MA Rudeness/Bad MAC experiences/Rants


Well-known member
Re: Should I send a letter of complaint to MAC?

Originally Posted by MissChievous
It didn't always used to be this way at that counter, so I'm thinking someone is just not doing his or her job! And if I was a manager in a head office somewhere, I would want to know about this. Would it be overbaring and completely out of place? It's almost a matter of pride, that a company I love is presenting itself in such a bad light!

I think you've got the right mindset to right this letter. It's not to simply complain, but to be an advocate for MAC. And considering your description of the state the counter's in, it would be heartless (for lack of a better word) NOT to let MAC know about it! They deserve to be displayed better, especially with such low representation in this area already!


Well-known member
Re: Should I send a letter of complaint to MAC?

I think you definitely have every right to complain. I think the most valid point would be the restocking issue. There is really no excuse. If the store has products flying off the shelves on a regular basis, they should take inventory and decide which products to order more of! and the grossness factor.... we all know it's not hard at all to sanitize, to wipe off the creme blushes, etc. Even if they are slamming busy each day during the store's hours, these are things that should be maintained at the end of every shift.

I am only close to a small mac counter inside a department store, and I feel like the staff makes the most of it. They are always cleaning when I walk up and there are no customers. Every so often an eyeshadow looks like too many fingers have been touching it, but the lipsticks, ccb's, cremeblushes, etc are always fresh looking.

My counter is similar to yours in that it has 2 eyeshadow displays, .... however they have a tray of about 15 eyeshadows they don't have room for on the racks--these are usually LE colors that haven't sold out yet.

There are two displays that hold all the blush, cremeblush, ccb's, and I think bronzers. The lipsticks are definitely unorganized though. there are little markers with the names of finishes on them- lustre, frost, matte, etc, but the lipsticks are not organized by the markers when you pick them up and look at them. they are *kind of* arranged by color palette.

I have been to MAC stores in Montreal and NYC- freestanding, pro, and department store locations. All of these stores have blown my local one out of the water, but I am so grateful that there is a location 15 minutes away from me. I keep a mental list of what I want the most for when I hit up a PRO store or freestanding store.

Write them a clear concise letter! I agree with the other posts that they will appreciate your concern. Tell them in the letter that you have pride in mac as a makeup company, and it embarrasses you to see your favorite company represented this way!


Well-known member
Re: Should I send a letter of complaint to MAC?

Thanks for the feedback, girls! So, I guess I send the letter to the Estee Lauder Cosmetics headquarter? I don't think sending it to the department store or the counter would do much good, tbh...They might totally disregard it!


Well-known member
Re: Should I send a letter of complaint to MAC?

Originally Posted by MissChievous

Often the staff is just standing around chatting. They do help if I ask for it, but I usually feel kind of uncomfortable there, like I'm a nuisance or something. The customer service is ok, it could be a lot better. One of the girls is really snobbish towards me, and I have no clue why.

I'm not very surprised by what you say about the staff: here in France, in some of MAC shops, they make customers feel very unwelcome like you are bothering them in the middle of their day (even if they are doing nothing...). It is totally anti-commercial and I'm not sure about the training of the staff, if they have been told about customer service... I remember when I applied once at MAC, during the interview they asked me a lot of questions about the brand and makeup in general but practically nothing about customers. It has surprised me a lot... I don't know what happen next when you're hired but believe me, if you don't even say hello or smile at every customer in the Body Shop (where I used to work), the manager will remind you of that!!


Well-known member
Re: Should I send a letter of complaint to MAC?

Say something! Companies ALWAYS want to know why they are doing things wrong. If they take your advice, they will boost sales, which is good for THEM!

Most companies are CRAVING feedback!


Well-known member
Re: Should I send a letter of complaint to MAC?

Originally Posted by MissChievous
Thanks for the feedback, girls! So, I guess I send the letter to the Estee Lauder Cosmetics headquarter? I don't think sending it to the department store or the counter would do much good, tbh...They might totally disregard it!

I also think you should write. If you're going to e-mail I would use this address:

[email protected]

I've been given this address for things the online chat folks were unable to answer.


Well-known member
Re: Should I send a letter of complaint to MAC?

ABSOLUTELY send them a letter!!! They really need to know about this. I used to be a MAC artist and I can tell you, if our counter were ever in this condition, we would have lost our jobs. It is their responsibility to make sure that the counter looks sanitary and organized. Maybe the have no idea and it's the fault of the employees there. Call their main office in Canada. It is your right as a paying customer to expect good customer service and a clean/sanitary environment while you are there.


