I love when customers try to tell me how to do my job...


Well-known member
I am not a make-up artist but I have worked in retail for many, many years (thank God I am out!) Belive me, I have had rude service given to me so I know both sides of the coin but retail is a very hard job. Off the bat, there are customers who look down on you for working a register, there are hard sales goals to meet, there are demanding managers - and deamanding corporate who push the managers to be that way (I was once a manager..). It;s much harder than it looks.
I have been treated badly as a customer - but only once at a make-up counter (it was clinque, and I just do not get along with this one woman who works there - i still shop there but try to dodge her, lol) but i do not see the logic in being mean to someone for no good reason.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BEA2LS
but i do not see the logic in being mean to someone for no good reason.

basically, MA's need to/should kill their customers with kindness (not literally). But in my experience as a MAC MA, the only way to get the respect one deserves/needs from a customer, is to just be NICE. I totally understand there are those days and those customers that make you want to pull your hair out, but I also know that if a customer comes up to you and is huffing and puffing and impatient and bitching beyond control, if you take your time, SMILE, and compliment her/him, you will get the satisfaction we all strive for as MAs and retail workers, and the customer will (hopefully) leave happIER than when she first arrived at MAC. My manager always says "you choose the attitude you want to have the minute you wake up", and that is SO true! If I miss my train or my roommates piss me off in the morning, I can be in a bitchy mood for a good hour. But just making sure I brush it off and do my JOB correctly once I walk through those doors, is all that matters. Leave your shit at the door, and if you have bad customers, even the onesies that don't buy more than a sharpener for $5, just grin and bare it.

Especially with this economy, I believe everyone should be thankful for the jobs we have. I know this thread wasn't about job-bashing, but honestly, when I hear my fellow MAs complain about customers and attitudes they get, it's so petty and unnecessary. Because by telling other MAs about your struggle with customers, you are bringing their spirits down, and at the end of the day, weather they buy one or fifty products, these customers are the ones who allow you to HAVE a job - beacause they give you sales!

I love my job. I love my customers. I find the bitchy customers the best because they are the most challenging and hard to break.. but 9 out of 10 times, they are the ones who buy the most once I let them know they can TRUST me and I won't try to sell them something they don't need or want....

SO smile smile smile and don't let customers bother you - we ALL know we know more than them lol and it IS frustrating at times, but remember if it wasn't for them, there would BE no MAC! just food for thought


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Originally Posted by DirtyPlum
^ i love how you do that (get ur point across) in like, one sentence!

I totally agree!!! Lara's awesome!


Well-known member
You know what though? MAs are just like every other job...there's some that are amazingly skilled and proficient in customer service, and there are some who aren't at that level yet. Every job has good apples and bad apples, and you aren't always going to be completely satisfied. I have no idea why the beauty industry gets put under such a microscope. When I'm buying clothes I don't expect the salesperson to be a perfect encyclopedia of cuts, styles, and designers---but i find it an extra bonus when i do find one that is.

Makeup counters are a RETAIL job. That means their job is to SELL makeup. It's super cool when you find an MA who is smart and savvy, but I don't know why we as customers always expect to find the expert-of-all-experts whenever we go. MAC is the type of company that tries to hire the very best, so it's rare to find supreme incompetence. We're lucky that MAC is the sort of place where the sellers are very often makeup lovers and enjoy what they do. But for the few times they aren't, why let one rotten apple spoil the experience, when the majority are good apples? Sorry for the analogy, but it bugs me when people are like, "omg that MA didn't recommend me a lipliner!" Well, no, she didn't, but if you knew you wanted one you should have asked and I'm sure she/he would have helped you.


Well-known member
ATTENTION EVERYONE: limited edition means that there is only a set amount of stock available and once it's gone, it's gone.

