MAC for Marilyn


Well-known member
Wowwwww to all these stories of the madness this morning! I was half considering dropping by my local MAC counter just to see how insane it was going to be, but if it was anything like where all of you went, I'm glad I didn't. Probably would've gotten trampled!

This might be a little OT, but for those who missed out on the FM bp, I know people have been comparing it to Elude bp (not that it's exactly the same by any means, but it seems to work well on the same least that's my understanding based on what I've been reading, but maybe I'm wrong?) Anyway, the reason I bring it up is because I stopped by the CCO today out of sheer curiosity about what they have in stock these days, and the one by me had tons of the Elude bp. So if you have a CCO near you, it's a thought.


Well-known member
I am pretty sure all of those are general catalogue (perm) items. Charred Red may be d/c'd, but Mystic is perm and I think Sin is also.
Didn't see Mystic on the site, but Sin is there and
It looks amazing. I never bothered to look at a swatch of it before because it doesn't look like a blood red in the pic of it that comes up when you click on it. But since you suggested it, I looked up swatches and it looks beautiful! I think I just found something else to add to my cart when I place my Glamourdaze order later this month... Thanks!!!


Well-known member
My Mac counter had everything sold out except for the lip liners! OMG! I didn't know it was going to be this crazy.


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CAUTION Longggggg Rant Ahead: I have everything I want from this collection... so this complaint doesn't pertain to myself directly, but I DO get upset to see others disappointed. About 1 month ago I took my close friend to the local MAC counter. I helped her pick out a gloss, a couple lipsticks, and a blush. I bought her a new quad of MAC shadows and a gloss from the Vera collection this year for her birthday, and she had been begging me to take her and help her pick out some new goodies ever since. She's obviously new to MAC and has gotten excited about the brand! While we were there, I started chatting w the MUA's about this collection coming up. They, of course, knew VERY little about it and were happy to hear me give them the details. They asked us if we wanted to come to the weekend "Marilyn Monroe Makeover Event" they were having. My friend got so excited I immediately signed us up. They put us down for back to back appts Oct 5 (tomorrow) at 6pm. I knew the collection would launch in stores Oct 4th, but at that point had NO IDEA the insane hype that would ensue! I also didn't think we got our PRO discounts either at this point, so I was happy to get a slot and buy in the store. Today I was at the mall and happened to check in at the counter. Assuming that they MIGHT have held a few items for these appts they were taking. Almost EVERYTHING was SOLD OUT (as I imagined it would be). Nothing had been held. Now, here's where I get upset... They had NO plans to call and tell us! They were going to let us come in tomorrow evening thinking we were getting access to the new MM merchandise, and THEN "just sub perm products for the Marilyn items. They will be EXACTLY the same, just not the Marilyn packaging." That's honestly a quote. My response: "I am a PRO member and oftentimes have to inform you guys about products and launches when I visit here. Are you under the impression I'd set an appt to come to a Marilyn event and be happy to be told I could only purchase perm items?" BLANK FACES! I calmly let it go, cancelled our appts and left the store. Mildly frustrated but trying to be understaning considering they were more than likely unprepared for this collection... THEN my friend calls me ALL EXCITED!! "I just got a call from MAC to confirm our Marilyn Monroe Collection makeovers tomorrow! The lady told me the items were gorgeous and I can't wait to see them! This will be my first MAC haul with you!" Imagine my utter mortification! Not only did the girl call to CONFIRM after 6:30pm (LONGGGGG after everything had been SOLD OUT!) but she led my poor friend to believe they were still accessible and waiting for her the next day! I broke the news to her as sweetly as I could! And now my friend will be surprised with the MAC items I ordered for her during the Nordies launch that I purchased for her (KNOWING this would happen) as soon as they arrive! (1 LG, 1 CIS, 1 BP, and 1 TPC) The POINT: Imagine all the upset appts tomorrow (that these MUA's went out of their way to CONFIRM knowing FULL WELL they had nothing)!! Not even having the courtesy to tell their customers the truth!


