Interview this Friday - EXTREMELY NERVOUS


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mslips
thanks! hey u work at mac? which one? =)

girl nawww ....

I'm just a MUA groupie

I live literally a few blocks away from orland square mall so i'm always at the macy's there.


Well-known member
OIC! Well i have another int. this weds with woodfield so wish me luck cuz this is where i REALLY want to work!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mslips
OIC! Well i have another int. this weds with woodfield so wish me luck cuz this is where i REALLY want to work!!

good luck!!!!


Good luck!
Just keep your cool! Don't get nervous, don't hesitate with your answers, and act like you are a MAC*MUA. You're going to do great!

If you don't get it though, don't get upset. You're really young and you can take the time to build on your portfolio more. It took me quite sometime to get a MUA job...I've been there for over a year now. ULTA is your spring board, your experience. So go into your interview confident!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by beautymarkd
Good luck!
Just keep your cool! Don't get nervous, don't hesitate with your answers, and act like you are a MAC*MUA. You're going to do great!

If you don't get it though, don't get upset. You're really young and you can take the time to build on your portfolio more. It took me quite sometime to get a MUA job...I've been there for over a year now. ULTA is your spring board, your experience. So go into your interview confident!

Thanks hun! I am working before my interview, so hopefully that will put me in a good mood and help me feel more confident and answer the questions very easily and smartly.

Oh and get this. I got a phone call from the manager at old orchard who interviewed me and apparently she didn't feel i was "passionate or enthusiastic enough" ..i was like what?!! that's bullshit completely opposite of what she was my nerves that got to me, but whatever man, her loss!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mslips
Thanks hun! I am working before my interview, so hopefully that will put me in a good mood and help me feel more confident and answer the questions very easily and smartly.

Oh and get this. I got a phone call from the manager at old orchard who interviewed me and apparently she didn't feel i was "passionate or enthusiastic enough" ..i was like what?!! that's bullshit completely opposite of what she was my nerves that got to me, but whatever man, her loss!

That is BS! I mean I dont know you personally but it doesn't take a genious to figure out how passionate you are about make-up.

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be at another location in no time. Best wishes


Well-known member
Is the interview day? Good luck if it is! I would never have been so graceful if I went through ALL of that, just to be given a lame reason as to why they didnt hire me.
But yeah, it was a positive experience in a sense - cos now you've been thru it, you can evaluate what you shoulda done better, and perfect it this time round.

I wish u all the luck in the world, hon.


Originally Posted by mslips
Thanks hun! I am working before my interview, so hopefully that will put me in a good mood and help me feel more confident and answer the questions very easily and smartly.

Oh and get this. I got a phone call from the manager at old orchard who interviewed me and apparently she didn't feel i was "passionate or enthusiastic enough" ..i was like what?!! that's bullshit completely opposite of what she was my nerves that got to me, but whatever man, her loss!

No problem!
Just to let you know, some MUA's at counters like people with "energy"...fakeness that radiates out of all ends. You have to fake it till you make it unfortunately in the beauty business. Just always be true to yourself and others, because then no matter what people will love and adore you. They're will be tons of faithful customers wanting for you to hook up their faces and to buy product from you.

I work for a Lauder company myself, some of the Account Executives and counter managers want their girls to sugarcoat everything and sound like a valley girl over the phone. It's total bullshit. But just go with it for awhile and then just be yourself. No matter what though, you do have to be enthusiastic....but not to the point where you just seem silly.

As I said before, don't worry! You're gonna make it!


Well-known member
Thanks for the support girls! Yes i had my int. last wed. she was a very nice lady and this time i let her know i was nervousand she told me to relax. But man was i so nervous..i got cottonmouth and i just couldnt function right! She said that if i do get the position, Blair her boss, will call me for a phoe interview lol...another int..i really want this job you guys! I hope she takes me in! ill let u all know as soon as i can. I seriously cant take another person to person really gets overwhelming and at this time of yr...busy busy time my stress levels are so high. I agree with you beauty, you really have to fake it...that's so not me. i hate being fake, but its many people in the beauty industry are so fake you can easily tell.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by florabundance
Is the interview day? Good luck if it is! I would never have been so graceful if I went through ALL of that, just to be given a lame reason as to why they didnt hire me.
But yeah, it was a positive experience in a sense - cos now you've been thru it, you can evaluate what you shoulda done better, and perfect it this time round.

