MAC - Cool Heat Discussion


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
Yes, tremendously, just like always. Thank you!
I will try on the 2 slimshines and see what I think. If they aren't for me, I will load up on tendertones! And since it looks like Gentle Simmer with be permanent after all, I may get it later and load up on EZ Baby now!
Addiction is a horrible thing!

Yep, I am definately a cat lover! It's funny... we had 2 (Sasha - 2nd from the left, and Sabrina - third from the left), and I wanted a third. So I went to the shelter and we ended up with 2 because they were brothers, the only 2 left of the litter and I couldn't seperate them (Oliver - far left and Oscar - far right). Then, when my Grandmother got sick and passed, we enheirited her furbaby, Malcolm (the orange one). I love them all to pieces

And my mother rolls her eyes at my three cats. But... When we got Hailey she was from a house FULL of cats so she got lonely so we got her Dakota... Well, Dakota had kittens and no one wanted poor Gracie who was the cutest of all
. So now I have three LOL.

Anyway. I really want Warm Chill, Gulf Stream and the Slimshine that's permanent. One because I know if I fall in love with it I can get another and two because of all the colors that one is the pretties, IMO.

TamEva Le Fay

Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
Ask and you shall receive!
Please excuse this interuption in your Cool Heat discussion, ladies


That's the one! "The Lineup" - Which one did it do you suppose? I see two guilty faces, but one more guilty than the other!

Thanks very special!

We're just mesmerized by this photo!


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by depecher
What base are you using? I use Beiging, or however it is spelled. I also use Too Faced Shadow Insurance under the shadestick or Lumene's primer, then the shadestick.

I sometimes use Silverbleu shadestick, but the glitter hurts my eyelids.

I haven't tried it with a paintpot yet.

i used to use urban decay's which worked perfectly with all my eyeshadows except with beautiful iris, so i swapped it

and now i use art deco eyeshadow base, but don't have BI anymore so

i don't wear much purples anyway, i think they make me look a bit dead, i've had violet pigment for agesssss, it's gorgeous and i havent even worn it yet

TamEva Le Fay

Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by erine1881





this one is gorgeous for a neutral eye.


these are my favorite




It's clear that MAC is trying to sell a few Slimshine Lipsticks here, but did these eyeshadows really have to take backseat in order to do so?

No I get it - to be fair - I think I understand the whole Summer minimalistic makeup concept. I mean really the essence of these face charts may, simply, be saying "Focus on a fabulous Lip, don't go too crazy with your eyes, cuz who has the time while your having fun, who wants to be wearing all that eyemakeup in the heat anyway? I get it! Does anyone else get it?

Maybe, I don't get it?

Am I making this up as I go along? I think so!

I do know this - the last look could very well be Disney's "The Evil Queen" from Snow White ...only...her Summer Look.

Am I wrong? Just LOVE those brows!

P.S. The very last memo I got...and I'm looking through them now, was that thicker, fuller eyebrows were in vogue again! And I'm not talkin' the Planters Peanut Girl either!

According to these face charts it's clear I must not have gotten the latest memo on the subject!!!

Erine, I LOVE that you were able to post these!


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

WOW! I can't believe the collection is already on, but not the looks. I placed my order. Can't wait to receive it!


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

It seems strange to me to add a lipglass or lustreglass on top of a slimshine. I guess I think of the slimshines as sort of a combo lipstick and gloss product, plus they feel like they have too much slip themselves to hold anything else on, lol. I guess I'll give it a try one of these days.


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Free Shipping Code for COOLHEAT

Valid 'til 11:59PM, Wednesday, June 25, 2008.


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by lsperry
Free Shipping Code for COOLHEAT

Valid 'til 11:59PM, Wednesday, June 25, 2008.



Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by TamEva Le Fay

It's clear that MAC is trying to sell a few Slimshine Lipsticks here, but did these eyeshadows really have to take backseat in order to do so?

