MAC - Colour Craft Discussion


Well-known member
Ok, I am back from my counter

I got Smooth Merge, Crazy Haute and the 131. These three are my highlights of the collection!!

Smooth Merge is definitely my fave MSF of Colour Craft. It gives an awesome pink-raspberry-golden sheen on my cheeks and has a reat colour pay-off! I even like it better than Blonde. It is worth getting it because of the raspberry strip in the middle!
The other MSFs did not impress me that much. They were not unique enough for me. Maybe because I already have a few which I all like
Warm Blend was already sold out BTW after one day.

The blushes reminded me to the ones from Grand Duos - Daft Pink is the prettiest one for me!! But they are not so soft and buttery like the ones from Sonic Chic I think, I passed them all.
If you have missed Sonic Chic, take a closer look at them!

The MES disappointed me a little bit. I still love the older MES from Electroflash or Rushmetal, they were great colours and had that typical mineralized veining. I miss this veining in the new MES, they look like e/s quads in baked form for me. And they are not bright enough for me
I will wait to get new e/s with Love That Look and the fall collections.

I LOVE the lipglasses!! OMG, they are the best part of the collection and such a positive surprise!
They have a rich, smooth, very pigmented texture and are not too sticky!! Such a great colour pay-off! You don't need to mix them together before applying - you always get an awesome shade at once.
My faves are Crazy Haute, Funky Fusion and Eclectic Edge - I just bought one but I love all three. An amazing new texture from MAC. Hope to see more of them in the future.
Go and try at least one!

I am totally convinced with the new 131. It is smaller than I had expected it, but perfect to apply MSFs or blushes. You have a lot of varieties to handle it I think. And it is so soft! I wish MAC would make a 224 version now!!
All three brushes - 109, 131 and 226 - are totally worth getting them!!

All in all a small but very satisfying haul for me. I am glad I did not pass these three things.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ernie
^^Susanne, you did so well, I'm loving the 131, I'm glad you like it too!


I really hope that MAC will make more duo fibre brushes now! I would love to see duo fibre eye brushes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
Ok, I am back from my counter

Smooth Merge is definitely my fave MSF of Colour Craft. It gives an awesome pink-raspberry-golden sheen on my cheeks and has a reat colour pay-off! I even like it better than Blonde. It is worth getting it because of the raspberry strip in the middle!
The other MSFs did not impress me that much. They were not unique enough for me. Maybe because I already have a few which I all like
Warm Blend was already sold out BTW after one day.

I really really want Smooth Merge now. I will probably skip others too, and wait a little for lipglosses. SMOOTH MERGE WILL BE MINE


Well-known member
Im gettin kinda antsy now. after hearin alll of your wondetful reviews im startin to see a trend, everything is sellin out!!!! especially of the things i would like to get! i reallly hope this dosent happen at my mac store or ill be crushed!!! im not gettin payed untill AFTER colour craft comes out!! oh mac gods please help me
Originally Posted by Ernie
Left to right: Improvise, Triple Fusion


ernie, thank you so much!!!!
triple fusion now look much much darker n wud look dirty on my skin, i'm a NC25-30 btw.
improvise does look much prettier, but i hope it shows up on my skin...
will need to swatch them myself to decide.
once again, thanks dearie!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by yodagirl
You look beautiful Elegant! Add me to the handbag lovers list

Aw, thank you very much

Originally Posted by darkishstar
Awww Momma Spy you look so pretty! You have definitely aged gracefully. =)

That's very sweet of you

Originally Posted by stv578

Elegant, you look lovely in that picture at the MAC store!

I think women feel more comfortable with who they are and stop giving a crap about what others think!

Aw, my dear thanks!

I so agree with your age statement. I hope you like some cc!

Originally Posted by Miss QQ
Hello momma spy. Glad to read your posts again, they add buzz to the forum.
You look great without makeup and I love the bag as well.

Hi darlin! Yeah, I try keep everyone laughing - including myself. Thanks for your sweet comments!

Originally Posted by Karen_B

Oh and Elegant, you're beautiful!

Thanks dear!

Originally Posted by Susanne
Elegant-one, you are so pretty! I love your pic back as your avatar!

I love you - Thanks! I really hate having my picture taken

I can't wait to hear what you think of CC!

Originally Posted by bis
Lady, you look gorgeous! I love that people here are every age range!

Thank you dear!
I love the age variety too!

Originally Posted by dreamer246
This is the first pic I see of Elegant, and you look really good!

Your so sweet! Thanks! This is the first you've seen me?

If I've missed anyone else -many Thanks - you are ALL so kind! It does my heart good to be here & get so much love


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
Ok, I am back from my counter

I got Smooth Merge, Crazy Haute and the 131. These three are my highlights of the collection!!

