MAC Interviews & Hiring Process


Well-known member
how i scored my job at mac!

Okkkk sooo ill give u all a rundown about my mac interview(s) and how i got the job...

So after working at Sephora for SUCH a long time, i realized it was time for me to go since sephora wasnt that great to me (yeh, i pretty much hated my job there). So i literally took off one day and went to ALL, AND I MEAN ALL of the mac stores/counters in NYC.... and let me tell u all, there are A TON!!!
So i went to all of them and i asked to speak to the manager, introduced myself and said if they were hiring. Most managers said to drop off my resume and i did.
*JUST MAKE SURE YOUR MAKEUP IS FIERCE EVEN IF YOUR ONLY ASKING FOR THE JOB, cuz remember 200 other people are also asking for the same position*

So the same day i get a callback from a guy and he said if i can come in for an interview the next day. I was super excited and said yes ofcourse and did my research (thanks specktra!) on what to expect from the interview. So the next day i went to mac (wearing all black, flawless makeup from one of their newest launches). I had to wait for 45 mins to get interviewed because the manager wanted to test your patience level. lol
So the interview started and basic questions were asked. Why do you want to work for mac? What do you have that other people dont? What makes you so different? Why should i hire you? Name some makeup/clothing trends etc. Those are basically common sense questions. The manager that interview me was honestly the biggest B**ch in the world. She wouldnt even let me TALK! She just kept going on and on about how their location was the best in customer service and stuff... So I was kinda turned off about this location. So the interview ended and she said ill call you back next week for the makeup application interivew.


I was super sad but I had another call back from Saks and I went in to interview with them. I had a very quick interivew with saks and they asked me basic questions about myself (same as the first). I was really confident with my interview (since i knew what to expect) and did a really good job. The managers asked me to go into the soho store the next day for the makeup demo.
The makeup demo was seriously the EASIEST THING EVER! Lining the eyes and red lips (yeh, im serious!!). They basically want to see how you interact with your customer and if you talk about everything that you use. I thought the 2 interviews went great and they also said they would call me back in a week....


Lol so by this time, i was kinda over mac and i gave up all hope! But then i got a call back from ANOTHER mac location and they asked me to come in for an interview.
I was kinda like whats the point? Its not like anyones gonna call me backk!! lol but i went anyway. I had 3 interviews the same day!! The first was with the department store HR manager, the 2nd was the verbal with mac managers and the 3rd was the makeup demo. The interview process took literally about 7 hours. No kidding.
So the verbal interview was really basic (as mentioned above) but the demo was different. They gave me a face chart and asked me to duplicate the look but make it my own on the customer that they just grabbed for me. I was really confident with my demo because i knew exactly what i was doing. It was such a basic neutral look... All they wanna hear is you talking about the product and interacting with the customer. Makeup skills is really not that important.

So then i go back into the office after my makeup demo and i was asked if i wanted to join the company

So ofcouse i said yesss!!!!!!!!!! And i was super excited...

Honestly, working at mac is like working at any other counter. Its so glam from the outside but when you work there, its literally like working at another counter, but i love it

Any questions please let me know! And i know this is kinda long but yeh..

here are a few things you MUST know for your interview.

1) WEAR ALL BLACK! *No faded clothing*
2) Try to wear heels, they love that!
3) Your makeup should be the best you can do! Like seriously flawless!
4) Know atleast 3 fashion/makeup trends (I was asked to name 3 in all my interviews)
5) Know some names of makeup artists/fashion desigers.
6) Try to be unique, the more unique you are, the more they like you! lol
7) Be confident!!!
8) Be honest, say things you honestly believe are true.
9) Bring a portfolio if you have one (Not required at all though)
10) Talk like theres no tomorrow on you demo.

So yeh, thats about it... the key thing to remember is not to be nervous and if you dont get it on your first chance (no matter how fab you are) keep trying... it took me 3 times and i like to think i'm the queen of fab


Well-known member
Re: how i scored my job with mac :)

WOW that's freakin AWESOME!!!!

I guess the third time was the charm. LOL. Im glad that you got this job. Good luck and have fun.


