Long Distance Relationship Support Thread


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I flew home last night. God ..the tears flowed ..and flowed and flowed some more at JFK. I was a wreck! I just feel a bit numb at the moment. I had a perfect 3 wks with him and the days flew by so quickly ...too quickly.

It feels very odd being back. Not even the huge MAC delivery box my hsemate handed over to me when I walked in through the door could raise a smile from me.

He's planning on flying out here for Valentines Day though so that's something to look forward to. Just 4 weeks til we're together again


Well-known member
Well I am joining here!
Boyfriend in VA ...and I am in the UK. I have flown over 3 times so far to see him in 3.5 months...I have a lot of airmiles!
We are applying for visas for me as I will be transfering to study there in July, US visa's are a huge hassle!

So which airports do you UK girls use?

US customs ae getting fussy with the 20 US stamps on my 2 yr old passport, to the point of triple checking my documents...

The price we pay for love!

Tudor Rose

Active member
Hello hello
I live in NC, my boyfriend is in England, and we've been together 8, almost 9 months. When I see him in March, it'll be the first time in four months. How I hate being poor
We're also trying to figure out the rest of this year. He has another 3000 pounds in debt to pay off before we can move forward, and I have school to finish and pay for. So we may see each other one more time this year. Twice in one year, though? I know it's so we can save money, but that's cruel and unusual punishment. Oh well, that's not been decided yet. I just want to say that I know how hard long distance relationships can be, and that I'm glad we all have a support system. If you see my siggy, it's that long until I see him again


Well-known member
Yoooo babes! Another long distance relationship here

May your days spent alone be over soon! So you can cuddle the hell out of your men


Well-known member
Tudor Rose, we know what you're going through

I'm from Slovenia and my bf is from England, and before I saw him for Xmas we were apart for 4 months as well, and I know it hurts so much. Hang in there

We've been together for 3 years and I thought it'll be easier after all this time, but it's not
I think it's harder everytime we have to leave eachother.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kayteuk
US customs ae getting fussy with the 20 US stamps on my 2 yr old passport, to the point of triple checking my documents...

The price we pay for love!

Hmm funny you should mention that. I had a right arsehole at the airport last mth asking where I was staying, for how long, etc. I got so wound up as I'd already been waiting over an hour in the bloody immigration queue at it was!

I never say "I'm here to visit my boyf" - that'll just encourage more drama as they'll think I'm there for an arranged marriage to get into the country or something so I just say I'm there to visit family and leave it at that.

Hubby's pushing his trip back to March now so just another mth and a bit to go. I can't believe it's mid-Jan already! This year's flying by!

Aww Tudor Rose I feel it for you. Twice in a year? Damn ...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Blushbaby
Hmm funny you should mention that. I had a right arsehole at the airport last mth asking where I was staying, for how long, etc. I got so wound up as I'd already been waiting over an hour in the bloody immigration queue at it was!

I never say "I'm here to visit my boyf" - that'll just encourage more drama as they'll think I'm there for an arranged marriage to get into the country or something so I just say I'm there to visit family and leave it at that.

Hubby's pushing his trip back to March now so just another mth and a bit to go. I can't believe it's mid-Jan already! This year's flying by!

You wouldent happen to be going through Newark would you? Its like Jekyl and Hyde there, I always try to pick my line I stand in, otherwise I get stuck with a very annoying person

I always say "I am here to visit my boyfriend, hes in the Military
" And one time the officer said to me "Well call him once your through and tell him to get the strippers out the house"

I kid you not! I was quite offended. The second you mention Military I seem to get through okay, but when I dont it usually gets really strange..

Last time I had a nice customs officer, this time I imagine I will get the bastard I have had at Newark twice before...100 questions, including "Why are you still living with your Mom and Dad"
"Who pays for your flights" "Are you on any medication"
And Yes....He asked to see my wallet and credit cards, at the immigration desk to prove I wasnt working there. What a ********
. I then got through and called a few people, he legally wasnt allowed to ask to see my credit cards and wallet...Oh well!

But the problem is with getting a Visa, I now cant go there for 6 months
, and my Bf hired lawyers to help me through it, and they want stupid things like:

All my flights to the USA since I was 2...And the I94 numbers... So thats a major issue right now
Proof of earnings, and all my passport pages scanned in.
Our email correspondances...I am going to admit, most of them are adult based when hes on duty! So thats going to be fun
finding normal ones!
I have taken the week off just to sort this all out, and they want photos of us together, which are not comical
, so thats ruled out 99% of the photos. And the lawyers want 6 of them...Oh man...

If anyone wants advice on VISA's for the USA, just email, I think I have been on nearly every website possible for info, and my lawyers tend to answer all my questions so if you want to fire any their way let me know!

