Long Distance Relationship Support Thread


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Originally Posted by NutMeg
Oh my god. He's going to be here in three hours. FOR GOOD!!!!! I'm so nervous. Which is dumb, because I'm also happy. But oh man, the adrenaline is killing me.

SO happy for you!! How exciting! And I know exactly that feeling

Just wanted to stop by and say hey ladies I havn't been on here for a while now.


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I go back to see my guy next week before his deployment and before our puppy goes to his Mom until he is finished with work! Bahh! I hope the snow stops by the 12th...


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Alibi's adventures, long but informative!

So about 3 weeks ago I came back from vacations with my bf. I didnt post much, I felt to numb girls. I didn't want to see anyone, talk to anyone, tell anything. I was just sleeping most of the day. I still feel odd, but it's less. I miss him

I admit being a retard and spending only 17 days there when they were telling to stay more. The 1 way trip already took 24 hours, I should have stayed for longer. But I was very nerveous what if his Mom won't like me, plus, some of you know my situation already, my Mom was really pissed off with all that, and If I spent my birthday there with him she would mind. We were thinking about changing the ticket, but she would be too upset. So yea, only 17 days which went in a blink of an eye.

My bf's family is awesome
! They made me feel so welcome, and were not annoying at all. They actually made me feel just like I'm a part of the family, that was amazing. I didnt feel that Im a guest, I felt a part of all. Bf's Mom is great, she really seemed to like me a lot, invited me more, said I should stay longer, was kissing me, hugging me, we could communicate pretty decent no matter of the languages! Amazing.

No need to say how happy I was to see my man. I love him so much dolls
. He is awesome, we've been together all this time, just hanging at home, going out, to the movies, went to the theme park where me, afraid of any more or less scary toy rode them all, even the scaries rollercoaster. Dolls, I bet you understand me good since we are in this thread - damn, all I want is just to lay on the sofa with him, cuddle, watch tv... Thats enough for me already. I miss him so bad. And I have no idea when we gonna see each other again.

I was really nerveous about trans atlantic flight, but now I realise I gonna fly back whenever I have any chance, seriously. The flights were all good, I told you that my flight back would be delayed for 6 hours 1st and then I would have to wait a lot in Madrid, but they put me on the flight through Germany, so it worked out nice.

I wanna go back. Really, so much, Its very tough, because my Mom doesnt like all that, doesnt like my bf. I know thats all because she is afraid I will move there to him. But all my trip she was saying she misses me, being mad sometimes. Didnt help much. I honestly dont know what to do with this. I love Mom SO MUCH, but I love him aswell

Its awesome beautiful in Brazil. Really, I've never seen anything like that in my life. I simply loved it. Great food, a LOT of food, nice people, nice weather, everything cheaper than here... Its an awesome place.

Of course, I got in some adventures. Girls, I was freaking out all this time so bad, cause the last day I was there the rubber broke
. And the next day I had a flight home, a long flight. Plus it was a dangerous day. Damn that was scary. I was afraid to take the pill, I never did before, and was afraid I would feel sick on the trip, but as I would arrive here in would be 3rd day already, the last chance to take is 72 hours, plus the plane was delayed. So well, before I left we went to but the next day pill, and I took it in the beggining of my trans atlantic flight, at least I had 10 hours to sit and chill. It was surprisingly ok, I didnt feel a thing. But obviously I was going crazy all this days. I bought a pregnancy test to do today, fuck I was so scared, and my God, just this morning I woke up and got a period.Thanks God really. My bf treated me the best way ever, all this time he was just saying it all gonna be ok, that I shouldnt worry, just supported me and cheered me all the time. He was afraid too I know, having a baby wasnt an option for us now, but he was cheering me every single day.
But now I do think that I wanna be on a birth control pills.

Thats it for now, sorry if I was long!

Meg, Im so happy for you hun!!! Thank you so much for your support, you are amazing. You deserve all that. Enjoy there a lot, deal? You know what I mean!

Oh, I bought a lash curler and 2 concealers at the MAC duty free counter! And for my birthday got a lipliner and 2 dame edna glosses! Though Im cuttiing the spendings down, I have a lot of make-up, even brand new.


Well-known member
Aww. I'm so glad you got to spend time with your bf Alibi. Thanks for filling us in.


You guys rock. I probably won't be in this thread as much anymore, but I'll keep checking in.


Well-known member
Alright ladies I am up, its 7:14am and I am off to the USA :) Ohhh god I need sleep!

Fluffy socks on, legwarmers on, and my thick scarf also on...Bah! Have a happy val day to all fo you if I dont see you all before!


Well-known member
Thanks Meg! Ha, you dont need this thread no more, he is right there! Get away from pc and get into bed
I'm not counting to see you here much

I hope you are doing great girl, get well from your cold!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kayteuk
Alright ladies I am up, its 7:14am and I am off to the USA :) Ohhh god I need sleep!

