If you had a choice which USA city would you like to live in?


Well-known member
Let's stick to mainland USA (so no Hawaii or Alaska) - assuming that you could get a job or otherwise afford to live in any city in the USA which would it be?

I'd be torn between San Francisco, San Diego and New York City I think although there are other cities I like to visit too.

Over the past couple of years I've been doing quite a lot of work about 50 miles south of Atlanta, GA but although I like Atlanta I'm not sure I'd want to live there. I've had potential job offers (which have yet to materialize) in Las Vegas, Washington DC and Orflando, FL.


Well-known member
The Chicago area, which is where I live now, or Austin, TX. Maybe St. Louis and maybe Vegas.


Well-known member
I grew up in St. Louis, theres places better then that!!
But i would prob choose to live in the city of chicago. I love the city so much. Its just the right size, with just the right shopping, entertainment, all 4 seasons, a "beach"
etc!! I prob think about once a week, how i wish i lived in chicago


Well-known member
I nearly included Chicago in my list but I'd have to live somewhere inside the loop. I like the fact it's possible to walk in the city and there's some great shopping too


Well-known member
Are you trying to decide where you'd like to go should these offers materialize?? I spend ALOT of time in the DC area, I like it, but I don't love it. I'd probably choose NYC b/c it's a more spontanious city


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FairladyZ
Are you trying to decide where you'd like to go should these offers materialize?? I spend ALOT of time in the DC area, I like it, but I don't love it. I'd probably choose NYC b/c it's a more spontanious city

Sadly not, the offers are unlikely to materialize. Two came from staff at government agencies and not being a US citizen causes visa problems for me. I've visited a lot of places in the US though and am simply curious where other folks would live if they had a choice.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KMEFH
Los Angeles, then Houston, hands down.

I've been to Houston and LA. In LA the real glamour is behind closed doors and the city really isn't walkable and doesn't have great public transport (both things I value in a city). I couldn't cope with the humidity in Houston.


Well-known member
Part of me wants to say San Fran, but at heart I'm really not a west coast kind of girl. I have the unfortunate problem of living in one of those post-industrial wasteland cities that aren't very exciting, but its residents grow very attached to it and seem adverse to leaving. I would probably say Chicago or DC, the former because I really like the city, and the latter because I am studying Political Science, and that beating heart of federal power is very attractive to me.


New member
Originally Posted by professionaltart
i live in NYC and I dont think I could live anywhere else.

Though Dallas or Austin are a close second.

you live in ny??? how come i didnt know that??? what mac do you work at??? im in the city too, it's why i ask...

anywho... i gotta agree with the missy over here... im in nyc and i dont think i could live anywhere else, but if i was forced i would say... ummm... well i dont know... i guess suburbs to try something different (even though i think i would go completly insane)...


Well-known member
hmm,NYC (cos i went to school there), LA, Vegas and amazingly, birmingham alabama is on my list now.. i spent 2 weeks there on a business trip and fell in love with it!


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This is going to sound wierd but Fayettville Georgia. I lived there 1st through 4th grade and I still consider it my home. The only bad thing about that place is it is soo humid. But I love it there becouse everyone is so unbelievably nice. It's like everybody is family. I still go back there every summer to visit my best friend.

I think I also want to check out New York, I think it would be fun to do some schooling there.

The only place that I dont reccomend is Oregon. I dont mean to offend anyone when I say this becouse it might just be the part of oregon I live in but most the people here seem to have their noses up in the air. Oregon compared to Georgia is like day and night.


Well-known member
Without actually knowing these cities first-hand, I'm tempted to say either NY (because I'll never miss London there) or Boston (because it is the sister city of Melbourne). Perhaps SF? I've been told I'd like it there.


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Gattlinburg, Tenn.-Somewhere in a secluded cabin, with a great big porch and rockers and a gorgeous mountain view. (yes, I'm only 32) I would not live in the city if you gave me a million dollars and all the MAC that would fit in my house. Sorry, no offense, I'm just a country gal!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by professionaltart
i live in NYC and I dont think I could live anywhere else.

Though Dallas or Austin are a close second.

I don't think I could live anywhere besides NY either.