MAC - Colour Craft Discussion


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Originally Posted by TISH1124
Well let me jump in and disagree...Sunny By Nature can be used as a bronzer IMO...It has a almost matte texture and it is gorg....There is a member wearing it in the WOC thread and it looks amazing on her cheeks...I use quite a few non specific bronzer products as bronzers as long as the color and texture is right for my skin tone ... SBN IMO is a bit too dark for a highligter on certain skin tones

Thanks TISH i totally agree. On me a NC 35-40ish skintone SBN is a really pretty bronzer. I just got back from my mac store an my MA who is a fair skinned woman had it on as a bronzer an it looked really pretty. I had her try it on my the same way an i LOVED it. It was just enough to warm up my skin but wasnt too harsh like others that I have ran across. I dont think it would be a good highlight, atleast for me, especially when winter reers its ugly head an I loose my color


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panther27
Eclectic Edge is effin HOT!Just had to throw that out there

Ahhhh, I can't wait to get mine then!!!
Definitely was the most unique lippie to me out of this whole collection.

Originally Posted by TISH1124
I am so proud of myself I was really good this collection

Sunny By Nature MSF
Eclectric Edge l/g
Madly Creative l/s
and another 226 because I adore that brush!

That was all folks!! I'm done!!

Warm Blend was very very pretty but just a tad to shimmery for the old girl....

I was on the fence about Cheeky Bronze but I have so many MSF's I decided one was enough this time

Such a nice small little haul. I think that even though big hauls can be fun, I like the smaller hauls better because everything feels special and doesn't overwhelm you like a big haul would.

Originally Posted by abbyquack
I'm wondering if Sunny by Nature would look good on an NC20? Is it gonna be too dark? My interest was piqued by Temptalia who said it's kind of matte, which is kind of cool. But then I'm also interested in Cheeky Bronze, as the majority of you have liked this one quite a bit.

I would say Cheeky Bronze, but only because I like shimmer because and I wouldn't know what to do with a more matte type of MSF.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by annikay
Thanks to stickles I'm able to drop Improvise, because my beloved Warm Soul (being more neutral in tone) suits me a lot better
I'm still getting Hand-Finish (I have nothing like it) and Daft Pink (gorgeous, and very different from Gentle). I LOVE comparison swatches, thank you SO much!

I purchased both of these and I noticed in your sig that we have the same skintone. Both MBs look fabulous on...Handfinish leans more peach while Daft Pink of course is more pink. Hand-finish has gold shimmer and Daft Pink has more silver-type shimmer.


Well-known member
Ok so I apologize for all these dumb questions, but seeing as though I'm about 1500 miles from a MAC, I cannot preview anything. SO, if I am interested in the following items, which ones are must-haves, and which ones can I pass? I don't want to spend a TON, but I do want to make sure I get the things that are worthwhile. Ok I want:

-Hand Finish MB (Is this like Moon River at all?)
-Improvise MB
-Cheeky Bronze MSF
-Colour Crafted l/s (I have St. Germain and Melrose Mood)
-131 Brush

I'm NC20 right now, for reference


Well-known member
^^ I vote for Improvise. Im a nc 35-40ish an its show up and a nice peachy highlight on me, i really like it! Also Cheeky Bronze, I dont think anyone can go wrong with this one.

as far as the 131 brush Im still tryin to love it. Its a good brush but i think there are other brushes out there that can do the same job for cheaper. Bu if you're like me an have serious buyers remorse or are a brush collector then go for it, it couldnt hurt


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AjaAbeni
^^ I vote for Improvise. Im a nc 35-40ish an its show up and a nice peachy highlight on me, i really like it! Also Cheeky Bronze, I dont think anyone can go wrong with this one.

as far as the 131 brush Im still tryin to love it. Its a good brush but i think there are other brushes out there that can do the same job for cheaper. Bu if you're like me an have serious buyers remorse or are a brush collector then go for it, it couldnt hurt