Whining like a ten year old will not cause more units to spontaneously appear in my mythical back room. Pouting never solves anything!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kattybadatty
basically, MA's need to/should kill their customers with kindness (not literally). But in my experience as a MAC MA, the only way to get the respect one deserves/needs from a customer, is to just be NICE. I totally understand there are those days and those customers that make you want to pull your hair out, but I also know that if a customer comes up to you and is huffing and puffing and impatient and bitching beyond control, if you take your time, SMILE, and compliment her/him, you will get the satisfaction we all strive for as MAs and retail workers, and the customer will (hopefully) leave happIER than when she first arrived at MAC. My manager always says "you choose the attitude you want to have the minute you wake up", and that is SO true! If I miss my train or my roommates piss me off in the morning, I can be in a bitchy mood for a good hour. But just making sure I brush it off and do my JOB correctly once I walk through those doors, is all that matters. Leave your shit at the door, and if you have bad customers, even the onesies that don't buy more than a sharpener for $5, just grin and bare it.

Especially with this economy, I believe everyone should be thankful for the jobs we have. I know this thread wasn't about job-bashing, but honestly, when I hear my fellow MAs complain about customers and attitudes they get, it's so petty and unnecessary. Because by telling other MAs about your struggle with customers, you are bringing their spirits down, and at the end of the day, weather they buy one or fifty products, these customers are the ones who allow you to HAVE a job - beacause they give you sales!

I love my job. I love my customers. I find the bitchy customers the best because they are the most challenging and hard to break.. but 9 out of 10 times, they are the ones who buy the most once I let them know they can TRUST me and I won't try to sell them something they don't need or want....

SO smile smile smile and don't let customers bother you - we ALL know we know more than them lol and it IS frustrating at times, but remember if it wasn't for them, there would BE no MAC! just food for thought



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nyla2120
I think most of know that if it weren't for the customers we wouldn't have jobs. But, we have have customers that get to us & I think this thread is great at helping us to let off steam. Because obviously we are smiling & dealing with the tough customers when we are in front of them. But, to discuss our experiences later helps us to say things that we couldn't say earlier when dealing with them. Everyone deals with stress & bad days differently. For me it helps to talk about them. For you it's to just smile & let it go right away, that's great! But I want you to know that nobody here brings me down with their stories, they make me laugh & let me know that my fellow MA's are going through the same things that I am. I enjoy this thread a lot & I don't see it at all as us not appreciating our customers. I just see it as MAs who have had a bad day, letting off steam to people who will totally understand. I love this thread.

You said it, Nyla! I have noticed that most of us can look back and laugh at the crazy things that happen to us. Most of the extreme cases are rare (thankfully). I also don't feel my mood gets brought down. Even if someone comes on here and is down about something, you'll see others chiming in to give advice and maybe point out things that the OP hadn't thought of. I think that's awesome because the advice comes from someone who's been there. It's a great network because sometimes you can't discuss things at work.

I am appreciative of almost all of my customers, but I also feel that just because a person has cash in their hand, they don't have a right to treat service workers like dirt. Common courtesy goes a long way, and that goes for both employees and customers.


Well-known member
I just wanted to add that what I said about being mean to someone for no reason applies to customers

I worked retail for a long, long time - and I still get the abuse by working in an office with a "customer service" window. I do not work in retail or make-up but I can so relate to the stories here

I love when MAs have a passion for make-up, that's what makes me happy as a customer and I hope that my passion makes you happy when you sell.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
ATTENTION EVERYONE: limited edition means that there is only a set amount of stock available and once it's gone, it's gone.

Whining like a ten year old will not cause more units to spontaneously appear in my mythical back room. Pouting never solves anything!

Quoted for emphasis; people don't seem to realise that when xmas stock is released in October the intention is that sells through COMPLETELY before the last minute rush...don't expect me to call around when I know full well it's out of stock.


Well-known member
I love the people who work at the make-up counters (MAC particularly) in my area.I go once in a while to the MAC counter and every time I go, even if I'm just looking, they are nice.Plus many of the people who do work at the MAC store/counter have a passion for make-up.I love when I find people who share the same passion as I do.Anyways, I let the people know if I'm looking and if I need help, I'll ask.I'm probably a seller's dream lol!