Fluffy socks on, legwarmers on, and my thick scarf also on...Bah! Have a happy val day to all fo you if I dont see you all before!

Have a safe trip!!

My bf's just left for Kuwait not too long ago. We hope he has internet so we can chat online at least one a couple of days. He'll be there for 2 months. Surprisingly I'm not bawling my eyes out this time!!!

How's everyone?


Well-known member
Hey Precious! Im glad you're feeling alright this time! Im not that good, I miss my bf so much.. Last time I knew at least for sure when I would see him.. 5 months to wait, but at least for sure.. And now, damn, no idea


Well-known member
Alibi, I know what you mean!! I just read your recent post and I feel like my parents are the same way. After I get done with my undergrad in about a year I dont know how to break it to them that I'll be moving over there with him in CA. They have no idea I want to go to medical school there. Ugh the parents are a whole nother story! But no worries at least we got the best men in the world =P


Well-known member
Damn Precious, thats just like me... Im not sure I will move to him, but my Mom just... hates him and all this thing going on. I know she is afraid I will move to him. And honestly, no idea what to do. I love Mom so much, but I love my man too...

The most fucked up thing is that if nothing works out maybe we will see each other only in 1 year. We dont have any plans yet... If he gets a job, he wont have any vacations for the whole year now. I cant even take it, 1 year without him. Im afraid to lose him really.


Well-known member
^^ Seeing him once a year really sux. I see mine twice a year =/. Well girls I need a little uplifting. My man is in Kuwait and I'm feeling extremely lonely... And have had a lot of time to think about things.

I think mainly for the past year or so I've found myself to be so unhappy. To think that I'd get use to the distance, being that me and my bf have been only in the same city only the first year of the 4 we have been together since he signed up for the air force. I have about one more year to go in school, depending on how well I do on the MCAT and my grades. More and more I find myself depressed/unhappy. Not being together and the time it's taking for us to be together is tearing me apart. My plans are to move to CA after one more year of school to finish. I do not know what it is/what I can do anymore to deal with it. I hate feeling alone... :-C


Oh my...I had no idea long distance relationships are so common.

My bf lives in Chicago, and I live in Vancouver, BC! I last saw him in December when he came to visit me for about a week. It's tough enough, but he gets insecure. I think maybe it's because of his age. He's 20, and I'm 22. I don't worry as much as he does, and I don't rush things as much as he does.

He's already planning about the future and asking me to consider moving to Chicago after I'm done with school. The thing is, the more he pushes at me, the more I feel like I want to run away screaming like a banshee. I'm soooo not ready to move. I love Vancouver. It's awesome here! I've been here since I was 4 years old.

Plus, I'm not exactly convinced that he's the right one for me. We fight a lot. That means almost weekly, and each time I just get more and more sick of him, but then I like him again! and then we fight again! so it's basically a neverending cycle. >.<


Well-known member
Hey Shanghaii,

haha well the distance will definitely put you to the test. And if you don't want to rush things then don't! you are right in your part in staying true in what makes you happy.


Well-known member
Precious, I know what you are talking about. I feel lonely too. I sometimes feel like I just cant take being away from him. Time goes so slow, and i just live waiting to be with him. You know, whenever you feel depressed, imagine how good is just having him. That he is there for you, even being far away. That there far away he loves you and thinks about you. And that the future together is worth of all this depressive things!

Shanghaii, I agree with Precious - if you don't feel ready for something, don't rush yourself. You have to figure out on your own how you feel about your man and what you want! And about fights - I fight with my man too, pretty much! But I love him nevertheless


Thanks girls <3

But now I have a question. How do you guys deal with the whole trust issue? I trust my bf..but he doesn't seem to trust me much. I'm not sure if it's the whole insecurity thing or if it's just an age and lack of experience thing. He questions me about everything..and he freaks out over how many guy friends i have, and how i'm still friends with my ex. Actually, I barely talk to my ex. We only talk through short emails about the puppy we bought together 2 years ago >.<

ugh. gonna go batshit insane soon ^^


Well-known member
Girl, trust is a big issue! I've been through a lot with my man because of it, he calls me a control freak, he gets mad, we fight, I cry, and aaaalll the drama included
. I dea how to deal with that, but I guess you just come to the point when you realise that worring every day gonna hurt only you.


I met my man through online and he's absolutely wonderful. We were dating for about 2 years and been visiting each other (he comes and visits me wee!) and we decided that we needed to end this long-d thing.

