Long Distance Relationship Support Thread


Well-known member

Speaking of phones, my bf just got home last night from where he works, went out to a bar with his friends, and lost his phone! So pissed. If he doesn't find it before he goes back on Monday, he better buy a new one because I am not going a month without talking to him. No fucking way.


Well-known member
^^^ oh I third that!

Meg did he get any phone?

Im super tired and sleepy girls.. Can handly make a statement, but well, how could I NOT respond to that phone sex quote!


Well-known member
He found it. One of his friends was drunk and thought it would be funny to take it and not tell him where it was. I swear, every time he goes back home he turns into a 17 year old again.


Well-known member
News: he might be getting sent somewhere for a relief mission, he's finding out tomorrow, and doesn't know how long he will be... meaning he could possible NOT come home for xmas


Well-known member
Girl, keep up updated as Meg said!
I hope everything works out, anyways he will come back as soon as possible!
We are here to talk with you. Aww this thread as so cute


Well-known member
Originally Posted by preciouscharm
News: he might be getting sent somewhere for a relief mission, he's finding out tomorrow, and doesn't know how long he will be... meaning he could possible NOT come home for xmas

Oh no ...fingers crossed he will be home x


Well-known member
thank you girliess!! :-D I think he will know sometime this week? How was the weekend? I turned down clubbing bc of this and i missed him to much =P


Well-known member
I was upset this weekend, because my bf had time off work and went home, ie where his family/friends live, and it upset me that when he goes "home" I'm not there. It made me sad.

I swear, I'm more neurotic now that I know he's going to be here soon then when I thought it was going to be another couple years. Like if he starts joking about not coming at all, or not wanting to see me when he gets here, I flip out. Normally I take a joke very well, but I'm a bit of a mess right now. I keep thinking that he's going to change his mind, or something will come up. This is after all the third time in a year and a half that he's intended to move out, although he's never acted this serious about it before. He found this wicked place that's fairly far away from me, but everything in my area is so expensive because of the university students. But this place is a house, rent to own, and pretty cheap. I'm excited.


Well-known member
^^ You're jsut really excited and anxious at the same time!! I'm kinda feeling the same way too bcuz December's coming up. I always get like then when I know I'm about to see him!


Well-known member
Hey guys!
I live in Vancouver too! I met Mr. Man while he was visiting for his sister's wedding and it was instant connection..we spent that weekend togethor and then he flew back to Alberta where he lives right now..I didn't think too much of it initially (cute guy mild flirtation harmless right?) until we kept calling and texting each other after we left. A couple weeks later we realized we should probably admit to each other that we were in a relationship lol My parents don't approve and he wants to make it official except I am not ready for such a huge commitment at this point in my life..not to mention going against my family..?? He comes to visit whenever he can, but its tough having a satellite fb, phone calls and texts only do so much! Sometimes I get upset coz I want to be hugged kissed cuddled and loved. I want someone to dress up for, to "Date", to wow him when he sees me. his work means he's gotta stay in AB for another 4 years... ARGH this thread made me sad..

Edit/// fantasizes about makeup...and kablamo! :p

PS sooo many of us are from VANCITY!!
wooot its soo nice to see I would love to chat makeup with you ladies..whats your fav stores, MA's etc


Well-known member
That's crazy, there are now three of us in Vancouver, with guys in Alberta. Ziya, where does this guy live?


Well-known member
Damn Albertans stealing our men!

My guy is back in town now for a few days...I missed him so much...I couldn't stop touching him and staring at him. I was totally being creepy last night. haha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
That's crazy, there are now three of us in Vancouver, with guys in Alberta. Ziya, where does this guy live?

Hehehe! He's in Edmonton


Well-known member
Hey girls,

I'm having a crap day today. I dunno, just feeling pretty "meh". We were on the phone for hours over the wkend and the days are going by so damn slowly. I have 5 wks til I see him again and it feels like an eternity.

I'm just in a mood. I'm at work and don't feel motivated to actually do anything. Gonna pop out and get something to eat in a sec and don't wanna come bk! *rolls eyes*


Well-known member
^ I feel you. I'm sick right now, and it makes me grouchy that I can't cuddle with my bf to feel better. It's been 5 weeks since I saw him (which really isn't that long), and he's going to be here in about two and a half weeks which is awesome, but he's barely going to be able to see me because he's going to be house hunting and setting things up. Which is cool, but I still want some time for us.


Well-known member
Sighhh I haven't seen in him like a month and 2 weeks...but he's coming for Christmas! yay! I duno the other day we had a bit of an off day...I am a reallly practical and pragmatic person and it just happened to be the ONE day in a year where I was feeling romantic lmao and so I sent him a bunch of texts saying some really sweet things. He replied with like "ur2 funny i love you"
"LOL" etc I think he was blushing lol coz I said some pretty nice things! So later I sent him another one saying something like "ok ok I'll stop babe, I know its not your style, but feel free to send some lovin this way too
" The plan wasn't to compliment him only so he could flatter me! It just happened, and I realized I always go "oh baby damn your so cute/smart/etc" and I never hear a word of appreciation for me. It's not like I don't know what I mean to him (at least I think) its just nice to hear that he think I'm funny or intelligent or attractive...and so later when I asked him to say something romantic he busts out with " I love you my jaan" (jaan means my life) and I was like....ok is that it?? We say I love you every single fricking time we call each other. It doesnt mean anything less to me, its just not what I was looking for..I don't know how to say this without picking a fight. I mean I'm here by myself, humour a girl why dont you? LOL


Well-known member
Feeling a bit better - I went shopping after work and bought myself lots of nice jewellery which has cheered me up! Nothing beats a bit of retail therapy when you're missing your man! He's at work right now, so just waiting for him to gimme a call when he can talk.

Nutmeg, get well soon and I hope you guys do get a bit of time to yourselves when he's back home.

Ziya, I feel your frustration, my guess is he's just not that great at describing his feelings for you in ways other than "I love you". Some guys just aren't that deep. He thinks you're great and he loves you - but doesn't 'get', that us women like a bit of variety in knowing just what it is they love about us!

Don't be accusing if you bring it up, you don't wanna make him feel inadequate as a partner. He's obviously unaware that you're feeling this way.


Well-known member
aww thank you so much... i will try to be nice hehehe
ooh retail therapy...thats my vice..
enjoy your pretty things!

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