I love when customers try to tell me how to do my job...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley

Tonight a woman came to my counter with SIX FREAKING LANCOME TESTERS shoved in her purse. All I am able to do is call security. I wanted to freaking slap her. They caught her and all, but seriously- how stupid are people?

Yeah, and I saw them sticking out of her purse as she yelled "HEY YOU! COME DO MY MAKEUP!". I walked over and she reeked of alcohol and was slurring her words. She wanted "green cat eyes". And then she grabbed a pot of cream foundation and smeared it all over her face with her fingers and tried to blend it in with a powder brush. and then grabbed a dark burgundy liner, lined outside her lips, and filled the rest in with POWDER.

I'm so tired. I need to be locked away in a nice quiet room for a few weeks before putting me back behind that counter.

I've worked quite a few counters and I can honestly say that Lancome was the absolute worst....Lancome attracts some WEIRDOS(It was also in palm beach county where there are millions of people) not only that but the girls I worked with were so nasty to me when I first starting working there...I ended being friends with a girl in fragrance and at fashion fair...Anyway though the TOP things that bothered me the worst...
1. Women that want their foundation to be darker or lighter than their skin...As if people won't notice that it doesn't match or something..umm hello it makes your skin look like shit and you're not fooling anyone lol
2. OMG what is with people and samples? SERIOUSLY we had this one lady that would come in and she would just point at you while she was walking by and mutter "samples!..samples?...samples?!?!...samples." LOL I would just shake my head and mouth the word 'no'...Also for those of you who worked/work for lancome know that we get a bag of samples to give to customers...well umm when that bag runs out we DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO GIVE AWAY...So this lady bought a foundation and asked for samples(I have never denied a customer samples if they buy something)
Her: Do you have any samples I can have?
Me: We actually just ran out, I'm really sorry.
Her:Well, I mean I did just spend $40, I think I deserve a little something.(With major attitude)
Me: I apologize, but I really don't have any samples of anything...I mean I can fill up a little sample jar of foundation or something..(?)
Her: The lady I usually buy from GIVES ME SAMPLES EVERYTIME!
Me: (nothing)
She came back 10 mintues later to return the foundation
...I'm thinking yeah.. great job at 'proving your point' as if I give a crap...what did she want me to do slip her a full-size container of something lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aleksis210
I've worked quite a few counters and I can honestly say that Lancome was the absolute worst....Lancome attracts some WEIRDOS(It was also in palm beach county where there are millions of people) not only that but the girls I worked with were so nasty to me when I first starting working there...I ended being friends with a girl in fragrance and at fashion fair...Anyway though the TOP things that bothered me the worst...
1. Women that want their foundation to be darker or lighter than their skin...As if people won't notice that it doesn't match or something..umm hello it makes your skin look like shit and you're not fooling anyone lol
2. OMG what is with people and samples? SERIOUSLY we had this one lady that would come in and she would just point at you while she was walking by and mutter "samples!..samples?...samples?!?!...samples." LOL I would just shake my head and mouth the word 'no'...Also for those of you who worked/work for lancome know that we get a bag of samples to give to customers...well umm when that bag runs out we DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO GIVE AWAY...So this lady bought a foundation and asked for samples(I have never denied a customer samples if they buy something)
Her: Do you have any samples I can have?
Me: We actually just ran out, I'm really sorry.
Her:Well, I mean I did just spend $40, I think I deserve a little something.(With major attitude)
Me: I apologize, but I really don't have any samples of anything...I mean I can fill up a little sample jar of foundation or something..(?)
Her: The lady I usually buy from GIVES ME SAMPLES EVERYTIME!
Me: (nothing)
She came back 10 mintues later to return the foundation
...I'm thinking yeah.. great job at 'proving your point' as if I give a crap...what did she want me to do slip her a full-size container of something lol

That's crazy...returns a product because she can't get a tiny bottle of something that prolly won't last a week.

I read somewhere that this man ran a bookstore and had a guy that wanted to get something to read for his bus trip. The store had a stack of magazines that were free with a purchase. The guy kept badgering the owner about taking one of the free magazines but he kept telling the man it was for paying customers. So the customer finally says, "Well, shit. What's the cheapest thing in here?" The owner says, "Apparently it's you!"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by madame_morbid
Do you honestly think that your co workers try to get you fired because you are thinner than them??? I'm a plus size girl and I can honestly say I don't give a crap about what size my colleagues are...skinny, chubby or in between is all the same to me. What bothers me is attitude and whether they are a nice person to be around. This comment made you sound very prejudiced and mean spirited!

