Lindsey Lohan as Marylin Monroe!? NSFW!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Trunkmonkey
You might want to get your sensor checked then because that is NOT the direction she was going as far as I've read. Lohan looks like the spokesmodel for pillsbury in my opinion and it didn't have to be that way. She had a great deal of potential when she was younger but the trainwreck that she has made of her life has detracted from that.

BTW for you ladies that have a little extra padding I am NOT a fatophobic. I can look in a mirror and see where I could lose a few pounds myself. My spouse isn't twig thin either. Life does happen and everybody could do a little bit more to stay healthier / more fit. If you're happy with yourself and your partner is as well then don't worry about it if you don't want to. If you're not happy with yourself change your habits and tone up if you want to. We all have personal choices.

As Lohan is a public figure she puts herself out there for honest critique by everyone.

i wasn't directly responding to shimmer, 'you might want to' check your comprehension skills


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead
i wasn't directly responding to shimmer, 'you might want to' check your comprehension skills

Yes you were, you quoted me. o.0


Well-known member
this ' i'm sensing a lot of jealousy over her beauty's pretty pathetic that her appearance is being insulted the most over her behaviour.' wasn't a response to shimmer, if you were implying that.


Well-known member
well i'm sorry you both thought that, i should have wrote it in a seperate post.
shimmer was expressing her disgust at lindsay's body which doesn't read as jealousy, whereas 'she tries to convey an image of perfection but she looks like a hag' does to me. i apologise again, i'll move on now.


Well-known member
Apology accepted and returned as well. Have a nice day


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ethel
Lohan does put herself in the public eye and therefore makes herself ripe for critique. But launching into attacks about how fat, saggy, unfit, etc. she is--as so many of the posters in this thread eagerly did--has repercussions beyong Lohan's ego. The fact that other posters have said they feel fat or that their boobs are gross after reading this thread illustrates that an attack on a celebrity's bodies is easily perceived as an attack women's bodies in general.

And don't even get me started about the post on how women's boobs feel like disgusting jello. Regardless of whether or not your attracted to women or not, remember your audience is made up primarily of women before posting something like that.

Most tof the posters here are women. I don't see why we should make each other feel bad about our bodies.

While I admire you sensitivity to how other posters feel, and to protect them from feeling bad about their own bodies - these statements are just a reality of life. If I let every insulting remark about flat chested women get to me, I'd probably kill myself

And to all the ladies that felt bad about their boobs I just want to say I don't think LL has 'gross saggy boobs'. In fact I think they look pretty good, I was just curious as to if they were real because that's my own little obsession. I don't think it was nice that some posters said it - but this is an open forum, everybody's got their opinion. Take it with a grain of salt and don't let what people say get you down.


Well-known member
Pictures of obese versus curvy women are really besides the point--I'm not talking about obese or curvy women, I'm talking about Lindsay Lohan and these particular pictures.

I'm well aware of what "skinny fat" is. I've read articles on the study. It's when you look skinny on the outside, but your organs are encased in fat. And guess what, you need a physical exam to find that out. It's not something that can be identified from a picture. The whole point of "skinny fat" is that you look thin on the outside. A blog using Lindsay Lohan as an example does not make something fact. Blogs are hardly "research."

I'm really skeptical of this "skinny fat" phenomenon to begin with. Sure, having 30% body fat isn't healthy. But women already have to deal with unrealistic beauty standards. Now we don't just have to worry about someone telling us we have a big ass or saggy boobs, now we get to hear that even if we look normal on the outside, well, we're just fat girls on the inside. Before our outsides were being monitored by society, now it's our insides too. Fuck that.

Honestly, I could care less if Lindsay Lohan is skinny, fat, unfit, "skinny fat," or whatever. She's hardly a paragon of health or a role model for a generation. And my guess is that few people in this thread really give a shit about Lindsay Lohan's health or fitness. It's just fun to tear her shreads because we can or it makes us feel superior. But attacking these pictures on the basis of weight imposes unrealistic standards on every woman who reads it.

