MAC Interviews & Hiring Process


Well-known member
Re: I had my interview today.

Good luck!
Keep us posted!!


Well-known member
Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!! Want to apply at MAC in California.. What do I do!!!!?????


Any advice would be helpful.

thank you.


Well-known member
Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!! Want to apply at MAC in California.. What do I do!!!!?????

I am not in California...But with any company I was interested in working for I would apply directly at that counter or with that company....At the very least if they do not take your application there they can direct you as to what steps you need to take or how you need to go about applying and creditials needed


Well-known member
Re: I had my interview today.

I got a freelance position! I go in to do paperwork tomorrow =] I'm going to put out my best effort in hopes of one day becoming permanent!


Well-known member
Re: I had my interview today.

Originally Posted by statusmode
I got a freelance position! I go in to do paperwork tomorrow =] I'm going to put out my best effort in hopes of one day becoming permanent!



New member
Job at MAC....

Hi there, this is my first post. I've been lurking for a while.

After going into my local MAC regularly and the staff asking who did my make-up every time I go in, a member of staff gave me their recruitment number today and told me to give them a call.

This is a huge deal to me. I've been building up to it for a while & now I have to make the call & give a really good impression.

I've no formal qualifications & don't know a massive amount about MAC, but I do have loads of passion & enthusiasm!

I've been doing online tutorials with lots of Youtubers for approx 2 years & I'm pretty good - even if I do say so myself, lol!!

So, and advice would be HUGELY appreciated, I'm so nervous cos I want it so much.

Thankyou so much



Well-known member
Re: Job at MAC....

I think that you should apply, especially if they asked you to apply. It is actually really easy to learn about MAC. Browse the recent collection swatches and info here and take a look at the MAC website. Knowing the product will help you feel more confident. Good luck!


Well-known member
Re: REALLY interested in working for mac, but...

Definitely apply! Do you have previous retail experience? Because thats just as important as artistry skills.

I would recommend going in person, that way they can see the way you do your makeup. Also, between now and then try to do some friends makeup, take photos (with a plain wall behind them) and put those as a sort of portfolio, its not as good as professional photos, but they will want to see some examples of your work.

And remember, you lose nothing from trying


New member
MAC interview??

So, i got a call last Saturday asking me to come in for a group interview on Wednesday. I was super excited and wrote down all the information. I've been creeping this forum for a while, so i immediately came on here to read about everyone else's experiences with their interviews. Finally the big day came. I got up early Wednesday morning, did my makeup beautifully (or at least it was nice in my opinion haha) and made sure to get to the mall 30 minutes early. I get to the mall, and I'm super nervous. I finally get up my nerves to head over the counter and speak to the manager only to find out the interview was for the 30th! haha oh my gosh. She was really nice about it though and told me she would've given me an interview anyway, but couldn't since she was the only one at the counter. I just laughed it off said it was alright and that i must've been really excited about the interview. When i was leaving i told it was nice to meet her early and she said the same to me.
What kind of impression do you think that leaves? Do you think that would have a negative, positive or neutral impression of me? I was really
embarrassed by it.
Oh and i was stressing about this for the interview, What did everyone wear to their interviews? I know it's best to wear all black, but i want to be trendy at the same time.
Thanks in advance for everything


Well-known member
Re: MAC interview??

I would not stress over it, you were excited and Im sure that is a positive thing
Plus it gave you a chance for a personal one on one interaction before you come with an entire group.
This was taken right before I walked out the door for my first interview with MAC:

I went with a black dress and more of a retro look, but that's my personal preference
Go with whatever look you feel fabulous in (all black of course) and fierce make up! Good Luck and keep us posted on how it goes!


Applying for MAC in Northern California

Hey Everyone

So i have a really specific question, I guess... I am from the Bay Area and would like to apply to work for MAC freestanding location, but as far as I know it is impossible to work for a freestanding location without starting at a counter first. Now, not that I have anything against counters, I just really despise department stores, Macy's in particular. Ive worked for Macy's twice and I hated it. I was wondering if there is a way to bypass working at the counter and go for the store?


Well-known member
Re: Job at MAC....

I am also tempted to apply but scared I will get rejected. They always complament me on my MU.


Well-known member
My Interview with MAC

Last Saturday, I handed in my resume to my local MAC counter after one of the MAs asked why I never applied there and encouraged me to apply. Back in March, I was a model for one of their Studio Talk seminars and got know the MAs and the management well.

On Tuesday, I got a call from the manager asking to come in for an interview. I had to stop my self from talking giddy.

Yesterday, I had the interview with the assistant manager. She asked me a lot of questions about retail and customer service, all of which I answered as best as I can. She pointed out that my resume and cover letter were great and it shows that I knew a lot about MAC so she asked me to tell her more. I told her that MAC is cruelty free, I mentioned the B2M program and that I use it. I of course mentioned Viva Glam and the Mac AIDS Fund and I mentioned the Kids Helping Kids program.

She asked me if I ever went to school for makeup but I told her no but I will in the future. I told her about my experience with working backstage as a dresser at a fashion show. She asked me how do I keep up with the trends and I told her I go to and look at various shows to see what makeup they used. I told her that Prada just showed their S/S 2010 collection and the models were sporting flawless glowing skin with tangerine lacquered lips. I also pointed out that a few seasons ago, YSL had their models wearing black lips and I said a year later MAC has the Style Black collection. She then said to me that I may not have makeup experience but my experience and enthusiasm for fashion makes up for it!

She was asking me questions from a sheet of paper and I realized I was getting marked for my answers! I got a lot of 3s and about five 4s.

She told me she will get back to me in 4 days, so I'm waiting with my fingers and toes crossed!