hay guys! i'm new to specktra. my names holly& i heard about this site from statusmode on youtube. i'm in a long distance relationship w/my boyfriend for about 3 months but i've known him ever since december of last yr. i've done long distance relationships before but nobody could ever amount up to who he is as a person & how he treats me, the love he gives me & support. i do hafta agree with someone who said that long distance relationships make the relationship more stronger. you know obv its not a physical relationship which i'm actually PERFECTLY fine without sex (no lie dolls!) but the kisses, cuddling, hugs, knowing how he is in person is what i wish i could have right now but through talking on the net or the phone, you get to know the person on a more personal level & i find that it DEF makes the relationship work where you have all this time to talk & know what their flaws are, what they like & just talk about deep stuff that you can relate to. he is a gem, he is one of the many reasons i enrolled myself back into my beauty school that i'm going to attend in jan 09. he gives me all the support in the world that i could ask for. i'm destined to be with him for life. mushy enough? I'M A HAPPY WOMEN
i've actually gotten harassed & put down by my ex friends that i met on a site & they made fun of our relationship saying that internet relationships aren't real & these ppl are the kinda ppl who get with ppl all the time, drink, act very irresponsibly so i don't talk to them anymore & i won't ever cause they went THAT far by disrespecting him, myself, basically our whole entire relationship. i saw who they TRULY are & i'm glad i saw that bc i never want them back in my life ever.
the trust thing comes into play with long distance lovers. i trust him 100% but in the past, relationships for him crumbled (same for me but i'm glad they did cause i was in an abusive relationship, physically & verbally) so bc of what has happened to him w/ex gfs & some past stuff that has happened between us, he can't trust me that much & it hurts but its my doing so i'm gonna leave it at that. i'm not perfect at all but i've transformed into someone i am & around those friends, i tried to fit in & acted in ways i shouldn't have but i put my all into our relationship & we've been better
. we have no problems now & he is gonna come visit me sometime next yr. he is going into the coast guard & i hope everything works out for him in his life, that he meets his goals he wants to accomplish. i just can't wait til he comes up here. i live in new hampshire & he lives in new jersey so i got myself an handsome, charming, amazing jersey man in my life.
so thats my story & i'm sticking with him for GOOD. thats my plan!

i've actually gotten harassed & put down by my ex friends that i met on a site & they made fun of our relationship saying that internet relationships aren't real & these ppl are the kinda ppl who get with ppl all the time, drink, act very irresponsibly so i don't talk to them anymore & i won't ever cause they went THAT far by disrespecting him, myself, basically our whole entire relationship. i saw who they TRULY are & i'm glad i saw that bc i never want them back in my life ever.
the trust thing comes into play with long distance lovers. i trust him 100% but in the past, relationships for him crumbled (same for me but i'm glad they did cause i was in an abusive relationship, physically & verbally) so bc of what has happened to him w/ex gfs & some past stuff that has happened between us, he can't trust me that much & it hurts but its my doing so i'm gonna leave it at that. i'm not perfect at all but i've transformed into someone i am & around those friends, i tried to fit in & acted in ways i shouldn't have but i put my all into our relationship & we've been better

so thats my story & i'm sticking with him for GOOD. thats my plan!