Well-known member
I caved in with my friend and went to Macy's to see if Deeply Adored was still available, and it turns out that it was the only lipstick and item from the entire collection to be sold out. Now I really regret not buying it during the morning. I talked to the MUA and he said that they only got six of each lipsticks and he was surprised that Deeply Adored sold out before Love Goddess. Scarlet Ibis and the bp are the items that are selling atm. No one has yet to buy Charmed, I'm Sure in the store but he expects that people will go after the items tomorrow or on Saturday. I bought Love Goddess and I'm wearing it atm. I'm glad to have bought it.


Well-known member
Now that I have Rocker and Deeply Adored (well, it'll be here tomorrow), I really need to look more into deep red shades. For whatever reason, these shades suit my skin tone more than brighter reds.


Well-known member
Well, I had to be out early today anyway so I decided to get to the mall and see if I could take a look at Legendary (the other blush I didn't get from Nordstrom) and the other lipsticks I didn't order.

I got there *five* minutes after the store's opening and there was barely anyone at the counter. One lady was checking out. The woman said they were sold out of the beauty powder. I was figuring if they had one, I'd get it for a friend of mine. I said, "How can that be? You just opened. How many did you get?"

She pointed to the lady checking out who had bought one beauty powder, and said that the counter only got four powders. I think the employees bought the other three. This woman checking out didn't look like she'd bought the entire counter. I asked if I could buy the tester since it looked almost unused, but nope, they wouldn't budge on that.

I did get Legendary, but if what I suspect is true, I think it stinks that the employees can buy them before customers can. MAC should just arrange a separate stock for employees to buy from.

Once again, as with Venomous Villains, I'm just annoyed for MAC fans. This is the second collection in years that I went to a great deal of trouble to find and I have to stop reading blogs. If I don't know what's coming out, I won't buy into this nonsense!


Well-known member
CAUTION Longggggg Rant Ahead: I have everything I want from this collection... so this complaint doesn't pertain to myself directly, but I DO get upset to see others disappointed. About 1 month ago I took my close friend to the local MAC counter. I helped her pick out a gloss, a couple lipsticks, and a blush. I bought her a new quad of MAC shadows and a gloss from the Vera collection this year for her birthday, and she had been begging me to take her and help her pick out some new goodies ever since. She's obviously new to MAC and has gotten excited about the brand! While we were there, I started chatting w the MUA's about this collection coming up. They, of course, knew VERY little about it and were happy to hear me give them the details. They asked us if we wanted to come to the weekend "Marilyn Monroe Makeover Event" they were having. My friend got so excited I immediately signed us up. They put us down for back to back appts Oct 5 (tomorrow) at 6pm. I knew the collection would launch in stores Oct 4th, but at that point had NO IDEA the insane hype that would ensue! I also didn't think we got our PRO discounts either at this point, so I was happy to get a slot and buy in the store. Today I was at the mall and happened to check in at the counter. Assuming that they MIGHT have held a few items for these appts they were taking. Almost EVERYTHING was SOLD OUT (as I imagined it would be). Nothing had been held. Now, here's where I get upset... They had NO plans to call and tell us! They were going to let us come in tomorrow evening thinking we were getting access to the new MM merchandise, and THEN "just sub perm products for the Marilyn items. They will be EXACTLY the same, just not the Marilyn packaging." That's honestly a quote. My response: "I am a PRO member and oftentimes have to inform you guys about products and launches when I visit here. Are you under the impression I'd set an appt to come to a Marilyn event and be happy to be told I could only purchase perm items?" BLANK FACES! I calmly let it go, cancelled our appts and left the store. Mildly frustrated but trying to be understaning considering they were more than likely unprepared for this collection... THEN my friend calls me ALL EXCITED!! "I just got a call from MAC to confirm our Marilyn Monroe Collection makeovers tomorrow! The lady told me the items were gorgeous and I can't wait to see them! This will be my first MAC haul with you!" Imagine my utter mortification! Not only did the girl call to CONFIRM after 6:30pm (LONGGGGG after everything had been SOLD OUT!) but she led my poor friend to believe they were still accessible and waiting for her the next day! I broke the news to her as sweetly as I could! And now my friend will be surprised with the MAC items I ordered for her during the Nordies launch that I purchased for her (KNOWING this would happen) as soon as they arrive! (1 LG, 1 CIS, 1 BP, and 1 TPC) The POINT: Imagine all the upset appts tomorrow (that these MUA's went out of their way to CONFIRM knowing FULL WELL they had nothing)!! Not even having the courtesy to tell their customers the truth!
That's really terrible. On several levels. The MAs should be building a level of trust with their customers. That kind of deception might get them the sale that day, but it's going to lose them customers in the long run once they figure out what happened. I understand it being frustrating for the employees to have booked appointments for the MM weekend and already be sold out of the collection, but they shouldn't lie! I think a more appropriate way to handle it would be to say something like, "I'm so sorry we sold out of that lipstick you were interested in. This perm lipstick is the closest thing to it if you're interested in trying on something similar."