Sorry for the long rant!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kayteuk
You wouldent happen to be going through Newark would you? Its like Jekyl and Hyde there, I always try to pick my line I stand in, otherwise I get stuck with a very annoying person

I always say "I am here to visit my boyfriend, hes in the Military
" And one time the officer said to me "Well call him once your through and tell him to get the strippers out the house"

I kid you not! I was quite offended. The second you mention Military I seem to get through okay, but when I dont it usually gets really strange..

Last time I had a nice customs officer, this time I imagine I will get the bastard I have had at Newark twice before...100 questions, including "Why are you still living with your Mom and Dad"
"Who pays for your flights" "Are you on any medication"
And Yes....He asked to see my wallet and credit cards, at the immigration desk to prove I wasnt working there. What a ********
. I then got through and called a few people, he legally wasnt allowed to ask to see my credit cards and wallet...Oh well!

But the problem is with getting a Visa, I now cant go there for 6 months
, and my Bf hired lawyers to help me through it, and they want stupid things like:

All my flights to the USA since I was 2...And the I94 numbers... So thats a major issue right now
Proof of earnings, and all my passport pages scanned in.
Our email correspondances...I am going to admit, most of them are adult based when hes on duty! So thats going to be fun
finding normal ones!
I have taken the week off just to sort this all out, and they want photos of us together, which are not comical
, so thats ruled out 99% of the photos. And the lawyers want 6 of them...Oh man...

If anyone wants advice on VISA's for the USA, just email, I think I have been on nearly every website possible for info, and my lawyers tend to answer all my questions so if you want to fire any their way let me know!

Sorry for the long rant!

Yep it was Newark!! How effin rude of that customs officer to grill you like that!

Why can't you go over for another 6 mths? Because you're in the process of applying for your VISA?

Yeah I've headr the stories of all the "proof" they'll want of our r'ship when we start my VISA application - arrrgh! They can have my phone bills for a start 200 + calls a month easily!
I always make sure we snap 101 pics each time I'm there with this procedure in mind! It's a pain in the ass!

I've just came off the phone to my boyf a few mins ago cos I'm really worried about finding a decent job once I actually get to NY. I was reading some Expat forum this evening and there are people who've moved to the states who've been searchig non-stop for 6 mths ...10 mths without being so much called for an interview!! I know there's a constant need for healthcare/medical workers but as luck would have it, that's not my forte!

I'm just fretting that my savings will dry up while I wait for a) my work permit to come through b) until I actually GET a (decent) job!

We need to get the ball rolling this year for my move over there and I'm so stressed out without evening having filled out my first form yet!!!

Sometimes I really think we'd just better off financially and our overall quality of life would be better if he were to move out here to London! I earn decent money out here ..I dunno. I'm still trying to get my head around having to pay for my medical care out there - WTF?! I'll never diss the NHS again, we don't realise how good we have it here in England!

If it wasn't for the fact that I love this man to death and know that we have a future together then my ass wouldn't be moving anywhere as much as I love visiting NYC! I think I'm just scared of upping sticks and leaving everything I know and am comfortable with to move to a country where normal every day things are done so differently to the UK that it's mind-boggling at times.

I can't even boast that I'll have access to cheap MAC on tap anymore cos of the bloody exchange rate! OMG 1.35GB to the $ I almost passed out when I heard that on the news today!!

The things we do for love ...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Blushbaby
Yep it was Newark!! How effin rude of that customs officer to grill you like that!

Why can't you go over for another 6 mths? Because you're in the process of applying for your VISA?

Yeah I've headr the stories of all the "proof" they'll want of our r'ship when we start my VISA application - arrrgh! They can have my phone bills for a start 200 + calls a month easily!
I always make sure we snap 101 pics each time I'm there with this procedure in mind! It's a pain in the ass!

I've just came off the phone to my boyf a few mins ago cos I'm really worried about finding a decent job once I actually get to NY. I was reading some Expat forum this evening and there are people who've moved to the states who've been searchig non-stop for 6 mths ...10 mths without being so much called for an interview!! I know there's a constant need for healthcare/medical workers but as luck would have it, that's not my forte!

I'm just fretting that my savings will dry up while I wait for a) my work permit to come through b) until I actually GET a (decent) job!

We need to get the ball rolling this year for my move over there and I'm so stressed out without evening having filled out my first form yet!!!

Sometimes I really think we'd just better off financially and our overall quality of life would be better if he were to move out here to London! I earn decent money out here ..I dunno. I'm still trying to get my head around having to pay for my medical care out there - WTF?! I'll never diss the NHS again, we don't realise how good we have it here in England!

