all.


Well-known member
I don't work at a cosmetics counter, but I was put off going back to MAC because of one of my friends. Whenever I usually go in, I get asked if I need help within about two minutes and I say what I'm after, get served and leave. So I was helping another one of my friends, Nicole, choose a lipstick while another friend, Hannah was looking at eyeshadows and eyeliner. After a while, I notice one of the staff looking at us in a weird way, which I'm fairly used to when I'm in Selfridges since we're all young. Anyway, I go over to Hannah to see what she's doing and see - to my horror - that she's drawn hearts and stars and lines all up her arms and hands in eyeliner. I quickly walked out of the store and haven't been back since :/ No wonder nobody was offering us any help!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by uh_oh_disco
I don't work at a cosmetics counter, but I was put off going back to MAC because of one of my friends. Whenever I usually go in, I get asked if I need help within about two minutes and I say what I'm after, get served and leave. So I was helping another one of my friends, Nicole, choose a lipstick while another friend, Hannah was looking at eyeshadows and eyeliner. After a while, I notice one of the staff looking at us in a weird way, which I'm fairly used to when I'm in Selfridges since we're all young. Anyway, I go over to Hannah to see what she's doing and see - to my horror - that she's drawn hearts and stars and lines all up her arms and hands in eyeliner. I quickly walked out of the store and haven't been back since :/ No wonder nobody was offering us any help!

oh no! well, i'm sure nobody will remember if you go back.


Well-known member

Today, a woman walks up to the counter and I say "Hi there! How are you today?"

And she says "I believe the words you're looking for are HOW CAN I HELP YOU."

Ugh. I'm sorry, I forgot I was just the robot fetching your lipstick, I thought for a moment I was a human being.


Well-known member
^^ that reminds me of a woman I came across the other day swatching out lippies:

Me - hi, how are you?
her - ok thanks
me- cool, so youre looking for a new lipstick, what kind of colour are you looking for?

...she had rainbow of shades on hand and one l/s in her hand, with the bullet in the container (shade not visible).

She then looks at me as tho to say piss off, and then said in such a condescending tone said "this kind of colour" and points at ls in her hand. I was like "riiight, ok someones in a pissy" I was so ready to use the take-away technique and give her some more of my niceness but she turned her back to me.


Well-known member
I certainly wouldn't pay $37 for a blush BUT when someone tells me its that much, I'll say "no thank you" or something nice. I'm not going to get mad at people who work at the counters. They're not the ones who decide the prices.

I've been at both ends of the spectrum. I've wanted to say to both people selling and people buying "Do you even know what make up is?" I never worked at a Benefit counter but I used to go there on a pretty regular basis. I've seen customers come in who are sooo rude or sooo dumb. They act like they know exactly what they want but really have no idea.

There's also been times when I've gone in and the person working there seems to know nothing about the products. Sometimes if another customer is asking a salesgirl about a product that she doesn't know about, I volunteer my answer. Really only as a last resort; I don't interrupt them.


Well-known member
Omg, I feel sorry for all you guys, rude costumers also happen in clothing stores too. My sister was an asst. manager. She told me some of the funniest things, like this girl was trying to return UNDERWEAR, and my sister was like"we don't accept returns for underwear, and the girl was like" Well Wal-Mart does it." LOl

And I must say that some employees are rude too. I ALWAYS feel intimated when I go to MAC counter. I soon as I walk in they just stare me down, and Im just looking around and they ask me" Do you need any help?". I say "no thank you", and they walk away and just keep staring at me. I get so uncomfortable and aggravated, cause I just want to look around and thats it. Or sometimes I get looks from Mac MUA like "WTF what are you doing in here?" They look so stuck up, and they think that they are sooo awesome cause they work there,and they are standing there looking like a drag queen did their makeup. One thing my mom told that I will always remember is that retail is ALL about sale goals, so employees will do and say anything to make you purchases something. I also HATED when MUA tries to sell you a whole bunch of other crap, it's like "all I want is some eyeliner, I don't want to look at eyeshadows, nor do I care that such n such will bring out my eyes." " I know that you are only helping me because you need to reach your sale goal for today, and not because you actually want to help."

