I'm pregnant and not sure what to do...


Well-known member
I was in your situation and completely know where you are coming from. I regret to say that we had an appointment and drove 5 hours to a clinic... A decision that was forced upon me. When we got there I put my foot down... I'm glad i did but I can tell you this. Do what is right for you. Also think about your future. If you feel it is all ahead of you ... thats your choice. But Think about how you will feel looking back as well. I can almost tell you with 100 % that there will be times that you somewhat regret your decision no mater which one you make. Its a tough situation both ways. The question is which choice would you regret the most. And in the end YOU are the ONLY one that can make it! NOT US NOT YOUR FAMILY, NOT EVEN YOUR BOYFRIEND! If you would like to talk to someone that was in your situation not long ago feel free to PM me =) ...


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Originally Posted by fashionette
Also just wanted to say that I know a lot of you are pro-life and christian/catholics, but I don't think you should force your opinions on someone else. Just let her make her own decision and not make her feel guilty (Why the heck should she be feeling guilty if she wanted to have an abortion anyway? It's her beliefs, life and body, not yours)

She kind of asked for others' input.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bootyliciousx
I think you should really think about it more. Your bf is done with school and you only have 1 more year to go and thats not a big of a difference. I don't have the right to judge you because I have not been there, but I am human. I can understand your concern and worry. I think you should ponder about this more.

I have to disagree with this. Being done with school and her only having another year to go IS a big difference. A baby comes in 9 months, she's estimating 2 months into her pregnancy, meaning she'll meet her child in 7 months should she decide to keep it. That would definitely put her behind in school, and because she's not working yet it would make it difficult for her to find childcare. Having the time available is not a justifiable excuse to keep a baby she's not ready for.

Neither of them has their own place, they'll be shuttling their baby around their parents' homes, which can get stressfull on everybody involved. My brother and his wife (then 17 year old girlfriend actually) lived with us after they had their first baby because they really had nowhere else to go. It was very hard. We were getting up when they were getting up because we're not deaf, we can hear 3am feedings and colicy babies too. Not that we minded, because my niece is the greatest thing to happen to this family, but it's very very hard. It was wearing all of us down, babies are cute but they are hard work. And some parents who have grown children don't want to be secondary caregivers, a lot of them have the "I've raised my babies into adults, I'm done" mentality; my boyfriend's mom is 63 years old, I'm definitely not going to rely heavily on her for assisting me with a newborn should I get pregnant in the near future *knock on wood*

And having a new baby is going to make it difficult for her to find a job--finding a job right now is already hard because of the current economy--because the issue of childcare, availability, benefits and all that jazz are going to come into play. Employers could worry that you won't be able to handle your work responsibilities because you're concerned with a new baby, or that your attendance could be affected if your baby gets sick or if you can't find childcare and have to stay home. Not all employers feel that way, but a lot of them do.

It would be different if they already had a place and had a more steady source of income and more time to prepare themselves for this, but they don't. Sure, for some people having a baby motivates them to make better money choices and get better jobs for the sake of their baby; but obviously the OP doesn't want that. Maybe she wants to make better choices, seek better options and work for the sake of herself. Don't have a baby and justify keeping it because "well maybe after it's born I can get a job and save money and it'll be fine."

For me personally, if I fell into this situation, my boyfriend and I have already talked about it. I would keep my baby, and we would continue to save our money like we're doing now. I'm 6 months away from my degree, and I just transfered my job into a new position with less traveling expenditure (gas, maintenance on my car) to one with more hours and a much much smaller commute. Together, he and I would have the financial means to support a baby and still live decently. My shopping would stop of course, and eating out and going on dates would be a once a month thing instead of a twice a week thing, and we'd have family support. It wouldn't be an ideal situation but we'd be okay. These two aren't ready for a baby, she obviously doesn't want one right now, and they'll definitely struggle very hard to get by, which wouldn't be fair to them or their child.

Do what feels right hon, and do what's best for you. But if you have to come up with a list of reasons from strangers to keep your baby or determine what to do...then you probably already have your answer =/ Good luck.


Well-known member
I was raised on Christian values and children are a blessing no matter what the circumstances maybe. I got pregnant at 20 and was not in a position to have kids my boyfriend and I lived together. Having a child is a lot of work but you will get through it. I am 23 years old and have two kids a 2 year old and a 2 month old and I would never have it any other way. As long as you stay focused on your goals and dreams you will achieve them. Where there's a will there's a way. Through God anything is possible. No matter what you do end up doing I wish you the best of luck.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Brittni
I don't agree with abortion because your reasons behind it are completely selfish. If you're going to have sex then you know what can come of it obviously. I think the best option if you really don't want the baby is to give it up for adoption because I am certain there are tons of people who would want that precious baby. And maybe your boyfriend does want a baby - maybe it would make him strive harder for the job he wants? You might not be living on your own or with your boyfriend for "long enough" in your eyes but think of how many people have been in similar situations (teen mothers, for example) and have pulled through just fine with a wonderful, loving child. Not to mention the horror stores I've heard of from friends who have had abortions...