Thanks so much, I was thinking Improvise and Cheeky Bronze as well.
I'm still on the fence with the 131. I have the 188 and 187, and have always wanted a brush that was the middle size of these two, but $40 is a lot IMO. Oh well I'll prob still get it too


Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbyquack
Thanks so much, I was thinking Improvise and Cheeky Bronze as well.
I'm still on the fence with the 131. I have the 188 and 187, and have always wanted a brush that was the middle size of these two, but $40 is a lot IMO. Oh well I'll prob still get it too

I mean its not a "bad" brush, i do like that it is in between the 187 and the 188. Iunno
maybe i juss need to get used to it. I've heard of some ladies on here as well as youtube that they like the brush for foundation becase of its smaller size.


Well-known member
well ladies I just got back and LOVED most of the collection I ended up with the following:

Eccentricity MES
Natural Flare MES
Made With Love L/S
Cheeky Bronze MSF
Warm Blend MSF
Fad-Dabulous MB

I hoping that I can go back a get a few more things. I need to go back and try the L/G I really didn't get a chance to really try them out.


Active member
just got back and i picked up porcelain pink (for highlighting) and sunny by nature.

can't seem to stay away. the more i swatch, the more the colors grow on me. eeek!


Well-known member
smooth merge is all i really want but is there an msf that is really good for everyday and gives a nice glow? (like around my skin tone , look at my picture)


Well-known member
Is there a dupe for the PINK strip in Triple Fusion? I am absolutely in love with it and I think I'd need a backup if I can't dupe it D=


Well-known member
Today I played with my 226 and perfect crease brush

but you know you have too stuff when you have had a brush for 6 months and just now using it

and now I think I need another one.
money comes in, money goes out.

On a who cares note, my mommy told me today I looked like I had lost weight, either that or my boobies had gotten bigger, to which I said:



Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbyquack
-Hand Finish MB (Is this like Moon River at all?)

I can see how some people think the 2 are similar as they look pretty close in swatches. But they are different in that hand finish has more peach shade to it. Moon River has more pink

Here's Hand finish, Improvise, and Moon River

Originally Posted by chocodcocoa
Is there a dupe for the PINK strip in Triple Fusion? I am absolutely in love with it and I think I'd need a backup if I can't dupe it D=

I was wondering the same thing, too! I'm not too crazy about the chunky texture of TF, but I seriously don't think I'll return it just b/c I'm so much in love with the pink color! PLEASE MAC make an msf of just this color and another one with just the middle strip of smooth merge! PRETTY PLEASEE?????????????


Well-known member
I only bought Daft Pink (go me!). I was really happy the blushes weren't nearly as glittery as the last release. Since I've stopped tanning in any way and allowed my natural uber-fair skin to be what it is, I can't go for the more intense colors. I also got Dazzle Lash in brown/brunette to try the "mink effect" with my black one (where you use brown on the whole lash to create volume and black on the tips to create length).


Well-known member
so today after picking up my final and LAST things from the collections, B2M for eclectic egde and nice mix up, i also bought sunny by Nature MSF, I tried SBN with the 131 brush an i actually really really like the results. the brush created a soft focus bronze-y look that was really nice. i also applied improvise MB as a highlight = really pretty! so yeah!, i think the 131 is a good look


Well-known member
I just got back from the mall!! All I have to say about this collection is that IT'S FREAKING GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I finally saw them in person and I swatched Funky Fusion, Nice Mix Up, Cheeky Bronze MSF and all of the MB!!! All of the MB are so pretty!!! I didn't get any of them since I had little money so I B2M'd for Eclectic Edge!!!! It's so pretty and it's my first purple lipglass! Since I saw the collection in person, I'm going to make a purchase online when I get paid.


