Long Distance Relationship Support Thread


Well-known member
Hello ladies!

I met my bf on the internet too!
He lives in PA, I'm in NY... We've been together for... *counting* 5 years or so

That's about it... I saw him couple of weeks ago, can't wait to see him again... I miss looking into his blue eyes so much


Well-known member
Originally Posted by preciouscharm
Do you ladies ever make yourself a list of things to do that you've never done with ur guy before? i know we can't wait to be together and cook, because we've both been getting into it a lot now.

Oh I do definitely and its always in my head! I always always ALWAYS catch myself thinking "oh I wish he was here with me now doing this or that".

I dont want anything special even, I want that little things. I miss so much just laying with him in bed watching a movie on laptop. He was so sweet, always checking if I see the screen good... Miss walking around and making fun, miss going to the market together to buy some food.

I wish I could lay with him in the end of the day and just talk, and fall asleep next to him. I wanna cook food for him, go to the beach with him, sit next to him as he drives a car in the evning. And a looot more!

BeautyPsycho, where exactly did you guys meet? Congrats on the anniversary!

Girls... my Mom hates my bf and what im doing. She says Im wasting time with him, that I should stop hanging with a guy from so far away and "get a life", meaning a boyfriend here. Please read more in the 1st post here if you can....http://specktra.net/f262/how-do-your...usband-110618/

It sucks so much. I guess she is afraid I will leave to live with him there, and thats very far away. But really, I won't. A have a family to take care of here, I realise that. But I love HIM, I dont want a bf who is here damn it. She says I'm wasting my time and it has no future. Im telling her that I enjoy this, and NO damn relationship "has" future, you can date a guy from a next street for years and years and then he gonna dump you or so on..happend to some girls I know here. She just hates him and this story. Ughhhh. :/

Sorry long post... I wanted to share with you dolls


Active member
I'm sorry your mom isn't liking him and your relationship.
You know, my mom wasn't too keen on me dating a guy from Canada because she knew a move would happen if it ever got serious, and it did. She's told me several times she doesn't want me to go, but I'm going to anyway. I really really love this guy and I want to make it work, and I am SO looking forward to moving! I can't even tell you.

I just figure I'll leave even if some of my family doesn't support me. I know most do now and that's great, but some of them don't even know yet (and I'd like to keep it that way). So, this whole year I've been telling her stories about my guy and how much of a great time we had together this past summer - so it eases her mind a bit. She had definitely come around and is happy for me.

I hate to hear about your mom, though. Maybe she'll come around one day like mine did. But I definitely wouldn't give up on the relationship just because someone doesn't like/approve it. You have to do what makes you happy!
Ya know?


Well-known member
Oh Dreama, I do! I love my Mom SO MUCH, I owe her a lot, she raised me alone because my Dad died, and also took care of her parents, my grandparents. And I know she worries. But I just wont give him up, oh no.

Whenever she says something bad now, I turn it into joke or just dont answer and go away. She is better about this, really! But man, I wish she was just ok with it, or at least not asking if a car ran him over when he was a kid, right?

She is always asking why im hanging with him and what is good about him. I answered so many times already! This last days when he was here, she turned it into nightmare for me... She tried to lock me up at home..Screaming on the phone.., I love Mom to death, and for all my life I would rather give something up (going to a party late, etc) just not to make her extra worried. But really, my bf means so much for me! I wish she was ok with all that...


Active member
It kinda seems like she doesn't want to let you go, and that's understandable to a degree. Hopefully she'll come around completely and not make those jokes or give you a hard time about him. *hugs*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
Ok guys, let's start a countdown. When's the next time you get to see your partner?

6 wks and 3 days - Dec 21st!!

God help anybody who has the misfortune of standing near me in Terminal B, Newark Airport cos my squeals of excitement can and will be deafening!!! Any haters of PDO (public displays of affection) better turn their heads too!

Originally Posted by preciouscharm
Do you ladies ever make yourself a list of things to do that you've never done with ur guy before? i know we can't wait to be together and cook, because we've both been getting into it a lot now.