I wish u all the luck in the world, hon.

im sry hun, what was their reason? yer still tryin to get in i hope!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mslips
im sry hun, what was their reason? yer still tryin to get in i hope!

apparently she didn't feel you were passionate or something?? and that's lame to me because if you weren't passionate it's doubtful you would have had the skills and consistancy to get that far in the interviewing process. right?
and good luck hon


Well-known member
Originally Posted by florabundance
apparently she didn't feel you were passionate or something?? and that's lame to me because if you weren't passionate it's doubtful you would have had the skills and consistancy to get that far in the interviewing process. right?
and good luck hon

o sry! lol, i thought that you had went through the same problem as me...and i was asking what reason they didnt take you? sorry!


Well-known member
Hey Girl! I really hope you get this position!
I've been on your Myspace Friends list for awhile now and I think your work is absolutely *AMAZING*!!! I don't spend as much time as Myspace as I used to because I lot of my Friends have moved to Facebook.

But anyway, I have been Freelancing with MAC since January 2007 and I'm still looking for a permanent position. I do most of my Freelancing at a MAC Nordstrom counter where they really like me, but I've always wished I could get a permanent position in a Freestanding MAC Store but they are so iffy!

I've always been great at Makeup, naturally without taking any classes and they easily hired me as a Freelancer....but compared to you.....forget it!!! <---I mean....your skills Blow mine away! Beauty makeup is more my strong suit and I'm just starting to experiment with the more Artistic aspects of makeup like you do

So my analogy is....that if you don't get the position it's because you're TOO DAMN GOOD to just be working at a counter and they may be intimidated by your skills. I could totally see you working at a MAC PRO Store where you would have greater access to The Creative Senior Artists....Like MAC PRO in NEW YORK would LOVE you!!!! <--MAC PRO is whole different world and if you're a MASTER at executing makeup charts, then you have a good chance of working with them. But I heard that you have to be with the company for at least 3 years before moving onto MAC PRO.....However, I'm sure if They REALLY like your work....they would throw that rule right out the window!!

Right now, I've applied for a permanent part time position with the Nordstrom MAC Counter that I've freelanced with on a regular basis because I figured that at least it's away to get my foot even FURTHER into the door! I'm also dropping off my resume this week at my nearest Freestanding store this week even though they arent's hiring right now.

I'm praying because it's the Holidays, someone will pick me up! I did spend 2 years at Sephora where I learned alot about different Lines But was absolutely Miserable, because it's one of the WORST companies you can work for! Trust me!!! So I finally quit in January 2007 and took a chance and applied for the Freelance positon which I did through a MAC Counter in MACY'S and I got it!!! <---This all happened around the Holidays....this tiome 2 years I'm hoping I can snag a permanent position somewhere!!!

I've met TONS of Freelancers who didn't Freelance as long as me....and who weren't that good....and they landed a permanent position in less than 5 months of freelancing!!!! <----I'm Like what the F*CK????!!!!

I swear sometimes it's politics and DEFINITELY timing! Keep FIGHTING GIRL!!! I was told by many Senior artists that they had to be Pain in the ass Pushy and they eventually got in. Don't Give up or get discouraged!!!


Well-known member
The phone interview is called Talent Plus. All EL companies do this - what this does is rates 8 different qualities they look for in either sales support or management staff - and they ask you questions and you answer, and they based these 8 qualities with a number from 1-5. You can't "fail" this phone interview, but you have to have a certain number score for them to hire you, and I'll be honest, you'd have to practically be an idiot to get really bad score! It has questions that test integrity, honesty, ability to sell, teamwork, stuff like that. That's awesome they are doing that already... that's a good sign if they Talent Plus you, that means they may be serious about hiring you.

Originally Posted by mslips
Thanks for the support girls! Yes i had my int. last wed. she was a very nice lady and this time i let her know i was nervousand she told me to relax. But man was i so nervous..i got cottonmouth and i just couldnt function right! She said that if i do get the position, Blair her boss, will call me for a phoe interview lol...another int..i really want this job you guys! I hope she takes me in! ill let u all know as soon as i can. I seriously cant take another person to person really gets overwhelming and at this time of yr...busy busy time my stress levels are so high. I agree with you beauty, you really have to fake it...that's so not me. i hate being fake, but its many people in the beauty industry are so fake you can easily tell.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BionicWoman
Hey Girl! I really hope you get this position!
I've been on your Myspace Friends list for awhile now and I think your work is absolutely *AMAZING*!!! I don't spend as much time as Myspace as I used to because I lot of my Friends have moved to Facebook.

