MAC Interviews & Hiring Process


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Re: My MAC counter interview was really weird....

Every interview is different, and it depends on the management and location. For example mine was held at the training facility and it was a group interview with about 10 or 15 girls. That same day if you passed the group interview, you did your demo, and after the demo they would just let you go and call you to see if you got a 3rd interveiw or somethng. They didn't ask what you used or anything like that, very little feed back as it was a large group. It truly depends, I read here of some intense ones and mine was not like that.

Call back though and follow up

Best of luck!


Well-known member
Re: there's no other way to put it: I'M FREAKING OUT!! [UPDATE]

hai this is for anyone who cares, lol:

soooooo, i had my interview today!
over the course of the weekend, i had three great and gracious friends (one of them the demo model for today) who came to my house and allowed me to practice. to be honest, i wasn't happy with what i had done with any of them. we ALL saw what my mistakes were. it was hard because they were all white and i... am not, lol. all the colors i had were better suited for MY skintone, so everything i did on them was way too dark.

yesterday was especially hard because i couldn't get the practice right on my model. i was flipping out and after Mad Men was over i searched through WEEKS of specktra FOTDs to see how the girls with similar eyelids applied their eyeshadow and with what tones. i thought about it so much, that i kept waking myself up from last night's sleep.

this morning, i got up, made a cup of coffee, and gave myself a pep talk of Braveheart proportions!! i did my makeup but when i did the liquid liner, IT GOT ON MY ALREADY COMPLETED LID!!
i didn't even panic though, just fixed it and hoped no one would notice, lol.

my model and i got to the counter and the asst. manager told me i was going to have 40 minutes. i was like o_O because i thought it was 30, but i just thought that maybe things had changed, and quite frankly i wasn't going to correct her (turned out she was wrong, but the manager let me do the 40 minutes anyway since i was already 10 minutes in). she set me up and told me to take five minutes to get whatever i needed and she wouldn't take it out of my time. my hands were shaking the whole time, but i remembered my mantra from the morning and shook the nerves.

she told me my model was going to the VMA red carpet, then the after party. no one was really watching me because they all had customers, but they did check in. they told me that the colors i chose were pretty on her.

my model was awesome and we kept conversation and laughs going and she kept me calm. she also reminded me to sanitize because i kept getting so caught up with time and color selection that i would forget. she was awesome!! however, i did get nervous a few times because some of the customers kept watching/staring and i didn't know if i should be worried or not.

guiz: I WAS SO F-ING HAPPY!! seriously, at that point, i didn't even care if i was going to get the job or not because i felt like i knocked. it. out.
even my model whispered to me, "it looks good! soo, much better than last night." by then, i was happy that i messed up so badly over the weekend, because it prevented me from doing it today.

the manager came over and she said it was pretty. she asked me some questions, then told me to make it more dramatic. i thought the "red carpet" was so perfect, i wasn't AS happy with the "after party" look, but i liked it too.

then the manager asked me to line her eyes and gave me a choice of pencil or liquid and i went with pencil but she came back and told me to do liquid. i was like "DAMMIT!" because i've never done liquid on another person! it wasn't BAD, but... i wouldn't have been too happy if i was a customer to be honest because that lining was amateur. the manager said it looked good, of course some things could've been perfected, but overall it looked good.

anyways, we went to the food court for the interview. i was honest and just told her how much i like to make people happy and i remember that with anything business is first. i work at starbucks and even though the two businesses are very different, the goals are still the same. blah blah blah.

so yeah. she told me she'd call me back later on in the day to let me know if i got it or not, but she hasn't called yet. i don't know if i should be worried or not. i kinda am

Overall, i gave makeup and interview a B...ish, lol idk. we'll find out...

whatever the outcome, i am incredibly proud of myself, and i am so grateful to have the support from EVERYWHERE!

i'll update again to say if i got it or not (that entry will be a lot shorter I PROMISE!).

thank you all so much :)

i didn't take any pictures while i was there because i thought that would've looked silly (although i REALLY wish i would've gotten a pic of the "red carpet" look), but here is one of the fully completed look that i took with my camera phone in the car:



Well-known member
Re: there's no other way to put it: I'M FREAKING OUT!!