Yeah! We're renting an apartment over Xmas/NY so we can have some privacy. His parents are cool and everything but c'mon now I can't be walking around half naked in front of them, can I?!! I'm really looking fwd to being a "full-on wifey" (doing his lunches for work and having dinner ready when he gets home
- feminists will be in uproar!). I can't wait!!

He's taking me iceskating either in Central Park or at the Rockafellar ice rink and we're going for a horse n carriage ride at night (Carrie & Big style). It's just one long honeymoon when I see him


Well-known member
Blushbaby you just reminded me talking of airport, oh I have a cute story to tell you!

When I was picking my man here I was sooo impatient. I arrived 3 hours earlier in the airport. When it was finally his flight arriving, there was such a crowd all over that corridor they come from! And everyone was dressed pretty much the same, "airport style", except me in a tiny black dress and heels and a woman in a national russian costume!

However, while waiting me & her started talking, everyone was already staring as we were a funky couple
She was waiting for an old lady from Argentina. So ok.

There was this corridor and a crowd, I was worried he wont find me there. And in the middle of the corridor there was a column. I went there, pretty in the middle and stayed there. A guard came to me and told its only for people who arived and told me to move bitch get out the way step back. I did.

But i was sooo impatient, in 10 mins I was back there! He told me off again. And man, in 10 minutes my feet just moved me there! He looked at me and said "Lady, come on, you really cant stand here. Im getting used to you!". And I said "Man lets make a deal, I stand 10 mins more here then start to move back slowly without you telling me". He said "oh whatever, ok".

And then my bf finally arrived!!!!!!!
I saw him entering that door OMGGGGG.
And he started moving the wrong direction (only he could though, its a corridor
). So I was like.. whatever, and was running on high heels all the corridor of people arriving towards him. All crowd was looking I bet, but man did I care? I nearly knocked him off his feet haha
I was right there holding him in the middle of the crowd, crying, laughing, all full of emotions. And he was telling me to relax cause he's here finally.

Gooo blushbaby, go! Show that airport hot stuff and real feelings


Well-known member
Alibi you're so cute. Your mom is probably afraid that you're going to get hurt. She'll come around eventually.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dreama
Aww, reading that made me smile from ear to ear!
I needed that, lol.

Awwww me too!
Yay for being reuinted! The "bitch get out of the way" line made me snort at my desk in laughter, my colleagues all looked over at me!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Alibi
Oh I do definitely and its always in my head! I always always ALWAYS catch myself thinking "oh I wish he was here with me now doing this or that".

I dont want anything special even, I want that little things. I miss so much just laying with him in bed watching a movie on laptop. He was so sweet, always checking if I see the screen good... Miss walking around and making fun, miss going to the market together to buy some food.

I wish I could lay with him in the end of the day and just talk, and fall asleep next to him. I wanna cook food for him, go to the beach with him, sit next to him as he drives a car in the evning. And a looot more!

Girls... my Mom hates my bf and what im doing. She says Im wasting time with him, that I should stop hanging with a guy from so far away and "get a life", meaning a boyfriend here.

Yea I miss doing those little things too! On ichat (AIM on macs) its lets you share what you're watching so we have movie nights! Or we go out and do the same thing, like go out and watch the same movie at the same time =P.

As for your mom not liking your bf, maybe u should talk to her? I mean if he's truly worth it then your mom should understand one day. My parents were CRAZIE strict too, but after 4 years of seeing me and my bf still going strong I think they've finally realized how happy i am. No worries it really jsut takes time. One of my good friends is in an LDR too and it also took time for her parents to accept it.


Well-known member
I'm lucky in that aspect because when we started dating it wasn't long distance, so my parents were eased into the idea as much as I was. Plus my parents have always been the kind who let their kids make their own mistakes. And they like him even though they got to know him in the worst of his dumb ass teenager phase, which I think is a small miracle in itself.