Well-known member
Re: Should I send a letter of complaint to MAC?

Originally Posted by makeupgal
ABSOLUTELY send them a letter!!! They really need to know about this. I used to be a MAC artist and I can tell you, if our counter were ever in this condition, we would have lost our jobs. It is their responsibility to make sure that the counter looks sanitary and organized. Maybe the have no idea and it's the fault of the employees there. Call their main office in Canada. It is your right as a paying customer to expect good customer service and a clean/sanitary environment while you are there.

I agree.

My counter seems to always be out of everything, (even though we always do our stock concerns on time), but you know what, it's damn clean! I think all we do is clean some days.

This store is not representing MAC very well & as you all know, MAC is all about image...I'd say write MAC directly-if possible write to the MRO of that store as well as the email given above...writing to the department store or EL probably won't get the immediate results needed.


Well-known member
Re: Should I send a letter of complaint to MAC?

Can you take pictures of that store to show them? I would email/mail the company.


Well-known member
Re: Should I send a letter of complaint to MAC?

My counter isn't that bad, but it's pretty bad. Limited items available, dirty displays, and super bitchy salespeople. This is really gross but I never got cold sores until a MAC salesperson who was doing my makeup used a lipstick she said was clean, and the next day I had a cold sore for the first time ever. Now I seem to get them every few months, I can't wear lipstick when I have it, and I have to go clean all lipsticks, liners, etc. It's so gross. After reading everyone's comments here I'm going to go ahead and write MAC about this. :/


Well-known member
My MAC counter is screwed up

so i've been a customer to the same counter for almost 4 years now. i've had lots of great experiences at this counter, the old manager there used to love me and did a lot of sweet things for me like trying to keep me interested in working there, she appreciated my interest and talent in the makeup field.. but last year sometime, she left MAC after working there for almost 11 years. the new manager is awful. she isn't experienced with any of the previous products or collections, she doesn't know anything about pricing without looking it up on the computer, she's awful with explaining products to customers (i've watched this girl).. anyway. i had a really bad experience tonight i really want to bring up.

i was doing some christmas shopping and figured i'd stop by to pick up some stuff.. everyone in there is pretty familiar with me and no-one seems to like me very much because i have a tendency to chat up other customers, or people getting a makeup demo done, just casually. half the time these people start talking to me, about what products i'm wearing, or something like that. i guess i cut in to the MA trying to pitch products or whatever. anyway, i'm talking to this girl shopping in there about eye shadows, she's trying to decide between a few different colors and i guess you'd say i was helping her decide based on what other colors she already had and what finishes she liked, etc. this stuck up guy who works there is standing nearby cleaning a brush, eyeing me, rolling his eyes, being very obviously rude, and steps over beside me. looks directly past me to her, and says in the worst tone ever, "can i help YOU with something?"

i felt so dissed. i went to the other side of the store and started looking at blushes, and he's seated this girl at the makeup chair and i guess is demo-ing eye shadows on her. she motions to me to go over there, so, i do. and she asked me what i was saying about eye shadow finishes, and he cuts me off after i try to explain. she's looking very confused about why he has an attitude, i'm very offended, so i just leave. i tried to go back later to actually get someone to pull the products i wanted to buy, and i did purchase some stuff, but everyone acted all stand-offish to me while i was in there. it's been like this the past 5 or 6 times i've been to this counter. i'm getting really turned off. if i go in wearing no makeup and "normal" clothes looking like a "normal" boy, it always seems like they think i'm going to shoplift, or i'll obviously need someone to help me with something.

i mean, really, what do you think i can do about this? what do you all think?? am i not supposed to talk to other customers? am i doing something wrong?


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

oh what a little douchenozzle he is! sorry to hear about this. give him some ex-lax and tell him to chill the f*ck out.


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

I had a similiar experience in Nordstrom in the Savvy dept. I took it to Human Resources. You never bother with the workers, it will get you nowhere. They are fools, it isn't like you are going to start ringing up sales. I am always friendly like you are also and get the same looks, I do it even more just to irritate them further.

The purse strings are tightenin and people are feeling it. It is close to the holidays also.

I would seriously just make a mention to the HR and tell them what happened, on the clock or not. I used to work at Nordstroms for about six months until I was harassed by the new manager that took over, even the Pacesetter told her to back off of me and leave me the hell alone. She didn't and I ended up finally breaking down in tears having a panic attack in the changing room. I quit the next day, handing my client book to the Pacesetter and putting her card in the slot.

