MAC - Starflash Discussion


Well-known member
I am wearing some of the new shadows today. Using Go as a crease color and Dreammaker as a highlight. I was wrong about Dreammaker, at first I thought it reminded me of a luster but now that I'm wearing it, there is a difference.

As everyone has said, the texture and color payoff are great. The only downside is these colors are very dupable and I don't know they are worth buying just for the new finish. Having said that I will probably pick up Mink & Sable b/c I don't have Sumptuous Olive.

I picked up all the kohl eye liners last time and was very disappointed. The colors were very pretty but I didn't find them to be long lasting and they smudged very easily. I guess I'm too used to wearing gel eye-liner.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC

BTW....I picked up that Flirt skunk brush I heard you talking about! Its soooooo soft...I cant wait to use it was only $7 and it seems very close to the 188 Yaaaaaaaaaay thanks girl!

You will love it with Love Thing!
Not bad for $7 huh?


Well-known member
I'm waiting for my package to arrive. I ordered Top Hat, Lotusland, Smoke & Diamonds, Sunset B (this was a last minute decision) and Feline kohl power.

I personally love the kohl powers cause I love the richness of the colors. I know they don't last as long as fluidlines but I like wearing them when I"m going out for a couple of hours at night and I don't feel like scrubbing my eyelids when i get home to get eyeliner off.

You guys are making want to check out Go e/s now. But I know I shouldn't cause I have Tempting.

OHHH can't wait for the UPS delivery!!!


Well-known member
I only bought Smoke and Diamonds, Sunset B., and Glamour Check! I brought my entire e/s collection to compare and contrast. IMO LotusLand looked too much like Creme De Violet. Mink & Sable looked like Sumptuous Olive.

I love this formula!

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I have to wait till saturday to go to Toronto's Pro store and get these babies! The anticipation is just killing me!

Last night, I had a dream that all the eyeshadows I wanted (Top Hat, Smoke and Diamonds, Sunset B and Mink and Sable) had sold out
. Now I'm so worried that I may not wait and drop by a store today after work...


Well-known member
Good Morning!!
I thought I'd share my EOTD with these new colors.. I love them. There really is a great color payoff!
Lower lid done in Mauvement Paint, from crease to brow is Bare Study Paint Pot. I used LOTUSLAND on the lid, with TOP HAT swirled into the crease & Outer V. I did use SHIMMERTIME Pigment for my browline highlight. Smoke&Diamonds on the outer upper/lower lash..

I found that LOTUSLAND gave a fabulous payoff and wasnt sheer! I was worried that I'd have yet, another gorgeous in the pot, crap on the eye color (think Idol Eyes, pretty to look at, BLAH to use!) TOP HAT has a this great color, look at it one way, its smoke, another way, its purple.. How cool is that..

I hope these shadow finishes are here to stay or MAC will develop them for the permanent line. I really feel these are my absolute favorite.


Well-known member
I haven't even received my shadows yet but I must say that I think this is one of the times we should all be emailing MAC like crazy, praising this collection and begging to make this finish (and hopefully at least some of these colors) PERMANENT.

So for all the raves out there please let them know!! I have a feeling I will be doing so the second my package arrives by the looks of it. Sooo excited!! =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dreamiez
I'm super tempted to order them online, but given that i seldom use eyeshadow, i dunnoe if i should.

I'd say, if you're not much of an eyeshadow user, then at least go swatch these if you can. Some people say that "GO" is very close to "TEMPTING". I found that "GO" has more of a bronze reflection, "TEMPTING"(permanent color) in my opinion has a chocolatey reflection. Both are fabulous to work with.

However, they are both darker with deep payoffs. So, just keep that in mind.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by winterwonder
I haven't even received my shadows yet but I must say that I think this is one of the times we should all be emailing MAC like crazy, praising this collection and begging to make this finish (and hopefully at least some of these colors) PERMANENT.

So for all the raves out there please let them know!! I have a feeling I will be doing so the second my package arrives by the looks of it. Sooo excited!! =)

ITA with you! This is the BEST finish I've ever experienced with ANY MAC shadow.


Active member
I just came back from the mall from picking up Smoke & Diamonds!

It's pretty sheer on my NW43 skin but when I apply a base it works. I can live with it though because the finish is sooooo smooth!


Well-known member
Does anybody know who Bold & Brazen compares to Brash from the Spiced chocolate Eye Shadow Quad? Anyone seen them next to each other?


Well-known member
I was first person to swatch those gorgeous e/s this morning!
My MA was like "Yeah, I just put those out..." She was probably thinking "oh- oh this crazy one, again!"
she's awesome.
All of them are pretty, finish is gorgeous but I didn't get as much as I tought I would.