No I get it - to be fair - I think I understand the whole Summer minimalistic makeup concept. I mean really the essence of these face charts may, simply, be saying "Focus on a fabulous Lip, don't go too crazy with your eyes, cuz who has the time while your having fun, who wants to be wearing all that eyemakeup in the heat anyway? I get it! Does anyone else get it?

Maybe, I don't get it?

Am I making this up as I go along? I think so!

I do know this - the last look could very well be Disney's "The Evil Queen" from Snow White ...only...her Summer Look.

Am I wrong? Just LOVE those brows!

P.S. The very last memo I got...and I'm looking through them now, was that thicker, fuller eyebrows were in vogue again! And I'm not talkin' the Planters Peanut Girl either!

According to these face charts it's clear I must not have gotten the latest memo on the subject!!!

Erine, I LOVE that you were able to post these!

Indeed! What happened to poor Miss Solar White's brows? Were they lost in some sort of heinous skiing accident or something?

I agree these looks aren't doing the collection much justice.


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

AUDREY, you have 5 cats?? AWESOME
!! I've got one and my hun has 3 and we also plan a big feline family ourselves, we simply adore them.

as for the Cool CP gal ordered me a
-Cool heat e/s
-Gulf stream e/s
-Warm chill e/s
-Blue flame e/s

Soooo excited!


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by TamEva Le Fay

It's clear that MAC is trying to sell a few Slimshine Lipsticks here, but did these eyeshadows really have to take backseat in order to do so?

No I get it - to be fair - I think I understand the whole Summer minimalistic makeup concept. I mean really the essence of these face charts may, simply, be saying "Focus on a fabulous Lip, don't go too crazy with your eyes, cuz who has the time while your having fun, who wants to be wearing all that eyemakeup in the heat anyway? I get it! Does anyone else get it?

Maybe, I don't get it?

Am I making this up as I go along? I think so!

I do know this - the last look could very well be Disney's "The Evil Queen" from Snow White ...only...her Summer Look.

Am I wrong? Just LOVE those brows!

P.S. The very last memo I got...and I'm looking through them now, was that thicker, fuller eyebrows were in vogue again! And I'm not talkin' the Planters Peanut Girl either!

According to these face charts it's clear I must not have gotten the latest memo on the subject!!!

Erine, I LOVE that you were able to post these!


I laughed so hard when I read this!! You're so dead on!


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

GUYS please help me. I am trying to wait to go to MAC on saturday because I really want to buy in real life for a change...

But i cant believe i'm the only one not ordering..should I get gulf stream? and solar white? because they will probably sell out quicker? (plus all the issues with gulf stream)...

Someone please tell me what to do... ???????


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by BlahWah
That said, for those who have White Wheat and Twillery, how frosty are the Cool Heat cousins compared to them? I find the frost in WW and Twillery usually make my lids look oddly wrinkled! It's the same reason why I've stayed away from Shore Leave (tho I keep going back to it then striking it off the list).

Sorry if I missed the reply post, but can anyone answer this? Pretty please?


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
GUYS please help me. I am trying to wait to go to MAC on saturday because I really want to buy in real life for a change...

But i cant believe i'm the only one not ordering..should I get gulf stream? and solar white? because they will probably sell out quicker? (plus all the issues with gulf stream)...

Someone please tell me what to do... ???????

ONLY get what interests you and what you think you'll use. Don't buy something just because it's selling out or everyone else wants it. I don't plan on getting Gulf Stream, Solar White OR Warm Chill! But that's just me. If it will be a needed addition to your case, and its something unique that you simply must buy then I say go for it! The only consultation you need is your own! You know best!!


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
GUYS please help me. I am trying to wait to go to MAC on saturday because I really want to buy in real life for a change...

But i cant believe i'm the only one not ordering..should I get gulf stream? and solar white? because they will probably sell out quicker? (plus all the issues with gulf stream)...

Someone please tell me what to do... ???????

Well, I think if they are colors you know you definately want, call the store/counter and have them hold them for you until Saturday. If the counter didn't get Gulf Stream (alot of them didn't) then order it from the website. I saw this stuff in person (except for GS) and I *still* can't decide what I want

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