MAC - Colour Craft Discussion


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Is there an overarching consensus on the 131 brush? I love duo-fibre brushes but I hear this is not dense, it sheds, etc...Perhaps not worth $40??

Also some reviews I've seen on MUA are lukewarm...Any advice?


Well-known member
I've washed, used and washed again my 131 already and it hasn't shed a single hair, nor did it bleed as some brushes do. It's as or more dense than the 187 and 188, just as soft as them, and in between the 2 in size. It's just a matter of whether or not you personally will get enough use out of it to justify spending the money....just like any other cosmetic item, I guess. But as far as the quality, etc. that you asked about, it's excellent.
Originally Posted by Miss QQ
I saw the blushes today. While I wasn't impressed with Daft Pink, I found Hand finish gorgeous. They do have small glitters, though not as glittery as those from Grand Duos. Fab-dabulous and Improvise are pretty too.

I played with Porcelain Pink again and I like the colour but it feels a little bit chalky so I have an excuse to pass. I'm waiting for the Fall collections now and also hope Euristocrats will come here.

DP is like Love Rock. A purplish blue tone pink which I didn't like. Handfinish showed quite a fair amount of glitter on me, but yeah, GDs are very very glittery!

I'd say the blush texture are much better than the MSF, ya? The only MSF that has the best texture is only Cheeky Bronze and Sunny By Nature for this collection.


Active member
Originally Posted by Winthrop44
I've washed, used and washed again my 131 already and it hasn't shed a single hair, nor did it bleed as some brushes do. It's as or more dense than the 187 and 188, just as soft as them, and in between the 2 in size. It's just a matter of whether or not you personally will get enough use out of it to justify spending the money....just like any other cosmetic item, I guess. But as far as the quality, etc. that you asked about, it's excellent.

Thanks a bunch for your input! I think I want to not want it, lol, def. on the fence!


Well-known member
I am so proud of myself I was really good this collection

Sunny By Nature MSF
Eclectric Edge l/g
Madly Creative l/s
and another 226 because I adore that brush!

That was all folks!! I'm done!!

Warm Blend was very very pretty but just a tad to shimmery for the old girl....

I was on the fence about Cheeky Bronze but I have so many MSF's I decided one was enough this time


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
I am excited for the Makeup Art Cosmetics collection blushes (especially The Perfect Cheek)! I love the "normal" MAC blushes, they are one of my staples. And the Beauty Powder Blushes as well.


Originally Posted by Winthrop44
I've washed, used and washed again my 131 already and it hasn't shed a single hair, nor did it bleed as some brushes do. It's as or more dense than the 187 and 188, just as soft as them, and in between the 2 in size. It's just a matter of whether or not you personally will get enough use out of it to justify spending the money....just like any other cosmetic item, I guess. But as far as the quality, etc. that you asked about, it's excellent.



Well-known member
I'm wondering if Sunny by Nature would look good on an NC20? Is it gonna be too dark? My interest was piqued by Temptalia who said it's kind of matte, which is kind of cool. But then I'm also interested in Cheeky Bronze, as the majority of you have liked this one quite a bit.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbyquack
I'm wondering if Sunny by Nature would look good on an NC20? Is it gonna be too dark? My interest was piqued by Temptalia who said it's kind of matte, which is kind of cool. But then I'm also interested in Cheeky Bronze, as the majority of you have liked this one quite a bit.

I would vote for Cheeky Bronze as well. I don't own one or the other but liked Cheeky Bronze more in real.


Well-known member
All this talk about Sunny by Nature makes me think twice about it. I might have to run back down to check it out again. I think it might be a good bronzer for me, im NC 35-40ish by the way


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AjaAbeni
All this talk about Sunny by Nature makes me think twice about it. I might have to run back down to check it out again. I think it might be a good bronzer for me, im NC 35-40ish by the way

Erin always says: Use a bronzer if you want a bronzer
She recommends MSFs as a highlighter.

I love Refined Golden BTW. It is not too shimmery but gives a perfect sheen.


Well-known member
Well let me jump in and disagree...Sunny By Nature can be used as a bronzer IMO...It has a almost matte texture and it is gorg....There is a member wearing it in the WOC thread and it looks amazing on her cheeks...I use quite a few non specific bronzer products as bronzers as long as the color and texture is right for my skin tone ... SBN IMO is a bit too dark for a highligter on certain skin tones


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
Well let me jump in and disagree...Sunny By Nature can be used as a bronzer IMO...It has a almost matte texture and it is gorg....There is a member wearing it in the WOC thread and it looks amazing on her cheeks...I use quite a few non specific bronzer products as bronzers as long as the color and texture is right for my skin tone ... SBN IMO is a bit too dark for a highligter on certain skin tones


The only dark MSF I have is Warmed. I wear it more as a blush than as a bronzer. But I love my Refined Golden so much, use it every day - I guess I don't need another one


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne

But I love my Refined Golden so much, use it every day - I guess I don't need another one

I LOVE refined golden. I don't know how I ever lived without it!!!!!!