So do you guys go through phases of being happy with your relationship, and then kind of meh about it? Or phases of accepting the distance and going crazy?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Blushbaby
6 wks and 3 days - Dec 21st!!

God help anybody who has the misfortune of standing near me in Terminal B, Newark Airport cos my squeals of excitement can and will be deafening!!! Any haters of PDO (public displays of affection) better turn their heads too!

Yeah! We're renting an apartment over Xmas/NY so we can have some privacy. His parents are cool and everything but c'mon now I can't be walking around half naked in front of them, can I?!! I'm really looking fwd to being a "full-on wifey" (doing his lunches for work and having dinner ready when he gets home
- feminists will be in uproar!). I can't wait!!

He's taking me iceskating either in Central Park or at the Rockafellar ice rink and we're going for a horse n carriage ride at night (Carrie & Big style). It's just one long honeymoon when I see him

I love this story! And I stay home and take care of my hubby too..LOVE IT!!! You guys are so cute!1


Well-known member
Hey ladies, how's your day going so far?

My bf texted me this morning, which I like, but it woke me up, which I don't. I've also had a cup of green tea and I'm about to leave for class, and I just know that I'm going to have to pee really bad in the middle of class.


Active member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
So do you guys go through phases of being happy with your relationship, and then kind of meh about it? Or phases of accepting the distance and going crazy?

I do at times. I mean, I'm always happy with my relationship, but it does get frustrating at times. I hate being alone and I really miss his company.
Some days are better than others I guess.

My day is going okay so far. Thanks for asking.


Well-known member
I do go through phases Meg.. Sometimes im just cloud 10 and sometimes I'm laying here crying, thinking how crazy this whole sutuation is. Thinking if I should end it, well, actually I used to think before & had to courage so now I totally admit im lost in him. Its tough, but this better moments and the vision of future worth it all!

Also, me and my bf are really good together, but sometimes we fight like crazy about little things. I end up crying, screaming, je says im emo and crazy & blah.

Like yesterday, I was showing him my calling phone in cam. I admit I didnt think about it so it made crazy sound for him there. By bf has a habit of showing the middle finger to pc when its going too crazy (funny I know, but I sometimes swear at my pc too), so he did it. And of course I went all "are you showing it to me? So you dont respect me?". He said that im crazy and like "shut up girl". And there it was, unferno practically!

We made it though. Its crazy. But man I love him SO MUCH.

Im doing good! Just stopped talking with my man, its 0:15 here. We were playing the pc together and just talking before. Oh man how much I love him really!

Thanks everyone for sweet comments on my "getting bf in the airport" story
I'm glad I made you smile, I was so happy thats day, even feeling numb, we were in a taxi (cause yes, I dont have a licence nor a car) and I nearly fainted seriously just seeing him next to me.


Well-known member
Also I gotta say.. he is really awesome. I do admit that im a drama queen. Seriously, dont tell him ever I admit, but I do.

Especially after that story when he kissed a girl.. Man that was tough, but I got over it, I was just an internet crush all around the world that time, and he chose me anyways.. But yes it fucked up my mind A LOT.

I an crazy jealousous of him. And maybe without a reason really. I hate any bitch there. I wanna kill em with a fork once I get there.

There is a girl ALWAYS hanging with his friend. So well, sometimes they hang all 3 of them... Keep in mind, she's a friend of the girl who kissed my man, I bet they both had a plan of getting my man and his pal, but OWND bitches, he is with me and the other guy sees her as a tomboy. Damn bitch in braces, I will give her some qualified dentist help out there if she starts any move.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg

So do you guys go through phases of being happy with your relationship, and then kind of meh about it? Or phases of accepting the distance and going crazy?

yes all the time. im in the going crazie mode right now :-D

lol i love how we go all gogogaga over our guys, its like having a first date all over again when we get to see him!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by preciouscharm
lol i love how we go all gogogaga over our guys, its like having a first date all over again when we get to see him!

Yeah, it is!
I just got off the phone to him, he's at work. Amen for phone sex!

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