No. It's because they call me a skinny stripper. They make fun of me for being smaller than them. I thought I mentioned that, sorry if I left that out. If not, it's because they aren't nice people and make a point to make fun of me for not being like them.
I wasn't trying to be mean to larger gals. In fact...lots of my closest friends are plus size and they are amazing people. These women brought it up and made a point to call meskinny or gross or something to do with me being "anorexic"(even though I'm not all that small to be honest) along with other nasty things relating to my weight.

They try to get me fired because I'm the only one that isn't like them and have made a huge point that they don't like me around for only that reason. Sorry that I didn't mention that earlier in my post. I suppose I should have explained more but really was trying to cut down on it's already long length. I really wasn't trying to sound mean and prejudice. To anyone. About anything. I was just complaining.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
Yes, there is a minimum purchase. And it depends of the location: A MAC Store charges you 50$ for the application alone, whereas an application at a counter is free but a minimum purchased is required.

I've heard this alot on here, at the store where Im in they do not do that. Its $50 minimum purchase. Not for application alone, weird


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ruffage

b. It intimidates us that someone who obviously possess superior knowledge on make up, wears a full face (some of you, anyway) and dons full uniform (all black for MAC) approaches us. We freak out on the inside and try to avoid you by saying "just looking". Also it is partly because we feel very awkward when someone offers you help and invest time to explain things to and try things on you, and you don't really intend buy their products. My experience in Hong Kong is if an SA in any kind of store offers you help and you don't buy stuff, you get sneered at and probably even get mild forms of catty verbal abuse (depending on store and people) for wasting their time. We also believe it makes us look "cheap", a big no-no for the Asian image. So our "strategy" is to smack down any possibility of help from store employees in the first place.

This aplies quite well for the finnish customers too. Wery often when I'm in a store and If I'm not sure yet what I want I'll politely answer that I'm "just looking" "or thanks, but don't neet help just yet" because I really like browsing the stuff by myself most of the time and podering what I should get. But then again the shopping culture here is very different, we finns like for the most part to be left alone and if/when we have guestions we hunt don't the customer servant and ask for help.
And you have to remember that some people are just shy and for them the whole shopping situation maybe very akward, I was one of those people when I was younger..

Some of the stories you have are just hilarious! I work in customer service to so I can feel your pain.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissCrystal

I dont work at mac but i hate it when people go to a mac counter ask a million questions, try on a million and one things, take up all the MA's time all to buy one flippin lipstick. Or a whole family of like 10 come into the store, crowd around the counter all to buy one flippin lipstick. Its so annoying thats why i've learned to go to mac in the morning all the girls at my mac store are so nice and very patient lol

I don't really understand this as an issue because as customers we're supposed to choose what we want carefully and be educated about the products we're buying.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by florabundance
I don't really understand this as an issue because as customers we're supposed to choose what we want carefully and be educated about the products we're buying.

But there's a difference between utilising an artist to make sure you're getting the right product and monopolising someone in such a way that they're unable to serve multiple customers during peak times.

I'm excellent at helping multiple people at once, but if I'm physically boxed in by a large group of people or I'm being prevented from offering my help to anyone else ("Don't smile at her, you're helping me!"), then no one gets the full experience.


New member
God knows I LOVE MY JOB as a MAC mua....... ... but this is the perfect place to let off steam

ok so this is what has peaved me so far.....

So This lady comes in with her daughter (her daughter getting the makeover)... first of all this girl is grown ..she had her mom doing all the talking.. ok whatever... so after an hours worth of nit picking at small details i finally make her over, she decides to go with lashes #3's ...BEAUTIFUL TURNOUT! she looked like a DOLL ... even other people came up to her to tell her how gorgeous she looked... sooooo they want time to themselves to pick out their $50 worth of products... sure!, so i leave them alone...after looking around... the mom comes up to me , "Oh, she wants to know if she can trade out the lashes for some other ones" ......
................ for which ones??? THE SHORTEST, THINNEST ONES WE GOT........... they looked exactly like her lashes........ !@#$^@#$!@%$^#@!#%^%*&(^(^*$&$%!!@#!#!$@!@#^........

ok now anotha...

