MAC Interviews & Hiring Process


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there's no other way to put it: I'M FREAKING OUT!!

hai guiz!!
so i lurk this forum quite often because i love seeing what the professionals have to say. so, i figured now would be a great time to get some advice from you guys!

so i've worked at starbucks for the past year and every week there would be this woman who would come in and compliment me on my eyeshadow. so around Rose Romance time, she came in all -va va voom-. she said she was going to work and when i asked her where she worked she said that she's the MAC district manager. so yah i about fainted right then and there and everyone knew that she was going to instantly be my favorite customer, lol.

fast forward to more recently:
we would always chat briefly about collections and whatnot.
but last saturday i finally got a chance to really speak with her and she eventually asked me why wasn't i working for the company. she eventually asked me if i would be interested in a freelance position.
on the outside i was totally normal but on the inside i was like
-- i couldn't believe it!!

so today she gave me the manager's number of a nearby store and i called in and told her i was referred to a freelance position by the DM.
she asked if i had experience with makeup and i was totally honest and told her the only experience i really had was applying it on friends, i do have customer service experience, etc etc

sooooo, i have a demo on Monday (well, i haven't really confirmed it yet because i wanted to make sure i was going to have a model and someone who isn't me to practice on until then).


i think i'm so nervous because i have only done full faces just a few times. altho each time it came out very well, i don't know... i just panic when i'm not totally sure if i'll do something right.

that and all i've done since i've moved back is work, so i don't really have a lot of friends down here besides the people i work with, and none of them really wear makeup... well, not as much as i do, lol!
my coworker said she'd let me use her as a model and i could practice on her this sunday, but i really want to get a lot more in. i told her i'd buy her foundation for her as an incentive.

anyways, i guess i'm writing because this is cathartic (i have calmed down within the past hour, lol) and to ask if there's anything else i should really expect. i mean, i've read what you all have gone through, but...
i don't know, is there anything else i should know/expect?

whatever you can tell me would be fab.
if you feel i am cheating, then it's okay you don't have to say a word, lol.

thanks a lot in advance for reading my essay, and have a great day!! :)


Well-known member
Re: there's no other way to put it: I'M FREAKING OUT!!

there are a lot of MAC interview threads. don't freak though

also this might be helpful

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hi Mary, How are you doing? I just got a call from MAC and they want to interview me! I'm so excited and nervous at the same time! Anyways I just wanted to know if you could give me some advice. when I go to my interview for mac they are first going to interview me and then I need to do a product demo on a model. My model that I'll be doing my makeup demo on is of spanish ethnicity. She has dark brown hair with highlights, Big Dark brown eyes with double eyelids a little deep set and thick well defined brows, amazing high cheek bones , and fair skin with a yellow/peach undertone. She uses studio fix powder in NC20. Now that you have sort of a picture of her can you suggest to me what kind of day look and a night look I should give her? I need advice on what paints, eyeshadow, lip liner, lipstick, and lip gloss to use on her I was thinking of using buff for her blush. Thanks for all your help!
PS. Can you give me any tips on just the interviewing part itself too? (=
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Kristin[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mac knows you can learn to do makeup no matter who you are. My guess is they want to see you interact with the client. Be friendly, and explain every product you are applying as if it were just invented and the greatest thing to hit the planet. Appear comfortable as you apply the makeup and put your client at ease with chit chat about her!!! ask her questions like, what are your favorite eye shadow colors? compliment every nice feature, "you have beautiful cheek bones, MAC Desert color will be perfect to play them up" you get the picture. They are not looking for a great artist, they are looking for a great sales person. Practice with one of your friends in the chair as you apply makeup. The colors you have chosen I am sure will be fine, just blend well, and be a perfectionist, don't let nerves prevent you from doing a job you are satisfied with. You might even explain if you are nervous that "I am very nervous because this job means a lot to me, so please excuse the shaky hand". Keep in mind MAC artists do not make a lot of money, it's a pretty lowly job as an artist, you're in fact not an artist, you're a sales person. Good Luck![/FONT]​

Umm I can't over emphasize the blending well part enough... they'll probably ask you to do a day to night look


Well-known member
Re: there's no other way to put it: I'M FREAKING OUT!!

Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001

there are a lot of MAC interview threads. don't freak though

also this might be helpful

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]...

Umm I can't over emphasize the blending well part enough... they'll probably ask you to do a day to night look

you're awesome! thank you!


Well-known member
Re: there's no other way to put it: I'M FREAKING OUT!!

We live in the same area if I didn't have to work this weekend I would let you demo on me. Your so lucky and good luck


Well-known member
Re: there's no other way to put it: I'M FREAKING OUT!!

