Originally Posted by Randy Rose
I think you flipped warm and cool. The W in NW is for warm (pink undertones) and the C in NC is for cool (yellow undertones). (I think, someone tell me if I am off-base, since I seem to have just assumed these were the meanings)
yeah, MAC is nuts with their "warm" and "cool" I'm a painter and an artist and it is different from the art world...completely. Which is why it's so confusing. Oh and in painting...pink/orange and yellow are all warm. Unless the yellow is a green yellow...but that would make for a very odd skin color...
Anywho. My mom has yellow undertones whereas I have pink...so, I don't think I got our skin undertones mixed up...just the pink = warm and yellow = cool business.
And it still seems that the powder is for yellow undertones = cool in MAC, not warm. I suppose....
bah...too confusing. I've always understood it as
NC = not cool = warm = yellow
NW = not warm = cool = pink
now I'm gonna go have to take a nap after thinking about this for far too long....