Interview this Friday - EXTREMELY NERVOUS


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Don't give up!! I also wanted to say that as far as I know, MAC does NOT use talent plus. Some EL companies do, but MAC is not one of them.


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Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
Hey Beh! I was wondering how did your interview go?

Hey! I did not have it yet, but now it's after Christmas, the nerves are kicking in again waiting for the phone interview! I don't know what to expect! She said after the holidays her boss will be calling me for a phone interview. I'll let you know thanks!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by InRetospeck
Don't give up!! I also wanted to say that as far as I know, MAC does NOT use talent plus. Some EL companies do, but MAC is not one of them.



Well-known member
Hey everyone I have news! Although it's not what I wanted, it's still something. The manager called me back today and told me that her boss basically informed her that they will not be filling any positions, so that position I wanted is not available for a while. Right now they aren't a counter, so they have to see how well business goes and then see when they can hire for it. So she basically offered me a freelancing position or on-call freelancing, but i told her that I'm interested in the freelancing position! So on Friday I'm supposed to go there and fill out paperwork. Any questions I should ask her? So I'm going to be freelancing for Mac for now, but hopefully will a perm. pos. soon! Gosh it's so hard to get in and I should've applied a lot earlier lol!

So what is different being a freelancer than a permanent employee? like for example I know as a freelancer you don't get the employee discount, good thing i renewed my pro card!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mslips
Hey everyone I have news! Although it's not what I wanted, it's still something. The manager called me back today and told me that her boss basically informed her that they will not be filling any positions, so that position I wanted is not available for a while. Right now they aren't a counter, so they have to see how well business goes and then see when they can hire for it. So she basically offered me a freelancing position or on-call freelancing, but i told her that I'm interested in the freelancing position! So on Friday I'm supposed to go there and fill out paperwork. Any questions I should ask her? So I'm going to be freelancing for Mac for now, but hopefully will a perm. pos. soon! Gosh it's so hard to get in and I should've applied a lot earlier lol!

So what is different being a freelancer than a permanent employee? like for example I know as a freelancer you don't get the employee discount, good thing i renewed my pro card!

As a freelancer you don't have guaranteed hours. You have to pretty much sell yourself to counters so they can call you in for hours. So make sure to drop by looking your best at different locations, talk to the managers let them know that you are a freelancer and that you are interested in hours.
You don't training of any sort. Sometimes for events they will give a one day trainin, but it depends.

Congrats Beh! Its a good start!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
As a freelancer you don't have guaranteed hours. You have to pretty much sell yourself to counters so they can call you in for hours. So make sure to drop by looking your best at different locations, talk to the managers let them know that you are a freelancer and that you are interested in hours.
You don't training of any sort. Sometimes for events they will give a one day trainin, but it depends.

Congrats Beh! Its a good start!

Thanks! This helps =) Hey do you suggest I have a talk with my managers at Ulta about it? or should I keep it quiet and not tell at all?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mslips
Thanks! This helps =) Hey do you suggest I have a talk with my managers at Ulta about it? or should I keep it quiet and not tell at all?

I suggest you do. You might want to put in your two weeks notice, because while you freelance for MAC its a conflict of interest to work for another makeup retailer.

It sucks cus there aren't hours right now, and still you can't work another makeup place.

HTH Beh!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
I suggest you do. You might want to put in your two weeks notice, because while you freelance for MAC its a conflict of interest to work for another makeup retailer.

It sucks cus there aren't hours right now, and still you can't work another makeup place.

HTH Beh!

What's hth mean? lol

Yea i talked to my dept. manager and she said there's no problem with it. I talked to the mac manager and she said she suggest i don't quit ulta yet until i get a perm. spot with them. I'm just afraid to talk to my store manager about it...she's very conservative, she's our new store manager and she's had all the experience with counters, she's a hairstylist, and esthetician. She's more old fashioned than my old store manager who was cool as hell and fun, but got promoted to dm. But anyways, if it's ok with mac for me to work at ulta...then it should be fine with ulta too. Because she told me there's mainly 4 events a yr? and the next big one is hello kitty which i hope to work for!


Well-known member
Congrats to getting the freelance position! I hope it turns into a perm gig. My interview is tommorow, so I hope I share your luck!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by funkychik02
Congrats to getting the freelance position! I hope it turns into a perm gig. My interview is tommorow, so I hope I share your luck!

good luck!! let me know how it goes!


Well-known member
*Sigh* I'm still waiting for my first gig..actually Kim the recruiter called me yesterday and offered me a position for a nordstroms counter but i turned it down because thats not the loc. i wanna be at. But i asked her if she was going to ask me what locations i wanted to freelance for and she was like.."wait you were hired for freelance?" I was like..yea. She had no clue! And she asked me when this happened and who hired me and what pay rate i got and she said she never even received any of my paperwork when i filled that out in the beg. on Jan. I'm kinda upset because the manager was supposed to fax it to her so i could get on the freelance list, but she didnt get any of my stuff so now she has to have a talk with her...ugh this is so annoying.


Well-known member
Hey! So I thought Jen forgot about me but she didnt =D She called me last wk and finally got my employee number and now im on the freelance list. I got my first gig offer! It's for the Hello Kitty event feb 28th at woodfield =D

I'm so excited, but nervous!

I wanna bring my cam n take that a bad idea?