We live in the same area if I didn't have to work this weekend I would let you demo on me. Your so lucky and good luck


Well-known member
Re: there's no other way to put it: I'M FREAKING OUT!!

Originally Posted by chynegal
We live in the same area if I didn't have to work this weekend I would let you demo on me. Your so lucky and good luck

that's so sweet of you!
thanks a lot tho :)


Well-known member
Re: there's no other way to put it: I'M FREAKING OUT!!

Just relax and be yourself...I am sure there was not only something about your great makeup application, but about your personality that attracted you to her. So I would practice the application but be the same person she is impressed with everytime she comes into the store...I know you will do great...Keep us posted...and Good Luck Chica!


Well-known member
My MAC counter interview was really weird....

i just got back from my interview / demo at a dilliard's counter and i'm really confused. it was completely different than how i had anticipated, and i know a lot of you have applied / work at mac so i was wondering if anyone had similar experiences or could share some input.

i turned in my application at this counter about six months ago and received a call back yesterday and set up an interview / demo for a part time position. i thought it was strange that she wanted to do my demo and interview at the same time as i thought they usually did the interview first and then asked for a demo if they liked what they heard. but anyway.

i arrive with my friend / model and the MUA told me that the counter manager called and was running late so she wanted me to just start on my day look. so i went and gathered all my product for about ten minutes and she brought me out a brush belt to use. i started the day look thinking that the MUA would want to watch so i could explain what products i was using but she didn't. then a different MUA came in and found out the other MUA had given me her brushes to use. she got a little upset and i felt bad.

then the manager who called me for the interview arrived and didn't say anything to me the first ten minutes i was there. i think she was busy but she eventually came over and greeted me and we chit chatted for a minute. i started explaining the products i was using and she just told me it looked good and walked away. when i was finished with the day look she came back over and brought the other two MUAs and they all checked it out. they all complimented me on it and said it looked great but didn't ask what any of the products were or anything. i started naming off a few but they didn't really seem interested. i asked if they had any suggestions and they said no and told me to move onto the night look.

i spent another ten or fifteen minutes transforming it into the night look and again they all came over and checked it out but didn't say much except that they thought it looked great. the MUA started cleaning up my mess and cleaning her brushes, and i still felt bad about using them so i offered to help her clean them / put product back but she told me it was fine and to go do my interview.

the interview is what really confused me. it wasn't really an interview at all. the manager just explained to me what position they were looking for and what it entailed. we briefly went over my makeup / retail experience (i work at sephora now so we pretty much talked about that) and i asked a few questions but that was basically it. she didn't ask me about my knowledge of mac / retail experience questions / et cetera. she told me i definitely had the makeup artistry skills and that both my looks were great, and that she would call me either way in a couple of days after she was done doing some more interviews.

for my DAY LOOK i did:

- strobe light cream
- studio tech concealer
- select sheer pressed powder
- msf in soft & gentle (highlight)
- harmony blush (contour)

- painterly paint pot
- white frost (highlight & inner corner)
- vex (lid)
- twinks (outter corner & crease)
- embark (outter corner)
- pro lash
- eyebrows in lingering
- brow set in clear

- subculture lip pencil
- florabundance lip glass

and for the NIGHT LOOK i added....


sorry for the awful pic. you can barely see the makeup but it looked dope, she kept getting compliments from strangers for the rest of the day lol.

- harmony (intensified contour)
- plum foolery (apples of cheeks)
- msf soft & gentle (intensified highlight)

- plum dressing (crease & under outter corner)
- typeographic (intensified outter corner & crease)
- vanilla pigment (intensified highlight & inner corner)
- blitz & glitz fluid line (defined liner on upper lash line, winged out)
- smoulder eye kohl (bottom waterline)
- pro lash (intensified w/ two more coats)

- viva glam v lip glass

what do you think? personally i liked the day look better and wish i could have grabbed a pic of it. my model (who is a MUA) absolutely LOVED the day look and wouldn't stop talking about it to the mac MUAs haha. its a huge compliment because she's really picky about her makeup and has hated it every single time she's gotten it done by actual mac artists haha.

i'm just really confused? based on what i've read on here, it seemed like the mac interviews / demos were really intense and in-depth. i also thought the MUA's gave feedback on the demos. i honestly can't tell if i actually made a good impression or if they weren't impressed at all and thus didn't spend a lot of time / effort on me. has anyone else had an experience like this that ended well? i dressed the part and a lot of the customers were watching and were really impressed and thought i worked there lol. so i don't think i could have sucked that bad....

(i just posted this on mac_cosmetics on livejournal so sorry if you're seeing doubles!)

Jackie O

Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter interview was really weird....