I don't particularly care if Trunkmonkey is straight, gay, or purple, this quote:
I'm not a huge fan of the 'curvy' (e.g. flappy, saggy, feels like you're embracing a bag full of jello) 'saggy boobs' or as I call them 'gophers' (you take off the bra and the 'go fer' the floor).

says large breasts are like jello. If that's not meant to evoke disgust at women's bodies, then I don't know what is.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ginger9
While I admire you sensitivity to how other posters feel, and to protect them from feeling bad about their own bodies - these statements are just a reality of life. If I let every insulting remark about flat chested women get to me, I'd probably kill myself

My motives aren't completely altruistic. I do care how other posters feel, but I also care how I feel and reading this thread made me feel bad about my completely normal body. I can only imagine how it makes people who are overweight feel.

And while fatphobia, unrealistic standards, and the like are part of the reality of life, I don't thinkthat women should be weilding these things against each other, we get enough of that from the media and other sources. Nor do I think that accepting these things as just facts of life and ignoring it is the answer.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ethel
Pictures of obese versus curvy women are really besides the point--I'm not talking about obese or curvy women, I'm talking about Lindsay Lohan and these particular pictures.

I'm well aware of what "skinny fat" is. I've read articles on the study. It's when you look skinny on the outside, but your organs are encased in fat. And guess what, you need a physical exam to find that out. It's not something that can be identified from a picture. The whole point of "skinny fat" is that you look thin on the outside. A blog using Lindsay Lohan as an example does not make something fact. Blogs are hardly "research."

I'm really skeptical of this "skinny fat" phenomenon to begin with. Sure, having 30% isn't healthy. But women already have to deal with unrealistic beauty standards. Now we don't just have to worry about someone telling us we have big ass or saggy boobs, now we get to hear that even if we look normal on the outside, well, we're just fat girls on the inside. Before our outsides were being monitored by society, now it's our insides too. Fuck that.

Honestly, I could care less if Lindsay Lohan is skinny, fat, unfit, "skinny fat," or whatever. She's hardly a paragon of health or a role model for a generation. And my guess is that few people in this thread really give a shit about Lindsay Lohan's health or fitness. It's just fun to tear her shreads because we can or it makes us feel superior. But attacking these pictures on the basis on weight imposes unrealistic standards on every woman who reads it.

I don't particularly care if Trunkmonkey is straight, gay, or purple, this quote:

says large breasts are like jello. If that's not meant to evoke disgust at women's bodies, then I don't know what is.

Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.
Please stop using your sensitivity as reason to speak for women everywhere.
You don't speak for me. You have neither the ground nor the right to say what my motivation or reasoning for having my opinion is, and by making a statement like the one I bolded that's what you're doing.

Why is it a standard of beauty to want to look at HEALTHY women? There's *nothing wrong with that*. It's not an unrealistic standard to expect someone to be healthy. That's not impossible. That's not unrealistic. No amount of fist shaking and head shaking is going to change that. Healthiness isn't unrealistic.

Regardless of whether you consider it 'besides' the fact, it's becoming more and more acceptable for 'curvy' and 'bbw' to be euphemisms for obesity. They're NOT hand in hand, and they're NOT the same, no matter how mainstream the phrases have become.

And, if you cared to look, I posted numerous articles, not just the one Lohan was featured on.


Well-known member
Ethel did you not read the part where I said

'BTW for you ladies that have a little extra padding I am NOT a fatophobic. I can look in a mirror and see where I could lose a few pounds myself. My spouse isn't twig thin either. Life does happen and everybody could do a little bit more to stay healthier / more fit. If you're happy with yourself and your partner is as well then don't worry about it if you don't want to. If you're not happy with yourself change your habits and tone up if you want to. We all have personal choices.'

But, yes, in all honesty and we're being totally honest both my spouse and I have agreed that, had either of us been obese when we met, we probably wouldn't be together now. Physical attraction IS important. Color me shallow.

