MAC - Cool Heat Discussion


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

i went to visit cool heat yesterday and it was GORGEOUS! all the mas looked so pretty: i probably looked like a creeper while staring at their gorgeous makeup. I came home with cool heat and gulf stream; and got gesso while i was at it b/c of the 15% coupon.

the ma that was helping me had solar white on her lid and cool heat on her crease and outer lid. beautiful combination.

i'm disappointed warm chill didn't show up on me. i swiped and swiped and swiped and swiped...but it was way too light.

deep truth and blue flame do not look the same on me. deep truth looks like its got more purple in it. blue flame has more of a metallic sheen. they are in the same colour family, though, so if you have one you really don't need the other.

i swatched plumage on me while i was at it. it looked so....bleh on my skin. practically black.

i'm going to play with these e/s today. so now i have 5 mac shadows (well, all collections have to start somewhere) shroom, gesso, aquadisiac, cool heat and gulf stream. if anyone has ideas of what i can do with this limited inventory, ideas are welcomed!


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by rbella
I wasn't trying to be rude, I promise. I just feel it didn't work for me.

Didn't think you were trying to be rude.
I'm just sayin' that plumage is a colour that will always have a special love from me.


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs

Sunsonic from NSF. Omg girls this lippie is soooo gorgeous! I didn't think it would look good. I thought it would be just as bad on me like Fleshpot was from Heatherette but its nothing like it! It doesn't make me look like a corpse at all. In fact, it gives me this gold shimmer on my lips. I bet it would look hot with Bonus Beat l/g on top or Hush Hush tendertone on top!! *drool*

I also bought Angel l/s b/c I heard raves about it and I had to get it.

I just got those two lipsticks recently as well!!! As well as Tropic Glow of course, i think everyone on here should get this!

Next time you go to MAC, try Moonstone lipgelee over Angel, it's seriously gorgeous! And if you're like me, the next time will be, what tomorrow?! (Just kidding, i was just there today!)


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by minakokanmuri

i'm going to play with these e/s today. so now i have 5 mac shadows (well, all collections have to start somewhere) shroom, gesso, aquadisiac, cool heat and gulf stream. if anyone has ideas of what i can do with this limited inventory, ideas are welcomed!

Since you're just starting out, try and get Solar White as well!


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
Okay so I went back to the counter today and took my CH depots for B2M and I thought I was going to get High 90s but I didn't. I figured that I already have Electro and I can sheer it out and it would end up looking like High 90s anyway. So I decided against it. But something else caught my eye.

Sunsonic from NSF. Omg girls this lippie is soooo gorgeous! I didn't think it would look good. I thought it would be just as bad on me like Fleshpot was from Heatherette but its nothing like it! It doesn't make me look like a corpse at all. In fact, it gives me this gold shimmer on my lips. I bet it would look hot with Bonus Beat l/g on top or Hush Hush tendertone on top!! *drool*

So no other slimshines other than Tropic Glow *gorgeous* which I B2M yday with my CH haul.

I also bought Angel l/s b/c I heard raves about it and I had to get it.

Since Palatial l/g is d'cont.
I wanted something close to it to top off Tropic Glow slimshine and Full For You plushglass caught my eye. This is such a pretty pinky color and it looks great over Tropic Glow. It also adds that extra pucker on your lips b/c of the warmth

I just got Angel lipstick and it is soooo pretty, its like my new favorite lipstick! It looks so pretty with Starlet Kiss or the Fegie LE Viva Glam lipglasses. You should totally try the Kim K. lip look [Stripdown liner, Angel ls, and NARS Turkish Delight lipgloss] I bet it would look stunning on you since you do look a bit like her!


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by stv578
If anyone has Base Light paint and Warm Chill, can they swatch WC over Base Light? Sorry if this is in the wrong thread, but since we're all thinking of bases for Warm Chill, this one just popped into my head. But I don't own Base Light and may add it to my list for my order on Monday!

I'd like to see this too altho tbh, I don't think it'll do much for it. Base Light was the sheerest base I'd ever used and if I put a 2nd layer on I'd get crinkley lids, no matter what shadow I put over it. I used about 1/2 of the tube (with 1/4 wasted b/c of how difficult it is to get just what you need) and b2m'd it. Someone else might have a better experience with it but IMHO, you'd be better off with Rubenesque or, if you have it, Cash Flow.

I just tried it with Bare Study, Rollickin', Other Worldy, Cash Flow and Soft Ochre and I find all of them except Bare Study are fairly decent with WC. I think WC is one of those shadows that mutates with the base - or is that just another way of saying it's sheer?
I did notice that it remains true to the pot if you pack it and more of the gold comes out with swiping. That may be obvious for some but it was a great realization for me!

Good thing about WC is that it'll be easier for me to where some greeny-tealy colour to church. Aquavert was light but the chalkiness of it still called attention. WC can be subtle yet colourful on my skin, the same reason why I love Illegal Cargo!

