MAC By Request discussion


Well-known member
I'll trade you. Seriously. I live in SoCal and we are experiencing a heat wave. My property management refuses to fix the central air in the house I live in. We've tried in the past and they just mess with it and it freezes up constantly. We basically live w/o ac through the summer. I stay at home with my daughter so am uncomfortable most of the day unless we venture out. It really sux. My lippies even hate it and get sweaty. I have found out tho that my satins hate it the most.
I would file a complaint! I also live in SoCal and would be dying right now without central air.


Well-known member
Me too, I've bought more blushes this year than ever before and still use the old ones over an over again lol.
Ok cool so I'm not the only one currently obsessed with having a million different blushes this year... Blush Plague 2012, I like it lol


Well-known member
Although I'm more than elated over my score with Moxie I'm saving it 4 the right occasion... Today is a Rebel day 4 me :) Moxie brought to mind my other med/dark pink lippies... Hey Rebel matches my tribal print dress so y not rite lol??? Anyone else "saving" their score???


Well-known member
No it's not Pro.

MAC does have a matte mixing medium product in a jar also that is indeed PRO though.
For lip application, I would definitely recommend the Mixing Medium in Matte over the Matte cream. The latter one will just dry out your lips but the former one will leave them soft while still achieving a matte look.

OT, but I also love the Mixing Medium in Shine as a primer for under eye concealer. If you have dry skin under your eyes, this is really a miracle product as it will provide a super smooth surface onto which you can apply your concealer. Once applied, it will set without becoming dry (same works for blushes). I love it!


Well-known member
OT: I'm just currious but how many lipsticks do specktrettes have open at one time? Do you put it in a fridge/drawer and then take it back out later when seasons change? I have about 15-20 open and using along with about 6 l/g. Its hard for me to to just use a couple colors.
I have like... 66 open (lipsticks). they are all in the fridge though. I havent counted the ridiculous amount of lip glosses yet.


Well-known member
im inlove with candy yum yum and please dnt hate on me but im getting as many backups as i can if there is a restock which i guess is 4!! im speechless this lippie is the mother of all the others bright lippies!! and moxie is sooo hot that im backing that one up as well.


Well-known member
I really want one! Imagining all of my lipsticks and glosses organized neatly makes me happy, and I hope I can get one in the next month. I would get one now if shipping wasn't $7. I'll wait until my Ebates check comes in so I feel like I'm not actually spending that much. Oh, how I wish MAC was on Ebates!
I wish they were on ebates too! Tarte is on ebates and a few other companies. MAC needs to get on it!!!.