MAC Daphne Guinness Discussion


Well-known member
I am thinking of blaming you for the purchase of Narcissus too, but I have to dole out the blame equally all over this thread. Now I am getting a lemming for season plum and I better avoid the thread entirely, but I prolly cant


Well-known member
I am thinking of blaming you for the purchase of Narcissus too, but I have to dole out the blame equally all over this thread. Now I am getting a lemming for season plum and I better avoid the thread entirely, but I prolly cant
Well, I didn't get SP...yet! I better go look at it again


Well-known member
I did not get SP. I got RD. Do I need to go look at SP again!? You put Narcissus over SP? I'll grab a look-see at some swatches...

YESSS! I just got a BU of it today! Did you get Seasoned Plum from this collection? It looks gorgeous over that


Well-known member
I keep going back and forth with that one! I love dark wine, berry, and purple lipsticks, but not with brown in them. How brown toned is Approaching Storm?

Not very, I hope! I haven't seen it in person yet, but I'm hoping it's not too brownish, since I don't do browns well.
I've heard it described as having "hints of brown," and a MAC artist told me that it's similar in color to Burgundy lip pencil, which is about as brown as I can go.
It's been a while since I've wanted this much from a collection!
I hope this is not a foreshadowing of how 2012 is going to go ...


Well-known member
EXACTLY... but not looking good! Lots of awesome collex coming up!!!
I'm sort of happy we are getting these collections at the end of 2011, since part of my New Year's resolution is to stick to my monthly beauty budget! Which went to complete crap in 2011. So I am excusing all these late 2011 collection splurges for now! HeeHee

I hope this is not a foreshadowing of how 2012 is going to go ...


Well-known member
I did not get SP.  I got RD.  Do I need to go look at SP again!?  You put Narcissus over SP?  I'll grab a look-see at some swatches...

Definitely take another look at SP- It makes a great base for Narcissus. Plus it's a really unique shade of purple in comparison to other purple lippies!
Not very, I hope! I haven't seen it in person yet, but I'm hoping it's not too brownish, since I don't do browns well.
I've heard it described as having "hints of brown," and a MAC artist told me that it's similar in color to Burgundy lip pencil, which is about as brown as I can go.
It's been a while since I've wanted this much from a collection!
I hope this is not a foreshadowing of how 2012 is going to go ...
Hmm that sounds right up my alley! But I've hauled so much in this collection. If you see it in person, let me know how it is! And if you like colors like Approaching Storm, check out Media and Hang Up if you haven't already. They are some of my faves :)


Well-known member
And if you like colors like Approaching Storm, check out Media and Hang Up if you haven't already. They are some of my faves

This is encouraging, because I recently got Media, and was surprised at how much I love it on NW15 me. Pleasure Principle Dazzleglass looks gorgeous over it, to tone it down, or, if I'm feeling fearless, Spanking Rich looks - well- rich over Media.
I'm still glad I'm getting Approaching Storm, though; the description "deep rose" sucked me right in!


Well-known member
I didn't get Appr. Storm because I thought it looked a lot like Hang Up which I just bought. Plus with the unknown pleasures mattene on the way for me (late haul I know), I figured I am covered for brown-based reds for life.

I am sooooo tempted by Aurora and Narcissus BU. I fear that I will miss out by the time I have enough funds but then again its freaking 55 CAD + 13% tax to get two items. ugh...I just feel like I am wasting money:( I am a poor graduate student after all!

I may require enabling.


Well-known member
This is encouraging, because I recently got Media, and was surprised at how much I love it on NW15 me.  Pleasure Principle Dazzleglass looks gorgeous over it, to tone it down, or, if I'm feeling fearless, Spanking Rich looks - well- rich over Media.
I'm still glad I'm getting Approaching Storm, though; the description "deep rose" sucked me right in!
I'm NW15 too :). Hang Up is a little bit lighter than Media, but in a Cremesheen formula with hints of pink sparkle. It's like the less-bold-but-still-bold version of Media. I have Pleasure Principle so I will try it over Media! Have you taken a look at Richly Revered Cremesheen Glass? I just got it today and it's a great sheer dark berry color. You would love it!


Well-known member
I finally ordered! I'm such a slow coach these days! I got aurora pigment, ab blush, and endless night :eyelove: though I nearly ended up with hyperion thanks to mac giving it the wrong colour swatch! It has endless nights colour pic. I'm hoping to rock aurora, it looks warm but I have changed hair colour recently so need to warm up my make up palettes a little :)


Well-known member
I just put Narcissus on and I am in love. I think I need a BU. Pixie enabled me ....yes your hauls and BUing tempted me.....

Side note: Is there an eyeshadow dupe for Aurora. MAC/UD? Please say there is cuz I don't want to buy it but I feel like I want to buy it.....hmmm.......


Well-known member
Side note: Is there an eyeshadow dupe for Aurora. MAC/UD? Please say there is cuz I don't want to buy it but I feel like I want to buy it.....hmmm.......
I'll know a lot more when I get my Aurora (late today),but, judging from the swatches I've seen, I'm thinking MAC Style Snob (LE, so that may not help) or UD Deluxe eyeshadow in "Scratch" might be at least somewhat similar to Aurora.


Well-known member
I'm hoping to rock aurora, it looks warm but I have changed hair colour recently so need to warm up my make up palettes a little

Did you change to a more golden blonde? I'm sure it will look fabulous and Aurora is flattering across a wide range of skin tones. Have fun with it!


Well-known member
Well the Guinness collection arrived on Irish shores today woohoo! I got narcissus and the 2 lighter pigments which were all on my wish list but I also picked up the quad. For anybody who was hesitant about it defo check it out in person if you can. I don't think it deserved some of the bad reviews it got. The textures were lovely- not chalky at all and I found them lovely and pigmented but not too pigmented which suits me other words I was able to swatch them no probs on my hand in th shop (no double searching or layering required) but the colours applied lovely and softly to give a beautiful subtle smokey eye. I am nw10-15 for reference so maybe ladies with fabulous dark skin might be able to clarify if they have had any issues with it but I think it's a fantastic smokey quad for pale beauties. It kind of reminds me of a sultry cousin of the lady grey quad.....really happy with my purchases. My store didn't get the blush ombres so I will pop back to have a look at them next week when other collections launch

I didn't need to layer it either. It's a great quad for those who want a subtle look but still want to play with different colors. I'm thrilled you like it!


Well-known member
The Mac counter I went to was sold out of Japanese Spring
. The fact that it was sold out just made me want it more! I'm thinking about ordering it online along with a BU of Borealis.


Well-known member
Well, I'm flattered and guess now I need to begin enabling you to get Aurora! It isn't JUST the color of Aurora that makes it great, it's also the texture! Not gritty or difficult to use AT ALL like some piggies can be. You'll be happy with it! I promise!

SOOOO glad you're happy with Narcissus! It's AWESOME!!

I just put Narcissus on and I am in love. I think I need a BU. Pixie enabled me ....yes your hauls and BUing tempted me.....

Side note: Is there an eyeshadow dupe for Aurora. MAC/UD? Please say there is cuz I don't want to buy it but I feel like I want to buy it.....hmmm.......


Well-known member
I just got my stuff!! The only shadow in the quad I had a hard time with is the lightest Stratus. The others are lightly pigmented but not in a bad way. I'll have to do swatches tomorrow since it's too dark out now.

I still have my eye on Seasoned Plum. Has anyone with NW15 and dark hair bought it and it looks ok on them? I thinking of going red one day, if I bought it will it still work on a redhead?

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