Good Luck, you survived the interview...the waiting part is the WORST. I had my demo on a Sunday afternoon around 2pm. I was told that they would be contacting me by the end the of the week...they called back within the HOUR..I was still in the Mall, lol. I ended up going on another interview for a position in the MAC store later that week...I waited WEEKS for the phone call on that one. ugh.
Sounds like you did a good job, good luck and keep us posted!


Well-known member
Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!! Want to apply at MAC in California.. What do I do!!!!?????

Thank you everyone. I have one more question... How does MAC (or any other makeup counter) feel about piercings and tattoos?? I have my lip pierced (but it could easily be taken out) and I was going to get another tattoo which would be on my wrist but won't get it in that place if they won't hire because of that.


Well-known member
Re: there's no other way to put it: I'M FREAKING OUT!!

WOAHHH creepy. Something similar happened to me... Use to work at Starbucks, insane compliments on makeup, serving MAC employees and being offered a freelance position. You're lucky you're over 18 though!!! grrrr. lol
Starbucks is great for meeting people, so many people come through that can change your life in some way.
GOOD LUCK, seriously that's amazing.


Well-known member
Re: there's no other way to put it: I'M FREAKING OUT!!

Originally Posted by ShauntyXD
WOAHHH creepy. Something similar happened to me... Use to work at Starbucks, insane compliments on makeup, serving MAC employees and being offered a freelance position. You're lucky you're over 18 though!!! grrrr. lol
Starbucks is great for meeting people, so many people come through that can change your life in some way.
GOOD LUCK, seriously that's amazing.

i have met some of the most amazing people with the most amazing opportunities at Starbucks, especially since we have a lot of wealthy people coming in, i've gotten a few business cards.

honestly, as bad as it gets sometimes, if nothing else i love working there for that!

lol, sorry you weren't old enough. but if you're so young and already so good you know you have a lot of room to grow and be the best!



Well-known member
Applying at a counter.

How do you apply at a MAC counter at Nordstroms or Macys? And what would be some good tips to get a job at one?


Well-known member
Re: there's no other way to put it: I'M FREAKING OUT!! [UPDATE #2]

hai everyone!!
so the mac DM came in today asking how the interview went and i told her i think it went okay, but i haven't heard from her yet. she told me she was going over there later on in the day anyway, so she'll tell the manager to call me and let me know.

and she did.


I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!

i actually squeed, lol. i was totally speechless.

anyways, so it won't be another few weeks because she has to wait for a packet, i have to fill it out, and then i have to wait two weeks, then i have to wait to get called for jobs, lol.
but it's SOMETHING, and i couldn't be more greatful!!

but anyways thanks to everyone who read and commented and offered great advice, encouragement, and support. you guys rock!


Well-known member
Re: there's no other way to put it: I'M FREAKING OUT!!

Congrats Girl!! I so knew you would get it!!! So happy for you!!!


Well-known member
Re: there's no other way to put it: I'M FREAKING OUT!!

I got in on the tail end of your experience. I was reading all the posts in anticipation. I was sooo excited when I read that you got the job! CONGRATULATIONS!! Good luck and have FUN!!!


Well-known member
Re: there's no other way to put it: I'M FREAKING OUT!!

yay! now you can go shopping for a whole new... black... wardrobe!


Well-known member
Re: there's no other way to put it: I'M FREAKING OUT!!

i just noticed something. you've gotten 2/3 of your dream jobs. starbucks, MAC... now u just need to work for hooters! not sure i can support you on that one though... lmao.


Well-known member
Re: there's no other way to put it: I'M FREAKING OUT!!


