Interview this Friday - EXTREMELY NERVOUS


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Originally Posted by mslips
oh whats her name? lol im 2 yrs ahead so i prolly seen her! yes a shoe-in! lol!

Her name is Emmy.

You have to keep us updated on your interview process!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mslips
well she basically asked mostly customer service q's..i cant remember everything cuz it all happend so fast, but things like a bad experience a customer had n what you did to make it a positive experience, why you want to work for mac, if a customer would ask question your abilities, what would you say?, the salary q (hate that one), anytime any constructive criticism was given by a manager and what you did to better it, your experience, then she asked me a few q's that i had to rate punctuality, brush technique, skin analysis, color theory, and i forgot what else!

This is going to be hard for me. I've never had a retail customer servce job but I do work with the elderly.

How did you answer the ablities question?

I'm still waiting for a phone call. The manager told me that she just gave it to the recruiter on Sunday so if I don't get a phone back by monday to call her(manager) and she will see what she can do. That sounds good to me!

Let us know the update!


Well-known member
Mslips I'm soooo jealous!!!
CONGRATZ on your interview! I think I'm a professional when it comes to interviews.... my best advice to give you is take deep breaths if your nervous and be upbeat, excited and really fun during your interview. If your boring/shy and can only say umm for the questions she asks you I think that is a huge negatibve. Your SUPER talented so I hope you get the job chica!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dominicana90
This is going to be hard for me. I've never had a retail customer servce job but I do work with the elderly.

How did you answer the ablities question?

I'm still waiting for a phone call. The manager told me that she just gave it to the recruiter on Sunday so if I don't get a phone back by monday to call her(manager) and she will see what she can do. That sounds good to me!

Let us know the update!

Well my abilities are that I constantly get trained on different brands that we carry at Ulta, I love to learn as much as possible, I've practiced a lot, I have tons of experience with doing makeup for events, special occasions (proms, homecomings, weddings), photo shoots, I like to keep up with the trends and learn about ingredients and skincare. I have tons of makeup/beauty books (Kevyn Aucoin is my biggest mua inspiration).

Yea it took over a month to get a call, so good luck with everything!! Try to get the recruiter's email or phone number so you can show her you want the job and keep her updated. I would wait a wk.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ~*STArPRINCEZZ*
Mslips I'm soooo jealous!!!
CONGRATZ on your interview! I think I'm a professional when it comes to interviews.... my best advice to give you is take deep breaths if your nervous and be upbeat, excited and really fun during your interview. If your boring/shy and can only say umm for the questions she asks you I think that is a huge negatibve. Your SUPER talented so I hope you get the job chica!

Thanks so much hun! ahh im nervous and excited about my 2nd interview i want everything to be perfect! i was answering my q's pretty confidently, there were a few i got stumped on. I appreciate the advice!


Well-known member
I definetly agree you have to be very energetic and upbeat during the interview. They told us that they like people who smile a lot and who are the ones who seem to be energetic. They want people who talk a lot and always have a smile on their face, because yes they don't want shy people because or else how would they sell. You seem like you have great experience so you should do great. Good luck! I'll cross my fingers so you can get the job!!!


Well-known member
thanks sweetie! yea usually im upbeat at my job =) there's those cranky days though, but i try not to let it show!


Well-known member
Try not to be nervous, I know easier said than done...Just be your confident self ! I am sure you will do great!! Let us know how it goes!!!!

Good Luck!!!


Active member
You'll do great...just be confident in your abilities, and because you have so much experience, I'm sure you'll be approved as a MAC artist with flying colors!!! I just started freelancing with MAC, and I loved my first event!! Remember, YOU OWN THIS!!! That's what I always tell myself before interviews...hahah...but it works.


Well-known member
Good luck tomorrow!
You're so talented and experienced it'd be crazy if you didn't get hired


Well-known member
Thank you so much ladies! I really appreciate the support.

Let me tell you about my demo.

Ok last Friday I had my demo. My friend Megan was my model. So there was me and 2 other groups. He introduced himself, he came from new york actually. He explained the sanitation guidelines. We had our models sit down. He said we had 30 mins to do a day look and after that we add 3 products and turn it into a night look. For the day look I did studio fix spf 15, first i did studio moisture, then prep and prime and then studio fix fluid. There was no 190 so i took the 188 outta my belt. Then i did msf to set the makeup, she has great skin no need to have concealer. I don't remember what blush i used, i was rushing. It's basically a nice peachy pink shade, a good everyday color. Then i did her brows, then i used paint in base light as a base, then i applied shroom, woodwinked and a little sketch for a soft brown shimmery look and I used engraved powerpoint and did a soft top line i used plush lash since the zoom lashes they had were all brown. Then i did love nectar for the lips.

Overall i thought it was a nice soft look, if i had more time I would use more brushes and apply a little more on the eyes, but i was worried i wouldn't get to finish. Turns out I finished before the other two! Stupid me, forgot to grab the mirror and show her lol!

While we were doing the makeup, we had to explain what we were doing and make some educational remarks and show how well our sales skills are. I think i did pretty good. He walked around with a clipboard taking notes, he didnt make any comments, i guess he wasnt allowed to. He did tell my friend that he liked it.

Then we did the night look, all i did was add blacktrack, did a winged liner look and there was no beloved 210 in my belt or 209! So i took the disposable felt liner brushes lol, it took a little longer to use those but the liner turned out precise thank God! I hope i didn't lose points for using those.
Then I added more sketch on the crease and lashline and then i did ruby woo on top of love nectar, i didn't know if i cud take it off since he said to "add". I used the 242 brush lol to apply that which was more difficult, but it turned out to be a nice bold red lip, but not too bold.

I finished again before everyone. My friend said that I was the only one who asked the important q "What would you like to take home with you today? What can I grab for you?" I was commenting her..telling her that lip color looks great, i think those shadows bring out her eyes and that fluidline is amazing. She pretended she already used gel liners, so i said that we carry a bunch of shades of fluidlines. He was listening =)

One girl's model looked too natural. The other girl had good selling speech.

I hope i did good..

I'm starting to worry. It's been 4 days...sat n sun dont count because of office days. It's been 4 days and still no call...and he said to give it a wk..


Well-known member
Congrats it seems like you did an amazing job!
It took them two weeks n a half to call me back so I totally understand what your going through. It takes them a while to call back. I'm sure you made it!! Just try to be patient and I know that's easy to say because when I was waiting I thought I didn't get it and got all these bad thoughts.
Just try to wait it out and if they take too long you could call them and ask to be updated.
Once again congrats and let us know what they say!!!!!


Well-known member
Wow, sounds like you did really well! You are one talented artist so they can't overlook you. Fyi, it took them about a week before they called me back so don't worry about it. Good luck!


Well-known member
Aww thanks for all the lovely support girls!

Guess what?

I GOT IT!!! =D was funny because they called me on Halloween morning, on my way to work. She said she considers me a candidate and that positions were full, so as soon as something's open she'll let me know. I told her I was so happy! She was glad =)

But a yesterday she called again and told me there's an opening at Old Orchard. She forwarded my info to the manager there. Later in the day, the manager called me and scheduled an interview this Friday =) woohoo!

I wonder what this interview is about?

Thanks for all the support ladies! I really appreiciate it!