[quote name="wishonastar" url="/forum/thread/174559/mac-semi-precious-discussion/3090#post_2141404"]
I ended up ordering Goldstone just because I adore MSFs and have been really into bronzer lately. I should be set for bronzer for quite a while now, I have about 5 different types lol! I'm hoping I end up with one with lots of coral in it. When I got matched up at MAC, over a year ago now, they said I'm an NC20, I'm really not sure about that, I think I'm more of an NC25 at the moment and maybe even an NC30 if I get a good tan and NC20 in the winter. I didn't order Crystal Pink for that reason, I don't want to waste money if it isn't multi use. I have highlighters that I like so don't need another. I also ordered Hint of Saphire and Rare Find. I don't want my RF to be too purpley though so I hope it isn't and I want my HoS to be more of the lighter blue. Then I got a backup of Gem of Roses. This lipstick doesn't last very long on lips however but it is a lovely colour and perfect for any sort of makeup. I like the glossiness of it.
Your makeup is beautiful, the mineral products do so much for your complexion! They make you so glowy and fresh. I love them too

And your hair is great, how did you do it? I've tried to do this before but not managed it, if French plaits are involved I wont be able to do it and I'm not sure if my hair is long enough. Do you have layers?
Oh that sucks! Such a shame

I hope the ones arriving today are gooduns!
[/quote] Oh I'm so glad you got goldstone, you will love it am sure, plus I think it's a bit more universal in it's uses! I haven't used mine yet but am looking forward to it. I definitely need a GoR back up - it's gorgeous

. Thsnk you so mcuh, i love this look too. Mineral products seem to be great for my skin - it loves SP even without make up on as in I'm not breaking out at all which is rare for most products as my skin is fussy! My hair is fairly long, so I do it by taking a long long strand from underneath and pinning it over then using my front layers/side fringe to pin over to hid the bits ESP my fringe as the plait doesn't come all the way over but by strategically pinning my fringe, it gives the illusion that it does, then sweep all my hair back in to a messy bun. [quote name="UrbanSweetheart" url="/forum/thread/174559/mac-semi-precious-discussion/3090#post_2141444"]GORGEOUS makeup look MrsB! Also, your hair looks so cute like that =]
[/quote] Thank you hunni. And girl, after all those comments on my hair I'm gonna wear it like this all day every day! Lol [quote name="tismama" url="/forum/thread/174559/mac-semi-precious-discussion/3120#post_2141524"]anyone try the charged water? how's it different from fix +?
[/quote] It seems thinner than fix, well more like water I guess! It has a fresher feeling of a true facial spritz, or toner. I use mine after cleansing/toning, before moisturiser and make up - it makes me skin less tight, and seems to moisturise it a little. Plus it smells gorgeous

It's too early to say if it is having skin benefits but I intend to use it continuously for a couple of weeks to find out