And I absolutely hate it when MUA tries to push products on me, I HATE THAT!!! It's like lady how many times do I have to tell you I DON'T WANT IT!! And when I say "I'm just looking" I am actually just looking, when I need your help I will ask for you, you don't need to follow me around everywhere. Then when you don't buy something, and walk out they give you this mean look. I'm like "yep I sure didn't buy anything."

Also if you're doing a makeover, it would be nice to explain to the person what you are putting on their face, and what it does. Just don't start putting random stuff on my face without telling me what it is.

Just to let you know I am ALWAYS NICE to employees, even if they are rude to me. I never get rude or have an attitude, my mom does that and I HATE IT soo much when she is mean. ugh

I feel kind of bad because right besides MAC is an Organic makeup counter and yeah nobody goes over there at all.


Well-known member
There are dozens of threads on Specktra devoted to complaining about MAC employees. This thread, however, is not one of them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JaneHorror
And I must say that some employees are rude too. I ALWAYS feel intimated when I go to MAC counter. I soon as I walk in they just stare me down, and Im just looking around and they ask me" Do you need any help?". I say "no thank you", and they walk away and just keep staring at me. I get so uncomfortable and aggravated, cause I just want to look around and thats it. Or sometimes I get looks from Mac MUA like "WTF what are you doing in here?" They look so stuck up, and they think that they are sooo awesome cause they work there,and they are standing there looking like a drag queen did their makeup. One thing my mom told that I will always remember is that retail is ALL about sale goals, so employees will do and say anything to make you purchases something. I also HATED when MUA tries to sell you a whole bunch of other crap, it's like "all I want is some eyeliner, I don't want to look at eyeshadows, nor do I care that such n such will bring out my eyes." " I know that you are only helping me because you need to reach your sale goal for today, and not because you actually want to help."

And I absolutely hate it when MUA tries to push products on me, I HATE THAT!!! It's like lady how many times do I have to tell you I DON'T WANT IT!! And when I say "I'm just looking" I am actually just looking, when I need your help I will ask for you, you don't need to follow me around everywhere. Then when you don't buy something, and walk out they give you this mean look. I'm like "yep I sure didn't buy anything."

Also if you're doing a makeover, it would be nice to explain to the person what you are putting on their face, and what it does. Just don't start putting random stuff on my face without telling me what it is.

Just to let you know I am ALWAYS NICE to employees, even if they are rude to me. I never get rude or have an attitude, my mom does that and I HATE IT soo much when she is mean. ugh

I feel kind of bad because right besides MAC is an Organic makeup counter and yeah nobody goes over there at all.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by JaneHorror
And I absolutely hate it when MUA tries to push products on me, I HATE THAT!!! It's like lady how many times do I have to tell you I DON'T WANT IT!! And when I say "I'm just looking" I am actually just looking, when I need your help I will ask for you, you don't need to follow me around everywhere. Then when you don't buy something, and walk out they give you this mean look. I'm like "yep I sure didn't buy anything."

Also if you're doing a makeover, it would be nice to explain to the person what you are putting on their face, and what it does. Just don't start putting random stuff on my face without telling me what it is.

Just to let you know I am ALWAYS NICE to employees, even if they are rude to me. I never get rude or have an attitude, my mom does that and I HATE IT soo much when she is mean. ugh

Holy cow, I don't work for MAC or any cosmetics company but this is so rude!! I doubt you are always nice to employees, when you go into their place of employment with this kind of attitude, and FYI they are human beings who like playing with makeup, not robots for you to summon when you want something. I certainly wouldn't bend over backwards to help you.

I got my wedding makeup done at MAC and the artist did a fantastic job, because I told her a few things I liked, and let her do the rest. If you don't want that kind of treatment, go to the drugstore and pick out what you want. Nobody will bother you there.


Well-known member
Manners are unbelievably important when dealing with the public at large, and being a high maintenance demanding self entitled individual...well...that's not good manners.

