I love when customers try to tell me how to do my job...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by calbear
yeah, imagine it's a Tuesday morning - you're opening all alone with now one else coming in for 2 more hours, and the first thing you see is 6 high schoolers demanding free makeovers so they can go to school looking cute but they 'ain't buying nothing'..so much for your opening procedures or trying to help the nice customer that actually wanted to buy something.

well, if you're a walk-up appt, whether its during the week (free) or the weekend ($50 required purchase), and a customer walks up needing help, the walk-up appt gets put on hold. now, there may just be one customer that walks up, where the wait is maybe 5 minutes, or there could be tons of customers that come up and you've gotta wait 30 mins or more. there's many times where someone walks up asking to have their eyes done and its been 2 hours since they first got there. sorry, that's what you get for walking up. and if you're only looking for a free makeover, i don't feel the least bit guilty for your wait.

and if this happens first thing after the store opens (like right when the store opens), my opening procedures come first, otherwise they'll never get done and everything else for the day gets backed up. that's what the first hour of the day is for-opening procedures. trust me, i'm not bored. i don't wanna play around in makeup with you. i've got better things to do. and if i don't, i'll find something.


Well-known member
Oh but these precious gems have learned (from online they so willingly tell you) that they should just send a complaint to the website cause you were mean to them and wouldn't do their makeup.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by calbear
yeah, imagine it's a Tuesday morning - you're opening all alone with now one else coming in for 2 more hours, and the first thing you see is 6 high schoolers demanding free makeovers so they can go to school looking cute but they 'ain't buying nothing'..so much for your opening procedures or trying to help the nice customer that actually wanted to buy something.

That again... never happens here. Because most of high schoolers aren't interested in Mac anyway (at least here), and Mac stores are located in very poshy areas... so only surrounded by high end hotels and stores... no school around and not much subways or bus lines neither.
But anyway, walk up appts are considered quite rude... unless it's the MA that proposes to do one.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shoegal-fr
That again... never happens here. Because most of high schoolers aren't interested in Mac anyway (at least here), and Mac stores are located in very poshy areas... so only surrounded by high end hotels and stores... no school around and not much subways or bus lines neither.
But anyway, walk up appts are considered quite rude... unless it's the MA that proposes to do one.

I see how it can be seen as rude, with the way I was raised and the shopping culture here in Sweden, I would never have the guts to ASK for a makeover.
But then I went to the US and of course I had to go to a MAC counter and I asked a guy there to help me pick out some neutrals shades AND HE TRIED THEM ON ME. For a shy girl like me, that was a little bit of heaven lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
well, if you're a walk-up appt, whether its during the week (free) or the weekend ($50 required purchase), and a customer walks up needing help, the walk-up appt gets put on hold. now, there may just be one customer that walks up, where the wait is maybe 5 minutes, or there could be tons of customers that come up and you've gotta wait 30 mins or more. there's many times where someone walks up asking to have their eyes done and its been 2 hours since they first got there. sorry, that's what you get for walking up. and if you're only looking for a free makeover, i don't feel the least bit guilty for your wait.

and if this happens first thing after the store opens (like right when the store opens), my opening procedures come first, otherwise they'll never get done and everything else for the day gets backed up. that's what the first hour of the day is for-opening procedures. trust me, i'm not bored. i don't wanna play around in makeup with you. i've got better things to do. and if i don't, i'll find something.

Same here...And same with closing procedures. I am 100% not willing to stay later closing because you're going out tonight and don't know how to do your own makeup. I've been on my darn feet all day, I've been talking all day, and I've been answering stupid questions all day. So no- I don't feel like doing a free makeover. And to the ASSHOLES who say they'll buy everything you use then try to sneak in and return it on monday morning without you knowing it- YOU SUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xStarryEyedX
Same here...And same with closing procedures. I am 100% not willing to stay later closing because you're going out tonight and don't know how to do your own makeup. I've been on my darn feet all day, I've been talking all day, and I've been answering stupid questions all day. So no- I don't feel like doing a free makeover. And to the ASSHOLES who say they'll buy everything you use then try to sneak in and return it on monday morning without you knowing it- YOU SUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK!!!

for real! i work at a macy's counter, and we all have to be out by 15 after closing time. 15 minutes till closing, no more makeup applications, no more lash applications, nuttin.

