Long Distance Relationship Support Thread


Well-known member
Man, I think I'm more excited about you seeing your bf than me seeing mine. Woohoo!


Well-known member
In the middle of next week I'll go apply for visa, his Mom made me an ivitation, she is so sweet, seriously. She never met me, only saw 2 times in cam, but when he went here she send me a beautiful plate with a view as a present, and now she helps me so much, bought me a local ticket through her agent, and is just.. so sweet!!! Im very very embarased and scared to meet her, she doesnt speak english so my bf gotta always translate, and I just want her to like me... I bought her presents already too, a decorated plate aswell (thought it would be nice to exchange), magnets, matryoshka doll, a pen, and a necklace! Last time I sent her some earrings and she liked them *phew*

She is just nice, letting me, quite odd for her, stay in her house, live there etc.. My bf said she already started getting my room ready and is worried how I like things... SWEET!


Well-known member
Yay! Alibi and Blushbaby, I'm so excited for you guys. Aaaand my bf told me last night that he's moving here the first week in January. Aaaahhhhh!

Preciouscharm, I'm really sad that you don't get to see your love for the holidays. I'm thinking of you and sending you hugs.


Well-known member

thats awesome! I can imagine how super excited are you!
Have an awesome time there and a nice flight!

Meg, thanks sweety
I'm super happy for you too!

Preciouscharm, thats ok girl. You have the timeline set when you two gonna be together with no distance at all. I hope you are doing good girl!

I'm super excited too girls, going crazy over here. I cant wait at all, very nerveous


Well-known member
it looks like we are all having a good holiday. Cuz I'm with mine right now.. he's next to me. They decided to let him come home last minute !!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Yay happy days for everybody!!! I can't WAIT til Sunday.

I'm sat here at work with a party hat on my head, sending him tipsy emails (went for xmas drinks and lunchtime and got a bit TOO acquainted with copious ammounts of Southern Comfort and lemonade). I haven't packed yet and no doubt I'll forget half of my winter wardrobe but who cares - I'll be with my M.A.N!


Well-known member
Who needs warm pyjamas? That's what the naked man in your bed is for.
At least that is my packing philosophy. Although it is 30 degrees Celsius colder where I'm headed. Ugh.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
Who needs warm pyjamas? That's what the naked man in your bed is for.

Oh yeaaaaaah!


Well-known member
This thread looks so happy and I fee like I'm the party pooper

Well I'm Caroline and I've known my boyfriend for 4 years, we met online, but when we met for the first time 2 years ago we knew we really liked eachother, we knew, knew.
I'm going to move to the US next year after I finish my studies and YAY we can finally be togheter, however, he's in the navy and he's been out on cruise since September...

You know when you have a LDR you have msn + webcam, phone and emails and now with the cruise all I have is emails or snail mail. Fine I figured, we've gone trough alot, we can do this. But about a week ago he got banned from using the computer because of some Navy BS so no I have now contact with him whatsoever for the next 90 days...

So I can't talk to him again until March, and I'm not going to be able to physically meet him until June.

This is going to be really hard


Well-known member
Damn Caroline, it sounds tough, bit you said yourself, you've been together for 4 years, it means that you experienced enough, right? No doubt it is tough, but I think all you can do is trust him and wait now. Are you going to move to him in USA to live together?

Can you still write him post letters?

Edit: and lool, you're not the party pooper! You are welcome here, and long distance relationship is also about feeling lonely sometimes, we do understand it here


Well-known member
Awww Caroline, that's horrible! Time to go back to basics ...writing letters! We rely so much on modern technology to keep in touch, I can't remember the last time I wrote a letter!

I know it'll be hard but just plough on and you'll make it through.

Oh BTW can I all ask you to keep your fingers crossed for me that flight isn't delayed or worse cancelled tomorrow cos of the snow in NY at the mo! *faints*


Well-known member
Blushbaby, I'll have mine crossed for you! Good luck girl, everything will be great
Like something could stop you from being with him


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Calhoune
This thread looks so happy and I fee like I'm the party pooper

Well I'm Caroline and I've known my boyfriend for 4 years, we met online, but when we met for the first time 2 years ago we knew we really liked eachother, we knew, knew.
I'm going to move to the US next year after I finish my studies and YAY we can finally be togheter, however, he's in the navy and he's been out on cruise since September...

You know when you have a LDR you have msn + webcam, phone and emails and now with the cruise all I have is emails or snail mail. Fine I figured, we've gone trough alot, we can do this. But about a week ago he got banned from using the computer because of some Navy BS so no I have now contact with him whatsoever for the next 90 days...

So I can't talk to him again until March, and I'm not going to be able to physically meet him until June.

This is going to be really hard

You aren't a party pooper, it's just that most of the regular posters are having an easier time of it right now. We all go through periods of loneliness. I agree that you should write him love letters, I've done that and it's so cute.

Good luck Blushbaby!

I'm at my parents' place right now and my bf is coming over today!


Well-known member
Alibi, Blushbaby, NutMeg: Thank you for your support! It's really nice to talk to people who know what it's like, I don't know anyone in school that goes trough anything like this.
I know I can trust him and yes I'm going to move to the US and live with him in one year

I know the longdistance will be worth it because he's the most amazing man in the world, I just wish it didn't have to be so damn hard!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Calhoune
It's really nice to talk to people who know what it's like, I don't know anyone in school that goes trough anything like this.

Thats why we have this thread here
Which I looove!

How do your parents see you moving to him? And how do they take it? Cause weel, as for me I told before - my Mom hates my bf. Did you meet him playing online too?

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