Originally Posted by quandolak
....I think your all petrified that they are going to do to you what you did to the origional occupants.....
In what is now America, land was claimed, fought over and changed hands many times, as it had been done in many other places, many times throughougt the ages. The map was changing quite a bit at that time. Bodies of people and countries were claiming land to add to their empires or escape oppression rather frequently. At the time, the focus on democracy and diplomacy really hadn't been realized. It is very unfortunate and it doesn't make it right, but in the past, that is how things were done. Sadly, in some places, it still is.
At some point, you have to look at that time in history and know that sadly, it was the cause of many deaths and sadly, it was a massive blow to the Native American Indian culture. Understand the depth of that.
What we do now, is we work to understand each other. Appreciate our diversity. There has to be a point when you let things go. There are terrible things and unfair things that have happended in history and understand that I am not belittling anything, but at some point, you have to move on. Learn the lessons so that it does not repeat itself, but move on. If not, this thread will turn into an arguement about your clan taking over land that belonged to my tribe in Roman times and we will get no where. My family hasn't even been in the U.S. for more than 3 generations, so please don't lump me into your sweeping generalizations.
Originally Posted by quandolak
..Why are you so scared of diversity. For you it seems to be some sort of a threat..
I really hope that comment wasn't directed at me. As I have said, it has to do with resources and security. It has nothing to do with a fear of diversity. If you knew my family, you would see that.
America is so diverse now. You say we are afraid of immigrants bringing diversity to America, I don't understand how we could be afraid of something happening, when it already has. The world is blending.
Originally Posted by quandolak
And as for some of you saying they have to shoulder the burden. What a joke you would have hard times if it was not for the work of these people you so adore to put down. You may not belive that is reality....
I don't "so adore" to put down illegal immigrants. I never did, so please refrain from your accusations. My problems are with the
action of the person immigrating illegally, not the illegal immigrant as a person.
I am not putting someone down by asking them to follow the laws of my country, when they are in my country. That is just common sense. When I have been in your country, I followed your laws. If I felt your laws weren't something I could abide by, I wouldn't have entered your country.
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
People argue that illegal immigrants do all of the jobs that americans won't do and if all illegal immigrants were deported that america would be in a pinch. That is a crap arguement. First of all, there will never be a mass round up of illegal immigrants, so there will never be millions of people suddenly disappearing from our work force. Second, americans will do those jobs. Americans will do and have always done what is necessary to keep this country going.....
You assume to know a lot about the American mentality and work ethic. Please don't assume to know me or my work ethic. I come from a family who worked from the ground up to get where they are today. I would do whatever it takes. Americans pull together when needed. For example, World War II or 911. Not to say that it wouldn't be bumpy at first and we would probably make some mistakes, ( just like everyone else, we make our mistakes), but we would learn, adapt and overcome. I have no doubt. This is not arrogance, it is patriotism. I have faith in my country. Everyone should feel that kind of faith in their country, wherever they live.
Originally Posted by quandolak
... Why is it that your ancestors were worthy of migrating and these people are not. ....
Anyone who wants to come to America can. It is in our laws, they just need to do it legally. In my eyes, anyone is more than worthy of immigrating to my country if they are a law-abiding citizen and that includes legally entering the US. I don't care where you come from. I myself am only a third-generation American. My relatives all decided to legally enter the US and become a part of it. We have worked hard, made our contributions and will continue to do so.
Originally Posted by quandolak
.... I kind of think that ungrateful mentality remains with many who see themselves as the only rightful americans.
It kills me that people assume that all Americans think like that. The reality is the only "rightful American" is the one who has citizenship. Whether they were born here or in China, Mexico, Africa or anywhere else. It has nothing to do with a fear of diversity, it has to do with paperwork and hopefully some patriotism on the immigrant's part.
Quandolak, you have made a lot of anti-American comments, have you ever lived or worked in America? You have found many things that you feel are wrong with our country and what we have to say, whether it is about our country, or immigration as a whole; I am just curious what you feel is the right solution? Do you feel that America should open its borders? Should the UK? Should anyone and everyone who has the means to get to our borders and is in a bad way, be allowed to enter?Should all of the people that have broken the law by illegally immigrating to the US or the UK or anywhere else just be forgiven? I am talking about all illegal immigrants here, not just the ones who are in dire straigths. I am curious to hear your point of view. So we are clear, I just want to discuss, not argue.