The thing aobut saying "I'm just looking" is that it means that in ten minutes you'll say "Hey give methisorthisorthis" and that night those types of people are generally the ones on the line with MAC corporate talking about the abysmal customer service in XYZ MAC store.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nyla2120
Wow, this is incredibly rude & I am very offended. As a MAC employee I am never rude to customers & I am happy to help & teach people things. And it's "not just to make my goal". I treat all my customers well & I never push products on anyone. I won't even say anything else, because I am just disgusted by this post. My mother taught me if I have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything. And I have NOTHING nice to say right now.

i second your whole response. in my 10 years of wearing MAC i have never had ANY MA's "stare me down" or "push product" on me. the only time i have ever had an MA offer... oh... excuse me..... "push" product on me is when i asked about something. if i say "hey i'm shiny as hell about 5 hours after i put on my makeup" then i'm not gonna get mad just because she suggested some blot powder and accuse her "pushing" product on me. wtf??!! that was a rude comment to make (not the girl i'm quoting; the girl that she quoted). i think in my MAC experience i've had maybe a few be kinda off to me but i just went and asked someone else to help me. maybe she was having a bad day or something but the company as a whole????? not at all. matter of fact, everytime i've been in the past year the MA's at both counters i frequent (coral springs & the galleria) did everything they could to help me and never just shoved a bunch of product at me. not to mention some days i've gone in super early and there were only like 2 or 3 MA's there with a shitload of customers to handle and they've always handled everyone accordingly. and in broward mall???? i don't even go that one that often but they're always very nice about everything.

and yea, i don't think this thread was meant to bash MAC and their MA's. so if you're unhappy then maybe you shouldn't go.

just a thought

not trying to offend anyone here


Well-known member

also, i have NEVER had an MA put anything on my face without telling me the specifics of what it is and what it does.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lauren1981
i second your whole response. in my 10 years of wearing MAC i have never had ANY MA's "stare me down" or "push product" on me. the only time i have ever had an MA offer... oh... excuse me..... "push" product on me is when i asked about something. if i say "hey i'm shiny as hell about 5 hours after i put on my makeup" then i'm not gonna get mad just because she suggested some blot powder and accuse her "pushing" product on me. wtf??!! that was a rude comment to make (not the girl i'm quoting; the girl that she quoted). i think in my MAC experience i've had maybe a few be kinda off to me but i just went and asked someone else to help me. maybe she was having a bad day or something but the company as a whole????? not at all. matter of fact, everytime i've been in the past year the MA's at both counters i frequent (coral springs & the galleria) did everything they could to help me and never just shoved a bunch of product at me. not to mention some days i've gone in super early and there were only like 2 or 3 MA's there with a shitload of customers to handle and they've always handled everyone accordingly. and in broward mall???? i don't even go that one that often but they're always very nice about everything.

and yea, i don't think this thread was meant to bash MAC and their MA's. so if you're unhappy then maybe you shouldn't go.

just a thought

not trying to offend anyone here



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nyla2120
Wow, this is incredibly rude & I am very offended. As a MAC employee I am never rude to customers & I am happy to help & teach people things. And it's "not just to make my goal". I treat all my customers well & I never push products on anyone. I won't even say anything else, because I am just disgusted by this post. My mother taught me if I have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything. And I have NOTHING nice to say right now.

i dont think you should get offended, she wasnt referring to you, kinda sucks she only had bad experiences, but thats how it is.
I pretty sure you all are great to your costumers and truly want to help them. I always get great service when going to mac, well not always I've had people being so rude to me, twice. Once in a macy's counter and a pro store. Im a teenager, so i understand if they look at me as some bratty kid that doesnt know anything abot makeup and is just going there to "play around". One cannot generalize "mac MUA" as one. Everyone is different. I can understand both sides though...

just saying my thoughts.. lol
dont eat me!


Well-known member
not even funny .. some customers seem to be so stupid!

next time i go in a mac store i'll remember to be super-nice