Also the fact that they called your friend after you canceled your appointments is either 1) underhanded, or 2) a sign that they don't keep very good records. Either one

Here's hoping the dishonest MAs get all the angry customers who know what's what and will call them out on it this weekend...and that the honest MAs get understanding (albeit disappointed) customers.


Well-known member
I tried on Deeply Adored a little while ago before washing my face for bed. Then my daughter insisted I put Ruffian Gold over it because she wanted to see what it would look like. (she's 9 and BOSSY........i have no idea where she gets it from). Anyway Deeply Adored + Ruffian Gold =love Deeply Adored is lovely on its own too. OT: There is a huge wild fire behind our house and if I get told to evacuate, I'm packing all my makeup!


Well-known member
I am so frustrated about these folks hawking lipsticks.....this is the 4th listing from this seller in 2 days. So incredibly unfair......!!!!!! And we can't do anything to control the madness!



Well-known member
I am so frustrated about these folks hawking lipsticks.....this is the 4th listing from this seller in 2 days. So incredibly unfair......!!!!!! And we can't do anything to control the madness!

I wonder if they can be reported to MAC? Idk if they could do anything about anonymous ebayers.


Well-known member
I am so frustrated about these folks hawking lipsticks.....this is the 4th listing from this seller in 2 days. So incredibly unfair......!!!!!! And we can't do anything to control the madness!

I'd like to "talk back" to talkingback, he/she of the 217 positive ratings. Even if I had some moment of insanity and paid that much, I would never leave that scalper a good rating. I'd probably not leave anything at all, but it would be tempting to leave a neutral saying something about the extreme markup. They deserve it because they're greedy little snakes.


Well-known member
I tried on Deeply Adored a little while ago before washing my face for bed. Then my daughter insisted I put Ruffian Gold over it because she wanted to see what it would look like. (she's 9 and BOSSY........i have no idea where she gets it from). Anyway Deeply Adored + Ruffian Gold =love Deeply Adored is lovely on its own too. OT: There is a huge wild fire behind our house and if I get told to evacuate, I'm packing all my makeup!
I love putting gold over a red lipstick!! And um...huge wild fire? Yeah, that's a problem. Stay safe!!!


I'm also very dissapointed. I came to my local counter a week earlier and had expressed to the MA how much i was looking forward to the collection and how nervous i was that it would sell out before i could purchase anything so she asked for my name and the items i wanted, wrote it down on a piece of paper and told me she'd set them aside for me to pick up on oct.4 . I came in today and everything had sold out except 1 beauty powder. Nothing was put aside. I'm so bummed. They are also using permanent items for the event tommorow.


Well-known member
I tried on Deeply Adored a little while ago before washing my face for bed. Then my daughter insisted I put Ruffian Gold over it because she wanted to see what it would look like. (she's 9 and BOSSY........i have no idea where she gets it from). Anyway Deeply Adored + Ruffian Gold =love Deeply Adored is lovely on its own too. OT: There is a huge wild fire behind our house and if I get told to evacuate, I'm packing all my makeup!
EEEK, stay safe! We had to deal with wildfire evacuations 5 years ago (and everything worked out) and you better believe that my makeup was one of the first things I packed in the car. Although, my collection was much smaller back then, haha.


Well-known member
ChosenOne and OhsoJaded Thank you! My husband is constantly listening to the scanner and looking out our back door. They seem to have gotten better control of the fire now so I'm trying not to stress. for some reason specktra wont let me reply to specific post right now :(


Well-known member
I just tried the BP all over my face finally and quite literally squealed with excitement. I'm NW20 when I spray tan but about NW 10-15 right now and it's just perfection. Not that the BP needed another rave review here, but I'm just so excited!