Well-known member
Re: how i scored my job with mac :)

Congrats girl!
It's crazt how many MACs are in NYC< I remember going to apply to some, I stopped at 7, I was TOOOOOOO tired, I was actually planning on applying to some more, but I'm thinking of just building my own kit and working for myself, or starting from the bottom, and working at a retail store


Well-known member
Re: how i scored my job with mac :)

congratulations. You provided informative information that i know will help others tremendously. who would have thought to name current fashion trends but heh! i am no expert

good luck with the company you deserve it!!!


Well-known member
Re: how i scored my job with mac :)

Congrats! That's awesome. Maybe if they ever decide to send me to basic (been perm. since August) we'll be there the same week...never know! lol
That is super exciting though


Well-known member
Re: how i scored my job with mac :)

congrats girl! I just got hired too. But I am out here in LI. I went to update in queens center mall tho, it was lots of fun. My first day was crazyy.. it was a friday *very very busy, and I had to do 2 make up applications*. Study your products and prices and be ready to go all out on your first day because they will literally throw u in there like if you know everything. Again, Congrats!


Well-known member
Re: how i scored my job with mac :)

I love your story & your advice. It really pays to be persistent. Things always seem to come when you almost lose hope.


Well-known member
Re: how i scored my job with mac :)

Congrats ! You are so lucky !! I love your makeup and your tutorials, your are very talented !


Well-known member
Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!! Want to apply at MAC in California.. What do I do!!!!?????

Originally Posted by MaskedBeauty
Thank you everyone. I have one more question... How does MAC (or any other makeup counter) feel about piercings and tattoos?? I have my lip pierced (but it could easily be taken out) and I was going to get another tattoo which would be on my wrist but won't get it in that place if they won't hire because of that.

i've seen a lot of MAC artists that rock tattoos and piercings. it doesn't seem like they mind it. they do look for uniqueness and individuality so i don't think they'll judge u based on tattoos and piercings.


Active member
I just got a job at MAC :)

Hey everyone! I'm new and this is actually my first post, but I see many threads concerning getting a job at MAC so I thought I'd share my story.

About a month and a half ago, I went out to a bar with several friends. One girl brought someone I'd never met, and as we small-talked, I found out she worked at the MAC store in my local mall. I immediately began gushing about how jealous I was, how that was something of a dream for me, etc and she told me they were in the process of hiring two part-time positions and encouraged me to apply. I'm currently a student and I technically have three other jobs (but very, very mini-jobs, two of them take a few hours a week and then my other is at a bar one or two nights a week). I'm a senior in college and have been needing a long-term part time job to give me some stability after graduation, so I consulted my schedule and determined working at MAC is something I could totally do.

So I dressed fierce, did the best makeup I could possibly do at this point in my life and went in to fill out an application.

And then I waited. After about a few weeks, I figured I didn't get the callback and started searching for other jobs. But after a MONTH I got a call asking if I was still interested in the job, and I was scheduled to do a makeup interview and told to wear all black, full face of makeup (as if I wouldn't) and to bring a model to my interview--I was SO excited!! That day I had interviewed for a low-paying job I wasn't so enthusiastic about so I was excited to have the opportunity to interview for MAC.

My makeup interview could have been better. I brought in my friend who's redheaded and very pale and freckled (gorgeous girl) and I really let my nerves get the best of me and I really chose colors that were so wrong for her! I was mortified that I'd blown my chance to work for MAC, but the manager was exceptionally patient and helped me out and let me try again. I think I handled myself well accepting constructive criticism and did a good job recreating what she came up with. I think this impressed her since it showed trainability and the fact that I didn't freak out about being corrected probably helped. Anyways, I was still kind of surprised when they wanted to do a verbal interview with me.

So I met with the store manager and the district manager and gave what I think is surely one of the best interviews I've even given. I really have no retail experience but I'm a student ambassador (I give tours, host open houses, etc) at my school and I kind of used that as a selling point because of the marketing nature of the job. They asked me what my favorite (tinted lip conditioner) and least favorite (mascaras) products were, how I would sell the product I didn't like, and many other general questions about selling products I've seen on other posts. I left the interview feeling really good about it, they had asked for my school schedule so they could plan basic training in January (SO EXCITED) so I took that as a great sign.

Then finally I got the call yesterday that I had a job offer, six days after the interview. I was started to get really nervous, thinking that I'd mis-interpreted my interview! I am now so thrilled, I'm to fill out some paperwork later this week and to start in the next week or two. In fact, my first day might be black friday! Might as well throw me in there, right?

I'm so excited. Thanks for reading my long rambly story!