That's really weird, my first MAC interview was very in depth. I mean we had to pull up chairs and me and the two managers (one from the store and one from the counter in the mall) talked for what seemed like hours. They asked me how I felt about the company, I told them how passionate I was about MAC and their products and the integrity of their business and great customer service, etc. And when I did the demo they told me all of the areas I was good at and some areas that needed improvement, and they actually showed me colors and things that I could've done better. When I walked away from the interview I actually felt like I learned something. It sounds like at your interview they kind of just left you hanging huh? Sometimes people see being criticized as a bad thing but at the very least I walked away know what areas I needed to improve on you know? That's really strange though, I would think they would have been more in depth. Have you had a second interview yet? I had mine on Wednesday, and that was basically another oral interview. So now it's just a waiting game...*crosses fingers*

Regardless of how you felt about the interview I wish you the best of luck!!!


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter interview was really weird....

that does seem a bit odd, I think u need to call them back asap, and see about a second interview, or at least call them and thank them, i really dont know what to say it sounds like they just went about their day like u werent there


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter interview was really weird....

Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
it sounds like they just went about their day like u werent there

that's exactly how i felt haha. she never mentioned a second interview, just that she would call me either way in a few days once she's reached a decision. they were all very nice and polite it was just rather odd. oh well.


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter interview was really weird....

sounds about how my interview/demo went for my freelance position. U don't need to know anything about mac and their product to get a counter position typically... that kind of stuff is reserved once you try to get a MAC STORE position etc. Counter is where u start, and if you have a good basic makeup app skill then they can train you about the product... hth!


Well-known member
Re: My MAC counter interview was really weird....

this kind of seems like the store/counter that doesnt do things by the book. Most interviews (that have been described on here) seem like they follow a strict guidline.... this seems like the location that doesnt really follow the rules, if you know what i mean. From what you said, my impression of the store would be very disorganized and unenthused. i could be wrong obviously, but i duno... this really seems off.

Anyway, best of luck to you. I hope you get it. If you dont hear back soon enough i would go in personally to thank them, and ask them if they had reached a desicion.


Well-known member
Re: there's no other way to put it: I'M FREAKING OUT!!

try to keep as calm as you can lovey, i bet you will be fine, good luck!!


Well-known member
Re: there's no other way to put it: I'M FREAKING OUT!!

Congrats on getting the interview!
I think if I had pass along the best tips I had before I went in for my demo they are:
1. Be prepared.
~Read up on the co. history (just the basics)
Know their products, and causes ( AIDS & Viva Glam, Back 2 MAC ect, other interview stories and take what info you can. This was very useful in my case because I had read on this site that it was common practice to switch your model when you arrived...I was ready, the other interviewee freaked. THANK YOU Specktra!

2. Look FIERCE!

~First impressions are important, so put together your best look. They expect you to dress the part so black all the way. They asked me about my look and what my personal style was, so be ready to explain. Let your personality shine through

3. Stay Calm
~ Easier said than done, but take a deep breath and keep moving. During the live demo I was explaining the products/techniques I was using to my model, this showed not only my communication skills but my product knowledge as well. The manager was also asking questions while I worked, so if that happens just keeping going and engage your multi tasking side

It's intense but I really enjoyed the experience. I wish you the best of luck!


Active member
Re: My MAC counter interview was really weird....

I had my demo/interview the same day.
They also didn't really watch me as I did it, but the two managers who were on duty gave me constructive criticism. I also had a really long interview, which went from about 5-6:30 in the food court and it entailed a lot of retail questions and quite a few about MAC in general. The manager also told me about calling me within a few days, and the next morning I was hired

As far as I know, in our region [AZ/NM] there's no second interviews, and there's also no time limits. The whole district is really really chill about everything.

Good luck!


Active member
Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!! Want to apply at MAC in California.. What do I do!!!!?????

I know for MAC you don't need to have any kind of certification in makeup. Your talent speaks for itself. In my district [AZ/NM] we actually kind of look down on people who went to makeup academies, only because their approaches to makeup looks are overly formulaic and the creativity aspect is sometimes lacking. Just my experience. <3


Well-known member
Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!! Want to apply at MAC in California.. What do I do!!!!?????

It isn't required to go to Makeup school or anything like that, as you do not need a license to be a makeup artist. However, you do have to have prior experience, because they look at that.

I have been with the company a year and a half now, and I didn't go to school for makeup, but I did get retail experience at Macy's cosmetics counter, I was a freelancer as well, did makeup for weddings and special events. If you pass the group interview, they do a makeup application interview, and based on that they either let you know you will go on to the next interview, or that you should try again another time.

Best of luck!