Well-known member
i love christmas season in retail. i know this is pretty much not like the experiences you have... but then we are pretty lucky here anyways with only very very few mean customers who bitch or are mean. i have yet not seen a customer screaming or being violent at my workplace in 3 and a half years *crosses fingers* only the occasional snippy customer who "knows better" and "can read themselves"... but NONE of these anywhere around christmastime. and why? because they are so freaked out because they dont have gifts yet and its only 2 days until christmas eve... WAAAAAAH!!! so you smile at them when they come in, offer them your help and they will melt for somebody being there to take them at the hand and making the gift problem disappear. especially the men. dont you love the men? they want to buy a nice gift for their woman but they have no clue what and they dont have time and are completely overwhelmed by the situation. and whatever you show them if theyll like it, theyll just take it. gift selling right now is bliss. and then you have hundreds of these customers in one day, as opposed to only dozens the rest of the year... it makes me smile all the time im rotating at work to satisfy as many customers as possible. its like a drug.

and considering the sales numbers of the past 3 days, i gotta say: recession my ass. we rock this christmas

but while im here, i had one lady a month ago, in a pretty busy shop and i didnt see anybody offering her our services yet. so i approached her and asked her if i could do something good for her. she turns energetically with her full body to face me, throws up one arm to her forehead and states that im the second person in LESS THAN A MINUTE TO TALK TO HER and this is unbelievable and she wants to just browse around and this is not acceptable. she then throws her head back even more, turns around and marches out of the store like... superfast. my colleague standing just 2 metres away starts to laugh frantically and i had to join because it was just too bizarre. till this day im sorry for not being quick enough to recommend her to go shopping in a place where they do not offer any service.


Well-known member
Okey not makeup related, but I have some customer stories.

I work in a pretty small thai restaurant with only two chefs, and it's situated in an industrial neighbourhood so it's mostly ment as a lunch restaurant but every thursday and friday night we do take away.

Almost everyone knows we're a small restaurant, but even if you don't I still get really baffled by people that call in around 6pm on a friday night: "HI. I want to order, THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS AND THIS. Okey?"
"Okey (writes down her 10 meals) but unfortunately we're swamped right now so it won't be ready for you to pick up for atleast 30 minutes."
"30 mins???? NO THANK YOU *hangs up*"

Errr yeah, YOU cook for 10 people in thirty mins then.

Or the ones who go crazy with special ordering.
If you don't want eggs, onions, nuts or whatever in your food I'm happy to oblige and write that down. Or if you ask could I get bamboo sprouts instead of broccoli for example, yes sure the chefs won't mind.

But when you go EH YEAH, I want five dishes and in the first one I want to add chashews, I want more shrimp oh and I don't want rice, I want fried noodles with egg and garlic... BLA BLA and custom makes EVERY single dish.

Okey. Fine, you're a pain in the butt and you just ruined a good thai meal by adding stuff that doesn't belong there but that's fine by me, you're the one who's going to eat it.

But when you then go on to refuse paying extra for all the stuff you added, that's when you loose me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xStarryEyedX
here are my personal favorites:

2. "Hi my friend and I want to know if you do free makeovers." Sure tacky mctackface, I'd love to dirty my brushes and waste my time so that you and your friend can go home and take your new myspace pictures.


that made my night


Well-known member
I don't work at a makeup counter or in a cosmetic store, but I have worked retail off and on for 8 yrs. and I know exactly how you all feel. I hate the new retail saying, "The customer is 'always' right." NO, the customer is generally WRONG!

I wanted to say, I have a friend who likes to stop in at a Sephora just to get a makeover when she's going out somewhere special. I don't think she actually buys anything, but she likes to get her makeover and any free samples. I've not been into many cosmetic shops or been in them often, so I wasn't clear on how the make-over thing works. Now that I know, I'm definitely going to make some comment to her next time I hear of her doing this. I recall that the first time she mentioned it I thought it was wrong that she didn't at least buy something as a thank you for wasting the MA's time.

I've also worked as a boothie at a couple of Renaissance Festivals. When you work as a "boothie" you are the one trying to sell stuff on the table and what you sell determines how much you're going to make at the end of the day. I really get annoyed when I spend alot of time with a customer explaining what this is or how this works, etc. and then they just walk away without buying anything.
-Now, when I'm a customer, I don't ask too many questions unless I plan on purchasing. I can ask the questions after I purchase it if it's that big of a deal.

