MAC - Starflash Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by winterwonder
^^That's it Elegant. You confirmed it for me. I am getting Glamour Check! and Bold & Brazen. DEFINITELY. I think these will be the only others I get.

Let's see what did I already order? Lotusland, Sunset B, Top Hat, Mink & Sable, and Smoke & Diamonds. Yes, sounds perfect! Muahaha

Oh, you have such pretty eyes that I think those colors would look gorgeous on you imo
I was a little apprehensive about Bold & Brazen when I ordered it ....but wow its pretty. In fact, someone just a day ago in recommendations had a picture of a model with only this color on her eyes...I believe it was really close to what she was wearing.


Well-known member
finally my turn to rave about starflash

i took my time testing at the counter today.
i brought home: orpheus and feline kohl powers (love them, so smoothe and easy to glide on with barely a touch to the skin, no dragging my eyelid)

starflash e/s:
grand entrance (for me the neutral lover)
go (ditto)
smoke and diamonds (super easy smokey eye, perfect!)
top hat (didnt think i wanted a smoky purple when i came in, but i did!)
bold and brazen (i think its my favorite!)
glamour check (at first i thought beautyburst, but my mua tested it on my did NOT look like beautyburst, just a great opaque brown)

(dreamcatcher was definately chalky and flakey when i tested it, and for me lotusland took several swipes to get it to the color i expected. the others looked like colors i already have although the creamy smoothness of them is lovely)

and a nice surprise for me: the starflash eyeshadows rang up $14 each instead of $14.50. my mua YAYed! with me and said he thinks they didnt get the $14.50 entered into the system YAY for me!


Well-known member
So after looking at this collection again today I decided that sumptuous olive is more gold while mink and sable has more green in it. Both are olive of course and the differences aren't super noticeable.
And go! is darker than tempting. I had the 2 side by side and go! struck me as the more interesting color.
Is it me or does grand entrance remind everyone of shore leave from naughty nauticals?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Krasevayadancer
So after looking at this collection again today I decided that sumptuous olive is more gold while mink and sable has more green in it. Both are olive of course and the differences aren't super noticeable.
And go! is darker than tempting. I had the 2 side by side and go! struck me as the more interesting color.
Is it me or does grand entrance remind everyone of shore leave from naughty nauticals?

Yayyyy I thought it was just me but that is exactly what I thought about those two shadows!!
That is why I said they are all worth it b/c they are actually different from the perm shadows.


Well-known member
whoo i picked up Smoke & diamonds, top hot & lotusland - they are all gorgeous! although i'm kinda wanting to go back for MInk & Sable since I don't own SUmptuous Olive - do i need it??
also, can someone fill me in on Feline Power Kohl? WHy is it so amazing? I swatched & it was a nice black, but the MA told me if i wore it in my waterline it would all come off cause it's not water resistant... what do you ladies use it for then? I normally use a gel to line my top lid...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Oh, you have such pretty eyes that I think those colors would look gorgeous on you imo
I was a little apprehensive about Bold & Brazen when I ordered it ....but wow its pretty. In fact, someone just a day ago in recommendations had a picture of a model with only this color on her eyes...I believe it was really close to what she was wearing.

Yay, Thank you!!! <33

Yes, as much as I love blues and purples and greens (oh my!), bronzes and coppery colors do wondersss for my blue eyes. I can't waittt!

Gah, look! ^^ I can't even hide my excitement in type, I keep dragging out my wordsssss LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Krasevayadancer
So after looking at this collection again today I decided that sumptuous olive is more gold while mink and sable has more green in it. Both are olive of course and the differences aren't super noticeable.
And go! is darker than tempting. I had the 2 side by side and go! struck me as the more interesting color.
Is it me or does grand entrance remind everyone of shore leave from naughty nauticals?

you're so right! totally reminds me of shore leave....I just couldn't remember the name


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Just got mine - wooooo

I'm totally in love with these. The shimmer & texture is so perfect! The difference with these is like comparing a regular blush vs the new Mineral Blushes IMO.

Good to hear!! Can't wait until Saturday!!


Well-known member
So where are the "I love bright colors"-ladies??

I already love Talent Pool (sure.), Lotusland, Sunset B. and Top Hat
And I know I won't be able to pass Star By Night. I will skip the Colour Form Powders for it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
So where are the "I love bright colors"-ladies??

I already love Talent Pool (sure.), Lotusland, Sunset B. and Top Hat
And I know I won't be able to pass Star By Night. I will skip the Colour Form Powders for it.

I loveee bright colors-will def.get Sunset B,Lotusland and Talent Pool


Well-known member
I went to MAC today an I am soooo excited and I B2M for all the eyshadows!!!I cant wait to try them all out. I wiish I coul wear them all at one time
. I am just too excited!!!!!!!!1


Well-known member
Well, I was very good...I only got 5 shadows - Smoke & Diamonds (duh!), Bold & Brazen, Mink & Sable, Grand Entrance, and Dreammaker. I passed on Top Hat simply because I have dark purples that I don't even wear (Grape & Entremauve p/g among others). I passed on Go! because it was just too much like Tempting (I swatched them side by side, and I really couldn't tell a difference). If this formula is indeed superior and comes on as perm...I could totally see Go! replacing Tempting (just like Mink & Sable replacing Sumptuous Olive). Glamour Check was too muddy for me, Talent Pool, while very pretty, I just didn't feel much like picking it up, and Lotusland was far too pink for my liking.

I did nab Feline and Orpheus p/k, though. Can't wait to try these!


Well-known member
I had a ball today playing with combinations - my favorite so far is Fresco Rose pp up to crease, Smoke & Diamonds in the crease, Grand Entrance on inner lid & <, also blended up to inner brow, Sunset B. (my formula is great - not chalky at all) on center lid, Lotusland above crease and blended down into S&D, Whistle (from Barbie) to highlight. Raven to line, Glamour Check over that. I'm really pleased with the outcome! Brushes I used were Benefit Shadow/Liner for pp, Trish McEvoy #23 for Whistle over browbone, MAC 242 for inner/center lid, and MAC 217 for crease. I used a fluff brush for blending it all (Bobbi Brown Eye Shader and MAC 225). Used 219 to line over liner and inner <.


Well-known member
OK, so I am easily influenced, lol. I just placed an order for Raven k/p & Glamour Check. So now I bought everything in this collection except Star By Night...see? I have SOME control


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenntoz
OK, so I am easily influenced, lol. I just placed an order for Raven k/p & Glamour Check. So now I bought everything in this collection except Star By Night...see? I have SOME control



Well-known member
What does everyone think of Talent Pool?

I don't have any colors like this so I thought this might be a fun color to have. I'm still not sure I could pull it off...I am an NW20, have blue/green eyes, am warmer toned, and have blonde/brown hair (think Jennifer Aniston's color)...I just don't know how blue/teal shadown would work for me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MaryJane
What does everyone think of Talent Pool?

I don't have any colors like this so I thought this might be a fun color to have. I'm still not sure I could pull it off...I am an NW20, have blue/green eyes, am warmer toned, and have blonde/brown hair (think Jennifer Aniston's color)...I just don't know how blue/teal shadown would work for me.

You probably ask the wrong with me
I LOVE teals!! I have nearly all teals from MAC and will get Talent Pool as well.
I think teals let my eyes shine and just look gorgeous as an e/s

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