I need to loose 30 pounds.


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Originally Posted by revinn
I'm starting Slim in 6 today. I'd like to lose 30 pounds by September, so I thought it was worth a try. Anyone tried it?

It is possible if you stick to the nutrition plans suggested. Your time frame is right on track with the recommended (healthy) loss of 1-2 pounds per week.

I am looking for to the newest workout from Beachbody (which produces and distributes Slim in 6.) It's called Insanity and features Shaun T., who also does their Hip Hop Abs program. Insanity is a 60-day high-intensity cardio & body-weight resistance program. It's supposed to be available to order in the next week or so. This is a teaser clip of the program: YouTube - Insanity! - Shaun T's Extreme Workout DVD From Beachbody

One thing I will say for anyone who has ever wondered: Beachbody uses real people and their results; they are not paid actors or anything. As a Turbo Kick instructor, I participated in the infomercial tapings for the original release of Turbo Jam.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
OMG ladies, yesterday I went to work out with my aunt and sister, and made the mistake of not eating! I though I wsa going to DIE, I was so dizzy, and light headed.
On the plus side, that workout felt sooo good, although my arms are KILLING me from all that boxing...
And went I got home, I went on an hour walk, but I am so not up for it today, my muscles hurt (I forgot how it felt to work out)

* Oh, does anyone reccomend Planet Fitness? Their rates are SUPER cheap and I would like to know if anyone's been there?*

I don't think we have a Planet Fitness..if so I have never seen it...I go to the Y or to 24-hour Fitness here

Not eating ... Not Good Girl!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
* Oh, does anyone reccomend Planet Fitness? Their rates are SUPER cheap and I would like to know if anyone's been there?*

Planet Fitness is essentially a "no frills" gym. They have mid-level equipment including cardio, pin machines and weights.

Often, the overall quality and service of the facility may vary from location to location as most (if not all) are franchised and therefore may be run and maintained slightly differently depending on the owners' oversight and management.

They will provide you a place and equipment for your workout. They do not offer other options such as group classes, if that is what you are interested in.

Also, because of their low-pricing strategy, there tend to be a lot more people who join as more of a "social" club or "meat market". People who pay more at other clubs (such as $40 and up), generally are paying for a quality place to work out and not a social scene.

A second thing as a result of the extremely low pricing: Be prepared to have it be very busy during peak time; I am told there are often waits for equipment during these times. I do not belong to one. The closest is about 45 minutes from me as I live in a rural area.

The tanning is also typically included in packages, I believe, but lamps are changed as infrequently as possible (according to an employee), so it won't be the same as tanning at a SuperTan, for example.

In the end, it depends on what you need from a club including extras and atmosphere.


Well-known member
I've been trying to get into the Y, but their prices are crazy high,
The closet PF to me is in Scarsdale, New York, which is about, 5 blocks away, and what u sd^^ makes sense a lot , about a waiting to use the equipment. I REALLY need an mp3 so I can jog outside.


Well-known member
Not here...I have a family membership at the Y for 59.99 my single membership used to be $24.99 a month


Well-known member
Okay so my muscles are absolutly killing me. Like my calfs (did I spell that right?) are in sooo much pain!!

Does anyone know what I can use or do to help this? I stretch out before working out, and I take a nice warm bath after working out, but it huuurts. That Jillian! Omg Im dying!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
Okay so my muscles are absolutly killing me. Like my calfs (did I spell that right?) are in sooo much pain!!

Does anyone know what I can use or do to help this? I stretch out before working out, and I take a nice warm bath after working out, but it huuurts. That Jillian! Omg Im dying!

That's really good!!!! I'm sure Cobi will chime in, but from what I understand, when you're building muscle, you kind of tear up what you already have. And then somehow lactic acid chills there.. but you can get rid of it faster by working the muscles that hurt! I'm a huge advocate of Aleve and Advil. I used to be a synchronized swimmer, so beliiiiiiieve me, I know what you mean! We'd have to float on our backs and extend our legs straight up at a 90 degree angle with pointed toes.. ! Our calves cramped like crazy. They told us to eat bananas (for potassium) to help with muscle crampes, I'm not sure if that will help you or not.

