MAC - Semi Precious Discussion


Well-known member
I use, depending on whats clean Mac and Elf face brushes. I absolutely love the Elf flat top studio brush for liquid foundation, powder,'s an amazing brush. For Mac, I much prefere to use my 131 over the 187/188. I wish I'd bought more than one when it came out again last summer. The only other Mac face brushes I have are the LE ones. The 129SE is so scratchy, Its okay for blush when the others need washing but looking back I'd have been better off buying 2 FS brushes instead but we all learn these things later down the line. I don't understand the whole Limited Edition attitude for brushes. I know they will get more people buying them as they are LE (ie hype ) than if they were perm but brushes are essential.

I am so excited for pics of these. I have an idea in my head what they will look like. Hopefully they will work well in reality and not be a gimmic brush.
they dont sell ELF here unfortunately but i would love to try them!


Well-known member
Yay! My most anticipated collection each year is the mineralized stuff, mainly cuz I collect MSF's and this year is extra special as I am all about rose colored anything!

Things to take note of:
One of a Kind L/S
Looks Like Sin Cremesheen
Warmth of Coral Blush
Seme Precious Rose Quartz MSF
234 Brush
235 Brush


Active member
honestly i have just been thinking to myself and i think this is my favourite mineral collection since electroflash which i think was 2008! :)

I'm right there with ya...I got all the MES and blushes from there and I still love them. I'm going to try to resist the MSFs, or at least just try to get one. We'll see. And I like the melange look. I kind of wish they were solid/melange like the old Electoflash ones, because that meant you could get a lot more color combinations, but still. Me likey.


Well-known member
When we say split brushes we mean the bristles, right? Like the 187 or something? Some people are talking double-ended brushes. What a flippin' nightmare to store and to clean. Trying to keep water or brush cleaner from getting to the glue that holds the darn thing together. Sephora has double-ended brushes. I don' find them practical or even attractive, myself.
I agree. I would hate to try and clean them properly. I would never buy a double ended brush.


Well-known member
wait a second people cause i\m confused..when they say split fibre brush don't the mean sth like the laura mercier one here?(like an 187 brush but for the eyes?)


Well-known member
I'm right there with ya...I got all the MES and blushes from there and I still love them. I'm going to try to resist the MSFs, or at least just try to get one. We'll see. And I like the melange look. I kind of wish they were solid/melange like the old Electoflash ones, because that meant you could get a lot more color combinations, but still. Me likey.
i am using fresh green mix today! hee hee! such a lovely mes from that collection - my favourite in fact!


Well-known member
hmm i am dubious about the brushes..

half and half burshes, that's a bit wierd, i will need people's opinions on them before i buy for sure

'For skillful application, four new limited-life split fiber brushes a concise half and half compilation of natural and synthetic fibres both sides deposit and distribute color for a soft diffused look use the natural side; for an application the blends, buffs and fuses the color to the skin, use the synthetic. Like any limited edition, these elements start off rare, and tend to get rarer… get rich while you can!'

omg i'm such a moron

do they mean double sided brushes, like a brush on either end? or do they mean half of the brush end is synthetic, and half is natural??

if they're half and half either side,cruella de ville style wont that a) look really weird and b) only be able to use one side at a time?


Well-known member
omg i'm such a moron

do they mean double sided brushes, like a brush on either end? or do they mean half of the brush end is synthetic, and half is natural??

if they're half and half either side,cruella de ville style wont that a) look really weird and b) only be able to use one side at a time?
who freaking knows how these will perform or be used! i'm just finding it amusing that we both thought they were double ended! what does that say about us!? lol!


Well-known member
Seriously,Mac need to release a pic of these brushes. Can anyone remember which thread spunky described these in?.


Well-known member
I can't believe I'm JUST NOW finding out about this collection!! I'm beyond excited about the brushes! A few of them might be my first Mac brushes

Also, I missed out on the Style Black collection when it came out, so hopefully some of the eyeshadows released with this collection can make up for that.
My list for this collection is going to be too I'm so excited!


Well-known member
hmm i am dubious about the brushes..

half and half burshes, that's a bit wierd, i will need people's opinions on them before i buy for sure

'For skillful application, four new limited-life split fiber brushes a concise half and half compilation of natural and synthetic fibres both sides deposit and distribute color for a soft diffused look use the natural side; for an application the blends, buffs and fuses the color to the skin, use the synthetic. Like any limited edition, these elements start off rare, and tend to get rarer… get rich while you can!'

Oh, quite interesting.


Well-known member
I can't believe I'm JUST NOW finding out about this collection!! I'm beyond excited about the brushes! A few of them might be my first Mac brushes

Also, I missed out on the Style Black collection when it came out, so hopefully some of the eyeshadows released with this collection can make up for that.
My list for this collection is going to be too I'm so excited!
well these mes look lovely and there are more colours to choose from than what there were with style black!


Well-known member
I'm getting the image of split down the middle. I would like a better description and better yet a reiew of how these perform.


Well-known member
I still think the split down the middle brushes sound weird. I can't image a blending brush that's that way would work nice. I'm really curious how they are going to look and maybe i'm imagening it all wrong.


Well-known member
Could i please have an opinion from you guys? The pictures from the mes and msfs are on She did put a link to and said the pictures where from here, but i still thought she better could have posted a link to the specific thead with the pictures. I wrote that in a comment and said the girl that posted the pics was afraid to post them because they could be stolen. I said that the watermarks where the idea of other people on here. I know the person that runs lushiousbeauty is also a member here and i asked if she pm'ed the girl personally to ask if she was allowed to post the pictures on her site. I also wrote that it might stop people from posting pics if they still pop up on other sites this way.
Did i do it right to post that comment or do you think it was already enough from her to post a link and give credits to specktra?

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