Good luck to you all with future customers and I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LilSphinx
I don't work at a makeup counter or in a cosmetic store, but I have worked retail off and on for 8 yrs. and I know exactly how you all feel. I hate the new retail saying, "The customer is 'always' right." NO, the customer is generally WRONG!

its not a new saying. in fact, its considered an old saying, and isn't really used anymore by most companies.


Well-known member
-I hate the Tween/HS crowd of girls that come in and act like they are entitled to the WHOLE world. No, you're not, Sweety.

-Since I work in a CCO, we don't carry the full line of anything. We're an outlet. Just like a fashion store outlet, except we just HAPPEN to sell makeup/fragrances/body care.
Customer: Do you have any [insert brand here] foundations/gloss/whatever?
Me: No, we don't. We only carry what you see on our shelves. I can show you a similar product from [insert brand here] though.
Customer: Well, can you look to see if you have any of it in the back in [insert color here]?

DIDN'T YOU JUST HEAR ME SAY IT'S WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT WE HAVE? Like am I supposed to go in the back and pull out your specific product out my ass?

Also, with our lipsticks, lipglasses, and other lip products... I understand it's very annoying and time consuming to look through all of them when you just want a specific color. There is NOTHING wrong with you asking me if we have 'so&so' color. However, if I know off of the top of my head that we DON'T have that color, don't get mad at me for not going into the back to look. I mean, I CAN go INTO the back and PRETEND to look if it makes you feel better. But like I said, I work in a CCO, our selection is limited. People mainly buy MAC, so I pretty much know if we have the color or not because I am in and out of the drawer all day, I probably stocked it, organized it, etc. Also, with lipsticks, the only back stock we ever have are the colors out on the floor. There is hardly EVER any singles.

And sometimes, if a customer LOOKS like they will be difficult, when they ask if I have a certain color, and I know we don't, I just pretend to look through the drawer or back room... saves me the drama.

Honestly, it only helps the customer to be nice to me. Like the other day, a lady was looking for a certain shade of blush. We didn't have any on the floor, but we did have ONE single one in the back, which I decided to show her on my own... and she loved it. Had she had been a bitch I would have never went back there to look.

Annnd, again, since I work in a CCO, we're not trained AT ALL about products. We're actually not even ALLOWED to give you information past what's written on the box. That being said, I hate when customers ask me what a product does, I say I don't know, and read the back of the box and give them my interpretation and they get mad because I don't know. Umm, I'm not trained. We're an outlet, which like I said, HAPPENS to sell beauty products. We also get random crap all the time. It may be here today, gone tomorrow, and we never get it back in. Or sometimes we get in a NEW product that day, or while I was off, and you ask me about it... and I'm completely lost because I didn't even KNOW we had the thing. (I mean, yes, I do try to inform myself on products that we have often, but it's just too much crap, and too many brands, for me to know everything. It's not like I work at a counter where I can devote my time to a whole line learning everything that I will have for YEARS to come. We have things for like DAYS at a time sometimes).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xStarryEyedX
here are my personal favorites:

2. "Hi my friend and I want to know if you do free makeovers." Sure tacky mctackface, I'd love to dirty my brushes and waste my time so that you and your friend can go home and take your new myspace pictures.

Originally Posted by xxsgtigressxx

that made my night

Weird, because here in France they do free makeovers all the time...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shoegal-fr
Weird, because here in France they do free makeovers all the time...

Behold cultural shopping differences.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Behold cultural shopping differences.

Yes, i thought so... Because even if free makeovers are done here... I've never ever seen someone walking away without having bought at least one or two items...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shoegal-fr
Yes, i thought so... Because even if free makeovers are done here... I've never ever seen someone walking away without having bought at least one or two items...

yeah, imagine it's a Tuesday morning - you're opening all alone with now one else coming in for 2 more hours, and the first thing you see is 6 high schoolers demanding free makeovers so they can go to school looking cute but they 'ain't buying nothing'..so much for your opening procedures or trying to help the nice customer that actually wanted to buy something.