Also, stretch after you work out! That's when your muscles are warmed up and ready to cooperate. :]

(Cobi, please feel free to add or correct what I've said!!)


Well-known member
As iShadow mentioned, I do recommend stretching after working out when the muscles are warm. This is also the best time to work on flexibility increases. However, note that increasing flexibility at this point will actually probably increase the soreness from DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness); "over-stretching" will increase DOMS as it cause more tears/damage. Stretching is no longer believed universally to minimize DOMS.

Acute muscle soreness is the soreness you may feel during or right after working out. It is caused by a buildup of hydrogen ions which causes the burn as the pH drops and they become more acidic. Usually subsides in minutes.

DOMS is that soreness that sets in 1-3 days later (my personal DOMS hits at about 36 hours.) DOMS is caused by actual structure damage (i.e. microtears) and is an inflammatory reaction. Many treat it with pain relievers, such as ibuprofen; it will not speed the healing but may give temporary relief. I will often take ibuprofen the night following the day of an intense workout so that I don't wake up feeling like I got hit by a Mack truck.

So what might be good about DOMS? It is typically an indicator of muscle growth. The damage and inflammatory reaction causes the cells to promote muscle growth and development.

Ways to minimize DOMS (which may be counteractive to what you are trying to achieve with your program):
-warm-up all major and minor muscles completely before working out and cool them down completely after working out. Too often we jump into workout without warming up properly and we will often leave as soon as we are done the "workout" without doing a cool down which would involve working a lower pace and intensity, letting the heartrate come down gradually (versus just stopping) and stretching.
-when starting something new, build up gradually, increasing the intensity and/or weight 10% each time you work out.
-don't dramatically increase duration, increase gradually as above
-do not make dramatic changes to program, as above, increase gradually
-take fish oil and omega-3 fatty acid supplements; some recommend glucosamine

I personally like to push myself. I actually kind of like the DOMS effect as it indicates that I am actually pushing outside of my comfort zone. What I do is lightly stretch those areas when they are sore; for example, if I've killed my legs and my quads are tights, I will likely do some squats to loosen them. I don't overload them while sore, I just stretch them. It seems that a lack of movement makes DOMS worse. For example, have you ever taken a car ride while in the midst of lower body DOMS? When you get out of the car, it is like your legs don't even want to straighten; that time of non-movement seems to have made them even stiffer. It is why I sometimes take ibuprofen before sleeping as I know the non-movement will intensify the DOMS for me.

It is important for you to listen to your body, and for maximum results, you want to make sure to allow for recovery time between intense workouts.

Sorry for the long post. There are many theories on DOMS; these are just the ones that I buy into.


Well-known member
Thanks ladies! Today will be my 4th day doing this workout. So I think Im gonna take some ibuprofen and eat more bananas!

I do warm up, and at the end of the workout, I do "cool down" exercises. Before I shower, I also wait about 15 minutes till my body cools (my whole life my family wouldn't let any of us kids in sports shower immediatly, they said we had to wait 15 to 30 minutes, and we had to have no shoes on anymore, only sandals to cool our temperature. I dunno if this helps but thats what my family did to us.)

Thank you everyone for the helpful input! I am hoping to make it to the 30 days! Im trying to not weigh myself as often only once a week. To see some results.

again thanks!! I reaally appreciate it!


Well-known member
I just did Jillian's Shred 2 and barely made it through. And afterward, I enjoyed a small bowl of watermelon, blackberries and blueberries. All in all, today went well...looking forward to doing it all again tomorrow.


Well-known member
Im totally going out tomorrow and buying one of her DVD's,

Which one do you guys rec?

Diet Update:
This weekend I fell off the wagon so to speak with my diet, but Ive fixed it today and am going to stick with it. Remember ladies, just because you maybe don't do so well for a few days, just get right back up and dust yourself off. Don't get discouraged
Two bad eating days is a lot better than giving up and having two bad eating weeks.