If it wasn't for the fact that I love this man to death and know that we have a future together then my ass wouldn't be moving anywhere as much as I love visiting NYC! I think I'm just scared of upping sticks and leaving everything I know and am comfortable with to move to a country where normal every day things are done so differently to the UK that it's mind-boggling at times.

I can't even boast that I'll have access to cheap MAC on tap anymore cos of the bloody exchange rate! OMG 1.35GB to the $ I almost passed out when I heard that on the new this today!!

The things we do for love ...

Getting a work visa is really hard, but on the good side, you can claim back ALL your taxes from last year.

I am just saving my money in Cash until the rate goes up!! The NHS is amazing, I got sick and went to hospital in Virginia with a kidney infection, 5 hours in hospital $2000. No joke. Lucky for me health insurance covered it. But its still a lot!

I never thought so supplying phone bills! Thats a good idea!

They want to know what job I am doing while at uni, and I shamefully had to write down "Ann summers rep" God help me if they ask what that is. I have so many part time jobs is scary.


Well-known member
Hey girls!

I wanted to say that i'm back!
Its tough, I feel so odd here now, that vacation was AWESOME. We were hanging together all the time, going out, taking walks... Went to the theme park, and my coward ass rode all the rollercoasters, one 3 times in a row, plus huge one with 5 loopings! What my bf makes me do, Im not afraid with him at all.

I will post some pics later, damn, thats so beautiful in Brasil, I've never seen anything so precious in my whole life.

Its tougher and tougher leaving him. I cant take it, I miss him so bad. I have no idea what we gonna do, but Im looking forward to go there again... I wish I move to him some day.

His family treated me awesome. His Mom said she likes me a lot, I could talk to her a little, since I speak spanish, she gave me lots of presents, so did his Dad, brothers liked me too it seems, and aunts, and grandma
His family is awesome.

Of course I wouldnt be me if I had no adventures - my trip was 3 planes: Moscow-Madrid, Madrid-Sao Paulo and then a local one. So when I was going back, the flight Sao-Paulo-Madrid was delayed for 6 hours because of hurricane in Spain. It meant I would miss a connection flight to Moscow, and they said they will put me on another plane which will take another 10 hours waiting in Madrid! It was crazy! Finally, the aircompany did me a favor after I seriously insisted on it lol, and put me on another company's flights with connection in Germany. I arrived home only 2 hours later

I feel numb a little, still gotta unpack... But wanted to tell you my lovelies that Alibi back


Well-known member
Yay! I've been wondering how your trip went. It's always hard settling back into day to day life after you leave the one you love. I find the first two weeks pretty hard.

I'm going to vent a bit guys. The last week or two have been brutal. I'm having a lot of problems with my birth control, so I'm hormonal, constant headaches, nausea, exhausted all the time... And on top of that my bf was supposed to be here this weekend, but that's gotten pushed back until this coming weekend, but he's not really sure. So I'm stressed and upset.
And whenever I try to talk about it he changes the subject because it upsets him.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
It's always hard settling back into day to day life after you leave the one you love. I find the first two weeks pretty hard.



Well-known member
Glad you're back Alibi and had an amazing time! Also that you got on really well with his family (oh so important!).

Hope you feel better soon Nutmeg x


Well-known member
wow, i can really understand this thread! when i 1st met my bf we were an hour drive apart and i had the worst anxiety. i feel so bad some of u have to take plane trips just to see ur loved 1
. i wish i realized that awhile ago. im lucky it was only an hour! i had to look at family members and friends have their bf's attached to them and i'd get so sad. i felt so alone. but i did not want to give up just to meet a guy closer to me.

we are living together now though and that horrible part of my life is over. i was so stressed, i felt like i was always missing a piece of me without him there. we were young then(18,19) and i couldnt drive, he didnt own a car. it was really hard to see each other even being only an hour apart.i got jealous over every lil thing. he'd skip calling me right away to keep playing a video game and i'd freak out thinking he was cheating on me. i'd fall alseep without my phone turned up by accident because i was so tired and he'd freak out on me and say i was lying. it was so hard dealing with all the worry.


Well-known member
ehhhh i think i have a crush on a guy who lives like a 10 hr drive away (1.5hr flight though) and i wont see him till May
i just wana see him and give him a hug...


Well-known member
Oh my god. He's going to be here in three hours. FOR GOOD!!!!! I'm so nervous. Which is dumb, because I'm also happy. But oh man, the adrenaline is killing me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
Oh my god. He's going to be here in three hours. FOR GOOD!!!!! I'm so nervous. Which is dumb, because I'm also happy. But oh man, the adrenaline is killing me.


OMG i am sooo happy for you!!

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