So this lady comes to the counter wanting me to match her foundation, and the one she had on was CLEARLY not her match, (when lighter foundations are worn on darker skin, it looks a-hot-mess-ashy) ... So this lady is clearrrlllyy a NW 45-47 she goes "no no that too dark!" .. and points out a
NC 40 ........ (which is what i wear and im olive toned) ..... so forced, i try this on her... and just as i knew, it looked ashy on her....
Her: "how do it look how do it look??" ...
Me: Well honestly mam it's entirely too light.. but if that is what you prefer, then perfect..
k ok well which one is my true match....

i point out the NW'S again

Her: she stomps her foot, "NO NO thats too dark!"

my manager steps in and agrees with me and she storms off



Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
That is hilarious.
These people sound nuts.

this is really funny.but at the same time i feel sry for u mua's out there,.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
But there's a difference between utilising an artist to make sure you're getting the right product and monopolising someone in such a way that they're unable to serve multiple customers during peak times.

I'm excellent at helping multiple people at once, but if I'm physically boxed in by a large group of people or I'm being prevented from offering my help to anyone else ("Don't smile at her, you're helping me!"), then no one gets the full experience.

hey i come in with a page list.
And i feel like a complete dork.but i know what i want.they just find the items and i buy, easy done


Well-known member
omg... i'm actually angry with myself for having given her so much time... this one girl came in wanting falsies. So she picked some out and asked if i could put them on her.

Yeah sure, its a busy saturday but i dont mind taking out 10 mins for you to apply them... whilst losing out on other sales/customers. If only i had said no...

So i took em out and said i'll need to cut the lashes cos they are too long (horizontally) and may irritate the inner corner of ur eyes.... no my girl didnt want them cut and wanted them going all the way across. so as customers are always right, i persisted with the application...

so as we're applying them, the inner corner (surprise surprise) wasnt sticking too well cos her eyes were too moist for the glue to actually stick. this was p*ssing her AND ME off and I said about three times it was cos they were too long but she remained silent and had a real vexed look on her face.

so i just carried on and then when she whinged some more, i took the lash off and tried again. Therefore naturally, applying more glue in the corner. As we know Duo dries clear, she didnt. So she went on to say they looked awful etc and they werent stuck properly so I asked her if she wanted to apply them herself!

She didnt respond to that. So i carried on confidently and then just said thanks and whatever and she was on her way. Not a happy customer, but maybe she should have listened to my advice abt trimming them. FFS, sometimes its common sense and its gonna save the both of us a lot of time and hassle if you accept what we're saying.

ive since been put off doing lashes... ugh.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Repunzel
hey i come in with a page list.
And i feel like a complete dork.but i know what i want.they just find the items and i buy, easy done

Not dorky at all! My favourite customers are those who have a list but also want some product clarification/suggestions. You get what you want, I can answer any questions or suggest more appropriate products and we both have a happy, no-pressure time!

I had one of those days from hell today (stock not arriving/arriving veeery late in the evening, not enough staff, not enough stock, stop-start traffic flow, half my testers missing, you name it!) and someone, in all innocence, said how they'd like my job because I got to play with make-up all day.

I just laughed and agreed with her. Why ruin the illusion?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll
I've heard this alot on here, at the store where Im in they do not do that. Its $50 minimum purchase. Not for application alone, weird

Ok, so I asked and everyone at the store requested it to be minimum purchase instead of a flat rate, because that way it goes towards goal. I think thats pretty cool, getting product instead of just mascara


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll
Ok, so I asked and everyone at the store requested it to be minimum purchase instead of a flat rate, because that way it goes towards goal. I think thats pretty cool, getting product instead of just mascara

When iworked at a store - i prefered the flat fee appointments as we got a commission on the fee. It was not returable - so they couldn't pull anything and try and return and mess up any numbers.


Well-known member
one time I went to sephora to buy hoola bronzer and badgal mascara, I just wanted that, and I only had the money do buy that. after the girl applies it on me, she was reaching for a lipgloss: "this one will look perfect" and I said "oh no, I cant buy any more stuff" and she said "well you can just try it, that doesnt mean you MUST buy it, and I wouldnt expect that". the way she said it, she was so nice, she was so kind and applied the lipgloss perfectly.. she is my favourite girl at that sephora now. And guess what, because of her I bought the lipgloss later.. so I guess it really pays off if you re nice.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by calbear
When iworked at a store - i prefered the flat fee appointments as we got a commission on the fee. It was not returable - so they couldn't pull anything and try and return and mess up any numbers.

Yeah thats true! Some people want the comission but I dunno how it was decided, over all I guess everyone preferred the minimum purchase.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll
Yeah thats true! Some people want the comission but I dunno how it was decided, over all I guess everyone preferred the minimum purchase.