But anyway, I have been Freelancing with MAC since January 2007 and I'm still looking for a permanent position. I do most of my Freelancing at a MAC Nordstrom counter where they really like me, but I've always wished I could get a permanent position in a Freestanding MAC Store but they are so iffy!

I've always been great at Makeup, naturally without taking any classes and they easily hired me as a Freelancer....but compared to you.....forget it!!! <---I mean....your skills Blow mine away! Beauty makeup is more my strong suit and I'm just starting to experiment with the more Artistic aspects of makeup like you do

So my analogy is....that if you don't get the position it's because you're TOO DAMN GOOD to just be working at a counter and they may be intimidated by your skills. I could totally see you working at a MAC PRO Store where you would have greater access to The Creative Senior Artists....Like MAC PRO in NEW YORK would LOVE you!!!! <--MAC PRO is whole different world and if you're a MASTER at executing makeup charts, then you have a good chance of working with them. But I heard that you have to be with the company for at least 3 years before moving onto MAC PRO.....However, I'm sure if They REALLY like your work....they would throw that rule right out the window!!

Right now, I've applied for a permanent part time position with the Nordstrom MAC Counter that I've freelanced with on a regular basis because I figured that at least it's away to get my foot even FURTHER into the door! I'm also dropping off my resume this week at my nearest Freestanding store this week even though they arent's hiring right now.

I'm praying because it's the Holidays, someone will pick me up! I did spend 2 years at Sephora where I learned alot about different Lines But was absolutely Miserable, because it's one of the WORST companies you can work for! Trust me!!! So I finally quit in January 2007 and took a chance and applied for the Freelance positon which I did through a MAC Counter in MACY'S and I got it!!! <---This all happened around the Holidays....this tiome 2 years I'm hoping I can snag a permanent position somewhere!!!

I've met TONS of Freelancers who didn't Freelance as long as me....and who weren't that good....and they landed a permanent position in less than 5 months of freelancing!!!! <----I'm Like what the F*CK????!!!!

I swear sometimes it's politics and DEFINITELY timing! Keep FIGHTING GIRL!!! I was told by many Senior artists that they had to be Pain in the ass Pushy and they eventually got in. Don't Give up or get discouraged!!!

First of all, so nice to see you on here! I haven't talked to you in a while =) and second of all thanks so much girl, you really put me up there which i don't think i am, but thanks!

I have to say congrats on the freelancing, i sure hope you land a permanent position's only fair and you deserve it! Esp. after 5 months!

It's such a hard company to get starting to get really worried they're gunna reject me and then i am going to not know where else to go...maybe wait for another opening, staying at ulta longer (ugh) or go to a location im not as familiar with =/ im still waiting to hear from kim! i really hope it's good news this time. But anyways why didn't you like Sephora? I heard nothing but good things about it!

I think that's crap that others got in before you when you were first...that's very unfair, esp. since yer really good =) Well i wish you luck on everything, and want you to let me know when you hear from anyone back! Take care girly! =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by darkwater_soul
The phone interview is called Talent Plus. All EL companies do this - what this does is rates 8 different qualities they look for in either sales support or management staff - and they ask you questions and you answer, and they based these 8 qualities with a number from 1-5. You can't "fail" this phone interview, but you have to have a certain number score for them to hire you, and I'll be honest, you'd have to practically be an idiot to get really bad score! It has questions that test integrity, honesty, ability to sell, teamwork, stuff like that. That's awesome they are doing that already... that's a good sign if they Talent Plus you, that means they may be serious about hiring you.

Wow, thanks so much for the info this really helps and makes me feel a little more comfortable and prepared! I'll be waiting for it!

I really hope this thread is helping others who are in the same position as me and need advice and preparation tips!


Well-known member
I'm not an MA or anything but just wanted to wish you luck in your interview and hope it goes well!!!!!!!