Let's have a "What the f**k??"-Ebay thread....


Well-known member
WOW!!!! I recognize a few of the bidder names from this board. I think that is the highest I have ever seen a single e/s go for.


Well-known member
wow that is pricey! but more power to the bidders! if I wanted something that badly AND had the money, you bet I would bid on those! congrats to the person that won!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dreamergirl3
wow that is pricey! but more power to the bidders! if I wanted something that badly AND had the money, you bet I would bid on those! congrats to the person that won!

I am with you on all of that!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VuittonVictim

Still 5 days to go:

http://cgi.ebay.com/MAC-Mineralize-S...cm dZViewItem

AMAZING......... How much over retail some items go for! Me personally would be scared to use it if I paid that much lol or even worst.. scared of dropping it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BadPrincess
AMAZING......... How much over retail some items go for! Me personally would be scared to use it if I paid that much lol or even worst.. scared of dropping it

How much was it when you saw the auction? Because when I tried to look at it, it was down!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VuittonVictim
How much was it when you saw the auction? Because when I tried to look at it, it was down!

When I saw it it was $117 with 5 days to go.

I have a feeling I know what happened though, and why it was taken down. A swapper with the same username as the eBay seller has been on Swap Tawk talking about being swaplifted by another user. That user was supposed to send her Pleasureflush and didn't. I have a feeling she listed the Pleasureflush expecting to receive it and had to take the listing down when it did not arrive. I had briefly considered that she already had a Pleasureflush and was listing it thinking that she was going to receive another but she posted on MUA a little while ago asking what pleasureflush looks like, so I concluded it's likely she didn't have one in hand when she started the listing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by msthrope

are you freaking kidding me? you can get it on-line for $26.65.

Where can you get it online for $26.65? As far as I remember this book retailed for around $45 when it was released.

Edit to explain further: IIRC it was sold in aid of the MAC AIDS fund, so if it's being sold at a discounted price that's disappointing.


Well-known member
i assume the publisher had leftovers and they were sold as part of large lots where the buyer didn't necessarily have a choice in what they were getting. when i told the girls at my local counter about it, they were really disappointed as they couldn't get the book when it came to the counter as they were told there were too few to go around.


Originally Posted by CaliKris
I was watching an auction a few days ago for the exact same thing, and IIRC that is the person who won. Looks like she won it and is turning around to sell it for a huge profit.

Actually, I was watching the other auction too, and it never went through. Seller listed the book with what she called "what I think is a reasonably low reserve." High bid was $99+, which didn't top the reserve, so the book was relisted by the same seller with that ridiculous BIN.

How anybody can call $400 a "reasonably low reserve" is beyond me.

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