People sense that negativity even if they aren't preview to the background information. I have left many counters because the vibe wasn't right. But I am lucky and can pick and choose, because I have a lot of options.


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

i don't understand, if you work there how come the guy doesn't know you? i'm just a little confused.
the guy probably felt that you don't even work there, why are you chatting up HIS potential cutomers?
it's obviously his issue. i've had pretty bad experiences with MAs quite a few time before and i thought "is there something wrong with me really?" then i decided to just settle on them acting as stuck up bitches or having a bad day or something. i just try to be a bigger person and leave it at that. i don't let it get to me anymore.
i work in retail, and personally i hate dealing with customers. i'm just not the nicest person. so i usually stay away doing other things. so i can understand what it's like but if you have that attitude why the heck do you do it? i can't understand that.


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

Originally Posted by macosophy
i don't understand, if you work there how come the guy doesn't know you? i'm just a little confused.
the guy probably felt that you don't even work there, why are you chatting up HIS potential cutomers?
it's obviously his issue. i've had pretty bad experiences with MAs quite a few time before and i thought "is there something wrong with me really?" then i decided to just settle on them acting as stuck up bitches or having a bad day or something. i just try to be a bigger person and leave it at that. i don't let it get to me anymore.
i work in retail, and personally i hate dealing with customers. i'm just not the nicest person. so i usually stay away doing other things. so i can understand what it's like but if you have that attitude why the heck do you do it? i can't understand that.

Are you saying that as a customer you no longer have the right to talk amongst other shoppers, I do it all the time. I get the crazy looks but I am animated and all about the MAC! You can't steal a customer away unless you are on the clock. If he works at a store it isn't about commission... correct me if I am wrong. And I think it speaks highly for MAC that an employee wants to be there spending anytime with clientele.


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

I read the last post and just got all sorts of confused... he doesn't work there.


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

^ I thought he worked there too till I read the post again.

Anyway, to the OP, I think that you may have come off to the MA as "the friend." I know you're just another shopper but sometimes, some MA's get intimidated & catty w/ customers who act like they know more than them, especially when they are chatting the other customer. I'm not saying you acted like that. You probably were just being friendly & helpful to another shopper. I do it too all the time, every time I'm out shopping and not just at MAC. Some people take it kindly & appreciatively, others don't. I say, try not to let this incident bother you. At the end of the day, I always think that if the MA is having a bad day, yours doesn't have to be. Sometimes it's hard to be positive but I think it's harder to keep that sour-face lol. On one hand, if on every visit you have to this store you get treated like that, perhaps, send a message to HQ. Praise & complaints about MA's are taken seriously!


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

Even if the MA did feel like you were interrupting or whatever, I think that there are better, and more professional ways of handling that. No one really has a right to talk down to you like that, unless you have outrightly disrespected them.
They probably see your knowledge and interest as a threat or an inconvenience, but there are so many MA's who see that as a positive side to their profession.
Next time you go, if a comment or anything makes you feel uncomfortable, i'd just straight out be like "sorry, is something bothering you?" and see what they have to say. You are after all, a customer...and maybe the customer isn't always right, but they are the priority and that is a major fail on his part to make you feel turned off by something/somewhere you like.


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

a lot of my friends are telling me to go to customer service at belk about it. i also mentioned it to a MA at another counter i go to, in another city. she told me i should just ignore anyone who gives me attitude and do my shopping, buy my products, and if i end up talking to another customer then fine but all that really should matter to the MA is that i'm not ruining anything and i'm actually buying things instead of just lingering around.

thanks to everyone who replied to this and i'm sorry about the confusion, haha, i do not work for MAC.


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

I think he sounds very unprofessional. Maybe he was coming from a place of desperation?? Holiday sales are really bad and maybe he is feeling the pressure to make numbers... and he just wanted to "go in and get the job done with the customer." I know when I am tring to teach someone about a product, I will ask someone I know has the same taste in makeup as me. If you ask someone who does things differently you could end up confusing the customer... then everyone looses. Maybe he heard what you were saying to the customer and did not agree with you? Maybe he was a rude bastered... I would not turn him in at this point... but if he does it again, I might. MAC does not need rude, unfriendly MA's. I am glad that I am not working there this holiday season... they are under some major pressure!!!

If I were you, I would just kill him with kindness! The BEST revenge is to live well