MA Rudeness/Bad MAC experiences/Rants


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Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

don't let anybody make u feel like that!!! tell them to f**ck off!!! and keep doin what makes u feel good!!!


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

I think it's really nice of you to be helpful to other customers at the counter. He just has a chip on his shoulder because it sounds to me, that instead of cleaning his brushes, he should've came over there and helped the customer in the first place. He's obviously just jealous!


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Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

Customers and MAs talking excitedly about the products should be increasing sales. If everyone was very blasé and totaly nonchalant about the products, I would be less tempted to buy!


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

I don't get his attitude, if the other customer liked what you were saying surely she would be more likely to buy the eyeshadows, therefore it would be his sale or commision, its not like you can steal his sales, you don't work there!

I hope that makes sense.


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

I think its time to find a new counter/store.

They sound like pricks. You didnt do anything wrong.


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

once i visited and this girl ended up buying over $150 of products, some MSFs and fluidline and other things i showed her and explained and told her i really really loved. i see her in MAC all the time and apparently since then she has fallen in love with the mineral products. i love helping people, especially since all these new employees act so stuck up and the manager is absolutely no help. i feel like i'm helping at least a little bit. i don't know why everyone is acting so mean about this stuff. i'm pretty much thinking instead of talking to customer service and annoying people further i should just start ordering more offline and going to the other counter that's only a little farther away.


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

I would email MAC, and tell them the situation, including the store location etc. Who cares if they found out it was u who told, lol, they shouldnt have been so rude! Plus u never have to experience that again. Then u can go to a different counter and be happier.

Id still write to CS because thats just wrong. I write to CS every chance I get. DONT treat me like shit if I dont deserve it!!


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

I don't think Belk CS will be able to do much. MAC leases from Belk, so Belk doesn't really have much jurisdiction so to speak.

I don't understand why he got so snobby, what you are doing is called a second party! I have had people do that at my counter and I made it fun. I would only be annoyed if the enthusiast made me the bad guy (Which you did not seem to do). Sometimes people are hesitant to trust SAs/MAs but if another customer mentions that they love a certain product, it makes them feel more comfortable purchasing that item. Maybe they feel like the customer you are helping won't trust them, or if the customer stops talking to them, and goes to you, they probably feel dumb.


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

Angelbunny and I are the exact same way everytime we go the CCO...customers come in for 1 thing and after they finish chatting with us they have left with a bag full of stuff. The workers there really appreciate us and are happy we help increase the sales...Unless they felt like you were keeping them from selling more items then I don't see where the problem should come in. Now if a person was gonna buy 5 eyeshadows and you convinced them they only needed three..I can see how a MA would be upset because they have quotas to meet.


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

I agree with Tish. I have a good relationship w/ the MA's @ my counter. When I walk around, customers approach me & ask me questions.
I once went in there & did my friend's makeup & had her buy all the products I used on her.
The MA's @ my counter appreciate me talking to some of the clients. If they need or want to make an apt for a makeover I introduce them to the MA's that I'm friendly with & also whom do a good job.

Sounds like this guys needs the red wood forest pulled from his whooo haaa.
Don't let this insecure PRI*K try to intiminate you. Next time he gives you a hard time tell him he should be thanking you b/c ur making his job easier. If the new manager doesn't know the products or prices, looks like this store is in for more problems.
They should be thanking you not rolling their eyes @ you.


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

Originally Posted by jardinaires
once i visited and this girl ended up buying over $150 of products, some MSFs and fluidline and other things i showed her and explained and told her i really really loved. i see her in MAC all the time and apparently since then she has fallen in love with the mineral products.

I think you should complain. How else is the guy gonna know that people really don't like his behaviour?

Ofcourse I agree with you btw, you're just helping people. I do the same in shops where I know where everything is. Also, as a customer, I appreciate a stranger telling me I loook good in a blush/whatever than someone who gets payd to sell me things.


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

he was prob jealous because you knew more and was more helpful than him! i say you complain he shouldnt be rolling his eyes at you!


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

Originally Posted by jardinaires
i'm pretty much thinking instead of talking to customer service and annoying people further i should just start ordering more offline and going to the other counter that's only a little farther away.

Where are you at in NC? I'm an NC girl... I know here we've got 2 counters. I know I definitely prefer one counter over the other. The one I regularly visit is fantastic!
I'm there frequently so they know me, and they don't mind me chatting with other customers. I think the way that MA treated you is so rude! You weren't cutting in on his sale, so what's his problem? I would totally not put up with that.


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

i'm about 30 minutes from greenville. the counter i'm having problems with is let's just say in somewhat of a major city here in NC....


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

Oh ok, that's a little far from me then! I was going to suggest my fave counter if you were close by!


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter is screwed up

I'm going to play devil's advocate here, and say we only know your side, and we don't know his. He had no right to act the way he did, but I also know how I feel when I have customers in my shop who start talking to the other customers and telling them what they think they should buy, and not giving me a chance to talk to them (being that it is my job and all.) He may have felt threatened and that you were trying to do his job, especially if you go there often and do this. There's a fine line between helpful customer and know it all customer, and we have all had both. IN this MA's eyes, you may have crossed the line, I don't know. It sounds like you may have, and it's all in his perception of your actions. He may feel like you were being show offy and uppity. I'm not saying you were, just stating that one's perceptions is thier reality, and there's no way to change how he viewed the situation. It may not help going to CS, because they may not do much about it. They'll probably make you feel better, but they probably won't mention much about it past his crappy attitude, because he was there to sel, and you were selling rather then he was. That's just my two cents, but I do think he could have handled it much better, but sometimes in that situation there's not an easy way to do so.


Well-known member
Not so nice MAC employees??

Hi everyone! This is my first post but I felt it was necessary since it's kind of swaying my opinion on MAC right now. This is a little similar to the "my mac counter is screwed up post" but slightly different....

Soo I really like mac products and everything. BUT, every time I go to my store...I'm never treated well. I don't expect to be given a royal treatment or anything but a simple acknowledgment of my presence would be nice. Every time I go in there I literally have to stand at the register holding something or physically get in the way of a MA to get them to notice me and pull my products so I can BUY them. And then when they do finally help me, they always act like it's a huge inconvenience to ring a sale and are never have a nice day, no help in choosing things, etc.

I understand the MAs get busy, but this hasn't even been when there are a million people in the store. All I want is a little recognition or some sort of 'niceness' I just feel like I'm in the way and not wanted when I go in there and it's making me not want to go back even though I love the makeup. Does anyone else get this at their counters? I hope not! I hope it's just mine so I can go find a different one and not experience this.



Well-known member
Re: Not so nice MAC employees??

Every MAC counter I have gone to the MA's are extremely nice and helpful....I honestly have never had a problem whatsoever...

I think maybe you need to choose a different counter if this is how they treat you at this location.


Well-known member
Re: Not so nice MAC employees??

Am I the only that's never had a problem with this? I am sure if you had asked an MA to help you, he/she would have. I've always been treated just fine, got my business done, left with what I need and my meets met.

Good luck next time, I hope some stores do step it up though with better customer service.


Well-known member
Re: Not so nice MAC employees??

It's not like this at all MAC counters/store. Since it's happened to you multiple times, I'd contact MAC customer service and let them know what is happening. MAC takes complaints (and compliments) seriously, so they will look into whatever it is that is going on at that location you go to.