Smooth Merge is definitely my fave MSF of Colour Craft. It gives an awesome pink-raspberry-golden sheen on my cheeks and has a reat colour pay-off! I even like it better than Blonde. It is worth getting it because of the raspberry strip in the middle!
The other MSFs did not impress me that much. They were not unique enough for me. Maybe because I already have a few which I all like
Warm Blend was already sold out BTW after one day.

The blushes reminded me to the ones from Grand Duos - Daft Pink is the prettiest one for me!! But they are not so soft and buttery like the ones from Sonic Chic I think, I passed them all.
If you have missed Sonic Chic, take a closer look at them!

The MES disappointed me a little bit. I still love the older MES from Electroflash or Rushmetal, they were great colours and had that typical mineralized veining. I miss this veining in the new MES, they look like e/s quads in baked form for me. And they are not bright enough for me
I will wait to get new e/s with Love That Look and the fall collections.

I LOVE the lipglasses!! OMG, they are the best part of the collection and such a positive surprise!
They have a rich, smooth, very pigmented texture and are not too sticky!! Such a great colour pay-off! You don't need to mix them together before applying - you always get an awesome shade at once.
My faves are Crazy Haute, Funky Fusion and Eclectic Edge - I just bought one but I love all three. An amazing new texture from MAC. Hope to see more of them in the future.
Go and try at least one!

I am totally convinced with the new 131. It is smaller than I had expected it, but perfect to apply MSFs or blushes. You have a lot of varieties to handle it I think. And it is so soft! I wish MAC would make a 224 version now!!
All three brushes - 109, 131 and 226 - are totally worth getting them!!

All in all a small but very satisfying haul for me. I am glad I did not pass these three things.

Thanks Susanne for your great review
and because of it i'm getting the 131 you made it sound so

A question if you don't mind is Smooth Merge metallicy? is it close to Petticoat? are you NC30 now? because I am and I would love to see it on a NC30 face "hint hint, wink wink". A final question did you see Sunny by Nature and what did you think of it?? TIA


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne

Smooth Merge is definitely my fave MSF of Colour Craft. It gives an awesome pink-raspberry-golden sheen on my cheeks and has a reat colour pay-off!

The other MSFs did not impress me that much. They were not unique

I LOVE the lipglasses!!
My faves are Crazy Haute, Funky Fusion and Eclectic Edge

^ I so agree! I only swatched SM & TF because they were the only unique ones to me.

Those were my fave 3 glosses! I think the glosses & Smooth Merge may be the hit of the collection.

That was a nice haul Susanne!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Liya2007
Thanks Susanne for your great review
and because of it i'm getting the 131 you made it sound so

A question if you don't mind is Smooth Merge metallicy? is it close to Petticoat? are you NC30 now? because I am and I would love to see it on a NC30 face "hint hint, wink wink". A final question did you see Sunny by Nature and what did you think of it?? TIA

I am between NC 25 and NC 30 right now. I don't think Smooth Merge is metallicy, it has a pretty golden sheen - I will take pics tomorrow

Yes, I saw Sunny By Nature - I would pick up Warm Blend if I had to choose a bronze shade. Just my opinion

You will love the 131!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Those were my fave 3 glosses! I think the glosses & Smooth Merge may be the hit of the collection.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Yep, 4 more months & I hit the big 50

Originally Posted by Ernie
Another Cancer baby, Happy Birthday Panther! (don't feel bad, I'll be 47, yikes!)

Dear God,

I would like to put my bid in for 47, 50, 52 and beyond because these women make it seem hot, healthy and fabulous.

Originally Posted by stv578
Panther, honestly, don't feel old. I'm 33 and I'm telling ya, the last three years have been the best! I think women feel more comfortable with who they are and stop giving a crap about what others think!

I will be 36 on July 14th and I swear I haven't been happier since I turned 30.

I have wrangled a 1hr road trip to the CCO this weekend from the hubby for this grand occasion with his money


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
Wasn't Miss Marble or Marple a tv charactor/cartoon or something?

Yes, a detective.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
I am between NC 25 and NC 30 right now. I don't think Smooth Merge is metallicy, it has a pretty golden sheen - I will take pics tomorrow

Yes, I saw Sunny By Nature - I would pick up Warm Blend if I had to choose a bronze shade. Just my opinion

You will love the 131!

Thanks alot
can't wait.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Thanks to all the ladies who posted reviews...but I'm still undecided on this collection. So far the only definites for me are Cheeky Bronze MSF and Eclectic Edge lipglass


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
Wasn't Miss Marble or Marple a tv charactor/cartoon or something?

Originally Posted by Susanne
Yes, a detective.

But not a cartoon, she is an old lady (and this time I mean an old lady) with white hair in black and white. Does anyone remember the scene with the hatpin?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bis
But not a cartoon, she is an old lady (and this time I mean an old lady) with white hair in black and white. Does anyone remember the scene with the hatpin?

Sure I do! I loved her movies. Have them all on video.

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