Well-known member
Cheek & cheerful it turned really orange on my cheeks and also the shine was too much after about an hour, and all the shimmery settled in my pores..not good. Today I decided to try Sunny by Nature and it has not turned orange at all on me..I love this MSF.. So this afternoon I decided I am going back to Mac to return my Cheek & Cheerful, really hate doing this because I loved the color in the pan but on my face it was too much. when I got there I swatched everything again since I had more time and was not in a rush, and came back with the 109 brush which I wanted for a while and also Cheeky Bronze. Cheeky Bronze swatched different this time on my arm than before and its nowhere near So Ceylon like I originally thought.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by feeb
Cheek & cheerful it turned really orange on my cheeks .

Really? That stinks. I tried it on in the store and it looked like a really pretty bronze. What skintone are you? I may still pick it up later.


Well-known member
I agree is it really pretty bronze and I had planned to wear this lightly over Sunny By Nature but decided to try it out on its own yesterday and after about 2 hours it turned orange..I was so disappointed. Right now I am NC20-25ish. One of the MA's who is NC40 was wearing it and it looked gorgeous on her and she said it didnt turn orange on her . When I first applied the blush it looked very pretty and I loved how it looked.


Well-known member
I posted swatches from this collection as well as comparison swatches if anyone's interested

So far from this collection I got:

All 6 blushes
Girlish Romp
109 brush
Triple Fusion
Smooth Merge
Cheeky Bronze
Made with Love

I wrote a LONG ass review for you guys but accidentally hit the "go back" tab on my mouse so it took me back to another page and EVERYTHING I wrote (which took me like more than half an hr lol) ended up getting deleted

I basically gave my opinions of each blush and compared some, but you could just check the comparison swatches I put on the swatch thread for that.
So I will keep my review on mostly the other things- and hope that this time it won't get deleted!

I LOVED all the blushes. Yes, when swatched they seem super glittery, but for some reason they don't show up like that on your cheeks. I gues it depends on what kind of a brush you are using. A lot of the colors are shades I normally wouldn't go for, but I've been wanting to try different looks out lately and would love to add to my blush collection. I am a proud blush addict so getting all of these were a GREAT addiction to my collection. Some of the medium colors (fad-dabulous and style demon) seem like they might be too dark at first, but my MA who is WAY lighter than me was rocking style demon and it looked hot!!!! I think all shades will work for light skin tones if you use a light hand when applying. CAN'T WAIT TO TRY THESE. Now I can play around with these and use a different one for every day of the week...Innie Minnie Miney Moe (I seriously chose my blushes for this week like this).........

I got 2 MESs and wanted 2 get 2 more but they were sold out of the ones I wanted. Some don't prefer MESs but I personally LOVE them. The pink in girlish romp is just HOTTEST color pink! I wish I could find a pin k shadow like this (any ideas send them my way)!
Triple Fusion- not similar to redhead as you can see from my swatches in the swatch thread. This msf seems too chunky though
and whoever said the description of "fish scales" is completely right!!!!!!! But I LOVE the pink strip of this. I have to give this a try and see how it looks.
Smooth merge is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Definitely darker than blonde msf. I think if you have blonde, you still NEED this one!!! Don't regret it later!
Damn if they only could come up with an msf of just the middle strip- that baby would be sold out within minutes

Cheeky Bronze is GORGEOUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. It caught my attention the moment I saw it. It's just the cutest glowy bronze color. Someone else got the last one though
so I had to order mine. I can't wait til I get it!!!!!!!!!
The lipsticks in this collection weren't really too unique from what I already have in my collection, but I ended up getting made with love since I b2m'd it and don't really have a coral color like it.
The lipglasses were NOTHING like the ones from the SS collection!!!!!!! I bought Nice Mix it Up b/c my MA talked me into it, but it's not really something I would wear. It's like a dark redish orange color with some brown to it. I'm returning this and going to look at the other ones. I want to buy funky fusion, eclectic edge, miss marble, and crazy haute. Maybe I won't get them ALL, but those are my faves especially FF.
I also got the 109 brush for contouring since I was originally using a blush brush I had. This brush is PERFECT for contouring. I LOVE it! I think it works for me perfectly b/c every1s always telling me I have a small head and face, so this brush being that it's a small contour brush is perfect!
I like the 131 brush also but I'm not sure I want to spend so much on it. My MA told me to buy it and try it out and if I didn't like it I could bring it back. So that's what I think I'm going to do, this way I can test it out. I'll use the 131 on one cheek and my regular daily blush brush on my other cheek ,and then I'll go from there. I'll let you guys know my reviews afterwards.
..........Wow I didn't think I'd write a long ass review since my other one got deleted lol. (BUT i STILL LIKED MY OTHER REVIEW BETTER THO
) Ah well, I just didn't really speak about the blushes individually in this review, but check out my swatches on them and if you have questions let me know!


Well-known member
I bought:
Trimming Talk
Eclectic Edge
Funky Fusion
Sunny by Nature
Cheeky Bronze
Warm Blend
Smooth Merge

I still want
131 brush
triple fusion
made with love
daft pink
style demon

FYI: funky fusion over trimming talk= sexiest watermelon lip ever!

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