Well-known member
Someone please stop me. I just did round 3 of ordering from the CC collection. I just caved and bought the 226 online. I was not planning on getting anything from this collection and here I am $200 bucks poorer. I hope the 226 is worth it since I don't think I will be having dinner for a few nights lol. I am officially done with CC. I hope.......


Well-known member
I b2m'ed for Color Craft l/s, it is very pretty but I don't think I can wear it alone it washes me out to much so I paired Babysparks d/g over it and made it more wearable for me, but it's still very light

the eyeshadows were all gorgeous, I fell it love with Natural Flare gorgeous colors! I'm just wondering how well these show up on the lid and the fallout, the MA's said they got better results when they applied them wet, so I'm still debating

I loved Daft Pink, it is beautiful swatched it looked similar to loverock but a little lighter IMO, but I'm a sucker for pink blushes so I may end up getting it

Electic Edge is a gorgeous color, and so was Funky Fusion, and they are pretty pigmented as well, the one I wanted to check out was Miss Marble but they didn't even have it, and the MA had no idea what I was talking about


Well-known member
So here's my second review after having tried a few things out today!

First off, Sunny By Nature. I LOVE this MSF! I was worried it would go orange on me and skipped it on thursday. Well, I'm an idiot! I went back to get it yesterday and wore it today. Not sure how or why, but it's definitely not orange-y brown at all, almost a rose-y brown?
And it's friggin' gorgeous! I used Hand Finish just on the apples for a bit of shimmer, because SBN is almost matte, and the look was just a natural bronze glowy effect, think Jennifer Aniston! (my girl crush btw). Also, it is really pigmented, so a little goes a long way! I often declare that i'm getting back-ups of items and then never do, but i am for this one... tomorrow!

I also tried Girlish Romp. Sad to say i was a little disappointed that the colours didn't show up a bit better. So i ended up having to use Gracious Me ss under the purple colour, which i applied on the outer half of my lid, and the peachy colour on the inner half with the white-gold shade to highlight. Even though it wasn't as pigmented as I hoped, I still really loved it! It looks really glowy, the colours are really soft, and it doesn't have any chunky shimmer like some MES do. This MES is great if you wanna brighten up your eye area!

Finally, Hand Finish MB, as mentioned i used this with SNB. It's definitely shimmery, and in the daylight really sparkly. But I for one find this effect really brightens up my insanely dull complexion!

Originally Posted by abbyquack
I'm wondering if Sunny by Nature would look good on an NC20? Is it gonna be too dark? My interest was piqued by Temptalia who said it's kind of matte, which is kind of cool. But then I'm also interested in Cheeky Bronze, as the majority of you have liked this one quite a bit.

I'm between NC20-25. SNB isn't too dark if applied carefully, but it can easily end up too dark. I use the 188 for all my darker shades.

Originally Posted by only1angel

I wrote a LONG ass review for you guys but accidentally hit the "go back" tab on my mouse so it took me back to another page and EVERYTHING I wrote (which took me like more than half an hr lol) ended up getting deleted

Oh, i HATE that! I cannot tell you how many times i have done that!

Originally Posted by abbyquack
Ok so I apologize for all these dumb questions, but seeing as though I'm about 1500 miles from a MAC, I cannot preview anything. SO, if I am interested in the following items, which ones are must-haves, and which ones can I pass? I don't want to spend a TON, but I do want to make sure I get the things that are worthwhile. Ok I want:

-Hand Finish MB (Is this like Moon River at all?)
-Improvise MB
-Cheeky Bronze MSF
-Colour Crafted l/s (I have St. Germain and Melrose Mood)
-131 Brush

I'm NC20 right now, for reference

I find Hand Finish shows up better, and i know someone said it's peachier, but i found it a bit pinker, but that may be because use both sides of moon river together? Anyway, I swatched Hand Finish and Improvise, and both are gorgeous, but chose HF because Improvise was kinda close to Cheeky Bronze. Colour crafted is really pretty if you're really into pinks, and not near as in your face as the other two you've mentioned.

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