MAC Daphne Guinness Discussion


Well-known member
I saw those pics/swatches but honestly, I didn't care for how it looked on her. Too washed out looking. I want something deeper/darker/richer which it may look that way irl. Thanks!

On NW15, it comes out much more like a rich taupe rather than a grey.


Well-known member
I placed an order on Japanese Spring c/g and I bet you that I'm going to get the shipping confirmation tomorrow morning. That's what they did with my order with Tour de Fabulous l/g.


Well-known member
Oh CRAP!!! I thinkI just added Nebula to my want list... I don't know why I don't learn my lesson & stay away from the threads for awhile after ordering so I don't re-order everything I managed to skim off my list! UGHHHHH!! Ok, after Nebula, no more DG stuff! OK!?
Side Note: Can't stop wearing Narcissus! I LOVE it! I have to force myself to wear one of my new Iris lipsticks tomorrow... I can't pull myself away from N! It's THAT fantabulous!


Well-known member

It's a pretty dusty color - we've got that brown Extra Dimension shadow coming up which looks so much richer, even from that one, not-so-great photo. Nebula's got a nice, smooth texture, but it's not a rich brown; it's got potential, but it's not going to be at its most fabulous on every skin tone.....might be a touch too dark for some or a touch too flat and grey for others. There are going to be plenty of soft browns this spring, so try Nebula in person and if it isn't absolutely perfect, there will be more to come - I think everyone can afford to wait for the perfect shade. I, for one, much prefer Bloodline to Nebula - I also prefer Gold Carbon Metal X (although that's not for everyone either), and I've got big expectations for Twilight Falls and the Extra Dimension brown, plus the mid-tone browns in the Shop/Cook palettes.

This is coming from the same gal who has a high opinion of Aurora - I'm just mega-picky about pigments nowadays. 'Hope I haven't been too evil about Nebula, hehe


Well-known member
Since I am completely in love with the Cremesheen Glass formula, I am thinking about picking up the other two colors from this collection that I don't have, Richly Revered and Japanese Spring. My only qualm is that Richly Revered will run too brown rather than plum on the lips. And for Japanese Spring, is it more opaque like Narcissus or more sheer like Borealis? Either way, I will most likely get it because it looks too beautiful to pass up.


Well-known member
Since I am completely in love with the Cremesheen Glass formula, I am thinking about picking up the other two colors from this collection that I don't have, Richly Revered and Japanese Spring. My only qualm is that Richly Revered will run too brown rather than plum on the lips. And for Japanese Spring, is it more opaque like Narcissus or more sheer like Borealis? Either way, I will most likely get it because it looks too beautiful to pass up.

JP is on the sheerer side - though not as sheer as B, but the Cremesheen formula definitely makes up for it. I find it very hydrating on the lips.


Well-known member
Naynadine and Duckrodea, a - belated - happy birthday from me! I hope you had a wonderful day with nice people around you and fabulous presents!




Well-known member
I'm an NC20-NC25. In summer sometimes I can get away with NC30. Nebula looks TOTALLY different on me. It's not quite so gray (maybe a bit, but not as much as on her) on me. It would definitely IMO be that good deep crease shade you're looking for. It works as a smoky dark color on the lid for me, a liner, AND a crease shade.

That's good news!
The further good news is that when I tracked my order earlier this morning, I saw those three magic words: "Out For Delivery."
So, I should get to wear my new "goodies" when I go out to lunch tomorrow!


Well-known member
Super excited!!! I just nabbed:
Azalea Blossom
Narcissus X2
Seasoned Plum
Red Dwarf
Party Parrot (The same name as my beloved "Mrs Roper MuuMuu" with a giant parrot on it that I rock at boozy summer parties...I couldn't resist!)
Pink Pigeon

WHEW! That's a LOT of goodies! Now I just have to wait for Naturally to show up so I can break the rest of my bank with those MESs and MBs...Oh yeah and the Tour De Fabulous glosses!!! This is going to be the best January EVER!!!!



Well-known member
Order placed - yay!

Azalea Blossom
Vintage Grape
Circa Plum
Seasoned Plum

Can't wait for it to get here!


Well-known member
Sounds like a yummy haul!
Am I the only one who got Approaching Storm?
What's wrong with it? ;)
I keep going back and forth with that one! I love dark wine, berry, and purple lipsticks, but not with brown in them. How brown toned is Approaching Storm?


Well-known member

It's a pretty dusty color - we've got that brown Extra Dimension shadow coming up which looks so much richer, even from that one, not-so-great photo. Nebula's got a nice, smooth texture, but it's not a rich brown; it's got potential, but it's not going to be at its most fabulous on every skin tone.....might be a touch too dark for some or a touch too flat and grey for others. There are going to be plenty of soft browns this spring, so try Nebula in person and if it isn't absolutely perfect, there will be more to come - I think everyone can afford to wait for the perfect shade. I, for one, much prefer Bloodline to Nebula - I also prefer Gold Carbon Metal X (although that's not for everyone either), and I've got big expectations for Twilight Falls and the Extra Dimension brown, plus the mid-tone browns in the Shop/Cook palettes.

This is coming from the same gal who has a high opinion of Aurora - I'm just mega-picky about pigments nowadays. 'Hope I haven't been too evil about Nebula, hehe
Thanx for posting that, Liba, I was freaking out about not having nebula, but I love bloodline. I added Red Dwarf to my iris Apfel order, for which I am blaming elegant one!


Well-known member
Well the Guinness collection arrived on Irish shores today woohoo! I got narcissus and the 2 lighter pigments which were all on my wish list but I also picked up the quad. For anybody who was hesitant about it defo check it out in person if you can. I don't think it deserved some of the bad reviews it got. The textures were lovely- not chalky at all and I found them lovely and pigmented but not too pigmented which suits me other words I was able to swatch them no probs on my hand in th shop (no double searching or layering required) but the colours applied lovely and softly to give a beautiful subtle smokey eye. I am nw10-15 for reference so maybe ladies with fabulous dark skin might be able to clarify if they have had any issues with it but I think it's a fantastic smokey quad for pale beauties. It kind of reminds me of a sultry cousin of the lady grey quad.....really happy with my purchases. My store didn't get the blush ombres so I will pop back to have a look at them next week when other collections launch

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