Just had to add, since I'm trying to limit by CH purchasing as much as possible (trade-off for the Estee Lauder sale), my lip for my CH looks will be some combination of Flowerplay l/s, Budding lustreglass and, when I need some opacity, Naturally Eccentric l/s. It looked pretty decent with my Lure/Naturally Eccentric=Cool Heat look today!


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by ktforthewin
i wish i knew what top hat looked like next to climate blue because i adorrreee frosts and i could do without climate blue if its similar.

ME TOO!! I'm soo on the fence about the eyeshadow! I had previously decided against it, but with all this love for it, I really can't decide!

BTW, Audrey, or ne one, how would you describe Plumage? The website says its a Peacock color and im not exactly sure what the hell that means, haha! Is is like a dark green or is it more blue? Thank you!!!


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by stv578
I just got those two lipsticks recently as well!!! As well as Tropic Glow of course, i think everyone on here should get this!

Next time you go to MAC, try Moonstone lipgelee over Angel, it's seriously gorgeous! And if you're like me, the next time will be, what tomorrow?! (Just kidding, i was just there today!)

Angel lipstick is one of my all-time favorite colors

And, I do have Moonstone. I will have to try that. Thanks


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by vcanady
ME TOO!! I'm soo on the fence about the eyeshadow! I had previously decided against it, but with all this love for it, I really can't decide!

BTW, Audrey, or ne one, how would you describe Plumage? The website says its a Peacock color and im not exactly sure what the hell that means, haha! Is is like a dark green or is it more blue? Thank you!!!

It is a very dark, blackened, blue green with a matte finish. Let me make a swatch for you
Give me a bit and I will be right back.


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

I wore Climate Blue today:

Shore leave all over lid to brow
Bobbi Brown Fog (medium gray) lash to crease (love this color)
Climate Blue in outer v and just slightly above crease & under bottom lash line just under my smokey gray/black liner
eyes lined in a dark metallic gray over black liner

*hubby adored it* ...this will help in supporting my makeup habit *snickers*


Active member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by vcanady
ME TOO!! I'm soo on the fence about the eyeshadow! I had previously decided against it, but with all this love for it, I really can't decide!

i know! ahhh i'm so conflicted because at this point i really don't need to spend more than i should. but usually i get any LE because you never know... hmmm.


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

ok i got my haul in the mail yesterday! I can't believe it took 4 days to get from Maryland to middle of nowhere Alaska! World's fastest shipping, haha. I got all e/s except gulf stream, and in case any one cares, this is what I think:

Solar White:I thought it looked like naked lunch or shore leave but when applying it looks nothing like them- the gold stands out a lot- an awesome highlighter!

Warming Trend: Nothing I have is quite like this color. In the same family as Woodwinked or Time & Space but not as intense color pay off. It is very light.

Warm Chill: I bought this b/c my Aquavert shattered a month ago and this is the most similar. It's not the exact same however, as we have established on here. It is pretty but as others have said, it doesn't prove to be a very intense color, it goes on very light.

Cool Heat: Darker than I thought it would be, more of a teal than a bright blue. It's not one that I will use very often, but it is still very beautiful. My friends were all in awe of it. I wonder how it will look with my blue eyes...

Blue Flame: I don't have any frosty blues so that's why I got this color. It is a very pretty metallic blue, doesn't apply as a deep dark blue either, so the blue is able to show off, if that makes sense. lol.

Climate Blue: Surprisingly one of my favorites! I can totally see the sparkles, I love the finish and it does show off both purple and blue. Love it!


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by abbyquack

Climate Blue: Surprisingly one of my favorites! I can totally see the sparkles, I love the finish and it does show off both purple and blue. Love it!

Aw...see girls another for Team Climate Blue


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Does anyone know how Tropic Glow compares to Kissable from last years slinshines apart from the silver pearl???

I cant wait to get


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by elegant-one
Aw...see girls another for Team Climate Blue

Should I join this, too?? I will, of course. Although I am more for Gulf Stream or Cool Heat


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion


I can't wait to get Warm Chill it's the perfect light green colour i've been looking for to achieve that 70's look =)


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by MisaMayah
Does anyone know how Tropic Glow compares to Kissable from last years slinshines apart from the silver pearl???

I cant wait to get

Nope, they're not close. Kissable is a soft true Barbie kinda pink (LOVE this shade so much) I forgot about this SS

Tropic Glow is a berry pink with red undertones - think strawberries but sheer!



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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by Susanne
Should I join this, too?? I will, of course. Although I am more for Gulf Stream or Cool Heat

Well, you are the Queen of Blues. Maybe check it out in person first.


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

LOVE LOVE LOVE Climate Blue!! Picked up solar white (must!), gulf stream(fab!), cool heat and blue flame. There are just so many options for combos here AND they are also fabulous alone! I'm a slimshine junkie, so I got Tropical Glow and Swelter too


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by elegant-one
Well, you are the Queen of Blues. Maybe check it out in person first.

Yep.. But I know I will love them all...Sigh. I just don't allow the e/s to disappoint me