For us it was decided by what the customer wanted...if they wanted uninterrupted, guarranteed time they would pay the flat fee and the appointment was done in our 'private makeup room'. If they wanted to walk up and deal with the artist breaking away and taking other customers, etc..then they got the min purchase appointment.

it also depended on the day and the season...if it were prom season - we didn't do any private makeup room appointments - it was all done out on the floor.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iheartcolor
Have you guys ever seen/heard of restaurants whos "gig" is that they are "rude" to the customers? And people love it and go to the restaurant just to have a "bitchy" waitress 'cause they think it is funny?

I SO want to open a cosmetics place like that! Wouldn't that be amazing? Getting to give stupid-ass answers to stupid-ass questions? Cool!


p.s. I worked at a Sephora for like 18 months (until I moved out of state). I TOTALLY feel everyones' pain!

I've heard of those restaurants and totally thought of that for a cosmetics store!!.. could you imagine? "anything free today?" and being able to actually call people out on their tackiness.. that's a world i want to one day live in


Well-known member
here are my personal favorites:

1. Am I going to have to buy a new foundation when I'm tan? ... well you can either throw a bronzer in there over your foundation, or yes you may need a new shade. "WAIT, you mean I have to spend more money?!" Well, the crazy thing about foundation is that no matter how dark your skin gets- it's going to stay the same shade. So yes, you can either shell out the $25 or walk around with a tan body and a pale face. Your choice, doesn't make a huge difference to me either way.
2. "Hi my friend and I want to know if you do free makeovers." Sure tacky mctackface, I'd love to dirty my brushes and waste my time so that you and your friend can go home and take your new myspace pictures.
3. Hi can you show me a good look for eyes, I want to try blues. Sure.. Do the makeover... "Oh I love it this is amazing, can I get samples of them so I can try this at home?" Sure. But you do realize that me keeping my job involves making a sales goal and spending time with you just wasted my time right? Okay good. Enjoy your free shit.
4. Hi how are you? I'm just looking (mean eff off look).. I hate this!
5. "Does the brush really matter? Because I got this wet and wild blush brush ten years ago that I have never washed and I mean, it's a makeup brush too.. So it should work just as well right?"
6. "I need my foundation"..Okay what shade? "I don't know, you're the expert" Yes, and you're the one who uses it every morning and drove to the mall to buy it. Wouldn't you maybe take into account the fact that if you're buying something that comes in tons of shades, you should probably take four seconds to read it, and maybe even another 2 to write it down?

There are way way too many more, but I am too tired to think of them. I think the average customer is okay, but the bad ones- well, they need to watch a couple episodes of Barney or something and re-learn their manners.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xStarryEyedX
here are my personal favorites:

1. Am I going to have to buy a new foundation when I'm tan? ... well you can either throw a bronzer in there over your foundation, or yes you may need a new shade. "WAIT, you mean I have to spend more money?!" Well, the crazy thing about foundation is that no matter how dark your skin gets- it's going to stay the same shade. So yes, you can either shell out the $25 or walk around with a tan body and a pale face. Your choice, doesn't make a huge difference to me either way.
2. "Hi my friend and I want to know if you do free makeovers." Sure tacky mctackface, I'd love to dirty my brushes and waste my time so that you and your friend can go home and take your new myspace pictures.
3. Hi can you show me a good look for eyes, I want to try blues. Sure.. Do the makeover... "Oh I love it this is amazing, can I get samples of them so I can try this at home?" Sure. But you do realize that me keeping my job involves making a sales goal and spending time with you just wasted my time right? Okay good. Enjoy your free shit.
4. Hi how are you? I'm just looking (mean eff off look).. I hate this!
5. "Does the brush really matter? Because I got this wet and wild blush brush ten years ago that I have never washed and I mean, it's a makeup brush too.. So it should work just as well right?"
6. "I need my foundation"..Okay what shade? "I don't know, you're the expert" Yes, and you're the one who uses it every morning and drove to the mall to buy it. Wouldn't you maybe take into account the fact that if you're buying something that comes in tons of shades, you should probably take four seconds to read it, and maybe even another 2 to write it down?

There are way way too many more, but I am too tired to think of them. I think the average customer is okay, but the bad ones- well, they need to watch a couple episodes of Barney or something and re-learn their manners.

Don't ya love the ones that get a makeover and just go ahead and have the MySpace photoshoot right at the counter? That's what all of those mirrors are for, you know.