If you had a choice which USA city would you like to live in?


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Originally Posted by caffn8me
Winter in Vegas isn't anywhere near as bad as Chicago - you can compare facts and figures (including temperature, humidity and snowfall) below;
Vegas is not only warmer than Chicago in the winter but it hardly gets any snowfall.

oh i know that haha...I grew up in northern washington and wisconsin, but once you get used to the weather here it gets pretty cold and the climate drops very fast


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
Oh god don't say that. That's where I'm moving in a couple of months. I can believe the summer, the tourists, the housing (I've had a hard time finding a place) but how cold are the wimters? I have lived in Chicago most of my life and the winters here are CRAZY. When that wind hits and causes your bones to chill and your eyes won't stop watering and your lashes freeze together you have truly experinced a hellish winter.

haha BELEIVE me I know how that feels, I grew up partially in wisconsin and northern washington, but once you get used to vegas temperature it seems cold haha, and the climate drops pretty fast, but not compared to anywhere up north


Well-known member
Definately San Francisco...


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Originally Posted by jokers_kick
haha BELEIVE me I know how that feels, I grew up partially in wisconsin and northern washington, but once you get used to vegas temperature it seems cold haha, and the climate drops pretty fast, but not compared to anywhere up north

Really? What part of Wisconsin? I lived in Madison for like 6 years. But I can feel you on the temperature change. I'm sure it is drastic.


Well-known member
Last time I was im Milwaukee was January 2003 and the car I was in had a blowout driving back to Chicago at about 2am in the cold! The tyre repair aerosol was too cold to work and it took about 45 minutes to get the wheel changed - that was cold standing by the side of the road watching all the cars and trucks going past!


i want to live in NYC

i've also often thought about living in hawaii.... but i've never been there and i dont really think its all palm trees and beaches.... or am i wrong?


Well-known member
I live in L.A., and yeah, it's definitely not walkable at all. Public transportation here sucks, too. But, I grew up here, so I'm used to the place.

If I could live somewhere else, though.. Hmm.. There's a few that sound good to me. Seattle, WA; Salem, MA; Boston, MA.

Salem is where my dad grew up, but I haven't been there because there's no relatives to visit. They all moved here. I said Boston also because I imagine it's a bigger city than Salem, and I don't know how well I'd do in a smaller town. I don't know how small or large Salem is, though.

I said Seattle just because I like rain.

edit: Wait a sec... I just looked it up, and there's way less crime in Salem than in Boston. Salem wins. If I lived in Salem, a visit to Boston would only be a short drive away.

pale blue

Well-known member
My pick is for Colorado, I want to see mountains from my back yard! I'm a little sick of the tri-state area now, and Jersey property taxes are killing me


New member
Originally Posted by deathcabber
OMG yall are crackin me up with all of these cities in GA. There are some cute ass little towns here tho
Did you use to live here?

Yes, actually almost all of my family lives in GA. I grew up in Buford. I moved when I was 15 to california.
My roots are very deep in GA.


Well-known member
I am over living in the OC/LA area, thre are just WAY too many prople here. I don't think I could ever leave Southern California though! I would LOVE to live in San Diego! I love it there!


New member
Originally Posted by AlliSwan
Ahhhh I'm from Gainesville--born, raised, and still here--one of the few! Voted #1 place to live, like, ten years ago...I love love love it, but I really think I NEED to live in NYC, at least for a couple of years. How I'm going to do that with my boyfriend (who moved to Gville to go to UF and fell in love with the town) and our two 60-lb dogs (I would NEVER have a big dog in the city), I'm not sure....also not sure I'd want to raise a kid there.

YAY! I lived in Flowery Branch for a few years before moving to CA. I really miss GA but right now I am planted in CA. At least until my son gets older. I have moved him around a good bit so it's time to settle down. All my family lives in GA. Well, most of them. Just thinking about them makes me cry. I thought I was going to get to see them soon but I have to go to help my cousin in OR out first. She is all alone and having a baby. Poor girl is scared! I don't blame her. Hell, I am scared for her.
God, I miss going to ridethe Pink Pig at Chrsitmas! I miss summers in FL and having HUGE family reunions. Ok I am starting to cry gotta stop now.


Well-known member
I have to say that the locals in rural GA are really friendly. Everyone I meet asks me when I'm going to move there but I think it's just my English accent they find fascinating!


Well-known member
I have lived in Tucson, Az since I was nine and I love it except for the long hot summers. I would like to live someone where it's cooler in the summer but I love our winters. It's hard in the summer because there's no school but it's way too hot to play outside. I think it's supposed to be 80 today and it's November.


Well-known member
NYC, Chicago, or SF are my 3 choices. I ave been to NYC and SF and love them both for their big-cityness. I'm just a big city girl. We live in Vegas now and it seems so small to me! My husband is from London so he loves the idea of NYC (even though he's never been there..:p).


Well-known member
If I had to move out of Canada, I'd definitely want to move to Seattle. I've been there quite a few times and I am in love with it.

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