If you took the statement as an intent to evoke 'disgust' at a womans body then I'm going to shoot straight from the hip and say you're being hypersensitive and really need to relax a bit.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ethel
My motives aren't completely altruistic. I do care how other posters feel, but I also care how I feel and reading this thread made me feel bad about my completely normal body. I can only imagine how it makes people who are overweight feel.

And while fatphobia, unrealistic standards, and the like are part of the reality of life, I don't thinkthat women should be weilding these things against each other, we get enough of that from the media and other sources. Nor do I think that accepting these things as just facts of life and ignoring it is the answer.

I understand your passion on this matter. I think you've already made a difference for a lot of women who read this forum with your stance on this topic


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ethel
I'm not directed my complaints at Shimmer. Read the thread. I made general comments in response to the whole thread. She began quoting my posts and attacking me.

I still think this fitness rhetoric is bullshit. There are many women with lots of body fat who eat healthy and exercise. Having fat and curves is not unhealthy.

Lohan does put herself in the public eye and therefore makes herself ripe for critique. But launching into attacks about how fat, saggy, unfit, etc. she is--as so many of the posters in this thread eagerly did--has repercussions beyong Lohan's ego. The fact that other posters have said they feel fat or that their boobs are gross after reading this thread illustrates that an attack on a celebrity's bodies is easily perceived as an attack women's bodies in general.

And don't even get me started about the post on how women's boobs feel like disgusting jello. Regardless of whether or not your attracted to women or not, remember your audience is made up primarily of women before posting something like that.

Most tof the posters here are women. I don't see why we should make each other feel bad about our bodies.

Have you read an article in a recent issue of Allure? There is such a thing as being skinny, but untoned. It actually happens to many models. They're so concerned about being skinny that instead of eating right and being healthy to stay fit and thin, they instead just have weird diets, etc. That lead to being skinny, but if you decide to poke say, their butt, your whole finger will sink into their booty.

That is what Shimmer means, she's not saying that Lohan is fat, just unfit. Her body is probably like pudding, little muscle after her hard-partying lifestyle. THAT is definitely unhealthy.

Those are the facts I think. To say that we are all just jealous is a little childish in my opinion. Because we are all entitled to our own opinions as you are to yours. To say someone is jealous just for saying something against someone? I don't think so. It's a harsh reality, but there is no need to protect everyone else from the "skinny fat" phenomenon as yet another factor adding to anorexia. I've had anorexia before, and it was NEVER about the media to begin with. At least for me.

Healthiness is real. It's something we all need. We can criticize Lohan all we want because she is NOT healthy. Just because she can do a photoshoot, she is not healthy. To be healthy leads to better happiness and mental health and confidence, ,that is what ALL women I think should strive for. If you are mentally healthy, you can be whatever figure, whatever body type and still be happy and accept yourself, it can start by eating right and exercising. I'm not being mean when I say all women should strive to be healthy. Even curvy women. You can be fit and still be curvy, because by being fit, most likely will NOT change your body type. Hell, no matter how healthy I get, I'll still never have a large rack naturally, but at least I'm healthy, and that will make me happy, curvy or not.

Is it mean to say that someone should be healthy? No.
Is it mean to say that someone is unfit? No.
Is it mean to say that someone is fat? Yes.
See the difference?

Now to work on getting an ass....


Well-known member
i don't why everyone thinks christina aguilera would have made a better marilyn, she looks nothing like monroe either. just because a chick has platinum hair and red lips doesn't make her akin to marilyn monroe.

for all of us who don't know marilyn and lindsay personally (which is all of us, i'm sure) we really can't say there are no similarities. last time i checked, people had these things called personalities...not just looks. according to bert stern, the photographer (who was, mind you, a close personal friend of marilyn's), said he saw alot of likeness in the two women's personalities. as far as other women being better rolemodels, there were better rolemodels in marilyn's day, too. it just wasn't cool to jump everyone's shit for drugs and alcohol abuse back then like it is now, i guess.

i actually like the photos. no, she doesn't look like marilyn, but they're still nice photos and a nice throwback.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Trunkmonkey
Ethel did you not read the part where I said

'BTW for you ladies that have a little extra padding I am NOT a fatophobic. I can look in a mirror and see where I could lose a few pounds myself. My spouse isn't twig thin either. Life does happen and everybody could do a little bit more to stay healthier / more fit. If you're happy with yourself and your partner is as well then don't worry about it if you don't want to. If you're not happy with yourself change your habits and tone up if you want to. We all have personal choices.'

