MAC - Colour Craft Discussion


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Originally Posted by elegant-one
And, when I swatched the blushes, they barely even showed a little shimmer

I wonder how consistent they really are from pot to pot. Maybe some are alot more shimmery than others


Well-known member
Has anyone else gotten Warm Blend to use as an eyeshadow? I saw that idea on the Too Much Blush Blog and it seems like a good idea but I wasn't sure how it would work out. I think the colors are gorgeous but probably too dark for me unless I do use them as eyeshadow. Opinions? I am NW20.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MaryJane
Got to check this out today and, overall, it was disappointing. Too much shimmer in this collection. I skipped over the eyeshadow - too shimmery and nothing caught my eye. I have a million lipsticks and glosses so I skipped those too.

The MSF's and blushes were very shimmery. I've read a few reviews where people said they left a nice 'sheen' on the skin. To me, a sheen is what you get from a beauty powder, think Pearl Sunshine from Barbie. These are shimmery, not glitter, but shimmer. If you are buying sight unseen be aware you will be very sparkly in the sunlight.

Also, the blushes are very similar to the Grand Duo collection. Where in GD the blush was split in the midde, in this collection they are swirled together but overall the colors are similar. For instance, Fandabulous = Hot Planet.

Save your $$ and don't buy into the hype for this.

I have to say I agree about about the "shimmery" look of this collection! I had my makeup done yesterday and ran errands, went about my day, etc. without really checking my face in the daylight. Later when I went to meet my husband for dinner, I thought I would do a quick touch up and looked in my rear view mirror. Whoa!!! Gotta dial it down a notch for daytime. Can't say I think walking around looking like a living, breathing sparkler is a good thing. No matter how close it is to the Fourth of July!
I did love this collection though. I adore the lipglasses and the blushes! I love reading what everyone else bought and loved.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Winthrop44
I was happy to read it had more of a satin/natural finish. Fingers crossed it doesn't go orange on either of us!

Originally Posted by Winthrop44
I wonder how consistent they really are from pot to pot. Maybe some are alot more shimmery than others

Sunny by nature is definitely not shimmery. That's kinda what sold me on it actually, because i do have Brunette and So Ceylon too. I think it'll be a great shade to use under other MSF's and MB's.

As for the MB's, they are all really shimmery in the pot, but for some reason the don't look like a glittery mess once they're on (in most lighting). Outside though is a different story! I had the same experience with Shy beauty BPB.


Well-known member
I know it was hard to decide what to wear this morning---went for girlish romp pink on lid, purple crease and HAND FINISH! I love this blush!!!

I went out shopping (of course) tonight and looked in the rearview mirror and loved the healthy sheen it gave me!!!

tomorrow shall be daft pink!!

mineral blush LOVE!


Well-known member
I bet Hand Finish looks amazing on you Hannah! I loooved the colour as well, but I'm a couple shades darker, so it probably won't show up as pink, but i think it'll still show up. I can't wait to try it with Sunny By Nature!



Well-known member
I purchased Fad-dabulous and Improvise. I wanted Hand Finish but found it didn't really show up on my skin tone. It was such a pretty color though, I hated to leave it behind. It was on my list going into the store but didn't make the cut!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
Boy Bait.............................................. ...... Pretty Pattern......................................


Well all that picture did was make me want to track down Boy Bait!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TamEva Le Fay

Getting Blonde on ebay will be my fate as well I'm afraid...Have you tried the Gone-But-Not-Forgotten Program for Blonde?

Have you checked the cco? I was just at my closest cco last week (for the 1st time
) and they had a TON of blonde and redhead msfs. I'm sure it'll be cheaper there instead of ebay, too!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by atwingirl
I purchased Fad-dabulous and Improvise. I wanted Hand Finish but found it didn't really show up on my skin tone. It was such a pretty color though, I hated to leave it behind. It was on my list going into the store but didn't make the cut!

I swatched Fad-dabulous, it was also gorgeous... extremely so, but as it's said to be so close to Hot Planet, I resisted.


Well-known member
So, my package arrived today! I was pretty impressed that it arrived so soon, considering I ordered on Monday (I live in Alaska!!).
The 4 items that I got were:
-Triple Fusion MSF
-Smooth Merge MSF
-Porcelain Pink MSF
-Madly Creative l/s

-Triple Fusion is kind of disappointing as far as swatching it goes. I've yet to actually try it on my skin so that may make a difference, but whoever was talking about the fish scales thing earlier, I now understand what you were talking about! It's just not a smooth finish imo, so we'll see how it appears on my face.

-Smooth Merge lives up to it's name. It is very smooth and the colors are beautiful! I really like this one! It is so versatile, so if I wanna wear deeper color then it will be great, if not, I can get a lighter color out of it to.

-Porcelain Pink is not as glittery as I imagined after everyone talking about it. It's definitely a nice soft pink that I think will give my ppp cheeks a soft glow of life

-Madly Creative is a gorgeous color for the lips, end of story. Very simple, and I love the frost finish-- it has good color payoff. So over lustres and glazes!

Ok so that's all I got so far but I think I will be back for more!



Well-known member
Ok I am back with the comparison swatches that Anita (allThingsgirl) requested for:

Blonde MSF VS Daft Pink MB

Blonde MSF (all stripes mixed together) - Daft Pink MB - Petticoat MSF

(without flash)

(with flash)


Well-known member
Alaska!! Get out of here. I learned a lot of things about you guys in the last few months.

1. you call us the lower 48. why is hawaii excluded? because it's not attached to the mainland, maybe
2. some people in your state like to say "also too"
3. Can you see russia, lol. damn that made me laugh so hard,


Well-known member
I bought the 226, Smooth Merge, and Fad-dabulous. I was so impressed by Smooth Merge... it actually looks more shimmery than glittery. I am sick of glittery MSFs. It better not look glittery on my cheeks now that I've bought it!

I thought Fad-dabulous seemed less glittery than the other MBs. They are friggin glitter bombs. I thought Hand Finish might look good on me when I'm back to pale in the winter time but I'm not sure if I want to buy it to wait 6 months and find out. And risk all that glitter.

The look boxes came out here as well, along with Graphic Gardens... I tested Shell Pearl BP (I think that's what it's called?). It makes the MSFs look ridiculous. It is GORGEOUS. But they're $71 for a look box so I opted for Smooth Merge...

Geez, how many times did I say glitter in this post? lolz.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dreamer246
Ok I am back with the comparison swatches that Anita (allThingsgirl) requested for

Wow, thanks so much Winnie!! They are all pretty close.

I haven't seen the collection IRL yet but I'm actually drawn to the glitter that people say the MBs have -- I don't have a glittery pink yet. Blonde and Petticoat are more metallic. I have to decide if having it would really be just for me, or if people could even tell the difference on.

So far, I bought nothing. I wanted to wait to see everything in person, but it looks like I might not be able to until next weekend -- so I may cave and order online.

I'm thinking of getting the new brush, Cheeky Bronze, and maybe Daft Pink or Style Demon.

The Daft Pink and Style Demon difference from Blonde and Intenso are so slight that I might not get them. I just love the glitter!
I know people mostly don't like it on here though. I love it!

Thanks again to everyone doing swatches and coming back with reviews. It helps alot for those of us who can't get out that easily!


Well-known member
Kalico^^4 glittery, 3 glitter

We should rename this collection Glitter Craft.
Put on your face and sparkle all day.

Someone has insomnia and can't go to sleep so forgive me.

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