Goodluck. I hope I wasn't sounding too harsh because that wasn't my intent! I understand no one else is in your position, but just giving you my opinion. I can't sugarcoat it! lol

I second this response, and third it...lol...hope you make the right decision


Well-known member
I had a pregnancy scare early in the year. Although i was (and this am) with my boyfriend of 4 years, i had decided that if i were pregnant, i would terminate the pregnancy. I had 2 years of school ahead of me. Debt. I live at home. My boyfriend is in a shitty job where he could be layed off anytime. We are both not in the position to raise a child, and i don't think i could carry a child for 9 months (especially with all the physical labor that goes into my schooling) and then just hand it over to someone else. It would have been in the "childs" best interest, as well as my boyfriends and my own.
That being said, i was lucky. Something just went haywire with my birth control.

Whomever says that you are being selfish, you're not. Personally, i dont think you sound ready to have a child. In my opinion, when you find out your pregnant, it should be something your happy about. It shouldnt make you feel sick to your stomach with worry and guilt and all kinds of horrible feelings.

Whichever decision you make, i hope you make the best decision for you. I also hope you talk to your partner about it. If he's the one, he should know.


Well-known member
first off, i'm happy to see many posting that this is your decision which it is. i miscarried a couple of months ago. i was beyond emotional over the whole thing (cried for about two weeks) but at the same time i wasn't trying to get pregnant and am not READY to have a baby. i'm 27 as well (well, october 4th
) and i'm trying to do a lot of things. i had recently changed my outlook on life and now that i did i wanted to actually LIVE my life for a while. i want kids, like 2-3 but not till i'm ready. i've had friends before that terminated simply because the situation was not right and i stood behind them on it. and personally for me, i absolutely DO NOT want to bring a child, MY child, into an f'd up situation, ya know? so do what's best for your, k? if terminating is the best decision for you then that is your decision. know one knows what's best for you more than you do

hope that helps


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tiffanykei
I shudder at the thought of a crazy christian reading this..

Yeah because people of a certain religion have to fall into a stereotype and not have their own thoughts despite their religious beliefs...
Ooooh those wacky christians.. what will they think of next..


Well-known member
I am not going to say do or don't have one, but do not underestimate the emotional impact that an abortion will have on you as you move forward in life.

Not that I know a lot, but those who are close to me and chose to have abortions say they did not fully understand how much of an emotional/psychological toll it would take on them and their relationships, both at the time and in their future.

Peace to you as you make your decision.


Well-known member
I hope you make the right for you that's the only person you need to worry about. I know many people have given you their opinion's about what you should do but the only person who can make that choice is you. You know what's right for you.
I had my first daughter when i was 20 turn 21. I would never change the choice i made it made me work harder to get to where i am now


Well-known member
Originally Posted by marinasmith
I think people should only have kids when they really want them and are prepared to give this child a great home and all the love and support it needs. It's not easy and you'll have to sacrifice a lot.

Do what you feel is right for you.

I completely agree. I was in a similar situation at one time in my life and ended up terminating the pregnancy. While it is not something I'm proud of, I think having children should be a happy time in your life. If it is not the time for you, you have other options. Think about them fully before making a decision. Good luck, you will be in my prayers


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Winthrop44
Guys...I don't think recent posters have noticed the date on the original post here is April?

Good call. I did not notice the original date; I just saw it show up in my list of new posts since last sign-on.

Oh, well, the information/opinions/advice may still be relevant to someone else facing the same options.



Well-known member
I haven't read through all the replies to your post but I'll tell you my story - I'm from Australia and met my baby's daddy when I was in the US during 2006. I fell totally in love with him and went back and forth for him. We talked about marriage and being together forever then I returned home after being in the states for 4 months and found out I was pregnant in October 07. I was completely shocked because obviously it was not planned but you do the deed and you'll get a surprise. I found out by going to the ER and thinking I had bowel cancer (thanks to a medical book my mother had!). It took me 2 days to pluck up the courage to tell the bf. I told him and he completely shut me off. So on and off for about 2 months we fought like crazy, some days he'd ignore my calls and kept telling me to get an abortion or else. It was horrible because instead of being supportive and trying to work things out we just fought and fought. I went to the clinic and could not go through with it. If he really cared he'd be supportive no matter what my decision but either way he was going to break up with me.

I went to all my appointments ALONE, I was really sick and had a hard pregnancy, I was at the obstetrician every week and had to deliver 6 weeks early. I had people judge me for being a single mom, I even got "advice" from someone who told me to get a pretend wedding band so people wouldn't look down at me!!! (omg!) I had my son ALONE, I sent a photo of my son to his dad within hours of him being born and within 3 months he flew out to Australia because my son was the exact copy of him and it hit a nerve string. My baby's father is in and out of our lives so he's doing what he wants to do and I'm looking after this precious boy.

At the time when I found out I was pregnant I was working and had a very good job, my baby's daddy was working too but not getting a good enough income to support himself. I still live at home as does he. I'm in the process of buying my own home (woo-hoo mortage!) I was also going to go to fashion school and open my own boutique store (a dream) but had to put that on hold.

What went from a horrible 9 months and a bf who was a bit crazy and wild tuned into a relationship that has matured into an amazing friendship. I thought I had a great life before my son was born and I wanted to hold on to that for as long as I could but now that he's here (and I've had some hard times because my son is a little person with dwarfism) I would NOT NOT NOT change a thing. Bringing life into this world is the most amazing thing you could do. If I had to offer advice I would go through with the pregnancy, ENJOY IT and possibly consider adoption. That's just me. There are people out there who want children so bad and I think it's a great thing to give them such a beautiful gift and give your unborn child life.

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