Since I live in Canada and he's in the US, this was going to be a tough decision. I decided to give up everything here and immigrated to the States (now I'm a permanent resident with no job, NO JOB!!! how will I be able to spend money on stuff lol). Crazy huh? I love him to death that's why. Love is everything to me. I never regretted this decision and I'm still happy with him. I married him last year and our anniversary is coming up =)

I do have some drama, but only with his family lol. I don't have any issues with the hubby. We rarely fight, all we do is extreme teasing haha. When I feel frustrated or mad at him, I start wrestling with him and all, stress reliever =p
I trust him a lot and so does he. I think that's because we're telepathic. Nah haha but we know each other inside out. I can read his mind easily...
The only thing I have to complain about is his lifestyle... I hope he can slowly change (he's so lazy, doesn't wash his own laundry sigh, messy room sigh, never cleans the dinner table sigh...)

It's true that long-d relationships are hard to keep up. I mean you can't see each other, all you have is the damn phone and the internet. There are times when you physically need each other and all you have is the love in the air *sob*
If you really love that person, I'm sure there are ways to be with each other. There will be some sacrifice in most cases...

Good luck to all of you!


Well-known member
Thank you! Im so happy for you guys, and that it all worked out fine! I dream of moving together with my bf one day. I understand you so good, you are so strong and brave to give up your lifestyle there and move! How old are you guys if its not a secret?


Originally Posted by Alibi
Thank you! Im so happy for you guys, and that it all worked out fine! I dream of moving together with my bf one day. I understand you so good, you are so strong and brave to give up your lifestyle there and move! How old are you guys if its not a secret?

Thank you! *hugs*

I'm almost 21 and he's 22.
Younglings? Yes ma'am.
And you? I bet you're all older than me.

We seem to be too young to think about these things like immigration, but I did it anyways. It was the best decision and I couldn't stand staying away from him any more longer. He was always depressed because he constantly needed me physically (he's a very cuddly/sticky person), hey it's a good sign!

I had to swallow in some pride for this... Because I'm living with his family and I rather live alone with the hubby, duh. I heard something like "you cannot have two women under the same roof"
Luckily she and I get along very well and she cares for me from what I see. At the beginning of the relationship she didn't really trust me just because I was an internet girl and I was FAAR away in the east side and he's FAAR away in the west.
Another thing was, I had to fake our relationship with me and the hubby. To other of his relatives, we were forced to say that I was just his girlfriend instead of wife. They said that they would host a proper marriage party when we're both graduated from university and have a stable job. They didn't super like the idea of getting married so early but we had to because of the immigration process. In the beginning I wasn't very happy about this but, hey I'm living under their roof so I have to swallow this pride. Can't wait til I move out. Still unemployed though, stupid economy crisis!

Anywaaays, I said too much XD I guess I'm not private at all.

I found out that we are very similar to each other Alibi!
Not only I met my man through the net, it was ALSO an online game LOL.

I have to say that even though he kissed another girl, he dared telling you this which means that you own a very important piece of his heart <3 It shows that he's really honest with you. And I agree with you, if he could he could always find some random girl and go out with her, but instead she chose you, a girl who's so FAR away! The hubby said this to me "you don't have to worry about me cheating on you or worrying that I don't love you. I mean c'mon why would I find a girl that's so far away from me, had to pay expensive plane tickets, and in the end cheating on you? Nah doesn't make sense."

I also agree with the whole thing about friends gettin bored of our stories. They all have bfs that are close to them, unlike me back then. We're not on the same boat. They never really understood me... Luckily had 2 friends that suddenly had a Long-D relationships because they found their bf on a vacation.

Hope everything is going well with you and your man


Well-known member
Girl! Thank you SO MUCH! I mean, you took your time to find out about me and read my older posts

My bf says exactly what your hubby does - that he could easy get a girl there, not paying this crazy plane tickets (uhh so expensive damn it
) and waiting for months to have me next to him.

Me and my bf are both 20, met when we were 18, yes, in an online game too! Hehehe I was so surprised to read you guys met like this aswell

I understand you very good - (we're similar again lol!) his Mom didnt trust me very much 1st time aswell, you know all that... girl from internet, wtf
But now when I went to see him she was so sweet with me, said that not she met me in real life, that she is sure about me. So we got along very well, she's awesome!!!

I think you're right about "swalowwing the bitter pill". You are with him, living under the same roof. I wouldnt mind much having to fake being "just a girlfriend" for some relatives too. Actually, when I went to see him, I met lots of "aunts" and far away relatives too, and we had to say I'm just his friend from internet. I understand it completely, explaining to them how we met and fell in love online... Nah, Im ok with faking for them. (Though lol, they all somehow guessed and said we are a beautiful couple).

How long were you guys together until you moved? Im asking because I'm feeling it's getting harder every time to be away from him. He came to me last summer, now in winter I went to see him.. And damn, I miss so much just being able to hug him, kiss him, hold his hand
We talk every day in webcam, but it's not like laying next to him talking... You know girl

Thank you for sharing your story... For me it's like a dream coming true
I wanna live together with him so much. He told me he would move here for me or take me there, but 1st we need at least some job. He is desperately looking for one now and me too, but yes, stupid crisis right

Thank you SO MUCH! TTY later

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