15 til is when i start doing trash, cleaning brushes, filling out paperwork, etc. if you want your makeup done that bad, get your ass in there looong before the final 2 hours of the day!


Well-known member
So people go to get their makeover, buy the makeup and return it back in??WTF??????????That's crazy!!!!!!!!That's a waste of time.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
for real! i work at a macy's counter, and we all have to be out by 15 after closing time. 15 minutes till closing, no more makeup applications, no more lash applications, nuttin.
15 til is when i start doing trash, cleaning brushes, filling out paperwork, etc. if you want your makeup done that bad, get your ass in there looong before the final 2 hours of the day!

Oh man. 3 girls wanting lashes at the last minute...and they pay separately.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Oh man. 3 girls wanting lashes at the last minute...and they pay separately.

MY FAVE!!!!!!! They hate to see me closing -- 'that girl with the tattoo's is mean, she ain't gone do yo lashes'.

Hell NAW I AIN'T it's 10 mins til closing and you and your girls do this every week. The first time you did it - i warned you but you keep doing it. Gone and send that internet complaint. I still ain't doing it. I don't care if it is the Lil Wayne concert.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by calbear
MY FAVE!!!!!!! They hate to see me closing -- 'that girl with the tattoo's is mean, she ain't gone do yo lashes'.

Hell NAW I AIN'T it's 10 mins til closing and you and your girls do this every week. The first time you did it - i warned you but you keep doing it. Gone and send that internet complaint. I still ain't doing it. I don't care if it is the Lil Wayne concert.

haha, it's cool... i'm the "mean" one too. 2 girls walked in and were like
"we want to get our makeup done"...
"okay so you want to learn how to use the starter kit and what else"...
" uh, we just want our makeup done"...
"okay, well what we do is a tutorial. we do half of your face, you do the other half. in the end we pull two piles of products- one of which will contain what you came in to learn how to use and one of the extras. this way you can decide what you'd like to purchase"...
" oh, but a girl told us that you guys can just do our makeup"..
" like to go out tonight makeover, no. sorry".. "
...they keppttt arguing. like honestly, after this even if i did get stuck doing your makeup- you HONESTLY thing i'm gonna make it look good? cause i'm a spiteful bitch. frankly


Well-known member
now im the one wondering... you do opening and closing procedures during the opening times? don´t you have time before or after the shops opening times? i mean, we have stuff to do during the day as well, but we are never allowed to do it if a customer is put on hold because of it. customer first, everything else (restocking, sampling, mail, office stuff, etc) second. that´s why we get paid and are expected to be there half an hour before store opening and staying half an hour after closing, plus were getting paid for as long as were stay, even if we need longer than those 30 minutes.

How does it work in your places?


Well-known member
Customers sometimes shop around when it's closing time! I think you'd agree they sometimes stick around even 20 to 30 minutes after closing.
Let's say the stores close at 9 h, we're actually there until 9h30, with the closing procedures starting at 9h.
Sometimes, half an hour isn't even enough, especially if the counters are a mess, and there's more than one cash. Plus there's alot of paperwork to do at the end of the day. If the stores close at 9h, that means MAC will close at 9. I don,t get how some peope get mad when they're expecting intense service after that.

I have a life too. If it's closed when the customer gets there, that means they're late and should've thought of leaving earlier! Come back tomorrow!

Before, a MAC employee would come in before opening time in order to complete the opening procedures. However, MAC is now stricter with giving more hours ( hence why some freelancers are complaining they're not getting called for shifts), so the opening procedures unfortunately begin at opening time.


Active member
Originally Posted by calbear
MY FAVE!!!!!!! They hate to see me closing -- 'that girl with the tattoo's is mean, she ain't gone do yo lashes'.

Hell NAW I AIN'T it's 10 mins til closing and you and your girls do this every week. The first time you did it - i warned you but you keep doing it. Gone and send that internet complaint. I still ain't doing it. I don't care if it is the Lil Wayne concert.

OMG. I thought I posted this and forgot...lol. I go thru the same thing every friday and saturday night. This thread rocks. Suddenly I feel better.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
Customers sometimes shop around when it's closing time! I think you'd agree they sometimes stick around even 20 to 30 minutes after closing.
Let's say the stores close at 9 h, we're actually there until 9h30, with the closing procedures starting at 9h.
Sometimes, half an hour isn't even enough, especially if the counters are a mess, and there's more than one cash. Plus there's alot of paperwork to do at the end of the day. If the stores close at 9h, that means MAC will close at 9. I don,t get how some peope get mad when they're expecting intense service after that.

