MAC - Starflash Discussion


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Isn't it irritating when you have a package coming, and the tracking shows it's been in a town only an hour and a half away all day? It'll probably be delivered tomorrow, but once any package arrives in-state I just want to get it NOW! LOL I'm going out tomorrow evening, too, so won't have time to play with them until Saturday, probably.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladyvirtuous
Thank youuuuuuu!!! OMGoodness, I really dont like Sunset B. and I am a lil pissed. The color is very pretty but the texture is a hawt chalky mess.
I am so sad
......I haven't tried the LotusLand, but I hope its not the same.

I did end up getting the Top Hat which is GAWJUS!!! I definitely made sure I swatched first before getting Top Hat and I am satisfied. I was very tempted to get Glamour Check but it looks like something I already have so I resisted. (yay, me!)

Girrlll, do you know how I crushed I am about Sunset B. It should have been creamier!! I cannot wait to sample the colors that I am interested in!!


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Originally Posted by Krasevayadancer
So after looking at this collection again today I decided that sumptuous olive is more gold while mink and sable has more green in it. Both are olive of course and the differences aren't super noticeable.
And go! is darker than tempting. I had the 2 side by side and go! struck me as the more interesting color.
Is it me or does grand entrance remind everyone of shore leave from naughty nauticals?

Adina, you are not helping my wallet!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mac*lover
i did not get any thing from this collections because i am saving my money for anther collections

Awww I think you will have regrets!!
(I am joking.)


Well-known member
If you get Bold & Brazen - it looks awesome with Colour Forms Inner Hue l/s

And, if you have the Gentle Fumes quad - Smoke & Diamonds is gorgeous with the color Waft (the smokey blue color)

Also, the other thing that I really, really like about the Starflash colors, is that they are totally office/work/daytime shimmery wearable colors


Well-known member
Ok, so I'm hearing a lot of good things about Glamour Check!
When the Barbie collection came out I bought all the shadows and ended up returning the WORST piece of MAC I've ever bought... a little shadow called BEAUTYBURST! BLAHHH I HATED that shade! It looked like a bruisey mess on me.
I saw swatches of Glamour Check and it seemed to look identical to Beautyburst. I may have been steered in the wrong direction with it, but aren't they alike? Obviously the texture of Glamour Check is better. If they are comparable in color, what makes Glamour Check better?

FYI - I can't wait for my shipment tomorrow!!!!


Well-known member
does anyone know if lotusland is very similar to up at dawn, which was in the balloonacy quad?
i LOVE this colour and have been trying to find something like it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by clwkerric
Ok, so I'm hearing a lot of good things about Glamour Check!
When the Barbie collection came out I bought all the shadows and ended up returning the WORST piece of MAC I've ever bought... a little shadow called BEAUTYBURST! BLAHHH I HATED that shade! It looked like a bruisey mess on me.
I saw swatches of Glamour Check and it seemed to look identical to Beautyburst. I may have been steered in the wrong direction with it, but aren't they alike? Obviously the texture of Glamour Check is better. If they are comparable in color, what makes Glamour Check better?

FYI - I can't wait for my shipment tomorrow!!!!

No, Beauty Burst is not like Glamour Check at all
Beauty Burst is waay warmer/reddish toned than GC. Glamour Check is a Brown Bronze with slight red undertones, much deeper in color. it also has an almost coppery shimmer to it. These all have very soft shimmer to them. Perfect


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Just got mine - wooooo

I'm totally in love with these. The shimmer & texture is so perfect! The difference with these is like comparing a regular blush vs the new Mineral Blushes IMO.

Glamour Check for me is so incredibly gorgeous on - the perfect color bronze - makes the eye color pop.
I put this over lid to crease then Bold & Brazen center lid & above crease which is actually the reverse of what is normally done but it looked so good, then I remembered that the MA at Nordies told me that will be part of the new looks - using the lighter color just at or above crease.

Bold & Brazen is absolutely, love, love this color.. Again, I think this shade makes the eye color pop. It would be a beautiful contrast for blue eyes as well (mine are brown/hazel) with some smudged darker blue at lash line & v!

Smoke & Diamonds - well this color is just grey/pewter/taupe smokey hotness

I can understand why they chose these particular shades as they are the primary building blocks to use/interchange with all other colors.

I already ordered seconds of all 3...I'm bad

OMG... what to do, what to do... I haven't even gotten my package yet with the 5 shadows I ordered, but I'm seriously thinking about stopping at the MAC store on my way home today to pick up Glamour Check and Bold & Brazen now. Those were originally on my list & then I vetoed them... & now, I think I must have them.
Do you think these will both work well with green eyes, elegant?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
No, Beauty Burst is not like Glamour Check at all
Beauty Burst is waay warmer/reddish toned than GC. Glamour Check is a Brown Bronze with slight red undertones, much deeper in color. it also has an almost coppery shimmer to it. These all have very soft shimmer to them. Perfect

Good because I was highly disappointed when I saw a comparison in the swatch thread of the 2.
I ordered all the shadows with the exeption of that, Bold & Brazen, and the 2 blues. Maybe I'll have to go loook at the Glamour Check. I still have not had time to see these in person. I just was set on the other 8 that I ordered and figured I'd wait until they came from the big brown truck!!