I got "Top hat"- gorgeous purple, really gorgeous... I love it.
"Lotusland"- beautiful lavanda, I see it with Top hat...mmmm...
and "Mink and sable" - so pretty!
I liked all of the other ones as well, but I just couldn't justify buying them... they look too much like stuff I already have, or colors just don't work for me (like, say "Sunset B"- pretty pink, but eh, nothing special I know I wouldn't wear it)


Well-known member
I received:
  1. Sunset B. - I am not pleased with the texture
    ...Lustre Lite is what it should be called.. Not smooth like the others. Tried with Fresco Rose p/p and it looked pretty decent, so all is not lost.
  2. Go - pretty and smooth
  3. Grand Entrance - pretty and smooth
  4. Talent Pool - pretty gorgeous and smooth
I will NOT get another one of the Sunset B, but I may get Smoke & Diamonds, Mink & Sable or Bold & Brazen via B2M.


Well-known member
Ok so I swatched and I need to be "sort of" good....I am getting feline pencil and e/s : sunset b, top hat, lotusland, smoke and diamonds....but I want 1 or 2 more..I like them all....any ideas to which 2?


Well-known member
Using B2M, I picked up Smoke and Diamonds today along with Grand Entrance. I have Dreammaker, Lotusland and Top Hat on hold for me until Monday, when I hope to get back with more empties. I'm also eying Mink & Sable and Talent Pool pretty fiercely. I already have most of the liners.

The only ones I really had no love for were Star By Night and Go.


Well-known member
Just got mine - wooooo

I'm totally in love with these. The shimmer & texture is so perfect! The difference with these is like comparing a regular blush vs the new Mineral Blushes IMO.

Glamour Check for me is so incredibly gorgeous on - the perfect color bronze - makes the eye color pop.
I put this over lid to crease then Bold & Brazen center lid & above crease which is actually the reverse of what is normally done but it looked so good, then I remembered that the MA at Nordies told me that will be part of the new looks - using the lighter color just at or above crease.

Bold & Brazen is absolutely, love, love this color.. Again, I think this shade makes the eye color pop. It would be a beautiful contrast for blue eyes as well (mine are brown/hazel) with some smudged darker blue at lash line & v!

Smoke & Diamonds - well this color is just grey/pewter/taupe smokey hotness

I can understand why they chose these particular shades as they are the primary building blocks to use/interchange with all other colors.

I already ordered seconds of all 3...I'm bad


Well-known member
Omg so I didn't know that my babe did the 2 day shipping or whatever. So guess who paid me a visit this afternoon with a lil black box??

I just got back home from the counter and I was like damn I wish I could take some of those shadows home with me!
But lil did I know that within 10 mins, the brown truck would pull up.

I loveeeeeeeeeeee them!!!!
I did notice however that some of the shadows were more or less creamy. Tbh, Top Hat is gorgeous BUT it isn't as smooth or creamy as the other colors as I would have liked it to be. But it is worth purchasing.

I am not going to go through the individual shadows b/c lets be honest here, they are ALL worth buying. And this DUPE QUEEN is saying so herself.
I am serious!! There is some minor difference in terms of color with these shadows and the perm ones. But none of them are dead on like we all hoped it would be. I guess this is b/c of the formula.

The only negative were the liners EXCEPT Feline. Feline just is like the Queen of all liners. I picked up two at the counter. I tried on all of the others on my eyes and my MA Margo whispered, "They are not worth it"
hahaha she said that with darker skintones, they just look black with some silver sheen and that is exactly what it looked like on me.

Okay this concludes my review, time to go playyyyyyyyy


Well-known member
^^That's it Elegant. You confirmed it for me. I am getting Glamour Check! and Bold & Brazen. DEFINITELY. I think these will be the only others I get.

Let's see what did I already order? Lotusland, Sunset B, Top Hat, Mink & Sable, and Smoke & Diamonds. Yes, sounds perfect! Muahaha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AppleDiva
I received:
  1. Sunset B. - I am not pleased with the texture
    ...Lustre Lite is what it should be called.. Not smooth like the others. Tried with Fresco Rose p/p and it looked pretty decent, so all is not lost.
  2. Go - pretty and smooth
  3. Grand Entrance - pretty and smooth
  4. Talent Pool - pretty gorgeous and smooth
I will NOT get another one of the Sunset B, but I may get Smoke & Diamonds, Mink & Sable or Bold & Brazen via B2M.

Thank youuuuuuu!!! OMGoodness, I really dont like Sunset B. and I am a lil pissed. The color is very pretty but the texture is a hawt chalky mess.
I am so sad
......I haven't tried the LotusLand, but I hope its not the same.

I did end up getting the Top Hat which is GAWJUS!!! I definitely made sure I swatched first before getting Top Hat and I am satisfied. I was very tempted to get Glamour Check but it looks like something I already have so I resisted. (yay, me!)

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