I think that covers it!
Congrats! Im going to pass along a great piece of advice I got when I first started doing make up INVEST in good shoes...I just bought a pair of Cole Hanns Nike Air Heels LOVE THEM
It's like a tennis shoe on heels

I was doing a wedding all weekend and my feet felt fine.
Congrats again!


Well-known member
Re: there's no other way to put it: I'M FREAKING OUT!!

thank you, everyone!!

Originally Posted by Sushi~Flower
I think that covers it!
Congrats! Im going to pass along a great piece of advice I got when I first started doing make up INVEST in good shoes...I just bought a pair of Cole Hanns Nike Air Heels LOVE THEM
It's like a tennis shoe on heels

I was doing a wedding all weekend and my feet felt fine.
Congrats again!

lol, those smilies were awesome.

i am such a simple dresser (jeans, t-shirts, black flats, and hoop earrings are basically all i wear), whenever i go shopping i'm just like

i don't even like shopping-- takes too long.
i suck at shoes especially because anything over $30 confuses me too much, so i end up getting black flats on sale. when i see the mac girls in STILETTOS i get doubly confused.

but now i need to be a grownup and start dressing well.
thanks for the suggestion-- i'll look into those!!


Well-known member
Re: I'm an offical MAC MUA!!!! Yippie

Then ill be seeing u!!! i live in sherman oaks!!!! hahahahaha

Originally Posted by Celly
Oh my goodness I am so excited that I can't even believe it.

I got a phone call last night from the LA recruiter of MAC asking me if I could come in today for a group interview at the corporate office in El Segundo. She explained to me that this is a new way of hiring people to speed up the hiring process. She told me to come in with a female model, my social security card, valid ID and a voided check if I was interested in direct depost. She informed me that they are going to be hiring people on the spot that if i was selected I would need to have those items.

Anyway, I went in today for the interview. There were 12 ladies there including myself. We all sat around a table and introduced ourselves and stated any retail/cosmetic exprience that we may of had. Then they had our models go sit in the makeup chairs. They gave all of our models a number. They then gave all of us makeup artist a number. It pretty much made us all end up with someone other then the person we brought in. They said we are going to have 30 minutes to create a daytime look, for us to ask our models what they want. I then went and picked out all the products I used and sterilized them all. We then went on with the demo. While doing my demo I explained EVERYTHING I did and EVERYTHING I used I also made small talk with the client to make her feel comfortable. After we were done with our day time look. The 3 MAC employees went around and took notes on all of our work. Keep in mind they were walking around the whole time we were doing the demo taking notes also. Then then had us put back all the products we used.

Now they told us to turn our daytime look into a night time look but by only using 3 different products. So I picked a darker lipstick, fluid liner, and darker eyeshadow for the crease. Then they walked around and took more notes. They handed out evaluation cards to all the models rating us from 1 to 5. 5 being that the MUA did exactly what they wanted and 1 being the MUA did whatever the hell they wanted. The models also had to write down 2 new tips they learned that they are going to use in the future. They they had us take a 20 minute break.

After the 20 minute break they called us all back into the training room. They called a couple of girls and their models into another room. Then they came back and called a few more girls and their models. I was left in this room with 3 other girls. I was so nervous. They walked back in and asked our models to please go wait in the waiting room. At this point I was really thinking I didn't get it. I thought OMG they are sending out our models so they don't have to humiliate us infront of our models by telling us we didn't make it. Then the LA regional Operations Manager told us final 4 congrats we have been selected to work for MAC as perminate employees. Then they went on with offering which locating works out best for us.

So I will be working In Sherman Oak at the Bloomingdales fulltime. It is a brand new location and will not open until Nov.17th. I start training on Nov.3rd.

: yahoo:



Well-known member
Re: I'm an offical MAC MUA!!!! Yippie

That is so awesome! You must be very proud
It's the dream job of many hehe.