I'll prob go check it out this weekend


Well-known member
OMG, I have been away for a few days and missed the launch of this collection. Catching up is sooooooooo hard to do! Thanks to all of you for your color descriptions, etc....I think. I now have a list of 6 possibilities and I was thinking 3 when I left. LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lethaldesign
OMG... what to do, what to do... I haven't even gotten my package yet with the 5 shadows I ordered, but I'm seriously thinking about stopping at the MAC store on my way home today to pick up Glamour Check and Bold & Brazen now. Those were originally on my list & then I vetoed them... & now, I think I must have them.
Do you think these will both work well with green eyes, elegant?

LMAO you are EXACTLY like me. I haven't even received the 5 I ordered either and now Elegant confirmed for me that I need Glamour Check! and Bold & Brazen. Oh Elegant you enabler you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lethaldesign
OMG... what to do, what to do... I haven't even gotten my package yet with the 5 shadows I ordered, but I'm seriously thinking about stopping at the MAC store on my way home today to pick up Glamour Check and Bold & Brazen now. Those were originally on my list & then I vetoed them... & now, I think I must have them.
Do you think these will both work well with green eyes, elegant?

Well, it will definitely depend on your personal preference for sure. But, Bold & Brazen imo would make blues & greens pop. Even if you do a base of color you like, then add B&B at the center to corner of lid it would be gorgeous.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by winterwonder
Oh Elegant you enabler you.

who me

Of course, it always depends on everyone's personal preferences.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenntoz
OK, so I am easily influenced, lol. I just placed an order for Raven k/p & Glamour Check. So now I bought everything in this collection except Star By Night...see? I have SOME control

Too funny... Adina has influenced me to get 2 items already
That's why she is the Trendsetta!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MaryJane
What does everyone think of Talent Pool?

I don't have any colors like this so I thought this might be a fun color to have. I'm still not sure I could pull it off...I am an NW20, have blue/green eyes, am warmer toned, and have blonde/brown hair (think Jennifer Aniston's color)...I just don't know how blue/teal shadown would work for me.

I agree with Susanne. I am the wrong person to ask, because, I too, have SO many teals. It is my very favorite color on my blue eyes. I am NW15/blonde/blue, so our coloring isn't that different. Susanne is NW25 I think. If you don't have any teals, you need at least one in your collection!
From the sounds of it, the formula of these is great, so it'd be a good time to grab one

Originally Posted by elegant-one

And, if you have the Gentle Fumes quad - Smoke & Diamonds is gorgeous with the color Waft (the smokey blue color)

So so SO excited for Smoke and Diamonds! I LOVE the Gentle Fumes quad and wear it so much. I can't wait to try these 2 together

Originally Posted by Winthrop44
OMG, I have been away for a few days and missed the launch of this collection. Catching up is sooooooooo hard to do! Thanks to all of you for your color descriptions, etc....I think. I now have a list of 6 possibilities and I was thinking 3 when I left. LOL

I was wondering where you went off to
I am the same way... my list keeps getting longer and longer! First it was 1 then it was 3 and now we are at 5 and counting


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
who me

Of course, it always depends on everyone's personal preferences.

LOL I just must looove your taste. I do believe you played a big part in me B2Ming for Climate Blue to give it a second chance and then FALLING IN LOVE with it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by winterwonder
LOL I just must looove your taste. I do believe you played a big part in me B2Ming for Climate Blue to give it a second chance and then FALLING IN LOVE with it.

I still am in love with Climate Blue!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
I still am in love with Climate Blue!

Me too! I haven't even depotted it yet so it's still all cute in it's little pot. I can't wait to try it with some of these new starflash shadows! =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
My bf just did the sweetest thing! He bought me the shadows I wanted online b/c he knew I was so broke after visiting the doc so much this past month. I usually don't buy shadows online b/c I like to see them first. And I don't want to tell him that. lol So I will stay hush hush.

What a super sweet boyfriend!! I can't wait to see some FOTDs from you with those colors!

Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
I am not going to go through the individual shadows b/c lets be honest here, they are ALL worth buying. And this DUPE QUEEN is saying so herself.

The only negative were the liners EXCEPT Feline. Feline just is like the Queen of all liners.

Oh no! If the dupe queen is saying that then we are all in trouble!! I agree that feline is one of the best black eye liners EVER!!

Originally Posted by Susanne
You probably ask the wrong with me
I LOVE teals!! I have nearly all teals from MAC and will get Talent Pool as well.
I think teals let my eyes shine and just look gorgeous as an e/s

I am a teal lover as well!
As long as it is blue, turquoise, or teal I will get it!

Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
I agree with Susanne. I am the wrong person to ask, because, I too, have SO many teals. It is my very favorite color on my blue eyes. I am NW15/blonde/blue, so our coloring isn't that different. Susanne is NW25 I think. If you don't have any teals, you need at least one in your collection!
From the sounds of it, the formula of these is great, so it'd be a good time to grab one

I bought talent pool today and I LOVE it! It does not disappoint for teal lovers and also the texture will sell anyone who doesn't normally go towards those colors. This might be one of my favorite teal shadows and it reminds me of a softer version of Blue Absinthe.

I also got Smoke & Diamonds and grand entrance. I am proud of myself that I only got three shadows. However I might have to get more!! I almost got Sunset B but after reading this thread I am glad I didn't. I seriously hope that these become part of the regular line as I would love to get them all.

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