I have a life too. If it's closed when the customer gets there, that means they're late and should've thought of leaving earlier! Come back tomorrow!

Before, a MAC employee would come in before opening time in order to complete the opening procedures. However, MAC is now stricter with giving more hours ( hence why some freelancers are complaining they're not getting called for shifts), so the opening procedures unfortunately begin at opening time.

And it's Catch-22...you can stay a few minutes to help the last minute customers, close the till and clean as best as you can, while your dept store is flickering lights and yelling at you to "come on" over the intercom. Then the next day someone will probably complain that "the closer didn't doooooo anything." Every time I clean early, someone comes in and cuts lines in the pigments or knocks over one of the loose mineral powders, all down the display.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by eulchen
How does it work in your places?

i work at a macy's mac counter, and only have 15 minutes before opening, and 15 minutes after closing.

morning-boot up registers, open registers, fill out morning paperwork (workday shifts, lunch breaks, appts, etc, daily goals, indivual goals, etc.), fill out change request, go downstairs and around to the back of the store to stockroom to put coat away and get brushbelt.

evening-empty trash (6 of em!-housekeeping no longer keeps house), cover lipsticks and other creme products to prevent dust bunnies from getting too friendly with them, clean up counters and straighten displayers, close registers, fill out closing paperwork, fill out deposit info and take upstairs and around to the back of the store before customer service closes, go downstairs and around to the back of the store to stockroom to get coat and drop off brushbelt.

oh, and don't forget helping those first-minute opening shoppers that want their makeup done for the day. and the last-minute shoppers that aren't sure what lipstick color they want and need your help trying on 10 million different colors. then they decide that they should just stick with the lipGLOSS and that maybe lipstick isn't right for them. all of this occurs while macy's announces that they close in 15 minutes, 10 minutes, 5 minutes, they are now closed, and the lights are shut off.

thanks alot asshole! i could have emptied the trash and started filling out some of the paperwork in these last 15 minutes of my life that you just wasted and i will never get back.

and ofcourse if the register is off balance...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by eulchen
now im the one wondering... you do opening and closing procedures during the opening times? don´t you have time before or after the shops opening times? i mean, we have stuff to do during the day as well, but we are never allowed to do it if a customer is put on hold because of it. customer first, everything else (restocking, sampling, mail, office stuff, etc) second. that´s why we get paid and are expected to be there half an hour before store opening and staying half an hour after closing, plus were getting paid for as long as were stay, even if we need longer than those 30 minutes.

Originally Posted by eulchen

How does it work in your places?

on a friday and saturday night, it's really not that easy. i stop doing makeovers an hour and a half before the store closes on these nights. period. the store is usually trashed and needs major filling in. we have to remove every product off of its tray, take a mascara wand and remove all the extra minerals off the edges, and fluff up the makeup in every.single. pot. i'm not willing to do this all after we close because somebody is going out and needs their makeup done.if someone needs a foundation match or a recommendation, fine. but i actually wash my brushes an hour and a half before close, anything that i'm willing to do (match, show a color on the back of someones hand etc) can be done with a q-tip.
if this isn't what you do, i guess it's hard to understand. but for real- about 95% of the people who want their makeup done that late just want a free makover, buy shit and return it, get their makeup done and tell you they'll think about it and come back (when, at midnight?), or ask a hundred questions but aren't actually buying anything. i'd rather not waste my time.


Well-known member
wow. i guess a big difference is also that youre mainly in department stores or malls, or?

i mean, we have our own shop, we close the doors at 8, customer still in get serviced, if they want to browse around we tell them that were actually closed, which they all get and then leave unless they really buy something. we usually have our last customers out 8:10 latest. but often were empty anyway when were closing. then we do tills, paperwork, restocking, cleaning up, turn everything off and leave. 30 mins is close, but if we need longer we get paid that time, too and can stay as long as we need to. were also always two persons opening up and closing down. during christmas time we were three persons 1 hour early and 1 hour late.

still, if theres a customer in the shop in the minutes before we close, we have to service him rather than let him browse around and start restocking or such.