finally my turn to rave about starflash
i took my time testing at the counter today.
i brought home: orpheus and feline kohl powers (love them, so smoothe and easy to glide on with barely a touch to the skin, no dragging my eyelid)
starflash e/s:
grand entrance (for me the neutral lover)
go (ditto)
smoke and diamonds (super easy smokey eye, perfect!)
top hat (didnt think i wanted a smoky purple when i came in, but i did!)
bold and brazen (i think its my favorite!)
glamour check (at first i thought beautyburst, but my mua tested it on my did NOT look like beautyburst, just a great opaque brown)
(dreamcatcher was definately chalky and flakey when i tested it, and for me lotusland took several swipes to get it to the color i expected. the others looked like colors i already have although the creamy smoothness of them is lovely)
and a nice surprise for me: the starflash eyeshadows rang up $14 each instead of $14.50. my mua YAYed! with me and said he thinks they didnt get the $14.50 entered into the system YAY for me!