MAC Interviews & Hiring Process


Well-known member
Re: Waiting for final (?) interview with long did you wait?

Girl i feel your pain. Had a job interview a month ago and still yet to hear anything its wasnt with MAC was with a telecommunications company and the sad thing about it is that they refused to give anyone their contact details


New member
Re: Waiting for final (?) interview with long did you wait?

@ Aninhabr85: Just sent you a p. message in regards to details hon. :)


New member
Re: Waiting for final (?) interview with long did you wait?

@Iadoremac: It is a little frustrating. It would be nice to know one way or the other what's going on....even if that means I'm not going any further at this time. I just don't know what to think at this moment.


New member
Re: Waiting for final (?) interview with long did you wait?

It took me 3 months to land a freelancing job.
I had my first interview in March, make-up demo and all, then there was a hiring freeze.
I had another interview at another location in April....still a freeze...

then i had my final interview with a trainer in April, and then got put on the freelance in the beginning of May.
I'm working now, "on-call", but there is still a freeze, that will be lifted at the end of this month or sometime in the beginning of July.

but don't get discouraged lady!

Things will fall into place easily!
Good luck!!!


New member
Re: Waiting for final (?) interview with long did you wait?

Originally Posted by Eulogofbullets
It took me 3 months to land a freelancing job.
I had my first interview in March, make-up demo and all, then there was a hiring freeze.
I had another interview at another location in April....still a freeze...

then i had my final interview with a trainer in April, and then got put on the freelance in the beginning of May.
I'm working now, "on-call", but there is still a freeze, that will be lifted at the end of this month or sometime in the beginning of July.

but don't get discouraged lady!

Things will fall into place easily!
Good luck!!!

Wow! Well that at least puts me at easea lil. I guess I was thinking it would go a bit quicker and then seeing an ad placed recently for more MUA, really made me wonder. I'll just keep practicing/studying and hopefully they'll get back to me soon. Thanks hon!


Well-known member
"If we wanted to work as a full-time, or freelancer/on-call."

So if I don't really have a preference but do prefer getting as much work as possible, should I say something like "I prefer full-time but I'm open to freelancer or on-call."?? Would that make them put me anywhere since I may be more open than others?


Well-known member
MAC Final Interview Tomorrow....

I've been *lurking * here for a while now and have finally decided to post.
I've been a theatrical MUA for a little over 6 years now specializing in make up for figure skaters. I also do special occasions as well. I have always wanted to apply to MAC but my schedule and traveling never allowed me to. Im finally in a place where I can commit to doing this and took the plunge 3 weeks ago. I put together my resume and created a digital portfolio powerpoint presentation . They called back a few days later and requested a interview and make up demo.
Im really excited but also very nervous...I've tried to do my home work and see what to expect in this last phase, and I've read everything from them switching out your model for another being drilled on company history/dates. I have crammed as much history in as I can, I know the basics anyway. I've educated myself with the new collections and looks and feel pretty confident that I can pull them off for the most part ( save that crazy one from the Color Craft collection, So anyway, here goes my leap of faith tomorrow....if anyone has any last minute tips or suggestions Iam all ears!


Well-known member
Re: MAC Final Interview Tomorrow....

Thank you! Iam so glad I found this site prior to my interview...they DID switch the models so I was totally prepared for that
The interview went great. I was given a fairly easy look to replicate using Goldmine, Amber lights and Plum Dressing...
She said I will be called back this week.....keeping fingers crossed


MAC interview decision

Hey guys,
Just a quick question? I had a MAC interview on tuesday, and they said they would call back. I was just wondering if they call back either way, to say yes you got hired, or no you didn't. I know it's been three days, but I would like to know if they tell you no you didn't get it, or if a person just assumes they didn't get it. Thanks a bunch!


Well-known member
Re: MAC interview decision

I would call back as it shows interest and enthusiasm. Maybe today or Monday - trust your own instinct on that one. I've never had an interview for a cosmetics job though - thats based on my experience in my field of IT (ish).

Hope it helps


Active member
Re: MAC interview decision

They told me they'd call back if it was a yes or a no.. thankfully I got a call back the next day.. Still haven't started though & its been about a month.. Tomorrow's a month since my demo


Maybe non-rehireable

Hey guys,
Another question. So I had a MAC counter interview a few days ago. The interviewer asked me if I was rehireable by Macy's since the counters at Macy's hire through them. Heres my predicument. I worked at Macy's in the childrens department a few years ago. I was hired as a seasonal worker and I wrote in my paperwork that my last date would be around Jan 12. So just by chance, I wound up getting a huge burn on my foot after New Years and was on crutches. So I called in the say that I wasn't going to be coming in and since I was on crutches and wouldnt be off them till after Jan 12, that I don't think I would be coming in again. But then they called in a few days later to ask if I was coming in, and I again had to tell them no because of my situation. At the time I was like, okay whatevers, I told them what happened. I know the obvious answer would be to call and find out if I am rehireable, but the human resources office is open monday morning and the suspense is killing me. If anyone has any idea as to answer my question, please do! Thanks everyone!


Well-known member
Re: Maybe non-rehireable

Well, you weren't a no-call, no-show, since you did tell them you weren't coming in. That's a definite no-hire. But I would check to be sure.


Thanks guys!

Sorry I've been real psycho with my post lately. But just wanted to say thanks to everyone, especially Sushi~Flower, rafaa, cazgah, and missmarley who replied to my post. And everyone else, reading ur post was a great help. Thankfully, I finally got called back and I got offered a position as a freelance artist. My foots in the door and I'm stoked, thanks to all your guys help!


Pregnancy and work

So I just got hired to freelance at MAC last month. And me and my husband just found out that were pregnant. Does anyone know MAC's policy on freelancing and being pregnant. I was planning on working till my third trimester, and then go back to work as soon as the baby is born. Does anyone know if I will get penalized because I will be out of freelancing for three months? Please help!


Well-known member
Re: Pregnancy and work

i dont know that answer to this question but congratulations on having a baby, and the new job.