Originally Posted by Randy Rose
Well, they are significantly smaller than the previous years' mystery powders. But they're still the same size as a blush, so yes, it's not like they're crazy tiny. (But you're still only getting a little less than 2/3 the product as in past years)
PS regarding the brushes: is the kabuki brush from the first couture collection as amazing as the current couture brushes? If so, I might have to ebay for it!
PPS speaking of the kabuki from the first couture collection, do fakes pop up on ebay at all? I see the brush on ebay from time to time, but I'm a little leery if it's commonly counterfeited!
I buy alot of MAC on ebay, especially the LE items cause I'm fairly new to MAC (january 2008) and past collections were really appealing.. But anyway my point is that I NEVER saw a LE conterfeit MAC.
Probably because counterfeit are cheap, and they do only stuff they can replicate easily, designing and producing a packaging cost quite a lot, so they stick to the regular line.
I bought: Barbie-Some Heatherette I passed-Antiquitease and Christmas collections from past years on ebay and they are all 100% authentic. I saddly know cause I have my share of fakes... you have to make mistakes to learn !
You should'nt be afraid to buy the couture kabuki on ebay, I really dont think they conterfeit it, the case and brush would be way to hard to duplicate.
I'm quite shocked to learn that they are of better quality then the regular line tho, a couple of months ago a seller I buy from often had it for like 30$.. on sell. I didn't bought it cause I tought the square-silver design was quite uggly... but now knowing this... I regret..
Damned... a least I got the 180 and I'm absolutly, litterally in LOVE with it. (it's a crime they stop selling it.. way better then the 181-182-183.. personnal opinion)
ah.... why is it so fun to buy and collect a tone of MAC