Just because you add a qualifier afterwards doesn't make your derogatory comments any less offensive.

Originally Posted by Shimmer
Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.
Please stop using your sensitivity as reason to speak for women everywhere.
You don't speak for me. You have neither the ground nor the right to say what my motivation or reasoning for having my opinion is, and by making a statement like the one I bolded that's what you're doing.

That's very dramatic, but it's pretty obvious that I was using "We" as an rhetorical choice to avoid placing blame on particular posters. But you've made it all about you. Bravo.

I have every right to speak out on this subject and I won't be silenced by accusations of oversensitivity. If it were just me being oversensitive, then other women wouldn't have posted here that they felt fat reading this thread or that they felt bad about their breasts. Maybe they don't want to say more because it's clear that anyone who contradicts the prevailing misogyny will be bullied.

I never said that being healthy is unrealistic. Ever. I said that weight and health are very different issues. These pictures show a woman who is not overweight, who is not fat, who is actually thin. And yet Lohan is still being attacked. First posters were accusing her of just plain being fat. Now she's being accused of being fat on the inside, where we can't see it. I read about this "skinny fat" study and you can't tell by looking at someone if their organs are encased in fat, that's what makes the study newsworthy, that they look slim on the outside. That doesn't mean every person who's slim but not tight and taut is therefore a fat girl inside. And what if she was fat? There are plenty of people who aren't slim or slender who are fit. There are plenty of people with big asses who are healthy. That's why I think all this fitness talk is the same old misogynistic crap in a new vocabulary.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ethel
That's very dramatic, but it's pretty obvious that I was using "We" as an rhetorical choice to avoid placing blame on particular posters. But you've made it all about you. Bravo.

By using 'we' you're speaking for me and everyone else. I'm telling you, you don't speak for me.

It's always about me...I've never hidden that I'm a narcissist. Don't be surprised by that.
I have every right to speak out on this subject and I won't be silenced by accusations of oversensitivity. If it were just me being oversensitive, then other women wouldn't have posted here that they felt fat reading this thread or that they felt bad about their breasts. Maybe they don't want to say more because it's clear that anyone who contradicts the prevailing misogyny will be bullied.

It's clear that anyone who has a definitive idea of what they find to be attractive and is honest about it will be bullied. If it were just me who felt like I do about this subject, other women wouldn't have posted here that they understand the 'skinny fat' statement, and where my perspective is coming from. It's clear that anyone who doesn't contradicts the prevailing 'fat acceptance' will be bullied. Why should I be silenced any more than you feel you should? Because my perspective hurt someone's feelings?
I never said that being healthy is unrealistic. Ever. I said that weight and health are very different issues. These pictures show a woman who is not overweight, who is not fat, who is actually thin.

Yeah you did.
Sure, having 30% isn't healthy. But women already have to deal with unrealistic beauty standards.

Right there.
And yet Lohan is still being attacked. First posters were accusing her of just plain being fat. Now she's being accused of being fat on the inside, where we can't see it. I read about this "skinny fat" study and you can't tell by looking at someone if their organs are encased in fat, that's what makes the study newsworthy, that they look slim on the outside. That doesn't mean every person who's slim but not tight and taut is therefore a fat girl inside. And what if she was fat? There are plenty of people who aren't slim or slender who are fit. There are plenty of people with big asses who are healthy. That's why I think all this fitness talk is the same old misogynistic crap in a new vocabulary.

You know what the problem with girls like Lohan is? The problem is that people actually think it's something to aspire to, and don't think normal body builds and bulges (like tricep and deltoid muscles, or curved hammies) are healthy, so they think that their HEALTHY BODY is something to be ashamed of and that the norm is the pseudo skinny person like Lohan is.

Reality sucks, but that doesn't make it less real.

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