Long Distance Relationship Support Thread

hay guys! i'm new to specktra. my names holly& i heard about this site from statusmode on youtube. i'm in a long distance relationship w/my boyfriend for about 3 months but i've known him ever since december of last yr. i've done long distance relationships before but nobody could ever amount up to who he is as a person & how he treats me, the love he gives me & support. i do hafta agree with someone who said that long distance relationships make the relationship more stronger. you know obv its not a physical relationship which i'm actually PERFECTLY fine without sex (no lie dolls!) but the kisses, cuddling, hugs, knowing how he is in person is what i wish i could have right now but through talking on the net or the phone, you get to know the person on a more personal level & i find that it DEF makes the relationship work where you have all this time to talk & know what their flaws are, what they like & just talk about deep stuff that you can relate to. he is a gem, he is one of the many reasons i enrolled myself back into my beauty school that i'm going to attend in jan 09. he gives me all the support in the world that i could ask for. i'm destined to be with him for life. mushy enough? I'M A HAPPY WOMEN

i've actually gotten harassed & put down by my ex friends that i met on a site & they made fun of our relationship saying that internet relationships aren't real & these ppl are the kinda ppl who get with ppl all the time, drink, act very irresponsibly so i don't talk to them anymore & i won't ever cause they went THAT far by disrespecting him, myself, basically our whole entire relationship. i saw who they TRULY are & i'm glad i saw that bc i never want them back in my life ever.

the trust thing comes into play with long distance lovers. i trust him 100% but in the past, relationships for him crumbled (same for me but i'm glad they did cause i was in an abusive relationship, physically & verbally) so bc of what has happened to him w/ex gfs & some past stuff that has happened between us, he can't trust me that much & it hurts but its my doing so i'm gonna leave it at that. i'm not perfect at all but i've transformed into someone i am & around those friends, i tried to fit in & acted in ways i shouldn't have but i put my all into our relationship & we've been better
. we have no problems now & he is gonna come visit me sometime next yr. he is going into the coast guard & i hope everything works out for him in his life, that he meets his goals he wants to accomplish. i just can't wait til he comes up here. i live in new hampshire & he lives in new jersey so i got myself an handsome, charming, amazing jersey man in my life.

so thats my story & i'm sticking with him for GOOD. thats my plan!


Well-known member
Awww some lovely stories on here ....

Here's mine (in brief).
Met online, and I sent him a cheeky msg before I was due to visit NY no a girly trip last Summer. I chickened out of meeting up with him when I got to NY, but he persisted and carried on emailing me when I was in Atlanta.

Got back to London and we carried on emailing and calling one another. By xmas we were hooked. I flew out again in Feb this year and we spent the most amazing week together. Feeling's were there and we were walking on clouds the whole week, but what with the obvious distance, we decided to take things slow.

Cue more phonecalls and emails in their hundreds (Don't even ask me how much I spent on topping up my international sim before I got free U.S landline and mobile calls hooked up to my Sky (cable to you guys) package!

I spent 3.5 wks with him in July/Aug and we 'made it official'. Things are going so well and I know he's 'the one'. I plan to move to NY and we're gna start the application process next year.

He was due to fly out here almost 2 wks ago but hs passport didn't arrive in time. He wanted to come out here in 2 wks (his passport came last week) but I can't get the time off work for when he comes, so he's coming over for Valentines week and I'm spending 3 wks with for Xmas and NY - I can't friggin wait!!!

I've never been as 100% happy as I am now. It's so funny how the issues I've had in past r'ships with guys who live 20 mins away are non-existant in a r'ship I have with a man 6000+ miles away.

It's hard being so far apart but we trust one another implicitly. His parents love me (yay!). My Mum is so excited she's on the verge of booking the church. My Dad is bemused by the whole thing - lol

I'm so thankful for having him in my life. He's amazing
..and yes, I love him more than MAC!

My friend's can't wait to meet him so they can give him the once over but they see how happy he makes me and think he's wonderful already. He makes me feel so safe and secure and like the most beautfiul girl in the world (a cliche I know, but he really does). He's everything a woman could want in a man and I can't believe he's all mine. I still pinch myself from time to time.


Well-known member
Some really cute stories you guys. Feels good to have other people who know what it's like, and not call me crazy! I know I am
but it's not a bad thing.


And about webcams, I wish my bf was into that. He is such a hippie, anti-technology and all that jazz, which is dumb because he's getting his piloting license. Anyway, last year when he started working 10/4 shifts he didn't think it wasn't a big deal that he didn't have a cell phone even though he would be away from home and not have phone access! He was all like, no worries, we'll write letters. I made him get a phone. So the webcam is not a battle I'm going to fight at this point.


Well-known member
Meg, but well, you guys text each other then! We dont text much cause its pretty much pricey. And well girl, soon you wont even need that cams!

Originally Posted by Blushbaby

..and yes, I love him more than MAC!

Thats soooo fun! I proudly declare that I love my boyfriend more than MAC too!!!!



Well-known member
Yeah, I have an awesome phone plan so I get unlimited calls and texts to him. Otherwise I would be paying hundreds of dollars a month, 'cause I spend a lot of time on the phone with him.

P.S. I think this is my favourite smiley ever.


Well-known member
Argh! I'm grouchy. I know I don't have that much longer to wait, but damn it I'm impatient!


Active member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
Argh! I'm grouchy. I know I don't have that much longer to wait, but damn it I'm impatient!

I know how you feel. I'm not a patient person either.


Well-known member
Oh Meg but come on! Thats a sweet feeling of being impatient NOW. Girl, you 2 are on the finish line. I cant express how happy I am for you really

Thas a sweeet feeling, like you're a kid and you know your birthday is tomorrow and there are only a few hours left to get all that presents. I loooved it when I was a kid!

Start getting ready and dolled-up huh
Are you going to live together or he will hive by himself? Im excited here for you!

And oh, can you say thats my fav smiley looking at my signature?


Well-known member
He's going to get a place with a mutual friend, his brother, and one of his friends. Hopefully with four of them they can find a house. I have a pretty sweet deal on campus right now, so I don't want to mess with that.

To you:


Well-known member
Thats good anyways Meg! Just imagine, he will be right there in time. You did it!
Keep us updated how it goes!

Reading that stuff in your "20 facts" abOut nymphomania makes me think it will go great for some reason


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
Ok guys, let's start a countdown. When's the next time you get to see your partner?

coming home for christmas Dec 15!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Alibi
Thats soooo fun! I proudly declare that I love my boyfriend more than MAC too!!!!


I second that!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by airplane_girl
He just finished his six year term this past August and has re-enlisted for 3 more years. He has been talking about doing the whole 20 years... but he has his BA degree and gonna start working on his Masters. I'm hoping he will actually use it for a regular job outside of the Military. But he loves what he does in the Air Force.

I see well if he loves what he does and the benefits are great then staying in is the way to go! I kinda want mine to get out into the civilian world and start his career. He's doing the whole real estate business right now and wants to be a financial advisor!!


Well-known member
So I'm going out this weekend... I wish my man was here haha, we've never really gone out/clubbing together yet. Hopefully in December when he comes home.

Do you ladies ever make yourself a list of things to do that you've never done with ur guy before? i know we can't wait to be together and cook, because we've both been getting into it a lot now.


Well-known member
My bf is coming here on December 5, so a month today!

I totally make lists in my head of things we should do together when we are together, but there's never enough time, or we forget.

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