Well-known member
how i scored my job with mac :)

Okkkk sooo ill give u all a rundown about my mac interview(s) and how i got the job...

So after working at Sephora for SUCH a long time, i realized it was time for me to go since sephora wasnt that great to me (yeh, i pretty much hated my job there). So i literally took off one day and went to ALL, AND I MEAN ALL of the mac stores/counters in NYC.... and let me tell u all, there are A TON!!!
So i went to all of them and i asked to speak to the manager, introduced myself and said if they were hiring. Most managers said to drop off my resume and i did.
*JUST MAKE SURE YOUR MAKEUP IS FIERCE EVEN IF YOUR ONLY ASKING FOR THE JOB, cuz remember 200 other people are also asking for the same position*

So the same day i get a callback from a guy and he said if i can come in for an interview the next day. I was super excited and said yes ofcourse and did my research (thanks specktra!) on what to expect from the interview. So the next day i went to mac (wearing all black, flawless makeup from one of their newest launches). I had to wait for 45 mins to get interviewed because the manager wanted to test your patience level. lol
So the interview started and basic questions were asked. Why do you want to work for mac? What do you have that other people dont? What makes you so different? Why should i hire you? Name some makeup/clothing trends etc. Those are basically common sense questions. The manager that interview me was honestly the biggest B**ch in the world. She wouldnt even let me TALK! She just kept going on and on about how their location was the best in customer service and stuff... So I was kinda turned off about this location. So the interview ended and she said ill call you back next week for the makeup application interivew.


I was super sad but I had another call back from Saks and I went in to interview with them. I had a very quick interivew with saks and they asked me basic questions about myself (same as the first). I was really confident with my interview (since i knew what to expect) and did a really good job. The managers asked me to go into the soho store the next day for the makeup demo.
The makeup demo was seriously the EASIEST THING EVER! Lining the eyes and red lips (yeh, im serious!!). They basically want to see how you interact with your customer and if you talk about everything that you use. I thought the 2 interviews went great and they also said they would call me back in a week....


Lol so by this time, i was kinda over mac and i gave up all hope! But then i got a call back from ANOTHER mac location and they asked me to come in for an interview.
I was kinda like whats the point? Its not like anyones gonna call me backk!! lol but i went anyway. I had 3 interviews the same day!! The first was with the department store HR manager, the 2nd was the verbal with mac managers and the 3rd was the makeup demo. The interview process took literally about 7 hours. No kidding.
So the verbal interview was really basic (as mentioned above) but the demo was different. They gave me a face chart and asked me to duplicate the look but make it my own on the customer that they just grabbed for me. I was really confident with my demo because i knew exactly what i was doing. It was such a basic neutral look... All they wanna hear is you talking about the product and interacting with the customer. Makeup skills is really not that important.

So then i go back into the office after my makeup demo and i was asked if i wanted to join the company

So ofcouse i said yesss!!!!!!!!!! And i was super excited...

Honestly, working at mac is like working at any other counter. Its so glam from the outside but when you work there, its literally like working at another counter, but i love it

Any questions please let me know! And i know this is kinda long but yeh..

here are a few things you MUST know for your interview.

1) WEAR ALL BLACK! *No faded clothing*
2) Try to wear heels, they love that!
3) Your makeup should be the best you can do! Like seriously flawless!
4) Know atleast 3 fashion/makeup trends (I was asked to name 3 in all my interviews)
5) Know some names of makeup artists/fashion desigers.
6) Try to be unique, the more unique you are, the more they like you! lol
7) Be confident!!!
8) Be honest, say things you honestly believe are true.
9) Bring a portfolio if you have one (Not required at all though)
10) Talk like theres no tomorrow on you demo.

So yeh, thats about it... the key thing to remember is not to be nervous and if you dont get it on your first chance (no matter how fab you are) keep trying... it took me 3 times and i like to think i'm the queen of fab