I went to work out with my trainer today and we did one of her indoor bootcamps, oh god, my body haha. It felt good though


Well-known member
LOL ...did my morning run....and no more...I spent the rest of my day laying on the tattoo table..but maybe he sucked some of the fat out while he was inking me...Hopeful...My eating was crappy too..Had a Starbucks Carmel Frap for breakfast and tuna sandwich for dinner...nothing in between...Not good


Well-known member
Yeah so today after my workout, I totally fell off. Ugh. I had an In n Out grilled cheese and rocky road ice cream. Idunno if its about to be "that time a month" or something, but Im super irritated and I wanna eat everything insight! (I don't but today was no good

In the morning I had my fiber one cereal w/ soy milk. Then I had a quesadilla on whole wheat tortilla and low fat yogurt (60 cal) w/ a tbsp of granola. Went to disney, only drank a diet coke. Buuuut then I went to In n out got food and rocky road ice cream. ugh. It was all going so well.

Tomorrow shall be another day. Im gonna do a tae bo cardio video to makeup for tonight. :'(


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I can't wait to visit Cali again to try one of these In n Out Burgers i hear so much about

Seriously, its my faaaaaaaaave burger joint. It has a simple but delicious menu! Try it!!

I get the grilled cheese (about 350 cal) and Fries well done (400 cal, but I eat half) and a side of their spread (80 cal in a packet) So while its not as bad a Mickey D's I still feel guilty! ah but I loooove their food.

Seriously, Im one of those people that beat themselves up for falling. BOOO!! Tomorrow shall be a new day.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
Yeah so today after my workout, I totally fell off. Ugh. I had an In n Out grilled cheese and rocky road ice cream. Idunno if its about to be "that time a month" or something, but Im super irritated and I wanna eat everything insight! (I don't but today was no good

In the morning I had my fiber one cereal w/ soy milk. Then I had a quesadilla on whole wheat tortilla and low fat yogurt (60 cal) w/ a tbsp of granola. Went to disney, only drank a diet coke. Buuuut then I went to In n out got food and rocky road ice cream. ugh. It was all going so well.

Tomorrow shall be another day. Im gonna do a tae bo cardio video to makeup for tonight. :'(

I had a bad weekend, don't get discouraged! You're doing fantastic
We cant be perfect all the time, we all have our down days. Get right back up and keep on truckin


Well-known member
I fall off the wagon most weekends but then just make sure I drink tons of water and eat healthy during the week. I find it's much easier to maintain a healthier diet, in the long term, if I allow myself to let go a little on the weekends. That way I don't get cravings and fall completely off the wagon.

If I know we're going out to dinner, I make sure I work out for a little longer before getting ready. If I am going to eat not so well, I try to substitute for healthier options. The other weekend we had Nachos but I used low fat cheese, low fat sour cream, premium low fat mince, tomato paste, whole kidney beans, onion and 99% fat free taco sauce, so it wasn't too bad. If I'm going to eat chocolate I only eat dark chocolate. I also find dried fruit and almonds are excellent for curbing sugar cravings.

I'm 128 pounds right now, 5'6 and a US size 5. I'm fairly comfortable with this weight but would like to loose a little more and develop some more tone. The main issue I have at the moment is my stomach, which is flat but has no tone!

Originally Posted by blindpassion
This weekend I fell off the wagon so to speak with my diet, but Ive fixed it today and am going to stick with it. Remember ladies, just because you maybe don't do so well for a few days, just get right back up and dust yourself off. Don't get discouraged
Two bad eating days is a lot better than giving up and having two bad eating weeks.

I went to work out with my trainer today and we did one of her indoor bootcamps, oh god, my body haha. It felt good though



Well-known member
I do lunges lunges lunges....I do them at the gym...around the house I am a Lunge_Whore ...I also do the inner-Outer thigh machine at the gym...But mostly I just run and ride my bike that keeps my legs pretty toned.

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