MAC Interviews & Hiring Process


Well-known member
Re: I'm an offical MAC MUA!!!! Yippie

Congrats girl!! I would LOVE to work at MAC as a part time job but with two little girls, that's impossible!!
Enjoy it!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Re: I'm an offical MAC MUA!!!! Yippie

I asked them on Thursay How fast are they looking to fill all the positions for Sherman Oaks and she said next Friday. So I would deffinately turn in you resume and fill out the in store app. ASAP.

Thanks sooo much for that info...I am definitly going to go and talk to them at bloomys!!


Well-known member
Re: I'm an offical MAC MUA!!!! Yippie

Originally Posted by MsChrys79
CONGRATULATIONS!!! NOW you gotta post a FOTD of the makeup you'll wear on your 1st day!!! Yea for you...

:Agree: You should!


Well-known member
Re: I'm an offical MAC MUA!!!! Yippie

Originally Posted by joey444
Congrats girl!! I would LOVE to work at MAC as a part time job but with two little girls, that's impossible!!
Enjoy it!!!!!!!

Anything is possible. I have two little boys. One is 6 months old and my oldest will be 3 in February.

But I will be sure to post FOTD on my first day


Well-known member
For the job fairs are do they inteview you individually or as a group? I have an interview today so I'm just wonderinf.....


Well-known member
I'm so frustrated guys...
I'm a cosmetology student and I've had ZERO luck on getting hired in the most basic, entry-level counter positions at drug stores, etc.
WHAT DO I DO? If I can't get makeup retail experience there, then where can I get it?


Well-known member
my local mac stand have been look for help for months, i have plenty of retail experience but still learning to get the make-up thing down, everything i got to the stand the ppl say i should try i need a part-time job bad i seriously been thinking about it, maybe in a couple of months and some more pratice i will try it out


Well-known member

Originally Posted by eccentric
Thanks everyone for your input here, it's super helpful! I'm going to apply for a part-time position at our MAC counter in Macy's in June because that's when they'll be hiring. I'm really nervous. If I don't get the job, I don't know what I'll do with my life! Lawl, seriously. It's my dream job.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dominicana90
Hi, I'm new.

What are your chances of getting hired or at least getting to the demo interview if you've never had any retail experience? I work with people and I basically "sell" food to them lol. There elderly people so sometimes you have to convince them to eat lol.

Retail experience is almost always a must, but still try applying!


Well-known member
About the age thing: When I was group interviewed I was 17, and everyone said how old they were at the interview! I didn't have my second and third interviews until just after my 18th birthday though, they wrote down my birthday on my resume so they could call me as soon as I was old enough and when they were hiring!

Why MAC artist wear all black : To keep the focus on our faces of course!

When I went to my group interview I brought my portfolio when most people don't. It turned out being a great thing for me because after the interview I snagged the manager and asked her if she has a moment to look through it, she started looking through it but then said she'd better say goodbye to some more people and she asked me if I could bring it to my next interview! So I did that, so her and the ass.manager could look through it with me together!

At the demo interview, yes you have to do everything from prepping the skin, to setting the makeup. Eyes lips skin, everything!


Originally Posted by psychlocke79
since someone mentioned discrimination i wanted to ask if MAC hires women who cover. i was interested in applying before when i wasn't covering but i have decided to since then and im afraid they won't hire me because of this. but then again isn't that religious discrimination?

anyways if anyone knows, please let me know.

This is a great question! and i THINK i saw a girl ONOCE in montreal but it could have been my imagination...I think they would though! ALOT of women would invite another market....


Originally Posted by escada325
It is discriminating if they did, however, it is a fashion & makeup industry, companies like M.A.C would want their employees to show the work of art they do on themselves & so that women of different colours/shapes/race can relate themselves to a M.A.C employee of similarity and seek inspiration of different looks that may suit them too, it's basically all about women making other women look & feel good, and being covered up won't show your customers your skill & beauty, I'm of pacific island descent, I have dark olive skin, when I go into our M.A.C store there's no brown or dark skinned girls working there, I look on YouTube for videos of girls of different colour, get the products I need and try it on myself, you see why it's it's a good thing to not be covered?? If you have to stay covered for culture or religious reasons, how about trying Mobile work? starting your own business doing home-call work? weddings?? .. hope this helps with your question .. good luck! Really? so- covering her hair meas she should just stay home? shes not looking to be a hair stylist...and by the way considering you have to go find your loks online dont you think other women who cover there hair might like someone to relate too when cosmetic shopping?

Clara L

New member
Hey I know this is about MAC...I recently applied for a beauty advisor job with Estee Lauder in Scotland, Ive had my telephone interview!! and have just had a call arranging a face to face interview in a couple of weeks for a big department store, John Lewis. Im pretty nervous and just wondered if anyone had any tips for the interview?? i.e. what should I wear? and can anyone tell me roughly how much beauty advisors earn as I havent plucked up the courage to ask!! ha!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ayisha
Has anyone been interviewed recently in montreal???

Oh hey! I think I know you! You brought in your CV a while ago, at the Bay Downtown, right? I made you fill out the application


New member
Waiting for final (?) interview with long did you wait?

I could use some advice from you all:

It's been 2 weeks to the day that I interviewed with MAC. I was told that I would be having another (final?) interview with the Account Exec. and Trainer to answer more Q's and also do my demo.

I haven't heard a peep since!

How long have you all waited for the next phase? For those that did not get the position(s) did you receive any kind of notice/message stating that you didn't get the job or notifying you that the position was filled?

After waiting 1 week, I did call to thank her for the interview and to say I was really looking forward to the following meeting/interview. Still no response...and I'm not about to call or keep pestering her.

What really scares me is I've even seen announcements for openings for MAC in this same area that just got posted yesterday by the same person who did my interview two weeks ago. Does this mean they're still looking for more? Does this mean I didn't get the position? You can see why I'm so confused.
*Sigh* Any insight you have will help immensly! Thanks in advance!


Well-known member
Re: Waiting for final (?) interview with long did you wait?

I feel your pain. Mine it's been about 3 weeks now and I still haven't heard from then. I thought I did well on my initial interview but they still haven't called me back for a demo and I saw a posting too hiring from my area as well

I don't know what that means but Im starting to give up my hopes...
Are you by any chance on the DC/MD/Va area?