Re: there's no other way to put it: I'M FREAKING OUT!! [UPDATE]
hai this is for anyone who cares, lol:
soooooo, i had my interview today!
over the course of the weekend, i had three great and gracious friends (one of them the demo model for today) who came to my house and allowed me to practice. to be honest, i wasn't happy with what i had done with any of them. we ALL saw what my mistakes were. it was hard because they were all white and i... am not, lol. all the colors i had were better suited for MY skintone, so everything i did on them was way too dark.
yesterday was especially hard because i couldn't get the practice right on my model. i was flipping out and after
Mad Men was over i searched through WEEKS of specktra FOTDs to see how the girls with similar eyelids applied their eyeshadow and with what tones. i thought about it so much, that i kept waking myself up from last night's sleep.
this morning, i got up, made a cup of coffee, and gave myself a pep talk of
Braveheart proportions!! i did my makeup but when i did the liquid liner, IT GOT ON MY ALREADY COMPLETED LID!!
i didn't even panic though, just fixed it and hoped no one would notice, lol.
my model and i got to the counter and the asst. manager told me i was going to have 40 minutes. i was like

because i thought it was 30, but i just thought that maybe things had changed, and quite frankly i wasn't going to correct her (turned out she was wrong, but the manager let me do the 40 minutes anyway since i was already 10 minutes in). she set me up and told me to take five minutes to get whatever i needed and she wouldn't take it out of my time. my hands were shaking the whole time, but i remembered my mantra from the morning and shook the nerves.
she told me my model was going to the VMA red carpet, then the after party. no one was really watching me because they all had customers, but they did check in. they told me that the colors i chose were pretty on her.
my model was awesome and we kept conversation and laughs going and she kept me calm. she also reminded me to sanitize because i kept getting so caught up with time and color selection that i would forget. she was awesome!! however, i did get nervous a few times because some of the customers kept watching/staring and i didn't know if i should be worried or not.
I WAS SO F-ING HAPPY!! seriously, at that point, i didn't even care if i was going to get the job or not because i felt like i knocked. it. out.
even my model whispered to me, "it looks good! soo, much better than last night." by then, i was happy that i messed up so badly over the weekend, because it prevented me from doing it today.
the manager came over and she said it was pretty. she asked me some questions, then told me to make it more dramatic. i thought the "red carpet" was so perfect, i wasn't AS happy with the "after party" look, but i liked it too.
then the manager asked me to line her eyes and gave me a choice of pencil or liquid and i went with pencil but she came back and told me to do liquid. i was like "DAMMIT!" because i've never done liquid on another person! it wasn't BAD, but... i wouldn't have been too happy if i was a customer to be honest because that lining was amateur. the manager said it looked good, of course some things could've been perfected, but overall it looked good.
anyways, we went to the food court for the interview. i was honest and just told her how much i like to make people happy and i remember that with anything business is first. i work at starbucks and even though the two businesses are very different, the goals are still the same. blah blah blah.
so yeah. she told me she'd call me back later on in the day to let me know if i got it or not, but she hasn't called yet. i don't know if i should be worried or not. i kinda am
Overall, i gave makeup and interview a B...ish, lol idk. we'll find out...
whatever the outcome, i am incredibly proud of myself, and i am so grateful to have the support from EVERYWHERE!
i'll update again to say if i got it or not (that entry will be a lot shorter I PROMISE!).
thank you all so much
i didn't take any pictures while i was there because i thought that would've looked silly (although i REALLY wish i would've gotten a pic of the "red carpet" look), but here is one of the fully completed look that i took with my camera phone in the car: